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The Avrom Silver Jerusalem College for Adults - Dean, Rabbi Sholom Gold, is the educational component of the Seymour J. Abrams ?Orthodox Union ?Jerusalem World Center and incorporates all the classes & lectures of the OU Israel Center. "Regular" IC classes & lectures - 20? members, 25? non- members. Life members 5? No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Membership 250? couple, 180? single.

Programs of the Center are partially funded by the Jewish Agency for Israel

Schedule for Erev Shabbat to Erev Shabbat, 4-11 Tammuz (June 30 -July 7)


zay axr

9:00am men &

Overview of Pirkei Avot


Rabbi Chaim Eisen

Friday EVE

zay lil

"Early Shabbat Minyan"

Mincha 15 mins. or so before Plag; Kabbalat Shabbat after Plag

Erev Shabbat Chukat, Friday June 30th

Mincha will be 6:05pm, Plag is 6:20pm, Kabbalat Shabbat, Maariv Balak 6:05 ?Pinchas 6:05 ?Matot-Mas'ei 6:02 ?D'varim 5:58

Shabbat day

ycew zay

Shabbat Parshat Chukat, July 1st, 5:00pm (Mincha at 6:00)

Memorial Shiur on the 6th yahrzeit of

Herman (Hy) Faverman l"f

Ben Hei Hei Confronts the Copper Serpent

Where Parsha & Perek meet

Rabbi Eddie Abramson


Ezer Kenegdo Matchmaking ? Confidential ~ Sincere ~ Professional

Office Hours: 1:30-9:30pm Sunday-Thursday ? Call Ayalah Haas (02)566-6039 ?

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage A ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue


zay i`ven

Motza"Sh Parshat Chukat, July 1st, 9:30pm sharp

What is not?reported in the media about the policies of Olmert and Abbas that you need to know

David Bedein

Investigative Journalist

SUN -Thu in the Ganchrow Beis Medrash (first floor)

resumes IY"H July 16th

Masechet Kiddushin with Rabbi Pesach (Paul) Greenman


Mincha (this time stays the same throughout the year)

on hold

Daf Yomi by Rabbi Shmuel Halpern


Shiur in oixcdpq zkqn by Rabbi Hillel Ruvel


N'shei Library 10:30-12:45

oey`x mei

9:30am women only









Golda Warhaftig

Let's Learn Chumash 10:30am

women only

Tonia Frohwein



Shprintzee Herskovits

Sundays at 12:30pm ?Creative Life Education ?with Aharon Romm The Master Key to Living (not just Existing)

Pri Chadash Women's Writing Workshop

Sundays 5:20-7:20pm

with Ruth Fogelman (628-7359) and Judy Caspi (054-569-0401)

Sunday 7:30pm

men & women

Issues in Jewish Thought

as they emerge from the Torah with the help of Ramban's Commentary

Rabbi Chaim Eisen

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage B ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue

Sunday, July 2, 8:00pm Book launching and lecture by Rabbi Marc Angel

"Rabbi Haim David Halevy - His Life and Legacy" on the occasion of the publication of his new book: Rabbi Haim David Halevy: Gentle Scholar and Courageous Thinker (Urim) ?Books w/b on sale


N'SHEI LIBRARY 10:00-12:30


men & women


10:30am men & women

Rambam's 13 Principles

ipy mei

Mrs. Pearl Borow

Rabbi Zev Leff

MON 11:35am: Jewish History Series by Dr. Henry Goldblum

Coming the the 30s c.e. -More on the Legacy of Herod -and of a cruel Pilate

Fit Forever: Look & Feel your Best!

Call Sura Faecher 993-2524

Exercise for women of all ages, Mondays 11:35-12:30pm

Gentle exercises to improve flexibility, circulation, posture, etc. Breathing and relaxation skills to use every day.

Monday, July 3rd, 12:30pm, in the Library (free)

"Music Maestro"Extremely well done video on the life and music of Felix Mendelssohn, child prodigy, musical giant, and grandson of Moses Mendelssohn. The documentary contains magnificent concert performances of Mendelssohn's work.

Women's Beit Midrash MON (and WED) 2:30-4:30pm

Acquire study skills and knowledge crucial to your life as a Jew - join us!

SHIR HASHIRIM with Pearl Borow Fine-Tuning Mitzvot - Phil Chernofsky

MASK -Mothers & Fathers Aligned Saving Kids

J'lem Chapter at the Israel Center ? maskjerusalem. ? 050-754-2717 NEXT MEETING: Monday, July 3rd, 7:30-9:30pm with Dr. Judy Belsky

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage C ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue

Monday, July 3rd, 7:30pm (Maariv follows shiur - 8:30pm approx.)

Why is Bil'am's MA TOVU so special that it opens up our daily prayer? Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher

Mondays, 8:30pm ?AM SEGULA presents:

"Curing the Jewish Heart"with Eli Yosef The History of the Zionist movement understood through the teachings of the Maharal of Prague


iyily mei

The Israel Center and the Old City Free Loan Association 18th year ?over 4000 loans granted

Gemach - Free Loan Society

to provide interest-free loans for people in financial distress (living in the Jerusalem area).

Interviews at the Center on Tuesdays from 10:00-12:00 and 19:00-20:30 ? Please bring ID

Tuesdays Haftara of the week


Rabbi Aharon Adler

Tuesdays 10:15am

Pirkei Avot

Rabbi Sholom Gold

11:00am M&W

12:00n women


Rabbi Eddie Abramson

Review of the weekly Farbrengens of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Raizel Zisk

Tuesdays, 12:00-2:00pm ? for women only ? with Mrs. Esther Sutton

Inspiration & Creation A workshop combining stimulating j

Torah topics and sources, with internalization through our own creativity...

"Taste & see (experience) that HaShem is good..." ...'d aeh ik e`xe enrh

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage D ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue

Tuesday, July 4th, 12:30pm, in the Library (free)

" Is Relative Morality a Moral Stance?" Rabbi Macy Gordon

Tuesday, July 4 - 2:00pm

"Victory at Entebbe"

Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Miracle in Uganda by enjoying this film. All-star cast: Burt Lancaster, Elizabeth Taylor, Kirk Douglas, Anthony Hopkins, Richard Dreyfuss, this movie was nominated for 4 Emmy Awards. (2 hours)

UPCOMING... Tuesday, July 18, 7:00pm - A very special evening - The ICVC is extremely pleased and proud to announce that Mr. Willy Lindwer, internationally acclaimed filmmaker, will be with us. He will present his Int'l Emmy award-winning documentary, "The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank". Mr. Lindwer's parents were among the 10% of Dutch Jews who survived the Holocaust... Anne Frank's diary ended three days before her family was discovered in that famous Amsterdam attic... Her fate was a mystery for decades. In the 1990s, Mr. Lindwer set out to solve that mystery. This film tells what happened to Anne after the family was captured through the testimony of seven women who survived the hell from which Anne never returned... "The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank"is the powerful and unforgettable completion of the most famous individual story to have emerged from the Holocaust. The ICVC is very fortunate to have Mr. Lindwer present his film. In addition, he has agreed to discuss the movie and take questions after its screening...

Bet Midrash Ra'ava and the OU Israel Center present...

A lecture series in Mesechet Kiddushin

Topic: A Deeper Appreciation of Jewish Marriage and the Jewish Family

Tuesday evenings, 7:00-9:00pm (1hr hour chavruta prep and 1hr shiur

For more information contact Rabbi Mendy Blank ?(02) 561-7597 ?052-894-4876

Meet our M'forshim Tuesdays, 8:00pm

Meet different Torah commentaries, spanning the time from the second Beit HaMikdash through the period of the Geonim, Medieval times, Rishonim, early Acharonim, up to the end of the 19th century.

Given by Rabbi Yonatan Kolatch

This time without the choir master

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage E ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue


iriax mei

Wednesdays, 9:20am ?Community & Conflict

Hareidism & Jewish Tradition

Rabbi Macy Gordon

Wednesdays, 10:45am

Parshat HaShavua Rabbi Yosef Wolicki


Songs from T'hilim - Meaning & Melodies

Wednesdays, 11:30am ?men & women

Stories of Inspiration & Chesed

Share these stories and make a difference

with Jackie Lowenstein

Wednesday, July 5th, 12:30pm, in the Library (free)

"Kibud Av vaEm" (Honoring One's Parents)

Rabbi Zev Leff

Women's Beit Midrash with Pearl Borow

1st hour: Connecting to T'hilim

Wed. 2:30-4:30pm

2nd hour: Textual Study of Chumash & Rashi

Wed. 7:30pm

men & women

Jewish Philosophy

Rambam's Guide for the Perplexed

Mussar in the Guide

Rambam's extraordinary conclusion to his epic work

Rabbi Chaim Eisen

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage F ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue


iying mei

Shiur/Divrei Torah while you fold

Thursday, 11:00-12:50

The Prophecies of Yirmiyahu Today

with Dr. Hayim Abramson

Jewish stories with audience participation

Suitable for children 2 yrs and up

with Lynnie Mirvis

Thursday, July 6th, 4:00pm

Root & Branch Association in cooperation with the Israel Center

Thursday, July 6th ?19:30

"Reclaiming the Temple Mount"

by Mr. David HaIvri Chairman, Revava [];

Author, "Reclaiming the Temple Mount" (Jerusalem, HaMeir L'David, 2006)

M.C. Mr. Reuven Kossover ?Opening Remarks: Mr. Aryeh Gallin, Founder and President, Root & Branch Info:, NIS 25 per person, members NIS 20, students NIS 10


zay axr

9:00am men &

Overview of Pirkei Avot


Rabbi Chaim Eisen

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage G ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue

UPCOMING at the Israel Center

Shabbat Parshat Balak, July 8th, 5:00pm (Mincha at 6:00)

From Prophecy to Perfidy

Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Poupko

Monday, July 10, 10:00am-3:00pm


Monday, July 10, 7:00pm mOVIEtIME

The award-winning 1981 film of Chaim Potok's novel of two Jewish teens who become friends and are fascinated by each other's lives - the one from an ultra-Orthodox family; the other from a modern Orthodox home. A story of 60 years ago... and of today. With Maximilian Schell, Rod Steiger, Robby Benson, Barry Miller. 1h48m

Thursday, July 13, SHIV'A ASAR B'TAMMUZ

5:30pm 6:45pm 7:45pm 8:10pm

Shiur by Rabbi Yosef Adler Mincha (slow-paced) Mini-shiur & review for the Three Weeks Maariv and fast-breaking refreshments

Shabbat Parshat Pinchas, July 15th, 5:00pm (Mincha at 6:00)

Yaacov Peterseil & Co.

Motza'ei Shabbat Parshat Pinchas, July 15th, 9:30pm SHARP

Another reason to mourn... Why the Bank of Israel was in the Holy Temple

Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher

Sunday, July 16th, 8:00pm

Har HaBayit - Yesterday & Today with Nachman Kupietzky

Israel Center TT #721 ? BackPage H ? CHUKAT (Korach) 5766 issue


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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