QUIZ - West Linn-Wilsonville School District

UNIT OUTLINE: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD)

Unit: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Primary Concept(s): Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention (CC)

Primary Health Skill(s): Advocacy (AV)

Approximate Length: 12 days


• Define drug, addiction, tolerance, withdrawal, denial, enabling, tobacco, marijuana, (Type/Group A) carcinogen, stimulants, depressants, opiates, hallucinogens, steroids, inhalants, club drugs, alcohol, alcoholism, binge drinking, and alcohol poisoning. (CC)


• Explain the short- and long-term psychological and social effects, including social, legal, economic, and cosmetic consequences, of ATOD. (CC)

• Examine the impact of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use on unintentional injury. (CC)

• Explain the relationship between alcohol and other drug use of vehicle crashes, injuries, violence, suicide, and sexual behavior. (CC)

• Explain the effects and advocate for abstaining from ATOD use during pregnancy. (CC)

• Describe the potential addictive qualities of ATOD. (CC)

• Explain the dangers of secondhand smoke. (CC)

• Describe the health benefits of abstaining from or discontinuing tobacco and/or other drug use. (CC)

• Set a personal goal to avoid driving when under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or riding in a vehicle when the driver is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. (GS)*

• Explain how public health policies and government regulations influence health promotion and disease prevention. (CC)

• Analyze the influences and pressures teenagers face regarding issues of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. (AI) *

• Advocate for the benefits of abstaining from or discontinuing tobacco and/or drug use. (AV)

• Demonstrate refusal skills around drinking and driving or being a passenger when the driver has been drinking and driving. (IC) *


• Concepts: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention (CC) – Unit Test

• Advocacy (AV) – Cigarette package & Pictochart Assignment

Items in BOLD are Oregon Health Education Standards. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are assessed for concept knowledge (CC) rather than skill mastery during this unit. They are assessed for skill mastery in other units.

Legal and Illegal Drugs (Day 1 Notes)

Medicines are: ________ drugs that help the body fight __________, __________, or __________

They can be categorized in two ways:

Over the Counter: ____________________________________________________________


Prescription: ________________________________________________________________


An Illegal drug is: a ___________ substance that people of any age may not lawfully

________________, ________________, ______________, or __________

Proper Use: _________________________________________________________

Misuse: ____________________________________________________________

For example: __________________________________________________

Abuse: _____________________________________________________________

How Drugs Affect the Brain:

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Addiction: ________________________________________________________________________

Basic Categories of Drugs (Day 2 Notes)

|Category |Examples |Impact on the Body |

|Depressants | | |

|Stimulants | | |

|Hallucinogens | | |

|Cannabinoids | | |

The Impact~

* An estimated _________ people internationally consume illegal drugs.

So Why Do It?

* People take/use drugs because they want to change something about their lives.

* ______________________

* ______________________

* To relieve boredom

* To seem grown up

* To rebel

* To experiment

They think _________________________________________________________________.

The Social Impact~

Tobacco – (Day 4 Notes)

The major short-term effects of nicotine on the body are _____________________________, ______________________________, and _____________________________________________.

How does nicotine affect each of these systems?

|Respiratory |Nervous |Cardiovascular |Digestive |

|  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |

What are some of the factors that influence how quickly and intensely a person becomes addicted to nicotine?

a. _____________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________

What is an example of someone who is psychologically addicted to tobacco?


Name 4 of the harmful chemicals in tobacco products and explain what it is normally used for.

a. _____________________: __________________________________

b. _____________________: __________________________________

c. _____________________: __________________________________

d. _____________________: __________________________________

Fill in the sentences to explain how carbon monoxide affects the body.

Once inhaled and absorbed into the blood, ______________________

___________________________________________________________ place of oxygen. When this happens ______________________________________________________

cells need. To make up for the storage of oxygen, _____________________________ ________________________________________. Over time, ____________________


What is a carcinogen?


Is smokeless tobacco as bad as cigarettes? Why?


What facts about tobacco would you use to convince a friend not to smoke?


What are three serious health problems associated to long-term tobacco use?




Explain why people who smoke get “smokers cough”. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the effects of these two types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:

|Chronic Bronchitis |Emphysema |

|a. |a. |

|  |  |

|b. |b. |

|  |  |

Write three statistics about the dangers of smoking and cardiovascular disease.

a. _____________________________________________________


b. _____________________________________________________


c. _____________________________________________________


Describe the important information about cancer and its links to tobacco.

|  |  |

|Lung Cancer |  |

|  |  |

|  |  |

|Oral Cancer |  |

|  |  |

|  |  |

|Other Cancers |  |

|  |  |

Define the following terms related to tobacco use:

a. Mainstream smoke -_____________________________________________


b. Sidestream smoke -______________________________________________


c. Secondhand smoke -_____________________________________________


What are some dangers of secondhand smoke? _________________________________________________________________


What are three ways to avoid secondhand smoke?

a. ______________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________

Babies born to mothers who smoke often have a low birth weight. What problems are associated with low birth weight babies?


Why do you think tobacco users are willing to live with so many unpleasant side effects in order to smoke?



Alcohol (Day 3 Notes)

Alcohol is…

• ______________________________________

• ______________________________________

Examples of where you can find it include:


In alcohol you can find:

Ethanol, which is ___________________________________________________________

Found in things like ______________________________

Methyl, which is ___________________________________________________________

Found in things like ______________________________

Isopropyl, which is __________________________________________________________

Found in things like ______________________________

Why the Concern?

Nationally alcohol use is associated with the ____ leading causes of death among ________

-________________________ -________________________-________________________

How can we limit the negative consequences?

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

What’s is the difference between youth and adult brains?



Unfortunately, that means that _________________________


Young people who drink are more likely:

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

What might influence the decision to try alcohol?

• Check out from ___________________ or issues with school/grades

• Loneliness, _______________________, depression, anxiety disorder and _______________________________

• Deal with the pressures of ______________________

• Change ____________ or to fit in when moving to a new school or town

• Gain ____________________ or lose inhibitions

• They have ________________________________________


Binge Drinking

Pattern of consumption that brings the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to _____ or more in a short period of time. Usually within _____ hours.

- _________ or more drinks for men or - ________ or more drinks for women

Alcohol Poisoning

When there are very high levels of alcohol in the body can shutdown critical areas of the brain that control _______________________________________________________

Signs include: ______________________________________________________________


If a person is convicted of a “Minor in Possession”

-________________________ -________________________-________________________

-________________________ -________________________-________________________

Marijuana (Day 5 notes)

Marijuana is made up of two ingredients:

• _____________- The part that get’s you high

• _____________ , also called Cannibidiol - The part that modulates _________________ and _________________ activity, which helps ____________.

Dispensaries and growers make money off of strains that are high in ______________

When you first smoke marijuana receptors in the brain respond. Some of the areas that respond are linked to: _____________________________________________________

And over all less ______________, something that some claim helps them be more creative.

However, when using too much or for too long users may experience: __________________


Cognitive effects of marijuana use include:

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

The most affected part of the brain is the _____________________

Which is responsible for______________________________

What is the difference in the brain between “early onset users” and those that use later in life? ______________________________________________________________________

Why do most people think “pot is safe”? _________________________________________

There is no longer a scientific debate… Marijuana is both _____________________ addictive as well as _______________________ addictive.

When you smoke marijuana the cannabinoids cause your brain to _____________________.

So when you stop smoking you have no ___________________ left in your brain, causing most users to feel like they need to _________________________, which leads to addiction.


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