Style Show Script Form - Iowa State University

2019 Style Show Script Form

Please write below a script that you would like the announcer to read as you model your outfit for public revue at the fair. Your narrative should contain 3 things: (1) Your name and club 2) information about the outfit you are modeling (3) information about your achievements, activities, or goals

Sample #1: Name, from the local club name 4-H Club models an outfit she selected for dressy occasions. The versatile two piece navy blue skirt and top can be worn with many other clothes in her wardrobe. Name has been in 4-H three years. She enjoys bike riding and ready mystery novels in her spare time.

Sample #2: Representing the local club name 4-H Club, Name is wearing an outfit he selected for school and casual events. Khaki pants are complemented with a dark brown tweed sweater that he wears over a turquoise-blue madras-plaid shirt. Name is president of his 4-H club and recently attended the Iowa Youth and 4-H Conference at Iowa State University. He plans to study agricultural business in college.

Sample #3: Name from the local club name 4-H Club is modeling the dress she wore to prom. This simple, but elegant A-line dress is made of sapphire blue woven polyester crepe. It has front and back princess seams and a back zipper. With matching sapphire ear rings and a necklace Name is all set for the prom. This fall name plans to attend College name.

Please bring this form with you to the judging on Wednesday, July 17.


Style Show Script




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