Holocaust QR Scavenger Hunt.docx - Weebly

JohnsonEnglish 9AVocabulary for Night 1. prostrate 2. interlude QR Code for the rest of the vocabulary terms.3. reprieve 4. rations 5. dysentery 6. robust 7. quarantine 8. apathy 9. humane 10. grimace 11. nocturnal 12. livid 13. pious 14. interminable 15. wizened16. morale 17. infernal 18. refuge 19. oppressive 20. expelledQR Code: Historical and Background Information for NightWho was Oscar Schindler? When was Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany?Explain a “Volk” community.What was the Reichstag?Describe Synchronization.Who were the Gestapo?The Nazi Censors burned which book?Who belonged to the Aryan race? Physical Features?Nazi leaders viewed Jews as?What happened on July 18, 1925?Define “Blitzkrieg.”Germany defeats Poland in _________________.German forces attack the Soviet Union in _______________.June 6, 1941 is known as ______________.Nazi Germany surrendered in _______________.What was the T-4 program? What did the program do?By the end of 1940, the number of Jews executed approached ______________. This number increased to about one million by _______________.Bread and soup were the staples of the _________________.QR Code: Historical and Background Information for NightQR Code: Historical and Background Information for NightQR Code: Historical and Background Information for Night ................

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