GREEN FUTURE: THE URBAN AGRICULTURE PROJECT1. SUMMARYSummary: This category has the objective to design and build a system of Urban Backyard following the steps of the engineering method. Once the system is built each group will test and evaluate the prototype using the design criteria analyzing the production.Members: 2-3Assessor: Maritza Moya: 10, 11, 122. PROJECT STRUCTUREPHASE 1: PROJECT PROPOSALObjective Provide a clear picture of the implications and the challenges of your idea.Define the need (importance of the project and current situation)Target group (identifying target groups and their needs)Express the goal (describes the project’s outcomes in a measurable way) Type of plants (ornamental, aromatic, vegetables…)Design requirementsState the important characteristics that your design must meet in order to be successful establishing design criteria and constraintsTechnical requirements (pots, portable, upside-down, vertical wall, green roofs, holding gardens…) Material limitations (recycled materials, total cost, …)Inputs/outputs (water use, quantity produced, …)User requirements (overall dimensions, soil, sun exposure, …)IdeationWhen solving a design problem, there are always many possible good solutions. Generate at least 3 possible design ideas that can fit in your -Design Requirements-. You can include existing solutions and generate your own ideas. Think outside the box. No solutions are impossible during the ideation phase, so consider even the craziest of ideas. For each idea include:ExplanationList of materials Sketch drawing of the design Select the best optionWeigh your ideas against one another based on your -Design Requirements-. Evaluate the pros and cons of the alternative designs and select one. Does it really meet the goals set initially?Does it meet the requirements in our problem?Do we have access to the budget—enough to implement the design?Is the technology available?Will we be able to roll it out with the available resources?Prototype design5.1 Technical details (design drawings, watering system, weed management, volumes) Materials5.3 Constructions Steps Crop selection 6.1 Define Environmental ConditionsMedia and nutrition, light, water, temperature, humidity, …)6.2 Crop SelectionSelection of crops by environmental necessities 6.3 Plantation Crop organization (Design Drawing)Seedbed preparationSowingStages of crop development6.4 Crop Management Water requirements and pest and diseasesPHASE 2: PROJECT EVALUATIONPrototype EvaluationEvaluate the prototype using the design criteria and make design changesCrop Production: Quantitative analysis: Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by UseCommunication Defend your product from both ergonomics and aesthetics point of view creating one of the following products:Video Advertising: Record a video where you expose your product and recommend it for selling. Catalog: Design a catalog where you expose your product and defend it from both ergonomics and aesthetics point of view.EXAMPLES132905519894550038735200342500right194056000left844550024961858763000left297928800right29675610024765106045000right106045000 ................

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