Gowning Tidbits - Trent University

Student Gowning Tidbits

All students will be gowned in the Bailey Family Fitness Studio of the Athletics Centre


Tuesday, June 5 – 10:00 a.m.

← Doctor of Philosophy –Red Gown, Red hood with green & gold piping, Green velvet hat (Green stole with Feathers worn overtop of hood for Indigenous Studies Ph.D.)

← Masters of Arts – Green gown with long sleeves, hoods have 1 side completely white

← Masters of Science – Green gown with long sleeves, hoods have 1 side completely gold

← Masters of Education – Green gown with long sleeves, hoods have 1 side completely blue

← Bachelor of Education – Undergraduate degree, Hoods with Blue trim

Tuesday, June 5 –2:00 p.m.

← Bachelor of Business Administration - Hoods are Copper Trim

← Bachelor of Arts Honours with joint major in Business Administration – Hoods are White

← Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (Computing & Information Systems, Economics, Mathematical Computer Science, and Mathematics) – Hoods White for Arts, Gold for Science

← Certificates – No hood is worn

Wednesday, June 6 --10:00 a.m.

← Bachelor of Environmental Science/Studies Degree – Hoods are Light green trim

← Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (Ecological Restoration, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental and Resource Science/Studies, Geography, Indigenous Environmental Studies, Indigenous Studies, and Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems) – Hoods White for Arts, Gold for Science

← Diplomas in Indigenous Environmental Studies – Hoods are mostly all green with a thin white strip (different shaped hood)

Wednesday, June 6 – 2:00 p.m.

← Bachelor of Arts (Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, Canadian Studies, Cultural Studies, English Literature, Gender & Women’s Studies, History, Journalism, Media Studies, Philosophy) – Hoods are White for Arts

Thursday, June 7 –10:00 a.m.

← Bachelor of Social Work – Hoods are Purple

← Bachelor of Arts and/or Bachelor of Science (Psychology and Sociology) – Hood are White for Arts, Gold for Science

Thursday, June 7– 2:00 p.m.

← Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science – Hoods are Red

← Bachelor of Arts & Science Degree – Hoods have both white and gold in the trim

← Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (Joint majors with Forensics, Anthropology, Archaeology, French Studies, Hispanic Studies, International Development Studies, and Political Studies) – Hoods White for Arts, Gold for Science

Friday, June 8 – 10:00 a.m.

← Bachelor of Science Honours and General - (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Computing Systems & Physics, Mathematical Physics, and Physics) – Hoods are Gold

Friday, June 8 – 2:00 p.m.

← Bachelor of Science Nursing – Hoods are Peach or Apricot

Note: Students that have a joint major with Business or Forensics DO NOT wear the colour of the professional program. Once it’s a joint major, the degree is either a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. If they have an issue with this, please have them discuss with Registrar’s Office reps.

If students are refusing to wear regalia, PLEASE CONTACT JOANNE. There is a radio in gowning.


← Students start arriving around 8:00-8:30 to be gowned for the morning ceremony. Students are checked in by the RO and receive their name card. Make sure the students hold onto this card!! They need to hand it to the Reader on stage to have their name read out. If their name is difficult to pronounce ASK THEM TO WRITE THEIR NAME PHONETICALLY SO IT IS PRONOUNCED CORRECTLY AS THEY CROSS THE STAGE.

← Once upstairs, volunteers hand students the proper sized gown for their height. Which is approximately:

o Small = to 5’3” or 162 cm

o Medium = 5’4” to 5’ 7” or 162-170 cm

o Large = 5’8” to 5’11” or 170-180 cm

o Extra Large = 6’ to 6’4” or 182-192 cm

o Extra Extra Large = over 6’4” or 193cm

Note: Weight is not a consideration. The gowns are roomy and worn open, so the only factor is height.

← Use Box 1 of any type of hood first!

← Volunteers may help the student into the gown and help to make the gown and hood straight and tidy before the student leaves the gowning room. Other volunteers can help pin the hoods in place.

← PLEASE DO NOT PIN PHD GOWNS ON THE SATIN!!! It is causing tears that ruin the gowns that cost $450! Please try the double-sided tape provided.

← If the student doesn’t have pockets for their student card, offer them a TrentU Card adhesive wallet for the back of their phone. If they don’t have their phone, offer to collect the student card and place it in the card box, alphabetically by last name.

← Students should go to the Marshalling field, via the stairs at the other end of AC, outside to the tent.

← Group photos with Miranda Studios this year: Nursing, Business, Forensics, Education, and Social Work. These students need to be out at the Marshalling Tent an hour before the ceremony starts.

← At the marshalling field, they pick up a filled water bottle so they have water on stage.

← Students return to the gowning room after the ceremony (between approximately 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) to return their gowns and hoods.

← After returning their gowns students walk along the hall to pick up their degree certificates, Alumni package and a Trent Annual Yearbook in the “mezzanine” area in front of FS2, then exit by the stairs to the lobby.

← At the same time, students are arriving to be gowned for the afternoon ceremony and the cycle repeats. Students return from the afternoon ceremony (between approx. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.) to return their gown and pick up their degree certificates.

← Lunch is from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the LEC Dining Hall and generally volunteers go over in shifts so that there is always someone in the gowning room. Sandwiches will be provided in the gowning room as it is difficult to get away for lunch. Name tags will also be provided in the gowning room– please wear to help identify yourself to the students.

← There are always late students. If they can still catch the procession, radio the marshals to tell them that someone is coming late. Give them a gown and hood and have someone escort them to catch the procession. If it is too late to join the procession, then send them to the Bata bus loop where they will be brought onto the stage.

← During the last session on Friday – all gowns can be hung up

← Sometimes students will de-gown and then come back and ask for a gown to take pictures. This is ok but make sure you insist they remember to bring their gown back.

← If the student isn’t sure what degree they are graduating with, then check to see if it is written on their marshalling card or go to the Registrar’s office check in and ask them so you can assign the proper hood to them.

← Other questions you may get from students:

← Is my gown long enough? Gowns should fall just below the knee – but as long as it doesn’t look like a mini skirt it is fine if it is a little shorter.

← How do I hold this gown together? Trent gowns are open faced style.

← Does the hood pull up? No you wear it on your shoulders.

← Where do I go from here? To the marshalling field (down the stairs at the far end of the AC, outside under the tent.

← Was this gown cleaned since last year? Probably - gowns are cleaned on a rotating basis.

Thank you for helping!!!!!


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