Pinecrest Preparatory Middle

Doral Academy Prep

Mr. V

7th Grade Civics

Social Studies Department

Instructor: __Mr. Valtetsiotis_____ Room Number: __214A___

Email: __SValtetsiotis@____ Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Description:

The seventh grade social studies curriculum consists of the following content area strands: Civics, Geography, and Economics. The primary content for the course pertains to the principles, functions, and organization of government; the origins of the American political system; the roles, rights, responsibilities of United States citizens; and methods of active participation in our political system. The course is embedded with strong geographic and economic components to support civic education instruction.

Honors/Advanced courses offer scaffolded learning opportunities for students to develop the critical skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in a more rigorous and reflective academic setting. Students are empowered to perform at higher levels as they engage in the following: analyzing historical documents and supplementary readings, working in the context of thematically categorized information, becoming proficient in note-taking, participating in Socratic seminars/discussions, emphasizing free-response and document-based writing, contrasting opposing viewpoints, solving problems, etc. Students will develop and demonstrate their skills through participation in a capstone and/or extended research-based paper/project (e.g., history fair, participatory citizenship project, mock congressional hearing, projects for competitive evaluation, investment portfolio contests, or other teacher-directed projects).

Course Standards: (aligned with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Common Core)

|Next Generation Sunshine State Standards |Florida Standards |

| | |

|Standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the origins and purposes of government, law, and| |

|the American political system |LAFS.68.RH.2.4 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they |

|Standard 2: Evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of U. S. Citizens and determine|are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related |

|methods of active participation in society, government, and the political systems |to history/social studies. |

|Standard 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the origins and purposes of government, law, |LAFS.68.RH.2.6 - Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s |

|and the American political system |point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or |

|Standard 4: The student will evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United |avoidance of particular facts). |

|States citizens and determine methods of active participation in |LAFS.68.RH.3.9 - Analyze the relationship between a primary and |

|society, government and the political system. |secondary source on the same topic. |

|Standard 5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the principles, functions, and|LAFS.68.RH.2.5 - Describe how a text presents information (e.g., |

|organization of government. |sequentially, comparatively, and causally). |

| |LAFS.68.RH.2.6 - Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s |

| |point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or |

| |avoidance of particular facts). |

| |LAFS.68.WHST.3.7 - Conduct short research projects to answer a |

| |question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several |

| |sources and generating additional related, focused questions that |

| |allow for multiple avenues of exploration. |

| |LAFS.68.RH.1.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a |

| |primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source|

| |distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. |

| |LAFS.68.RH.1.3 - Identify key steps in a text’s description of a |

| |process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes |

| |law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). |

| |LAFS.68.RH.3.7 - Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, |

| |graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print |

| |and digital texts. |

| |LAFS.68.RH.3.8 - Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned |

| |judgment in a text. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Class Website:

The class website is available by clicking here - ________________________________. Homework and test dates are posted there.

Course Text: Florida Civics

Publisher, Text Title, Year of Publication –and online access info if applicable

Course Outline:

This outline, and all plans, are tentative and subject to adjustments required as student learning needs emerge.

|First Nine Weeks |


| | |Exams (30%): |

|Standard 1: Origins and|Topic 1: What is Civics? |1-2 Exams, usually covering 2 chapters each |

|purposes of government,| | |

|law, and the American |Topic 2: Foundations of Government |Classwork and Home Learning (15%): |

|political system | |As assigned |

|Standard 2: Roles, |Topic 3: Creating the U.S. Constitution | |

|rights, and | |Projects (25%): |

|responsibilities of U. |Topic 4: Political Participation |Interactive Notebook and about 3 projects per quarter |

|S. Citizens | | |

|Standard 3: Origins |Topic 5: Monitoring Government |Quizzes (20%): |

|and purposes of | |1-2 Exam Study Guides that count as quizzes; |

|government, law. | |2-4 Quizzes, usually covering 1 lesson or section each |

| | | |

| | |Participation (10%): |

| | | |

|Second Nine Weeks |

| | |Exams (30%): |

|Standard 4: The student|Topic 6: Organization of U.S. Constitution |1-2 Exams, usually covering 2 chapters each |

|will evaluate the | | |

|roles, rights, and |Topic 7: Branches of Government (Articles 1-3) |Classwork and Home Learning (15%): |

|responsibilities of | |As assigned |

|United States citizens |Topic 8: Constitutional Amendments | |

|and determine methods | |Projects (25%): |

|of active participation| |Interactive Notebook and about 3 projects per quarter |

|in | | |

|society, government and| |Quizzes (20%): |

|the political system. | |1-2 Exam Study Guides that count as quizzes; |

| | |2-4 Quizzes, usually covering 1 lesson or section each |

|Standard 5: The | | |

|student will | |Participation (10%): |

|demonstrate an | | |

|understanding of the | | |

|principles, functions, | | |

|and organization of | | |

|government. | | |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Third Nine Weeks |

| | |Exams (30%): |

|Standard 4: The student|Topic 9: Impacts of Law |1-2 Exams, usually covering 2 chapters each |

|will evaluate the | | |

|roles, rights, and |Topic 10: Federalism |Classwork and Home Learning (15%): |

|responsibilities of | |As assigned |

|United States citizens |Topic 11: Public Policy | |

|and determine methods | |Projects (25%): |

|of active participation|Topic 12: Forms vs. Systems of Government |Interactive Notebook and about 3 projects per quarter |

|in | | |

|society, government and|Topic 13: Globalization |Quizzes (20%): |

|the political system. | |1-2 Exam Study Guides that count as quizzes; |

| | |2-4 Quizzes, usually covering 1 lesson or section each |

|Standard 5: The | | |

|student will | | |

|demonstrate an | | |

|understanding of the | | |

|principles, functions, | | |

|and organization of | | |

|government. | | |

|Fourth Nine Weeks |

|Standard 4: The student| | |

|will evaluate the |Topic 14: Origins and Purposes of Law and Government |Exams (30%): |

|roles, rights, and | |1-2 Exams, usually covering 2 chapters each |

|responsibilities of |Topic 15: Organization and Function of Government | |

|United States citizens | |Classwork and Home Learning (15%): |

|and determine methods |Topic 16: Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of |As assigned |

|of active participation|Citizens | |

|in | |Projects (25%): |

|society, government and|Topic 17: Government Policies and Political Processes |Interactive Notebook and about 3 projects per quarter |

|the political system. | | |

| |CIVICS EOC EXAM WEEK |Quizzes (20%): |

|Standard 5: The | |1-2 Exam Study Guides that count as quizzes; |

|student will |Topic 18: Being an Economically Responsible Citizen |2-4 Quizzes, usually covering 1 lesson or section each |

|demonstrate an | | |

|understanding of the | |Participation (10%): |

|principles, functions, | | |

|and organization of | | |

|government. | | |

| | | |

|Technological Resources Throughout the Year: |

|Discovery Education and other video clips |

|Primary Documents Analysis Throughout the Year: |

|Charts, Political Cartoons and Quotes will be interpreted throughout the year, as recommended by Common Core Standards |

Home Learning – The Interactive Notebook

The Interactive Notebook is an ongoing scrapbook/journal project which involve in and out of class work and assignments to promote organization, creative/independent thought, reflection, and writing. It will also serve as a student-created resource for studying. It will be due about twice per quarter and evaluated as a project grade each time. If it is not in class when requested, the student will receive a 0 for the project grade.

Methods of Assessment

|Interactive Notebook |Unit Exams and Section Quizzes |

|Projects |Primary Document Analysis |

|Classwork | |


|Grading Scale |Categories & Weighting |

|90-100% A 3.50-4.00 |Exams – 30% |

|80-89% B 2.50-3.49 |Class Work and Home Learning – 15% |

|70-79% C 1.50-2.49 |Projects/Interactive Notebook – 25% |

|60-69% D 1.00-1.49 |Quizzes/Study guides – 20% |

|0-59% F 0-.99 |Participation – 10% |

Classroom Expectations:

To succeed in school and in life, we all need to make responsible choices.

All choices have consequences: good choices have good consequences, bad choices have bad consequences.

Beyond the school policies listed in the handbook, the one RULE for this class is simple, but strictly enforced:


Respect TIME = Respect TEACHERS =

Use it wisely. Be on time. Dress, speak, and sit properly. Respect PROPERTY =

Use it fully (until I dismiss you) Make eye contact. Use formal names. Keep things clean.

Don’t cheat; don’t steal.

Respect your CLASSMATES = Respect YOURSELF =

Be courteous. Wait your turn. Take pride in your work, and your grooming.

Don’t criticize, ridicule, insult. Be honest. Keep your word.

Class time is learning time.

You will not be permitted to interfere with your own learning nor that of your classmates.

All students must follow the Doral Academy Prep and Miami-Dade County Public School Code of Conduct

(link: )


|1st Offense – Verbal Warning |Depending on the frequency of the misbehavior, the student's conduct |

|2nd Offense – Call, Note or E-mail Home |grade will drop as follows: |

|3rd Offense – Classroom Exclusion or Detention |1st = A 2nd /3rd = B 4th /5th = C 6th /7th = D 8th = F |

|4th Offense – Referral to Administration / Parent | |

|Conference / Possible Removal |**Teacher reserves the right to bypass these levels for extreme cases. |

|**Teacher reserves the right to bypass these levels for extreme cases. | |

Restroom Procedures

• Requests will not be taken during lecture or while the instructor is giving instructions.

• Use of restroom will occur during independent study at the instructor’s discretion, unless medical necessity is documented.

Academic Dishonesty:

Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas. Academic dishonesty is an infraction of the MDCPS Code of Student Conduct and disciplinary action will ensue.

1. Cheating – the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids

2. Fabrication – falsification or invention of any information

3. Assisting – helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty

4. Tampering – altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents

5. Plagiarism – representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.

Attendance Policy

In case of absence, make-up assignments will be only given to the students with excused absences. Students will only have till the next class meeting to make their absence excused. The assignment will remain with a letter grade of a “Z” until the student turns in the assignment the next class meeting. Students are required to be on time. Excessive tardiness will entail disciplinary consequences.

Attendance, Absences and Late Work

Absences: Student must make up all assignments within the next class meeting. Unexcused absences will receive 10 points off.

Late Work: Late assignments will not be allowed unless for valid reasons. Students need to have a written and signed note from the parent to be allowed to turn in the assignment for the next class meeting. If this becomes a frequent issue then the student will not be allowed to turn in any late assignment.

Tardy Policy

|First Time – Verbal Warning |Third Time – Detention |

|Second Time – Parent Contact |Fourth Time – Administration Referral |

Required Materials

1. One “3inch” Three ring binder

2. Dividers- Class Notes, Movie Notes, Bellringers, HW, Current Events

3. Black or blue ink pens only – no red or florescent (Assignments will not be permitted and returned.)

4. Number 2 pencils for quizzing and testing.

5. Loose leaf paper, 3 hole punched for classwork to be submitted.

6. 2 Highlighters

7. Coloring Pencils


Student: ______________________________________________ Period: _______

It is my goal that all of my students be successful in my class. I will assist your child in any way that I can. However, I alone cannot assure success. As parents, we are the first and most important and influential teachers that our children will ever have. Please ensure that your child is prepared for class every day with the proper materials. Please continue to encourage your child throughout the school year to assume responsibility for his/her learning: studying every night and checking to make sure that his/her homework is completed. The school website, homework portal, and district gradebook are essential tools in understanding requirements, expectations, deadlines, and progress in your child’s responsibilities for this course. Your role and cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and necessary.

• Technical issues that occur with online assessments and homework must be communicated to me by email from the parent or guardian no later than one school day after the assignments due date.

• We understand that Films which are rated “PG” may be viewed during this course to reinforce content prior to the exam or as post-exam projects. By signing and checking YES you are providing permission to view the films. If you check NO, your child will not be allowed to view the program and will be provided with alternative instruction.

We the parent/guardian(s) and the student have fully read, understood, and agree to abide by these expectations.

Permission for Viewing Rated “PG” Films _____YES _____NO

STUDENT NAME: ___________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date ___/___/2014

PARENT: _________________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date ___/___/2014

Cell-____________ Home-_____________ Work-_____________ Email-___________________________

PARENT: __________________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date ___/___/2014

Cell-____________ Home-_____________ Work-_____________ Email-___________________________



Please email me at SValtetsiotis@.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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