Back-to-School Checklist Notes

Back-to-School Checklist

For Your School and Classroom

FINALIZE THE THEME OF YOUR CLASSROOM. Choose a theme that will give you and your students the momentum and bond you want to create. Decorate your door, too! Notes:

GET YOUR SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS IN ORDER. Organize the gradebooks, student supplies, classroom technology, textbooks, and other items you'll need for the school year. Notes:

ORGANIZE YOUR CLASSROOM LIBRARY. Build and expand your selection. Find books and authors to highlight and extend your theme. Notes:

WRITE UP A LIST OF CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND POLICIES. Place them prominently in your classroom for everyone to see! Leave a few blanks for student contributions. Notes:

DRAW UP A LIST OF FIRST-DAY ICEBREAKERS. Think about how you can have students introduce themselves to one another in a fun way! Search Twitter and Google for innovative ideas. Notes:

PLAN HOW YOU WILL INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO STUDENTS. Also find ways for students to connect with each other. Notes:

CALL YOUR PRINCIPAL AND ASK IF ANY SUPPORT IS NEEDED. Jump in and help infuse school culture! Notes:

DOUBLE CHECK YOUR CLASSROOM DESIGN. Walk the room. Imagine the students entering. Weigh whether you want to give students assigned seats. Notes:

DOWNLOAD CLASSROOM RESOURCES AND INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS. Make copies of worksheets that are ready to go with lesson plans. Notes:

STAY PRODUCTIVE WITH CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY. Create a bookmark folder for all websites you will use for instruction and ones students need. Keep a chart of user names and passwords in a secure location. Notes:

DO A FINAL DUST AND DISINFECTION OF CLASSROOM FURNITURE AND TECH. This includes keyboards, tops of desks, and furniture. Notes:


CREATE A WELCOME PACK FOR NEW TEACHERS. Reflect on the best advice you received and pass it on to your teacher BFFs! Notes:

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Back-to-School Checklist

For Your Own Self Care

WRAP UP YOUR SUMMER READING. Closure will help free your mind before heading back to school! Notes:

DECIDE ON A PERSONAL READING SCHEDULE. Keep some of the freedom of mind from the summer working for you throughout the year. Notes:

CRAM IN A WEEK OF BINGE-WATCHING TEACHER-FRIENDLY MOVIES. Remember the importance of laughing at yourself, creating the important relationships, and loving the profession. Notes:

CLEAN OUT ANY BOOKBAGS WITH BELONGINGS FROM LAST YEAR. If you haven't touched it and the stuff is not going to benefit your new school year kickoff, let it go. Notes:

CREATE YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL PLAYLIST. Choose favorite songs that inspire you and can get you excited for the new school year. Notes:

STOCK UP ON YOUR FAVORITE COFFEE AND QUICK PROTEIN SNACKS. Place your go-to coffee mug on your desk and another one in the teacher's lounge or work room. Notes:

PICK OUT YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL OUTFIT. Dress to impress for your first day! Notes:

SCHEDULE YOUR DAILY MINDFULNESS MOMENT. Organize readings, podcasts, and music to help you stick to this important self-care time. Notes:

PLAN YOUR FAVORITE MEAL FOR THE NIGHT BEFORE THE FIRST DAY. Get energized for the first week back in the classroom. You'll need it! Notes:

SYNC UP WITH YOUR TEACHER BEST FRIEND. Don't forget to call all your friends and wish them the best. Notes:

SET YOUR ALARM. Give yourself extra time the first day to commute and welcome your students (and possibly their parents!). Notes:

HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF. Wake up on the first and say, "I am awesome. My students are awesome. Today is going to be a great day!" Notes:

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