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| |Key Findings From the Antibiograms |have similar resistance patterns; for example, |Bactrim (TMP/SMX) sensitivity for E. coli is |

| |Most of our data come from urine cultures: Of |Ancef (cefazolin) was tested and is likely |limited (xx%) |

| |192 cultures used to make the antibiograms, 93%|similar to other first-generation |Quinolones’ sensitivity for E. coli is limited |

| |were urine cultures, 6% were wound cultures, |cephalosporins such as Keflex (cephalexin), |(Levaquin [levofloxacin] xx%, Cipro |

| |and 1% were sputum cultures. The antibiograms |which was not tested. |[ciprofloxacin] xx%) |

| |will be most applicable when treating urine |Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) |First-generation cephalosporins’ sensitivity |

| |infections and systemic infections that may |organisms are present at [NAME OF NURSING HOME]|for E. coli is limited (cefazolin xx%) |

| |have come from the urine. |xx% (10/65) of E. coli isolates |Macrobid (nitrofurantoin) has good sensitivity |

| |The leading organisms for positive urine |xx% (5/24) of Klebsiella isolates |for E. coli (xx%) but poor activity against |

| |cultures were: |Urine Infections From Gram Negatives |other urinary pathogens. |

| |E. coli: xx% of urine cultures |xx% of positive urine cultures were from |Gram Positives |

| |Enterococcus species: xx% |gram-negative organisms. |11 of 14 (xx%) Staphylococcus aureus cultures |

| |Klebsiella pneumoniae: xx% |Several commonly used antibiotics have |were Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus |

| |Proteus mirabilis: xx% |significant resistance patterns to the |aureus (MRSA). |

| |Not all antibiotics are tested—one antibiotic |gram-negative organisms that commonly cause |MRSA was xx% sensitive to Bactrim (TMP/SMX), |

| |from each class is usually tested. It is |urinary tract infections (E. coli, Klebsiella):|but only xx% sensitive to Clindamycin. |

| |reasonable to consider that similar | | |

| |antibiotics | | |

|Antibiogram for MMDD/YY to MM/DD/YY [Name of | | | |

|Nursing Home/Name of Laboratory] | | | |

| |Gram Negative |Gram Negative |Gram Negative |

| | | | |

|Gram Negative | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Escherichia coli |Staphylococcus aureus |Escherichia coli |

| |Klebsiella pneumoniae |non-MRSA |Klebsiella pneumoniae |

|Escherichia coli |Proteus mirabilis |Staphylococcus aureus |Proteus mirabilis |

|Klebsiella pneumoniae |Pseudomonas aeruginosa |MRSA |Pseudomonas aeruginosa |

|Proteus mirabilis | |Staphylococcus coag. Neg | |

|Pseudomonas aeruginosa |No. of isolates† |Enterococcus sp |No. of isolates† |

| |65 | |3* |

|No. of isolates† |24* |No. of isolates† |11* |

|65 |13* |3* |6* |

|24* |11* |11* |25* |

|13* | |6* | |

|11* |Oral/Oral Equivalent |25* |Oral/Oral Equivalent |

| | | | |

|Oral/Oral Equivalent |Clindamycin |Oral/Oral Equivalent |Clindamycin |

| | | | |

|Ampicillin | |Ampicillin | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

| |Erythromycin |xx% |Erythromycin |

| | | | |

|Amox/Clav | |Amox/Clav | |

|xx% | | | |

|xx% | | | |

|xx% | | | |

| |Linezolid | | |

| | | | |

|Cefazolin | |Cefazolin |IV Only |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

| | | |Linezolid |

| | | |xx% |

|Cefoxitin |IV Only |Cefoxitin |xx% |

|xx% | | | |

|xx% | | |xx% |

|xx% | | | |

| |Pip/Taz | |Pip/Taz |

| |xx% | | |

|Ceftriaxone |xx% |Ceftriaxone | |

|xx% |xx% | | |

|xx% |xx% | | |

|xx% | | | |

| |Cefepime | |Cefepime |

| |xx% | | |

|Ciprofloxacin |xx% |Ciprofloxacin | |

|xx% |xx% | | |

|xx% |xx% |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% |Ceftazidime |xx% |Ceftazidime |

| | | | |

|Levofloxacin | |Levofloxacin | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% |xx% |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

|xx% |Gentamicin |xx% |Gentamicin |

| |xx% | |xx% |

|Nitrofurantoin |xx% |Nitrofurantoin |xx% |

|xx% |xx% |xx% |xx% |

|xx% |xx% |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

| |Imipenem |xx% |Imipenem |

| |xx% | | |

|TMP/SMX |xx% |TMP/SMX | |

|xx% |xx% |xx% | |

|xx% |xx% |xx% | |

|xx% | |xx% | |

| |Vancomycin | |Vancomycin |

| | | |xx% |

|Tetracycline | |Tetracycline |xx% |

|xx% | |xx% |xx% |

|xx% | |xx% |xx% |

|xx% | |xx% | |

| | |xx% |*Organisms with fewer than 30 isolates should |

| | | |be interpreted with caution, because small |

|Oxacillin | |Oxacillin |numbers may bias group susceptibilities. † N = |

| | |xx% |pooled isolates by species from urine, wound, |

| | |xx% |sputum, and blood specimens. Abbreviations: |

| | |xx% |PIP/TAZ = Pipercillin/Tazobactam; TMP/SMX = |

| | | |Trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole; Amox/Clav = |

| | | |Amoxicillin/Clavunate. |


Antibiogram for MM/DD/YY to MM/DD/YY



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