CT.GOV-Connecticut's Official State Website

Educational Planning Post Test

1. Explain what a GED is and how could you get one? A GED (general equivalency degree) is a diploma for graduating high school if all the requirements were not complete. The person takes a series of tests to determine if they have the knowledge of a high school graduate. You can get one by signing up to take the exam in your local area.

2. Match the following job with the educational requirements needed.

a. Barber/hairdresser 1. PhD

b. Teacher 2. License

c. Doctor 3. Bachelor’s Degree

d. Delivery person 4. GED

3. True or False: Job Corps is free technical training with help that remains with you through the entire program until you get a job.

4. Where or who would you contact in order to get your school transcripts?

a. Contact your school

b. Contact the school board

c. Ask your mom

d. You don’t really need them

5. Explain the difference between a grant and a loan. A grant is an award of financial assistance from a federal agency to a recipient (individual or business) to carry out a public purpose, but is not required to repay the money. A loan is money that is given to an individual for school or other purposes in which the money is to be paid back with interest.

6. Which of the following is NOT a place to find out about adult education?

a. Job Corps

b. Connecticut Adult Ed

c. Your local Adult Ed program

d. Your high school

7. Mark an “X” next to the statements which offer financial aid or scholarships

X Online resources

X The school you are attending/planning to attend

X Federal grants

X Ask employers

X Work study

X Federal/Private loans

8. How would your living situation be different from currently if you had more education and a better job? Individual should state they could make more money, live in a nicer apartment, live in a better part of town, have more money to budget etc.


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