First written November 2003:

In Aqaba, Jordan: Today, as I was doing my usual trudging back to my apartment, uphill from town, lugging my groceries, the Father spoke to me again regarding something He had audibly spoken to me around 1992. For this reason, to continue with my task of preparation of the remnant people of the Father Yahuweh and the Son Yahushua in these days, I must write a letter of love to you today to help you prepare for the days ahead, of which of Savior said, “Unless the days be shortened no flesh will be saved”.

I’ve had so many experiences in knowing Father, trusting Him and seeing Him do the miraculous, that many people have asked me, through the years, why I don’t write a book. Of course, I could write a big book on what I’ve seen Him do and heard Him say over the last 59 years. The problem is that I live a miraculous life, and almost every day is something to write about. But, here is a sampling of some things, given here for your edification, exhortation, and instruction in righteousness.

As most of the world goes on its merry way, just surviving from one day to the next, an elite group of the agents of Lucifer, the Illumined one, Lucifer under a disguise of an angel of light, has been working for thousands of years, and especially the last 100 years, and now is in the final lap of their feverish race to the goal line to destroy most of the human race, so that they can take the world’s wealth and establish their own Utopia, with their god Lucifer enthroned on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Their goal is to create a new “Atlantis” – a world government with a new race of people. The whole end-time scenario, as it is unfolding, sounds like a sci-fi movie. But, it is very real--and the Word talks more about our time period than any other time in human history.

I’ve been studying and researching the details of the plot for many years now, and the parallel kingdom of Lucifer is gathering his elite, trained and sold-out remnant to him, to bring the finishing touches on the epic plot. While his select agents are dedicated totally, and his children, in general, are lawless, rebellious, and dedicated to pleasing Lucifer with sin upon sin, the supposed born again children of Yahushua are basking in sun god worship on the beach somewhere without a care in the world regarding what their enemy is up to. Of course, Yahuweh/Yahushua have their elite agents also--totally trained, dedicated, and sold out to their purposes.

Study diligently and keep your eyes and ears open, first of all to the voice of Yahuweh, and second to the happenings on a world and national level, so that He can show you what is happening revealed in its entirety in the Scriptures. The Scriptures very plainly tell all, you just have to know what you’re reading. The Spirit is the Master Teacher.

The Ruach Yahuweh is omnipresent in the universe. II Corinthians 3:17-18 tells us that the the Spirit IS Yahuweh. (John 14:26; 16:7) He is NOT an “it”. Romans 8:14: “As many as are led by Spirit of Elohim--they are the sons of Elohim”. It stands to reason then, that those who are not led by Yahuweh’s Spirit are not His children. He is NOT some “force” or “spirit guide” or spooky “ghost”. He is Yahuweh--extended on this earth, to lead us into all Truth, to teach us, and empower us. He speaks to us, gives us gifts, manifests through us (called “the anointing”), and performs miracles through us, as He did through Yahushua on this earth. He has been my dear Friend since I first came to know Him at age four. “Its”

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don’t have personalities—“its” don’t talk, they don’t have a sense of humor, get angry,

rebuke, or have the ability to scare people to death, nor can they take form (I’ve seen Him), nor can they flood anyone with miracle power. “Its” cannot give mother-like comfort. “Its” don’t have a voice, nor can they teach, nor tell you things to come. “Its” don’t reveal secrets, or bring peace to your spirit in the midst of chaos. (John 14-16) And “Its” can’t orchestrate the return of the whole House of Jacob, or the details of the final end-game, as HE is doing now. No human could ever pull off the miraculous set-appointments of His leading, or pull together the plans of Yahuweh if He were not Yahuweh Himself! Abba Yahuweh has never left His throne between the cherubim, nor will He ever leave it. Messiah called the Spirit is “the finger of Elohim”, who drives demons out of people. Exodus says the “finger of Elohim” wrote the Ten Commandments. . (Luke 11:20 with Exodus 31:18) He was the One who led the people of Israel through the wilderness. He was the One they vexed and tempted and angered. He was the One who went forth and slew thousands at the anger of Yahuweh. He was the One, who brought forth the water from the Rock. He is the One, who put the “glitter on the galaxies”, as Job tells us. John 6:44—without the Spirit, no one can come to Yahushua for salvation. When one is truly born from above by the Spirit, upon putting their faith in Messiah Yahushua, He does forty things in an instant to transform that person into a new creation, with the nature and likeness of Messiah. He is the one who convicts us of our sin. He is the One who is vexed and tormented when we rebel against His Word. He is a “HE”. Don’t insult my Friend, because you don’t know Him, or have intellectually ruled out the miracles of the book of Acts. The Spirit dwells with the contrite and broken of heart. Without Him I would never have survived the years of holocaust that Satan put me through. I cringe inside when I hear Him ignorantly called an “it”. He is the One who reveals to me the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom that has saved my children’s lives. He is the One who has gifted us with the gifts in II Corinthians 12, and sets the “gifts” in order in the assembly of believers.

Prideful religion rejects the miraculous world of the Spirit. The humble and contrite live in that world. The Catholic Church substituted baptism for the true new birth. They substituted “Confirmation” for bar Mitzvah and bas Mitzvah, and the Baptism into the Spirit that only Messiah can perform. It was the Spirit who breathed the words of the Tenach through “set-part men of old”—II Peter 1:20-21. He is Yahuweh Himself—going into all the world to accomplish His Word. Knowing the Set-Apart Spirit is to know Yahuweh. Knowing Him is to know the ways, nature, thinking, and acts of Yahuweh. He longs to rule from within us, so that we do not make mistakes that will destroy our lives. The wise submit to His authority within them!

At the end of this age, the work of the Spirit is growing in importance, because without His voice daily giving us our assignments from the Master, we won’t know what to do in the chaos and confusion that is coming. There are at least forty ways that He speaks to us.

Refer to the two articles: “The True New Birth” and “The Forty Ways Elohim Speaks”.

I have known the Spirit since I was 4 years old, when He came and put a clear bubble around me, and in an audible voice said: “You don’t belong here anymore”. I know now that he took me out of the world system’s clutches, because, though I am a normal woman, I have no interest in the fleshly pursuits of the “average” woman. The world’s

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allurement never really interested me. I always would rather be studying, researching,

leaning about Him, preaching and teaching about Him, prophesying, going on prayer assignments, prophetic declaration assignments, traveling to many nations, meeting new people by His set-up appointments, planning and strategizing to best get around the enemy to fulfill His plans, watching Him work, praying for people to receive the power of the Spirit, to receive healing, to receive deliverance from demonic possession, to receive the Spirit’s power, exhorting, edifying and comforting, preparing people to receive Messiah at His coming, preparing them for their future work in His Kingdom, challenging and encouraging, and of course, bringing people to Him for the new birth. Those things excite me! I’d rather be leading someone to the re-birth and see them set free than any day out doing what “normal” women do to idly pass the time. A day at the mall is a bore is boring. Shallow, useless, time-wasting chitchat is extremely boring. I like to talk to people who are passionate for Yahuweh and Yahushua and know what He is doing in the earth, and are a part of it! The Set-Apart Spirit has a fascinating personality. He is the author of true adventure.

But, He is also a drill Sergeant! He trains and disciplines and prepares the “good soldiers of Messiah Yahushua”, to be tough and enduring in the long battle ahead. He crushes, grinds, and rakes over the soldiers that will be assigned to the hardest tasks, for without His discipline, training and hard preparation, no one would survive the great battle to come. It is a battle to the death. II Timothy 2:3-5: “Suffer hardship with us as a good soldier of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him as a soldier. And if anyone competes in a game, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules”.

He has led me in the hard way, the very, very hard way, to toughen me up and instruct me in wisdom regarding the horrible nightmarish days ahead. And, there have been a few times that I’ve overstepped His grace, and incurred His wrath, which is quite terrifying. I’m sure glad He loves me that much! He has a temper, but it is only after push Him to the end of His long fuse. “The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom”. “Do not fear those that can kill the body. Rather, fear Him who can kill both body and soul in Hell”.

In 1992, I was kneeling at a communion service in my church in Ft. Worth, Texas. I had studied, researched, and taught a class in end-time prophecy for over two years. I had given the latest in the schemes of the one world government, the secret plans of the agents of Lucifer, the scheme of Abba’s plans to overtake the schemes of Lucifer, and I had come to a fork in the road. Should I continue on as an information giver, or just stop the class? I was studying for eight or more hours a day, and things were happening so fast that I couldn’t keep up with what my Yahuweh, was showing me. As I knelt there in that silence, I was shocked at a booming voice, like thunder off my right shoulder, saying to me, “PREPARE MY PEOPLE FOR TABERNACLES”.

I knew that voice--it was Abba’s booming deep voice. (Messiah sounds like a 31 year-old young man with a mild baritone voice). Yahuweh’s Spirit boomed like that at Sinai and about scared everyone to death, except Moses. But, the Spirit also spoke to Elijah in His “still, small voice”. I knew what His word to me meant--it was time to stop being an information giver, and to start preparing His people for the 1,000-year reign of Messiah Yahushua on this earth! It was time to prepare His people to live under His government—

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the Torah. It was time to instruct people how to accept the reality of the 3 1/2-years of tribulation, in which only a remnant would survive to see Him coming.

In 1985, when I was coming out of a very terrible and devastating time in my life, He spoke to me: “Go get the Bible--I want to talk to you”. I had not read it for a long time. It fell open to Matthew 14:24-32--the passage about Peter walking on the water. He spoke very clearly: “From now on you will walk on the water”. Meaning He was removing all security from Me in the natural, and I would learn to depend on Elohim for everything in order to continue on… And, so it was. I began a new life—a life of walking in miracles. It is not easy to walk on water. We sink a lot until we understand that He won’t let us drown. We get scared easy until we learn that He never fails. Learning to trust Him is not easy. One day I was in terrible pain in my back from the base of it to my head, and I had not learned to trust Him for healing. Out loud I told Him that I would love to trust Him, but that it would be easier for me to take painkillers, because He was too slow. As I turned to go into the bathroom to get Tylenol, I felt a very hot heat hit my lower back. I “froze in my tracks”. The heat slowly traveled up my spine to my neck. As the heat traveled upward, the pain left until it was all totally gone. I stood in that living room numb, saying “I’m sorry Sir; I’m sorry Sir”. That started my walking on the water and my learning to trust Him for healing. He went on to perform many miracles of healing, including delivering me from migraines, and even performing a creative miracle on my hips, to turn them outward so that my legs would be straight for the first time in my life. One day, I was in the grips of a terrible migraine headache, lying on my back in the dark in my bedroom, and my son was in the living room commanding the devil to take his claws out of my head. All of a sudden, I felt about 5-6 long claws slide straight out of my head, and heat flooded my body starting at my head and going to my toes. I was totally relieved of pain, and I’ve never had a migraine since. That was in 1986. During a terrible headache one day, when a vertebrae was out in my back and the nerve to my left eye was making great pain, I said: “Holy Spirit, if You don’t do something fast, I’m going to have to go to the hospital.” I had not been to the hospital since 1981, and that was about 1988. Right away, I saw the opaque form of a man’s hand coming toward my face. It passed through the left side of my head, and through the eye that was in such great pain. As it passed through my head, the pain immediately left. I was so stunned I went to lie down and I slept. These are just a few examples.

Learning to trust is difficult. But, He wants to get us to the place where He can say to us: “I trust you”.

I have lived with pain of varying degrees in my back, knees, ankles and joints since childhood because of a “double-jointed” flexible condition and weak muscles and ligaments, which do not hold vertebrae in place very well. So, lugging a few things up a steep hill is difficult for me. I lived in Aqaba, Jordan, for eight years – 1999-2007. To keep myself able to walk, I had to walk. So, about every other day, I would walk from my apartment into town, down three steep hills—to pay bills, get food, and do other business. Unless I walk, my muscles in my back, legs and arms, shoulders and neck, become weak, and I can hardly walk at all. Now it is 2009, and walking is very hard. But, I do not complain. Back in the late 1970’s, a chiropractor told me that it wouldn’t be long before I would be in a wheelchair because of the deterioration in my back. He was right about the

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deterioration--however he was wrong about me. He didn’t know that I walked out of his office saying to myself: “I’m not going to be in a wheelchair; I’m going to walk”. And, so, though I’ve had some serious injuries to one of my knees, and one of my ankles, and very serious injures to both in 1999, I am going to keep walking by His grace. Walking builds good bone density. Walking is good for the inner organs. Walking keeps the pads between the vertebrae in the lower back from becoming thin.

I thank Him for every step I take! I now have to use a cane, if not walking on level ground. But, still, I am walking! We must always be full of praise, and never complain!

In 1999, the year I moved to Aqaba, I injured my right ankle severely while in Jerusalem, and was unable to walk without great pain. Two months later, because of former commitment, I went to minister in Kampala, Uganda. The ankle was so much in pain, I could hardly walk on it at all. I could not stand to preach, so the lady with me from Dallas, Texas, preached in my place. I stayed at the house of one of the believers. I was lying on my bed covered by a mosquito net. The net had holes in it, so large roaches came through the holes and were crawling all over me, and mosquitoes were coming in too. I was sick in body, grieved and depressed in mind and emotion. In fact, I felt the spirit of oppression cover me with paralyzing hopelessness. The enemy about took me under. But, all of a sudden, as I literally felt my spirit begin to sink downward, I saw the “cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1-2) above me. I had seen them before. This time, the Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) came out and began to talk to me about his experiences from II Corinthians. Then he went back into the cloud, and it lifted. As it did, my spirit came up into my body with such force, that I felt I could run around a football field. I had so much power and strength. A few minutes later, my friend and the pastor came back from the meeting. I limped out and told him to get me a place to stand in front of the platform because I was going to preach the next night. I preached from that point on with great anointing and fervor and many were saved. The Apostle Sha’ul taught me that the life of a follower of the Lamb is a life of suffering, and I’d better just get used to it and learn to praise Him in the midst of it. He taught me that in going from point A to point B in the service of the Master, that suffering was just “par for the course”. He said that several times he went overboard into the ocean, while going to a place to preach. He said I just needed to get used to things happening that were unpleasant because we live in this world. And He taught me that suffering has great reward, because He uses it to prepare us for what is coming in these last days.

Yahuweh gave me Psalm 94:12-13 when I was in Hong Kong in 1994: “Blessed is the man whom You discipline, O Yah, and instruct out of Your Torah, to give him rest from the days of evil, until the pit be dug for the wicked”. Submit to the hard training--Hebrews 12--and when the evil days come, you will be confident, peaceful, and at rest in your soul.

Peter addresses this life in the most beautiful manner in such statements as in I Peter 4 and 5. I Peter 4:1 says: “Forasmuch then as Messiah has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of Elohim.”

I Peter 4:12: “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you: but rejoice, inasmuch as you are

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partakers of Messiah’s sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy”.

What is your focus? Is it on this world, or on the world to come? Sha’ul says in II Timothy 2:12 and 3:12 that if we don’t suffer with Him, we can’t reign with Him. It tells us that all who live godly in Messiah Yahushua will in fact suffer persecution. What will happen to all those who love comfort and security when they see the slaughter to come, and are so weak and fearful? It will be a horrible tragedy because so few are prepared.

Philippians 1:29: “TO YOU IT HAS BEEN GIVEN AS A FAVOR ON BEHALF OF MESSIAH, not only to believe on Him, but to also suffer for His sake”. Do you consider suffering to be a “favor”? Most people rebuke suffering as from the Devil. Yet, without it, we won’t mature, or become responsible, submissive, obedient servants for the Master. The Chinese believers realize that suffering is part of receiving salvation, for He suffered for us!

Sha’ul felt strongly to lay out the truth as he visited the believers: Acts 14:22: “Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of Elohim”.

Yahushua comes at the “last trump”, “immediately after the tribulation of those days”, because He is using the work of man coupled with Satan to sift the wheat, and gather the chaff and the tares for burning. (Mathew 13) Without entering into His sufferings--and He does suffer greatly over the sin of man--we cannot know His heart, and we cannot know Him. To be a “virgin” Bride is to know Him, and have Him know us (Matthew 25:1-11). This takes time, and takes concentrated effort to really know Him.

When my missionary “hero” Hudson Taylor was called to be a missionary in China, and open up China for the Gospel, he didn’t go to Bible School, or start working to save up his money for a plane ticket, for it was in the 1800’s. He was in England. He went down to the wharf, where the rough fisherman lived. He got himself a little one-room shack. He slept on the floor, ate rice almost exclusively, and toughened himself up in faith in the Father’s ability to provide for Him. He took no provision from a missionary organization, not even from his earthly father. But, he was determined to walk the hard road, because he knew that in China there would be no easy roads. Later on he buried his beloved wife, and several of his children in China because of disease and hardship, but he did not turn back, and the result was the opening of China to the Gospel.

Most people would have given up, but like William Carey in India--a mighty apostolic pioneer and translator of the Word of Elohim—pioneer missionaries toughened themselves up with reality, and did not hide from embracing suffering for the Master’s sake. What a different mind-set from the weak, lazy, self-centered modern Church.

Wang Ming Tao, the famous Chinese Pastor in the North of China who spent 23 years in prison for his faith in Communist China, was given a choice early on. The Communists told him that if he would just denounce Jesus and denounce his ministry preaching, that he’d be released from the horrible prison. He was discouraged, and depressed, and in despair. He was not accustomed to the hard road. He signed their written statement and denied his faith in Jesus, promising not to preach again. The Communists gleefully let him go. But, the Spirit did not let him go. The Set-Apart Spirit pressed hard on his spirit, and finally Wang went to the authorities and denounced his denial, asking to be put back in prison. Of course, they not so gleefully put him back in prison. He spent 23 years there in hard

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labor. He won many to the Savior in prison, as did his friend, Samuel Lamb, who was also in prison in the south of China for 20 years.

Samuel, whom I have had the privilege of meeting with many times, to take him the still illegal “counter-revolutionary materials”--Bibles--said that he could have left Hong Kong at one point, but he decided to stay inside Communist China for the sake of the believers. He was arrested, and spent those 20 years in the most deplorable conditions. But, he won many to the Savior in his prison. The Communists could not break the will of either of these two friends. Later Samuel told me that he went to visit his friend Wang, after they both had been released. The Communists considered these two men as the most

dangerous men in all of China because they could not be broken down, and they even got stronger in their faith under the most horrible torture and suffering. When Samuel got back to his home in GuangZhou, he found out that his wife had died while he was in prison, and his church had been scattered. More suffering! But, when he met with Wang, they had a good laugh at being called “the most dangerous men in China”. Samuel is still alive. Several years back, the Communists, who still have him under house arrest, with a police station at the base of his 2nd-story family house, took all of his Bibles, teaching materials, and any other Christian materials, and threatened Samuel and his congregation with arrest and prison if they didn’t stop preaching. His church had grown to 400 after he got out of prison, but he laughed when he told me that after this threat, the church jumped to 1,600 coming each week openly. The police put Samuel under house arrest! When he’d say “goodbye” to me, he would have to stand in the entrance door of his house, and could not come out into the street. He is subject to constant threats and harassment. He sleeps on a little cot in the back room on the 3rd floor of his family house, along a very busy alleyway

in GuangZhou (ancient Canton). He conducts two to three services on Sunday, and has prayer meetings and other meetings during the week. Two blind people, a man and a woman, sort through materials by feeling them, and organize things in the church. A young girl copies Samuel’s sermons with an ink pen on small pieces of paper for reprinting. The youth are warned to either stop coming to Samuel’s church or lose their right to their schooling, college, and good jobs. Yet, they won’t stop coming! This one blind woman, who was once a schoolteacher, must have suffered terribly under Mao, who considered schoolteachers only good for hard labor or death. As she joyfully smiled, she told me that she came daily there, to pray for Brother Lamb. He says that the Communists have forbidden him to preach on the books of Daniel and Revelation, as they forbid all preachers. The Communists also told him that he could not stand to preach. But, if he sat, they wouldn’t regard that as preaching. So, he sits and preaches on Daniel and Revelation. He is one of the most joyful people I’ve ever met.

Brother David, who worked with Brother Andrew of Open Doors, wrote a book called God’s Smuggler to China (Bible smuggling of course). In it he writes about meeting with Wang Ming Tao. He also wrote the little book: “Walking the Hard Road”, which is from his interviews and a sermon by Wang. Wang said that it was best to always choose the hard road, because that toughened him up, and he grew in faith, grace, and wisdom in that prison.

Aunty Alice! I can still see her smiling face in the pictures I was shown of her. She was just a little Chinese lady who loved to witness and preach the Gospel, carrying her well

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worn Bible as she walked from village to village. She was arrested as dangerous to the Communist revolution. In prison, she was given the task of cleaning the filthy toilets in the jail cells--floor toilets. As she would scrub the toilets, she’d preach to those in the cells. She won many to the Savior. When she finished her job in a section of the prison, the guards tried to change her job. She asked them if they would put her into another section of the prison so that she could continue to clean toilets. They thought she was crazy but they granted her request and she continued to win souls to the Savior. This is the mind-set of the persecuted church in over 40 countries today. Will you write to either the Voice of the Martyrs or to Open Doors with Brother Andrew, and get their materials on the persecuted church? Involvement with these people, in prayer, in writing to them in prison, in teaching others about them, will strengthen and change your life! In these days you will either chose the hard road, or were thrust onto it.

When these persecuted Chinese come out of prison, most of these people will not talk about their sufferings, but consider it their schooling in faith. They have told the people of the West: “we only want to talk about Jesus”.

Oh how I loved meeting people from the “underground church” of China! I “smuggled” the “counter revolutionary materials” into them over 40 times, in three trips to Hong Kong during two years. Upon being stopped by the border police at one point, and my Bibles taken from me, I asked the man, who spoke quite good English, “I thought you had freedom of religion in China?” He said, “Oh we do, but that has nothing to do with Bibles; Bibles are counter revolutionary materials”.

Yes, His Word is definitely against the Communist revolution! These persecuted Chinese are the most wonderful people, smiles on their faces, but knowing that they could be taken to prison at any time for their faith. Oh my… what I have learned from the persecuted church! Now America is in the midst of a Communist take-over. The government is following many things that China did in their Communist take-over. Now, China and Russia sit on all the borders of America with nuclear weapons, submarines, and other weapons to destroy America on cue. The true believers will be greatly persecuted. Now, it is illegal to say that Yahushua is the only way to salvation. It is illegal to preach on the second coming of Messiah. It is illegal to use the Name of Yahuweh. It is illegal to have home meetings, though this is not being informed right now (but it will be). All the while, the American people are going about life as usual, wallowing in what satisfies their fleshly desires, and comfort “needs”, and are not preparing for the hard road ahead.

“Endure to the end”--“patience of the saints”--“overcomers” who “love not their lives to the death”: These words are so distastefully repugnant to the “free world”? I heard of a Pastor in Texas, recently, who preached on Revelation 12:11, but did not speak on the last line. A friend of mine asked him why. He said: “It might frighten my congregation”. I gave a Voice of the Martyrs video to a Youth Pastor to show his youth group. He bought it back to me saying it would scare them. No wonder America is ripe for judgment.

The comfort-loving, cheap-grace Church in America, and Messianic groups too, will be destroyed. But, many will deny Him, will become apostate, and will fall away to damnation in the days to come. Most pastors and congregation leaders are not preparing their people for what is already in their face—the rise of the Beast system and the Beast

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himself. Most are too afraid to even let their people know that their brothers and sisters are dying for their faith? Something is terribly wrong! Over twenty believers an hour, on an average, are dying for their faith in over forty countries in our modern world, many dying horrible deaths. All materialistic junk, houses and cars included, job status, money status, social status, pride and loftiness, and spiritual self-righteousness, will be brought down to nothing in the fire of His wrath. Wherever He finds “Babylon” He will destroy it.

He taught me in the wilderness, to depend on Him for everything. I almost died there several times from heart failure. I almost died in Tanzania in 2001 from malaria. Without Him I would have been dead a long time ago. I depend on him for every penny I get, for I have no income other than what He sends me. I have had to depend on Him for every step I take, for cooling me off in 120-degree heat, because I have no air conditioner. I asked Him once if I should spend the money to get an air conditioner, and He said: “I’ll take care of you”. After that, someone gave me ceiling fans. I got a small spray bottle for water. Spraying water on sheets and lying under the ceiling fan makes one actually cold. I learned wisdom about keeping my house cool enough to live in, even in the heat of the Negev Desert in summer, by closing windows on the sunny side of the house.

We’re coming into a time when we won’t be able to buy or sell without a scanable, implanted computer chip in our hand or forehead. We are coming into a time when money will be worthless. What will we do, if we don’t know Him? Most comfort-oriented people fall apart if they get too hot or too cold. In the Negev it is either too hot or too cold. The safe zone prepared by Yahuweh for His people during the last 3 ½ years begins in Aqaba, on the Red Sea, and goes north along the King’s Highway to Petra—the land of Edom. It gets snowy, cold and icy in Petra in the winter. It gets way above 100 degrees F. in the summer. Why do you have to live with air conditioning? Your body will adjust to the climate, if you let it. Having to be “comfortable” with everything is sissy stuff.

Let’s think about realities that we will have to face in the next few years--maybe the next few months. All the things that are happening now are in the Word, and are heading for a total fulfillment.

He is my refuge, and my total protection. I am safe, secure, and happy as a little child in Abba’s arms. I know we are facing WWIII and total nuclear destruction of the entire world—most likely beginning in 2010. I know what is happening and what is about to happen, but I am so content in His arms. I’ve seen Him multiply food, seen Him bring provision out of no-where. I’ve had Him literally take me in His arms when I’ve been totally overcome by negative emotion and deliver me from demonic abuse. I’ve seen the deaf hear and the cripples walk. In obedience to Him, I’ve seen Him pull off the most incredible things. He never fails!

So, why should I fear anything but displeasing Him? My life is becoming one huge miracle as I go about obeying Him. He literally is ordering my steps. It never becomes routine. His faithfulness is “new every morning” – “Great is Your faithfulness!”

What will people do that reject a personal relationship with the Spirit--denying Luke 3:16, and Acts 1:8 as for today? What will people do when faced with appearing before the police, the judge, the martial law foreign troops, if they can’t hear on a daily basis from the Spirit now?

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Mark 13:11: “And when they lead you away and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand what you are to say. But, whatever is given to you in that hour, speak that, for it is not you who is speaking, but he Set-Apart Spirit”.

Without being “led” by the Spirit daily, a person cuts themselves off from His ability to communicate from the inside of the re-born temple. I’ll never forget praying for Navajos back in 1993, to receive the infilling of the Spirit. I had to have a translator to tell me that they were not speaking Navajo but were speaking in the language from the Spirit. It was so exciting. One time I was in East Africa, praying for people to receive the Spirit. An old woman who spoke zero English had been born of the Spirit. She had come down from way up on a mountain top out of curiosity to see what a white person looked like. As she began being filled with the Set-Apart Spirit, she began shouting in perfect ENGLISH: “I am coming; I am coming soon!” We were all rejoicing!

By intellectually relegating Him to an “it”, people are also relegating Him to theology, and not letting Him transform them into the image of Messiah—taking them from “esteem to esteem”. (II Corinthians 3:17-18) It is the Spirit who helps the Bride prepare and “get ready”. It is the Spirit who transforms us from within, so that we walk, talk, and act like Messiah, and have His power and authority also, to do Yahuweh’s will.

In the forty things that the Spirit does at the time of the new birth, not one of them is to enter into the cleansed temple of the new believer, until He is asked to enter. He is a very sensitive PERSON. And He is easily grieved and vexed (tormented). “Do not grieve the Set-Apart Spirit of Elohim, by whom you are sealed until the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30).

Psalm 63:10, speaking of the wilderness journey: “But, they rebelled, and vexed His Set-Apart Spirit, therefore, He was turned to be their enemy, and He fought against them”. He fought against His own people!

Who baptizes us into the Spirit? It is Yahushua who Himself baptizes us into the Spirit. At the new birth, the Spirit baptizes us into Yahushua. These are two different baptisms--II Corinthians 12:13; Luke 3:16. John 16:13: Messiah tells us that He will teach us, and show us things to come. If we do not have His input into our spirit in times of critical danger, He won’t be able to direct us: “turn here, turn there”, “go right, go left”, as He does with believers in countries of persecution.

CHOOSE THE HARD ROAD! Lay down your proud, self-righteous theology that you got from people who got their theology from a seminary textbook. After 61 years of personally knowing Him, being born again, I exhort you to lay aside the musings of men’s opinions, speculations, and human head reasoning. The Spirit only speaks to the re-born spirit--He never wastes His time trying to push our unstable mind and emotions His direction. The Word transforms the mind and emotions, so that they can receive the knowledge that the Spirit wants to impart. At the new birth, the sword of the Word cuts between the soul and the spirit, and the spirit is reborn. (Hebrews 4:12)

The soul’s salvation is a long, hard process, depending on the intensity of discipline. The soul (mind, intellect, reasoning, logic, emotions, will, personality) is saved through the transforming of the Word and the Spirit. “The end of our faith is the saving of the soul”:

I Peter 1:9. The re-born spirit that contacts the Eternal realm of Yahuweh has the power to

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discipline the mind, and bring it into alignment with His will. It is a matter of controlling even our thoughts, and making them “captive to Messiah”. (II Corinthians 10:3-6)

The soul is also called the carnal “self”—the ‘flesh”. It is the seat of the sin nature. It lusts after comfort and ease. It is controlled by the five senses—sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting. It lusts after what appeases it. The “mind of the Spirit”, which is the “mind of Messiah”, has the power to transform it and harness it to obey Yahuweh. But, we have to put the “flesh” life, the self-life, to death – killing its desires that rise against Yahuweh’s control of the spirit. This means that we must allow Him to discipline us and not run away from it, yelling “get behind me satan”. Let suffering perfect you.

You cannot have “revelation knowledge” without it being placed into your spirit by the Spirit! At best all you can do is read a book that someone wrote, and come to some mental conclusion. Most people formulate through their reasoning mind what they believe, based on input from human sources. Why not have your beliefs come directly from the Spirit of Yahuweh? The word “baptism” means total immersion--when not only your outside is immersed but also your inside! Messiah wants to baptize us into the Spirit, so that we are totally controlled by Him. You can’t understand the Hebrew-culture-centered Word without the Spirit to teach you, any more than a toddler can understand Chaucer. Without the Spirit you have no anointing. The anointing is the manifested power of the Spirit flowing through a human body to accomplish the impossible!

I remember the day I got tired of seeing my husband’s eye crossing to the center. I grabbed his head and demanded that the eye move to the center and never cross again. I was under the Spirit’s power gift, known as “special miracle-working faith”. (I Corinthians 12:9) Without this type of faith that bypasses the soul’s input totally, there can be no miracles. The soul reasons away miracles. The soul has no “faith”—it just has input from the world around it. “Faith” is a gift of the Spirit that draws us to Messiah. “Faith” is a gift by which we live daily. Messiah alludes to “special faith” in Mark 5:35-36, regarding the raising of the child from the dead. My husband’s eye moved to the center and never did cross again.

I’ve seen a man’s leg grow out several inches, so that after years of walking with an “elevator shoe”, he could walk normally again. You can’t learn those things in textbooks or in theological discussions, through opinions or theories from man. You can only enter into the world of the Spirit, the “greater works” that Messiah said we would enter into, by simple faith in what He has said! The word says that they “limited” the Set-Apart One of Israel. (Psalm 78:41) We limit Him by our unbelief! He uses the anointed one to change lives and set people free. Many believers have a head full of knowledge, and they couldn’t deliver a demon-possessed fly.

Precious Corrie Ten Boom said in her book Marching Orders for the End-Time Battle that in the last days if a person is not baptized (immersed) into the Holy Spirit and does not speak in a heavenly prayer language that accompanies His entrance, that a person will not make it through the days of tribulation. The reason is that He communicates with us through our spirit. His gift of a prayer language is for spiritual warfare, for intercession, for miracles and for building ourselves up in faith. Yes, there are guidelines for using this gift in the assembly, where new believers or unbelievers might come.

The prayer language is the Spirit speaking through us in the languages of angels, and

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sometimes of men for His purposes. He gives us these fluent and beautiful languages to set us free, and to set others free. “Tongues in the meeting of the ecclesia, as a message, must have interpretation, or else it is out of order”. Tongues plus interpretation equal prophecy. There are guidelines for using His gifts in the meeting places of believers. (I Corinthians 14) But, in times of ministry to individuals, the power of the warfare tongue goes forward to cut through the enemies’ lines and to set people free. We cannot prophesy—speak in Yahuweh’s behalf, without the Spirit.

Ezekiel was “filled with the Spirit”. He was born again, and spoke for Yahuweh. Sha’ul says to ask for that gift of prophecy (I Corinthians 14:1). If we cannot discern good from evil--we will fall for deception. So, one of the gifts of the Spirit is “discernment of spirits” to discern between the workings of Yahuweh, man or Satan. (I Corinthians 12:10) Prophecy is for every believer, if they submit to the word of Yahuweh. But, the Office of Prophet carries with it the same guidelines as the Prophets of Yahuweh in the Tenach, and it takes training from childhood, and total submission to Yahuweh, or else the judgment if horrific. False prophets prophesy out of their own heads. By the Spirit’s discerning power within us, we can discern who is prophesying by the Spirit, and who is prophesying from their own head. For more information on these things, please refer to the study: “The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit”.

In the bush of Tanzania, out in the Serengeti Plain, I saw the power of the Spirit set people free from manifesting demons, as the Spirit came down in His power on the people. Demons were driving people into the streets to do all manner of destruction, but the power of the Spirit was bringing them back totally delivered--like with the man at Gadera--in their right minds. One woman just collapsed in my arms with joy. One demon-possessed man was coming at me to attack me. Four pastors couldn’t hold him back. I was backed into a row of benches. I just kept commanding that demon to let him go, and the man collapsed. He came up totally delivered, and was able to receive the Spirit. His spirit had been born again, but he had come out of witchcraft, and the demons would not loosen their hold on his body and mind. If you have not seen the power of the Spirit in operation through a servant of Yahuweh, but doubt the reality of miracles, you need to stop your intellectual musings and religious pride, and get out into the bush of Africa, or India, or Asia, or New Guinea, and learn what the power that came down on Sinai is all about!

Miracles will help us survive in the days ahead. Fools will die with their intellectual and spiritual pride. All the knowledge in the world won’t save anyone. Only simple, childlike faith will save us. He vows to protect the humble who “tremble at His Word”.

Toughen yourself up. Soon you will be under martial law, and foreign authority that will have no mercy on you. Almost daily the rights of Americans are being taken from them.

Anyone who can contact Yahuweh’s realm is an enemy of Lucifer, and his human agents.

If you continue on with a soft, weak, easy lifestyle, living for your own comfort and security, you will die, or you will deny the Messiah to save your skin. Your children will be ripped away from you, and like the believers in Sudan, you may see them killed horribly before your eyes.

One world government—New World Order is here. It was declared openly on Europe’s CNN and BBC from the White House, in May of 1999. I saw it myself on CNN with several others.

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BBC said the economic part was controlled by the G-8 nations, that NATO was the core military, and that the head of it was the President of the US and the Prime Minister of England. Now, it is only the President of the US—the illegal one who is not as he appears. Did America hear this announcement – of course not! Since then, many radical changes have taken place.

In these days, He is raising up a company of prophets--true ones, people that don’t have to be waited on and coddled. There are two literal male witnesses (Revelation 11), but these two also represent a company of witnesses, each with either the characteristics of Elijah

or Moses. They have been trained not to conform to this world. They are set-apart unto Yahuweh, and all that matters is “following the Lamb” wherever He goes. They only listen to His voice, and obey Him--not man, not their flesh--they are controlled by the Spirit. They live very simple pilgrim lives. Beware of being content with your surroundings--your world is about to be turned upside down! The security of His remnant people is in Him alone.

Nuclear holocaust is coming. World War III is in its beginning stages. Noah tried to get people to prepare for a flood for many years. They wondered why he, and his family, got into the ark all of a sudden when there was no rain. It had never rained on the earth, so no one was interested in changing their lifestyle to prepare for rain. Today, I, and others like me are doing the work of the “watchmen”—warning of the tribulation period that is almost upon us. Few are interested in changing their lifestyle to prepare. The Bridal remnant has entered the ark for the final seven days, but hardly anyone has noticed.

There will be multitudes of martyrs in the days to come. Already in the 20th century there were more martyrs than in all the previous centuries of Christianity combined. There will be multitudes of people who will deny Yahushua because they believed in a free ride--a Santa--and did not know the Jewish Rabbi, Messiah Yahushua, nor did they walk in His Kingdom laws and commandments. He has been, and still is for a little longer, marking a remnant people, to preserve until His coming. But, the qualifications are the highest—namely to be sold out completely to Him, holding nothing back. He said, “Unless you forsake all, you cannot be My disciple”. (Read Luke 14:25-33)

This means that if you do not forsake all, take up your own stake (walking stick) and follow Him as His disciple (His taught one), then you are not one of His. You are like the rich young ruler who walked away sad, because he loved his possessions to much to lay down all to follow Him. Unless we align to His rules of discipleship, all we have is a belief system in a free trip out of hell—not a covenant relationship with responsibility that involves death to self, so that we might pick up His life. Read Romans 6 in prayer.

The marked one--with the Bridal mind and heart--would rather study the Word than eat. They’d rather talk about Him, than anything else when in the presence of others. The Bride has a Bride’s mind and heart, totally caught up with her Bridegroom and what hurts Him, what brings Him joy, what pleases Him, what interests Him, and to be totally involved in what His agenda is. She has zero agenda of her own, except to join with His agenda, plans and purposes. Her thoughts are on His coming, and she cries with the Spirit: “Come Yahushua, Come!”

Practical advice: Walk to the store and lug your groceries back in little bits. Don’t use conveniences—work the old fashioned way. Instead of doing your laundry in a machine, do

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it by hand--yes, even the sheets. Do anything you can to deny yourself and toughen yourself up. Try sleeping on the floor and eating rice for a few days. Learn to fast. It will reduce your food bill, and make the food go further during famine. Prepare yourself for the reality of losing everything in the days ahead. My arms are so much stronger because I rinse my clothes out in the sink. I’ve learned to deny myself, and I am the stronger for it. Radically cut out everything that is poisoning your mind, soul and spirit, and body. Change you diet--in food, and in entertainment. Use what you have, instead of having to have gadgets you don’t need. Don’t subject your mind and spirit to those hideous tools of the devil (TV primarily) that program your mind, and the minds of your children, to accept the anti-messiah’s belief-system. Even Christian TV is controlled by the Illuminati hierarchy, by those who do not guard Yahuweh’s Covenant Torah (instructions and teachings) but are leading people to embrace the thinking of the great whore of Babylon, that will be destroyed in the fire of His wrath.

Of course, those programming, time-wasting devices include, first of all TV, then radio, books, movies, videos, video games, strolling through the mall “shopping for bargains” you don’t need, useless sports events, or anything--and I mean anything--unless it fully honors, exalts and promotes the Kingdom of Yahuweh and Yahushua. Cut out those “fast foods” and “snacks” that are destroying your body. Check out the reality of GM foods, for they are designed to starve you and destroy your body. Don’t take in anything into your body, or give anything into your children’s bodies, that Abba does not tell you is all right. They are developing vaccines from aborted fetuses--the smallpox vaccine is made from stem cells of aborted fetuses. It is another form of cannibalism. Vaccines have poisons in them, as well as most man-made medicines, with side effects. Remember “Project Paperclip” – the Nazi doctors brought into the US after WWII to continue the experiments they did on the Jews, using guinea-pig American citizens. It is a fact that Americans are the sickest, weakest, people on earth – eating GM foods, drinking polluted water, breathing polluted air, watching the polluted media with its polluted entertainment, listening to polluted news, buying polluted clothes from fossil fuel sources – ingesting polluted religion, living by polluted cultural principles – and etc. No wonder He says to get out of Babylon before He has to destroy it!

I’ve learned a lot from “Third World” people. In Africa, I’ve learned how to live joyfully in

a mud hut. I’ve learned that spreading cow dung on the floor makes a nice hard surface

that is easy to sweep. I’ve learned the benefits of broad-leafed trees, when using the “pit

latrines”. I’ve learned the beauty of star-lit nights, and kerosene lanterns. I’ve learned

the art of just sitting and waiting, talking, and enjoying the fresh air. I’ve learned how to

walk for miles on tiny paths and call it “just over there”. I learned that talking about the

Bible is the most important talk, and praying for a sick grandmother with malaria is a

priceless privilege.

From the Navajos, I’ve learned that life in a mud and stick “hogan” is peaceful and cozy,

and you get to camp all the time--eat outside, and do almost everything outside. I learned

that sitting on a sheep skin, giving the Good News of salvation to a mother and her children

is the most satisfying thing anyone can do.

When it gets cold, the Bedouin of Jordan and southern Israel go into the valley and stay in

tents, but when it gets hot, they take the sheep and goats up into the high country and

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sleep out under the stars or under a blanket spread over some bushes. I learned the joys

of watching the spring lambs jump and play.

In Mongolia, I learned how they lived happily in a skin-lined tent, in bitter cold winters. The Mongolians are some of the happiest people in the world. They are the ancestors of the Navajos, and in the Gobi desert they also live in hogans like the Navajos (wood and mud round houses). I learned that the Mongolian students are so childlike, and even in their early 20’s the hang their heads and giggle with any mention of marriage, yet they are a brilliant people, and long so much for meaning in life. I learned about the oppression of Communism, and even though they were told there was no God and no eternal life, that the one thing they wanted more than anything was to know God and to have eternal life.

When I asked the Mongolian college young people what they wanted more than anything in the world, I got answers like: a book, a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of perfume, a poem, to be able to give eternal life to every child. Who is free?

In Russia, I learned about sharing, and how many people can live together in a tiny apartment, with rusting pipes, and cold drafts in the winter, and enjoy each other. In Russia, in December, I’ve learned what it is like to live a “normal” life with the temperature at 30 degrees below freezing, and how walking to an “underground” meeting of Chinese in a cold warehouse can be a most warming and happy experience in the world. I’ve learned what it was like to walk with a cane over the frozen snow to go to a distant town, where once the Jews were sent as prisoners of the Russian government, and find Jews who wanted so desperately to return to Israel. Oh my…what a joy, in that frozen land to meet with Jews in their homes, many who were preparing to make aliyah, and return home. I was there to help them. Many of them were in the German holocaust, and then after escaping from Germany and returning to Russia, they went through a Russian holocaust. I learned that Russians lived in some of the most squalid conditions, and Medical Doctors, even Specialists, lived on $20.00 a month, and teachers lived on $12.00 a month. I learned that farmers were using 1940’s farm equipment. Yet, in wooden homes of many believers, with out-door toilets and wood fire stoves, they would sing and praise the Father with such joy from the heart--they loved Him so much! Who is free?

I’ve learned from the Chinese how they live happily in shacks. Even under Communism and extreme poverty, they return your smile with the most beautiful big smiles. The believers risk their lives to share the Gospel under the most horrendous conditions. But, they do not complain!

In Africa, I’ve been back in the bush, where the mud hut dwellers have one purpose--win the lost to Jesus, and disciple them in the Word. I’ve heard them tell of walking for twelve hours into areas controlled by witchdoctors, with screaming cougars, and panthers, snakes and scorpions. Upon arriving at villages in the north of Tanzania, they begin to preach, until a very furious witchdoctor stops them and demands a sign that their God is real. Upon finding two blind people, the witchdoctor says, “either your God heal them, or I’ll kill you”. Well, as these bold ones told me, Jesus healed them, and the whole village became believers, including the witchdoctor. But, why would these little barefoot ones, have to walk twelve hours, through such dangerous territory into such hostile areas. Why couldn’t the churches in Mwanza come and take their vehicles, sound equipment, keyboards, and stages, to hold a crusade out in these 300 villages with no Gospel? Answer:

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They are too content to stay in their churches in Mwanza. They told me that they were too afraid of the witchdoctors! They had gotten white man’s money, built their churches, gotten white man’s equipment under the guise of spreading the gospel, and stayed in their cities in ease and comfort, to preach to each other. Ease and comfort produces fear of losing ease and comfort. Anything you fear losing is your god!

A pastor from India wrote me about the drowning of his eleven-year old son in a strong river. The Pastor went to where his son was drowned, and began to preach the gospel at his funeral. He went back again and again to the riverbank where his son was last seen alive. Soon many of the fishermen became believers, and a church was started. I’ve seen that pattern over and over with the Africans when they lose a loved one.

It is these people who will rule and reign with Messiah Yahushua. He is training the ones who will rule and reign with Him, as He was trained--in suffering, as a bond slave. He learned obedience through suffering.

Live unsettled! “Here on earth, we have no continuing city, but we look for one to come”. (Hebrews 13:14) We have to live with eternity in mind, because eternity is very near now. All of our working so hard to build a zone of security for ourselves, and for our families, is just an illusion. It is like building a house of straw, especially in these days. Anything can topple that house of straw--and it will. Read carefully Isaiah chapters 2, 13 and 24, Ezekiel 7, Zephaniah chapters 1-2; II Peter 3, Zechariah 12-14; Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 6 (we are already in the first 5 seals). The sixth seal is the return of Messiah and the seventh seal is the first trumpet judgment. And while you’re at it, read all the Prophets, II Peter, Jude, Revelation and the Psalms, for the Psalms are very prophetic and also give us comfort and instruction. There are over 220 passages in the Scriptures about this day, because all of Scripture is focused on this day. He comes for a pure Bride. “The pure in heart will see Elohim”. Your eternal salvation, position in the 1,000 kingdom, and the eternal position when Father comes, will be determined by how fully you give your live over for His purposes now. The time is so short now, that your building of your relationship with Him and your toughening up your spiritual muscles must be your priority. Study the article: “End Time Babylon”.

He commands us to come out of end-time Babel. Babel (confusion) is the world system of politics and economy and trade. Babel is represented by an end-time post 1948 country: Read carefully Jeremiah 50 and 51, Isaiah 10, 14, 47 and Revelation 18. In Revelation 18 we also see that “Babel” is represented by a world-famous economic port—New York City. This country has “space program”. This country is the superpower of the earth. This country is the embodiment of the tower of Babel, and all that Nimrod wanted to accomplish. It is the wealthiest country in the world. It is destroyed in these days in which we live. Father has given many prophesies and sent many prophets to warn this country of its judgment in the last 100 years. Unfortunately, that country is America--the leader of the present one world government. Babel is also the religious system. Every religion is part of Babel. Yahuweh and Yahushua are not a religion and are not represented by any religion.

My precious brothers and sisters: Be forewarned!

Shalom and blessings,


November 2003; edited September 8, 2006; re-written and updated November 27, 2009

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