
Minutes, Dalry Primary School Parent and Carer Council. 15th September 2020. 5.30pm on MS TeamsPresent.Jamila Moore, Jocelyn Lockhart, Elaine Honeyman, Maria Teresa de Haro, Anup Mohapatra, Catherine Smith, Kirsty Flowers, Arun Gopinath, Harmeher, Emily Ballard Nairn, Alex, Sandy, Hisham I. M. Abdel-Magid, Sreehari, Rawshan.Apologies: Carolina Martin.Minutes from last meeting approved.Head Teachers Report from Mrs Honeyman, see attached.Questions from HT report:Following from the recent incident on a reported case in the school. Under what circumstances would the school need to close? The decision about whether to close due to an outbreak would be taken by the Health Protection Team not by the school.After the cut then reinstatement of the school’s EAL provision, does the school have all the resources it needs at the moment?At the moment yes, at the moment teachers are assessing pupils and their progress over lockdown, some pupils will have more of a gap than others.What is a Parent Council? Report from 2019-20 from the Jamila.Mridul have a summary of The EAL campaign – the school had its EAL provision cut, so the Parent Council raised a petition in protest and had several meetings with councillors and had two articles in the Evening News. Eventually the cuts were rolled back, and the school was given some more resources to help with adminThe PC had a successful bake sale to raise money for the school Christmas trip.Question from Parent: What is the money raised by the parent council used for?Maite gave a summary of some of the regular expenditures including pupil of the week, P7 leavers party, rabbits and other pets needs, and the library project has separate fundraising goals.It was suggested that some of the funds should be spent on a new noticeboard for the PC, and that we should look to place it outside the fence as not all parents go inside the school at the moment.Unfortunately, the Library Project had two funding applications rejected but it did have a ?650 donation from a Parent’s employer for STEM books.It was suggested that the Library Project may have failed because we were not able to demonstrate its impacts effectively, and that funders saw the library as the responsibility of the Local Authority. Also, which funds the project can apply for is limited as we are not a SCIO.Question about fundraising, has the parent council approached local businesses etc asking for money or donations of books?-Not recently, this should be explored further.Further discussion on what is the role of the parent council now that we cannot meet in person. There was a suggestion that WhatsApp groups may be more important and that they should be refreshed. It was pointed out that the WhatsApp groups are not on the website currently and a plan was made to update the website text.Question from Parent: When deciding how to allocate funds is it possible to emphasise the IT infrastructure?EH – the school is well off now in terms of IT, for example there are a lot of iPads, however this may not be sustainable as they become obsolete quickly.There was a suggestion that we investigate an online reading platform, for the library project.Parent Council Survey. 11 parents took the surveyHalf preferred a video meeting to in person meeting, half were happy to do either in person or video5pm was the most popular time for a meeting, with later in the evening (eg. 7pm) being the second most popular.Parents would like to be more involved in social events and the library project.There was a suggestion for peer to peer support between parents.Election of Post HoldersChair: Jamila Moore re-elected as chair. Nominated by Arun, seconded by Emily.Vice Chair: Carolina Martin re-elected as Vice chair. Nominated by Mridul, seconded by Maite.Treasurer: Maite de Haro re-elected as Treasurer. Nominated by Jocelyn, seconded by Emily.No election of new secretary, due to lack of volunteers. Jocelyn will continue as acting Secretary temporarily.Next Meeting: Early November. ................

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