The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude

10572753762375An Attitude for Service:The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental AttitudeParticipant Workbook00An Attitude for Service:The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental AttitudeParticipant Workbook-923925-21907500-323850890587530 Hollenberg Court ? St. Louis, MO 63044PHONE: 314.291.1012 ? 800-882-9911 FAX: 314.291.3710 400002000030 Hollenberg Court ? St. Louis, MO 63044PHONE: 314.291.1012 ? 800-882-9911 FAX: 314.291.3710 1466850448627400CONTENTSGetting the Most From the Participant Workbook3-4Before-and-After Skills Inventory5-7Introduction8Key Point #1: Choose Your Attitude in Advance9Key Point #2: Visualize Success10Key Point #3: Demonstrate Humor, Energy and Enthusiasm11Key Point #4: Resist Negative Influences12Key Point #5: Be a “Whatever It Takes” Person13-14Key Point #6: Embrace Change – Expect it and Accept it15Key Point #7: Be Grateful for What You Have16-17Quiz18-19A Call to Action20Closing Words21Key Points22-23Answers Keys24-25Participant’s Notes26-27About Telephone Doctor? Customer Service Training…Telephone Doctor, Inc. is a St. Louis based customer service training company which offers products and techniques designed to improve the service skills of customer contact employees. This program is presented by Nancy Friedman, our founder and president. Through DVDs, web-based courses, books, audio programs and instructor-led workshops, Telephone Doctor, Inc. has helped tens of thousands of organizations increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction ratings and reduce employee turnover. For additional information, please visit .And now some legal stuff…We aim to be the nicest customer service training company in the world. :-) However, even the nicest company needs to diligently protect its intellectual property. Please respect the terms of our license and the copyright of our intellectual property.This material is licensed solely for display by the licensed organization to its employees. It is illegal to loan, rent, or sell this material outside the licensed organization. It is illegal to display this material to train persons outside the licensed organization without a separate agreement for that purpose. Please contact 800.882.9911 or?info@?to inquire about additional uses of our material.Telephone Doctor? works to educate, detect, pursue and prosecute copyright violators using every civil and criminal remedy available. We offer a reward for information which leads to a recovery from individuals and/or organizations who pirate our content. Please contact 800.882.9911 or?info@?to report an act of copyright piracy. Telephone Doctor, Inc. assumes no patent liability with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in preparing this material, the publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions, or for any damage or injuries, resulting from use of the information contained hereinTelephone Doctor is a registered trademark of Telephone Doctor, Inc.Getting the Most From the Participant WorkbookIn order to receive the maximum benefit of this Participant Workbook, a clear understanding of the value of training is necessary.Why Training?No matter what you call your customers (citizens, members, students, clients, taxpayers or #*&@!), when you think about it, they’re the ones who are providing your organization with its income.Your interaction with a specific customer will likely be the basis for that customer’s entire impression of the service your organization offers.The single greatest way a company can distinguish itself from its competition is by the level of service it offers; and the higher level of service your organization offers, the more successful it will be. Successful firms are better able to compensate employees and increase the growth of their businesses.Thus, it is vital to the success of your organization that you provide the most positive customer service communication with each and every customer.What’s In It For You?This Telephone Doctor? course will provide you with simple, yet effective, skills and techniques which, when used exactly as directed, will improve your customer contact situations. The benefits to you:Increased confidence from having the right tools.Reduced stress by better handling challenging situations.Increased job satisfaction from doing something well.That great feeling you get inside from helping others.Increased value to your employer.Using the Participant Workbook With a FacilitatorIf this Participant Workbook is part of an instructor-led classroom setting, the facilitator will instruct you as to what portions of the Participant Workbook will be used. Be sure to complete the exercises and participate fully. The more participation, the more rewarding the experience.This Participant Workbook will help you learn and retain the important skills taught in this course. It is also valuable as a future reference source.Getting the Most From the Participant Workbook (Cont.)Using the Participant Workbook as a Self-Paced StudyThe Participant Workbook is designed to help process the information found in the program, The Service Mentality. It serves as your guide and each Participant Workbook section is self-explanatory. Everything you need, besides a pen or pencil and the program, is included.Before watching the program, complete the “Pre-Program Activity ~ A Mindset for Servicing Customers” on page 5.Now it’s time to view the program. We suggest first watching the entire program. Then watch it again, this time in chapters.As you watch, take notes on designated pages in the back of the Participant Workbook.When you’re confident you understand the skills presented in the program, begin answering the Discussion Questions for each Key Point in this Participant Workbook. Don’t rush. Take time to relate each Key Point to yourself and your job.Before-and-After Skills InventoryBefore watching the video – An Attitude for Service: The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude - answer the questions below to the best of your ability. Do not score your answers yet. Wait until you complete the second part of the Before-and-After Skills Inventory at the end of the course. Then score both your "Before" and "After" responses. You'll find the correct answers on page 22 of this workbook. The difference between the two scores will show you how much you've learned in the course.BeforeAfterAs a general rule, people with a positive mental attitude are often taken advantage of in business and by others. (T or F)□□If you see half a glass of water and think of it as half-full (rather than half-empty), you’re generally considered to be:Detail oriented.Bored and looking for something to occupy your time.A positive person who sees the possibilities in any situation.None of the above.□□One attribute of a person considered to always have a positive mental attitude is:They are always smiling and agreeable.Part of a happy, family-oriented community.Nobody really is—some people can fake it better than others.The ability to recognize that they may not always be responsible for what happens to them, but they are responsible for how they handle what happens to them.□□In dealing with fellow employees, it’s best to:Take everything said with a grain of salt.Figure out early on who are the “good guys” and who are the “bad guys”.Keep an open mind, stay positive and judge the effects for yourself.Avoid conversations—that way you won’t end up in the middle of a controversy.□□Change in business is usually done to respond to changes by the competition and is in the best interest of everyone. (T or F)□□BeforeAfterHow often do you think your attitude directly affects the quality of your life?Hardly ever.Every single day of your life.Once or twice a month.It depends on whether or not the moon is full.□□Visualizing success really leads to actual success. (T or F)□□Who has the power to control your attitude and mood every day?You do.Your parents or family.Management.The government.□□When you describe someone as a “whatever it takes” person, they’re usually:A sports personality.A person who is able to bounce back from Life’s bumps in the road and stay on a positive track.The guy who usually gets blamed when things go wrong.Somewhat impulsive and unreliable.□□Bad things happen only to bad people (T or F)□□By and large, “change” is usually a sign of:Things heading in the wrong direction.Danger! Run for your life.Change is constant. It’s to be expected.A change in your luck.□□People who appreciate life every day are:Usually more successful because they use a positive attitude and self talk to convert negative tendencies into opportunities.Hard to be around for any length of time.Only people who don’t have teenagers at home.Only found in fairy tales.□□BeforeAfterWhich is more important in demonstrating a positive mental attitude?A sense of humor.EnergyEnthusiasmAll of the above□□Everyone knows people can lose their tempers in the flick of an eyelash. How quickly can you adopt a positive, cheerful outlook?At least an hour.As quickly as you can go from a good to a bad one, you can change to a positive mental outlook just as fast.It depends on the circumstances.Quickly, if people just leave you alone.□□Are positive or negative people better to be around?Negative people—they know all the good gossip.Positive people are typically more fun to be around.It depends on if it’s at work or on the weekend.Most people enjoy a mix of both.□□Total Correct Answers: □ □228600445135Telephone Doctor?Check–Up Report□ - □÷□x 100 = □After Before Before% ImprovementHow Did You Do?00Telephone Doctor?Check–Up Report□ - □÷□x 100 = □After Before Before% ImprovementHow Did You Do?Introduction: An Attitude for Service: The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude“Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” Earl Nightengale (1921-1989)1.How does a glass of water pertain to attitude?2.Attitude is defined as: a complex mental state that determines your feelings, thoughts and beliefs as they relate to the events of your life. What is another way to say this?3.When can you expect to use your knowledge of attitude?4.In your opinion, do people with a positive attitude have fewer challenges and setbacks in life than other people?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:1.You (and everyone around you) will benefit from choosing to live your life with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).2.Attitude is how you filter the things you experience and react to the way they’re filtered.3.You may not be able to choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you respond to it.4.A positive mental attitude influences every aspect of your life from co-workers to your personal relationships away from the workplace.Key Point #1: Choose Your Attitude in Advance“When things go wrong, don’t go with them” (Elvis Presley 1935-1977)1.When do people with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) decide that their posture in life is going to be one that perceives the benefits and opportunities of a situation? 2.What is the difference between being “reactive” and “proactive?” 3.How did Sydney’s reaction to not going on the trip differ from Tyler’s?4.What is the key to having a proactive, positive mental attitude?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:1.People with a Positive Mental Attitude decide in advance that their posture in life is to be one that perceives the benefits and opportunities of every situation.2.Avoid being REactive – waiting for events to occur and then responding according to what happened.3.Decide that you won’t be easily influenced by events outside your control.Key Point #2: Visualize Success“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) 1.What is one of the best ways to maintain a positive mental attitude every day?2.How is visualizing success like the old saying about computers: “Garbage in, garbage out?”3.How does Sydney’s reaction to the HR site revision differ from Tyler’s?4.How does visualizing success influence your ability to be successful?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:To maintain a positive mental attitude, visualize success.Your attitude has a non-verbal effect on others—it can positively or negatively influence them.Accentuate the positive in every opportunity.A positive attitude is the high-powered fuel for the brain.Key Point #3: Demonstrate Humor Energy and Enthusiasm“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) How does humor influence a situation?2.How does energy enhance a positive attitude?3.How does enthusiasm affect a positive attitude?4.Who has the power to control your attitude and your mood every day?5.If you decide to be positive, how quickly can you show it?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:1.Humor lets you see the funny side of things and to keep them in perspective.2.Energy is the vigor and strength we need to perform our jobs well.3.Enthusiasm is bringing an observable high level of interest or energy to a project or situation.4.You can decide to be positive, and you can change from negative to positive quickly.Key Point #4: Resist Negative Influences“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve (…with a positive mental attitude.)” W. Clement Stone (1904-2002) 1.Why should you resist negative influences other people may have at work or in other aspects of your life?2.How is a negative statement from a coworker like a cold or virus?3.What is the antidote for negative influences from a co-worker?4.How are people identified by their attitudes?5.If a physical exam with a doctor can improve your health, how can this program help you improve your attitude?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:Even though a negative attitude is like a cold or virus, don’t be the one to spread it around.Keep an open mind, stay positive and judge situations for yourself.If you’re going to be identified by your attitude, make it a positive one.A positive attitude improves your life, no matter what your race, age, sex or nationality.Conduct regular “attitude self-exams” to keep yourself on track. Key Point #5: Be a “Whatever It Takes” Person“I am the greatest. I said this even before I knew I was great” Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) 1.How would you describe a “whatever it takes” person? 2.Do you believe that bad things only happen to negative people? 3.Why was Tyler’s boss disappointed in the way he handled the situation with his customer? 4.How was Jordon’s attitude different?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:Be resilient—a “whatever it takes” kind of person.It’s important to realize that sometimes-bad things happen to optimists and sometimes-good things happen to pessimists.Everyone endures hardships that can bring out the worst in us or inspire the best. How you act is a matter of choice.Negative attitudes can affect your company in lost sales and profits.Skill Practice: Be a “Whatever It Takes” PersonIn our personal and professional lives, we often will encounter obstacles in our path. A maze is an excellent symbol of obstacles encountered while navigating the path.Navigate the maze to unlock the key to:Overcoming Obstacles\sKey Point #6: Embrace Change—Expect it and Accept it“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) 1.Many people are surprised by change, yet what do you see when you look at a picture of your grade school class?2.How do people with a positive mental attitude view changes in their lives?3.Why is change to be expected in life and especially in business?4.How did Tyler’s reaction to the consolidation of the call centers differ from Sydney’s?5.How does change affect an organization’s ability to stay competitive?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:Change is constant—don’t let it surprise petition in every field makes companies constantly look for ways to do things better, more efficiently.To stand still is to fall behind.Key Point #7: Be Grateful for What You Have“The single greatest thing you can do today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.” Oprah Winfrey (1954- ) 1.Why does complaining seem to be second nature to some people?2.What are the advantages of taking time to inventory the riches in our lives?3.In concluding the program, why should you appreciate every day?4.The video portrayed an example of traveling to California by train 100 years ago. Give examples of how your childhood differed from your parents?5.What do these examples teach us?TELEPHONE DOCTOR? PRESCRIPTION:Take time to inventory the riches in your life—you’ll spend less time complaining.Life today isn’t perfect, but it certainly has advantages over years past.Control your attitude; don’t let your attitude control you.Choose to be positive; your success in life depends on it.Skill Practice: Be Grateful for What You Have381000160020000A Quiz on The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental AttitudeNote:Here’s a chance to see how much you’ve learned about developing a positive mental attitude. In each blank, put the letter of the correct answer to each of these questions. You’ll find the answers to these questions on page 23. ____ 1. In this course, Attitude is defined as:A.Electronic signals generated throughout all sections of the brain.B.An outward display of quasi-chemical changes within one’s body.C.A complex mental state that determines your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs as they relate to the events of your life.D.How cool you are.____ 2. When do people with a positive mental attitude make the decision that their posture in life is going to be one that perceives the benefits and opportunities of a situation?A.After they wait to see what happens.B.Only after something good takes place.C.The point of no return.D.The decision is made in advance of the situation.____ 3. One key to having a positive mental attitude is:A.Recognizing you may not be responsible for what happens to you, you are responsible for how you handle what does happen to you.B.Waiting for events to occur and then responding according to what happened.C.Avoiding all situations of which you do not control.D.Don’t worry, be happy.____ 4. Humor can help influence a situation by helping you to keep things in perspective.A. TrueB. False____ 5. According to this course, what is the antidote to resist negative influences from a co-worker?A.Drink lots of coffee.B.Never allow yourself to be in the same area as a negative co-worker.C.Try humming to yourself whenever they begin to get negative or backstab someone.D.Keep an open mind, stay positive, and judge the effects of the situation yourself.____ 6. Someone who has a “whatever it takes” personality would:A.Schmooze in a way that gets the results they desire to achieve.B.Cut corners whenever no one is looking.C.Be a resilient person who bounces back from adversity and works hard to overcome setbacks.D.Be the smartest person in the office.A Quiz on The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude (continued)____ 7. Why is change to be expected in life and especially in business?A.It is part of the natural aging process.petition in every field makes companies look for ways to do things better and to be more efficient.C.There is always someone who has an agenda.panies will get ahead by standing still.____ 8. In today’s business climate, to stand still is to fall behind.A.TrueB. False____ 9. What are the advantages of taking inventory of the riches of our lives?A.Reminds yourself of all the work that still needs to be done.B.Tells you where you are in keeping up with the Joneses.C.Helps us spend less time complaining, more time enjoying and appreciating the things in our lives.D.None of the above.____10. How often might your attitude affect the quality of your life?A.Rarely.B.Every once in awhile.C.Every single day of your life.D.All of the above.A Call To Action!Experts say that it takes a minimum of 21 days to change a behavior. Your level of readiness to change will determine how successful you are, and how much time it will take. But you need to be ready, able and willing to make change happen in 21 days. Let's start creating a successful plan by writing down three new skills you want to learn from today’s session. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE and you’ll have more confidence!What three items will you commit to change in 21 days?-3810002635251. 2. 3. 4.5.It’s Fun To Be Good!001. 2. 3. 4.5.It’s Fun To Be Good!Closing WordsOn the next page, you'll find a summary of the key points made in this course. They're crucial because they can make a real difference to you and to your future. We urge you to do three things with them:1.Memorize them;2.Keep them in mind every time you use the telephone and3.Practice them.The last of the three is by far the most important. Knowing how to use the telephone effectively isn't good enough. You need to put what you know to use. You need to make it work for you. If you do, you'll get what we promised at the start of this course – more satisfaction from your job and a brighter future for your company and for yourself. ●You've got the skills.●You've got the knowledge.●You've got the purpose.●THE REST IS UP TO YOU! Good Luck!And Remember –IT'S FUN TO BE GOOD!Key Points – An Attitude for Service: The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude Key Point #1: Choose Your Attitude in AdvanceA. People with a Positive Mental Attitude decide in advance that their position in life is to be one that perceives the benefits and opportunities of every situation.B. Avoid being REactive—waiting for events to occur and then responding according to what happened.C. Decide that you won’t be easily influenced by events outside your control.Key Point #2: Visualize SuccessA. To maintain a positive mental attitude, visualize success.B. Your attitude has a non-verbal effect on others—it can positively or negatively influence them.C. Accentuate the positive in every opportunity.D. A positive attitude is the high-powered fuel for the brain.Key Point #3: Demonstrate Humor, Energy and EnthusiasmA. Humor lets you see the funny side of things and to keep them in perspective.B. Energy is the vigor and strength we need to perform our jobs well.C. Enthusiasm is bringing an observable high level of interest or energy to a project or situation.D. You can decide to be positive, and you can change from negative to positive quickly.Key Point #4: Resist Negative InfluencesA. Even though a negative attitude is like a cold or virus, don’t be the one to spread it around.B. Keep an open mind, stay positive and judge situations for yourself.C. If you’re going to be identified by your attitude, make it a positive one.D. A positive attitude improves your life, no matter what your race, age, sex or nationality.E. Conduct regular “attitude self-exams” to keep yourself on track.Key Point #5: Be a “Whatever It Takes” PersonA. Be resilient—a “whatever it takes” kind of person.B. It is important to realize that sometimes-bad things happen to optimists and sometimes-good things happen to pessimists.C. Everyone endures hardships that bring out the worst in us or inspire the best. It’s a matter of choice.Key Points – An Attitude for Service: The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude (cont.) Key Point #6: Embrace Change—Expect it and Accept itA. Change is constant—don’t let it surprise you.B. Competition in every field makes companies constantly look for ways to do things better, more efficiently.C. To stand still is to fall behind.Key Point #7: Be Grateful for What You HaveA. Take time to inventory the riches in your life—you’ll spend less time complaining.B. Life today isn’t perfect, but it certainly has advantages over years past.C. Control your attitude; don’t let your attitude control you.D. Choose to be positive; your success in life depends on it.Before-and-After Skills Inventory AnswersNote: If you haven't completed both the "Before" and "After" portions of the Before-and-After Skills Inventory, do not score your responses yet. Refer to page 4 for instructions.ITEMNUMBERCORRECTRESPONSE1.F2.C3.D4.C5.T6.B7.T8.A9.B10.F11.C 12.A13.D14.B15.BFill out theCheck-Up Reporton page 5and see how you did!Answers to Quiz Questions on The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental AttitudeITEMNUMBERCORRECTRESPONSE1.C2.D3.A4.A5.D6.C7.B8.A9.C10.CParticipant’s Notes: Participant’s Notes: ................

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