Ozone Treatment of Tooth Decay - Austin Ozone

Tooth Decay

We have detected some tooth decay in one or more of your child’s teeth. Even if the decay involves baby teeth we need to treat this decay. The importance of the adult teeth is self evident however even the baby teeth play an important role in the development of your child’s mouth. Early loss of baby teeth can delay the eruption of the adult teeth and may lead to crowding of teeth later on. Severe decay or an abscess in a baby tooth can on occasion cause toothache or damage to the adult tooth developing below.

For these reasons we believe that it is important to treat tooth decay in the baby teeth as well as the adult teeth. In your child’s case we have two options. Whatever option you choose for your child, the team members will always try to provide dental care that is gentle, comfortable and as stress free as possible.

1. Filling

This is the traditional approach to treating tooth decay. Treatment may involve an injection to numb the tooth however it is possible under certain circumstances to fill baby painlessly teeth without requiring an injection. The decayed portion of the tooth is removed with a series of drills fast and slow and the resulting cavity is filled. Usually with a tooth coloured ( white ) filling material.

This treatment is tried an tested over many decades and is ( and will remain ) available to all of our child patients. This treatment is provided free under National Health Service Regulations.

2. Ozone Treatment

This is a totally new treatment which uses the strong disinfection power of Ozone gas to treat tooth decay. The process is totally safe and very effective. Scientific studies have been published which support this treatment as a successful alternative to traditional fillings. We have an extensive information leaflet available if you would like to know more.

Ozone treatment differs from a conventional filling in several ways

Firstly Ozone treatment gets rid of the cause of the decay in the tooth i.e. the decay causing bacteria

Ozone treatment Requires No Drilling, Has No Vibration and Produces Very Little Noise

Ozone treatment is totally painless and therefor no local anaesthetic is needed.

After Ozone treatment the decayed area is naturally repaired and strengthened.

This is achieved by using fluoride gels at home and for this we need your help.

This treatment is NOT currently available under the National Health Service ( despite our enquiries.) For this reason we are only able to provide this treatment on a Private basis, even for Children. In order to allow as many children to benefit from this new more comfortable treatment the Practice has taken a decision to provide Ozone Therapy at a highly subsidised rate for our child patients. The cost for this treatment is £30 for he first tooth and £10 for each additional tooth. This covers 2 separate visits usually 3 months apart to apply the ozone gas, fluoride remineralisation gels. Plus any necessary protective sealing afterwards.


Fillings For Children

Due to recent advances in dental techniques we now have more treatment options open to us than ever before when tooth decay strikes. This leaflet explains the choices that you have as a parent.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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