Architectural Design & Landscape Guidelines


“Conway Farms is a 400 acre property developed as a planned, managed, open-space community. The master plan for Conway Farms involves paths, lakes and fairways which are protected from development, ensuring a landscape that will always dominate over structure, and provide open vistas.”

“The purpose of the Architectural Review Board (ARB) is to create quality properties that are integrated with the landscape and open space of Conway Farms. The ARB works to ensure the highest standards of quality and character established by the Developer, and which are articulated in the (1) Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs). The (2) ARB Guidelines is a central reference document, governing said character and quality of the entire development.”

Dear Conway Farms Homeowners:

This document is intended to concisely RESTATE some of the principles described in other documents such as the CCRs and ARB Guidelines. In the event of a conflict between this document, and either the CCRs or ARB Guidelines, the latter control. Where ambiguities exist, the decision of the ARB shall prevail. Please refer to the full, comprehensive set of CCRs and ARB Guidelines (which also can be found on the CFHOA website) for further information. Questions should be directed to the ARB or your neighborhood Board representative.

All play and sport equipment structures, landscaping plans, and architectural plans MUST be submitted to ARB for approval BEFORE installation. Sensitivity should be shown for impact upon neighbors, including but not limited to views; and neighbors’ input must be secured. No owner shall cause, permit or allow any activity which in the view of the Board may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other owners.

At the time we purchased our properties each of us agreed to adhere to Association rules. Many homeowners bought in Conway Farms because of expectations for the kind of community that those rules would ensure. Ignoring the Association rules not only violates contractual commitments, but also represents a disregard for others in the community who follow the rules and expect others to do so also.

Very truly yours,

Board of Directors

Conway Farms Homeowners Association


No play or sport equipment shall be allowed in the front yard setback. In the case of corner lots, no play or sport equipment shall be allowed in the front yard setbacks and side yard setbacks adjacent to the main street (Conway Farms Drive). In the case of corner lots, any play or sport equipment displayed in the backyard must be screened from view of the main street (Conway Farms Drive).

All play or sport equipment shall be made of components in the green to brown color range; that is, subdued colors of the natural landscape.

No seasonal portable equipment shall be stored during season on driveways or near garage doors where it is visible from the street.

At the end of the season, all seasonal equipment must be removed from “perimeter areas of lot” and stored indoors.

Includes, but not limited to:

• Hockey/Soccer Nets (frame and net)

• Badminton/Volleyball Nets (frame and net)

• Hammocks (frame and sling)

• Trampolines (frame and sling)

• Portable Outdoor Play Equipment

• School and/or School Team Signs (removed when applicable sport season ends)

• Pet Play/Training Equipment

• Above-ground kiddie pools


No owner shall cause, permit or allow … (a) construction or installation of any structure on a Perimeter Area of a Lot other than: ….(iv) swingsets or other playground equipment APPROVED by the ARB.

If Temporary Seasonal Structures are considered, these shall in all instances require ARB review and approval.

Includes, but not limited to:

• Hockey/Ice Skating Rinks

o (includes, but not limited to: base, frames, walls, backboards, tarps, etc.)


Consideration for all Permanent Structures and Landscaping requires ARB review and approval of design, location and landscaping.

Includes, but not limited to:

• Basketball Hoops or Backstops

• Swing sets and other Playground equipment (green to brown color range; that is, subdued colors of natural landscape)

• Decks, Patios, Terraces, Pergolas

• Fences (as required by law)

• Awnings

o Metal or plastic awnings are prohibited

o Fabric awnings must be approved by the ARB


All exterior lighting is subject to ARB review and approval prior to installation.


• Low voltage landscape lighting, not more than 24” in height and using a “warm white bulb of 20 watts or less”. May be used in rear patio areas, and to illuminate a front walkway from driveway to front porch area.

Prohibited (includes, but not limited to):

• Lighting along a driveway

• Any Portable or Freestanding Lights

• Spot Lights

• Flood Lights

• Lights mounted in or attached to trees


Only if absolutely necessary. Should be of brown or beige color.

If deemed necessary, should be removed no later than May 1st.

Includes, but not limited to:

• Outdoor furniture (all stored on patio during off season)

• Fountains

• Firepits


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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