Conversion to Governmental Suite Version 2

Kansas Budget Master – Initial Installation and Upgrade Procedures

Author: Steve L. Seawall, CPA Copyright 2020 Custom Micro Works All rights reserved

Revised 6/20/2020

Before You Start

This document describes the installation procedures for Kansas Budget Master (KBM) Version 202X.XX. Please contact technical support for assistance on any of the instructions below, as well as the startup procedures in the KBM Budget Overview.

• Installation Requirements. KBM requires Windows 10 at a minimum. It is no longer supported for Windows operating systems prior to Windows 10.

• KBM and Your Network. KBM can be installed on your network. The “host” computer (for KBM purposes) is the one the KBM data warehouse (main production database) is installed on. Any remote computer will be able to connect to the KBM data warehouse on the host computer so long as the network has already been set up. These installation instructions focus on installing KBM on the host computer. Separate instructions are provided for installing KBM on remote computers.

Suggestion: Do not begin any remote installations until after KBM is up and running on the host computer!

• Installation Procedures. The installation procedures involve installing the necessary software and getting the database ready for data entry. This is a one-time procedure, and should take no more than 30 minutes.

Installation Files:

1) KBMSetup201101.exe (60 MB),

2) KBM Upgrade (most recent upgrade)

3) Access Database Engine (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe)

4) WinZip90.exe

The files needed to install KBM can be downloaded from the CMW website. A CD is available on request. The installation files should be copied to the folder C:\KBMClientCD. If you have a CD – 1) insert the CD into your host computer’s CD ROM drive, and 2) copy the KBMClientCD folder on the CD to your hard drive (i.e., C:\).

Suggestion: If you do not have a KBM installation CD, you should go to the website and download the files you need before you begin the installation process. We suggest you copy the files to a newly created folder – C:\KBMClientCD.

• Installation Files. Some or all of the following files are needed to install KBM, depending on your circumstances. Each file is discussed separately to help you determine if it is needed.

KBMSetup201101.exe (60 MB). This setup file must be installed first. When you install it, you should right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator. Follow the prompts until the installation is finished. If this file has already been installed on your computer is does not need to be installed again.

KBM Upgrade. You should install the most recent KBM upgrade on the CMW Website. This upgrade should be installed after the “Setup” file has been installed, and it should be installed in the same manner (i.e., right-click and Run as Administrator).

Access Database Engine (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe). KBM employs a Microsoft Access database. This file must be installed for the Access database to be functional. To repeat, it should be installed similarly (i.e., right-click and Run as Administrator).

WinZip90.exe. Because some of your KBM backup files are created in a “zip” format, you can install this application and use it to “unzip” the zipped backup files if necessary.

Initial Installation

The following files need to be installed to use KBM for the first time. For the most part, the KBM installation procedure is performed for you automatically. For your convenience, it will install a KBM icon. To install KBM follow these steps:

Step 1. Locate the “Setup” file (KBMSetup201101.exe), right-click, and run as administrator.

Step 2. Locate the most recent KBM upgrade, right-click, and run as administrator.

Step 3. Locate the Access Database Engine (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe), right-click, and run as administrator. Note: If the file is already installed on your computer it need not be re-installed.

Step 4. Locate the WinZip file (WinZip90.exe), right-click, and run as administrator. Note: this file is not required for KBM.

The installation procedure will install the files needed to run KBM. Be default, the files will be copied to the folder C:\KBMWIN. For all installations, including network installations, the application files should be copied to the local hard drive (i.e., the C: drive). For networks, you can store the data files on a shared drive. Data files are created when you create your client databases.

When you are ready to get started, locate the KBM icon on your desktop, right-click, and run as administrator. The KBM main menu screen will appear. The startup procedures are discussed in the KBM Budget Overview document.

Installation of Upgrades

Installing upgrades is as easy as installing the original program. The following questions and answers should help you to better understand the upgrade process.

← What is an upgrade? An upgrade is a revision to the prior version of software program. An upgrade makes some type of change to the original program and is always identified with a new version number.

← Why do we need upgrades? Upgrades are intended to achieve one or more of the following purposes: 1) to correct one or more problems with the existing program, 2) to improve the usability of the existing program, or 3) to add one or more new features to the existing program.

← Must I install every upgrade? Generally, you should install every upgrade. How critical the upgrade is, depends on the reason for the upgrade. If the upgrade provides a new feature that you are interested in, you must install the upgrade to use the new feature. It never does any harm to install a new upgrade, even if it seemingly does not affect you.

← Will I be notified of upgrades? Generally, you will not be notified of upgrades directly. You should visit our website at periodically for upgrade information. This means at least once a week. However, if you are experiencing a problem you should not hesitate to contact technical support.

← How do I get an upgrade? Upgrades are distributed in the form of an executable file. To upgrade your software program you must first get a copy of the file and then run (execute) the upgrade file on your computer. The upgrade file can be downloaded from the website, or it can be installed directly from the website.

← How do I install an upgrade? Installing an upgrade file is similar to installing the original software in that you must execute a single file name and the installation is, for the most part, automatic. The difference is that the file name is different. The upgrade file name that you must execute will depend on the upgrade version. For example, an upgrade to Kansas Budget Master, version 2020.01, would use the file name: kbmupg202002.exe.

← What if I Missed a Version Update? As discussed earlier, you should not be concerned about installing all upgrades. Most upgrades are intended to fix specific problems. In many cases the problem is limited to a small number of users. That is, the problem is encountered only in very peculiar circumstances that most users will not experience. At the same time, it does not hurt to install a new upgrade even though you do not experience the problem the upgrade is intended to fix.

When you install an upgrade, it does not matter if you did not install one or more earlier upgrades. Any upgrade that you install will automatically install all earlier upgrades at the same time automatically.


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