Drugs and Dosages for Equine Emergencies

Woodland View Equine Service

Dr. Michael Kline 11355 Ailes Rd. Maplewood, OH 45340 937-492-2451

Drugs and Dosages for Equine Emergencies

1. Banamine Paste A. Indications: Colic, musculoskeletal and eye pain. Muscle or eye pain. B. Dosage: Each dot is enough to treat 250 pounds worth. Give every 12-24 hours as needed.

2. Phenylbutazone Paste (Bute) A. Indications: Musculoskeletal pain or swelling. B. Dosage: 1 gram every 12 hours per adult horse.

3. SMZ-TMP tablets (an antibiotic) A. Indicatrions: For respiratory infections and for infected wounds. B. Dosage: 1 pill per 100 pounds every 12 hours for 5 days. Can be crushed up and added to the grain. Can, also, be dissolved in water and administered with a syringe orally.

4. Furazolidone Spray A. Indications: For abrasions and small cuts.

5. Nitrofurazone Dressing A. Indications: For abrasions and small cuts or as a dressing for large cuts prior to suturing.

6. Triple Antibiotic Eye Ointment A. Indications: Can be applied to an eye whenever there is pain or tearing Prior to a veterinary exam.

7. Thermometer (normal temp is 100-101 degress F) A. Indications: To check a horse's temp when it is coughing of off feed.

8. Rediroll A. Indications: Apply to lower leg to keep a wound clean or control bleeding

9. Coflex or Petflex or Vetwrap A. Indications: To apply over the rediroll to hold it up and apply pressure to it or it can be used over several gauze pads with nitrofurazone to cover a wound.

10. Saline - 0.9% sodium chloride A. Indications: Use to flush wounds or eyes. Use the 60cc syringe and 16 gauge needle to draw it up.

11. Elasticon A. Indications: To wrap the poultice pad onto the hoof when horse has stepped on a nail or you suspect an abscess.

12. Animalintex Poultice Pad A. Indications: Wet the pad and tape it on the foot in case of suspected foot abscesses to draw the infection out.

If you have any questions concerning the above medications or any conditions your horse may have call us at 937-492-2451 or 937-538-0711 (cell).


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