CreditSmart® and CreditSmart® Español

Sample Lesson Plan Four Hours

Money Management

|Time |Topic (Presentation of Activity) |Materials/Tools |Reference |Objective(s) |

|7:00 – 8:00 a.m. |Pre-Session Preparation |Post-It notes, highlighters, pens,|Refer to Workshop |Set up training room prior to |

|(60 minutes.) |Set up for class |pencils, manipulatives, large and |Checklist. |participants’ arrival. |

| |All flipcharts for the morning |small index cards, calculators | |Instructor should arrive about 1 |

| |session should be prepared in |Manuals, name tags | |one hour ahead of schedule. Early|

| |advance and should be up on the |Dots and name tent cards | |arrival allows Instructor |

| |wall. |Name tent cards, markers | |instructor enough time to check |

| |Instructor may enlist early | | |all equipment and make necessary |

| |arrivals to assist with set-up; |Set up for breakfast at least one | |adjustments. |

| |which provides opportunity to get |half to one hour prior to | | |

| |to know some of the participants. |participant’s arrival. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Set up for class. | | | |

| |As participants arrive, give each | | | |

| |one a strip of colored dots | | | |

| |(stickers) for icebreaker activity.| | | |

| |Ask participants to make a name | | | |

| |tent. | | | |

|8:00 – 8:15 a.m. |Continental Breakfast |Distribute classroom material. | |To learn more about the |

|(15 minutes) |Greet participants as they arrive. | | |participants as they mingle. |

| |Ask them to complete tent card with| | |To set the mood. |

| |their name. | | | |

| |Encourage discussion about credit. | | | |

| | | | | |

|8:15 – 8:30 a.m. |Welcome and Introductions | | | |

|(15 minutes) | | | | |

| |Initiative Manager Opens the | | |To learn more about each |

| |Session. | | |participant. |

| |(5 minutes) | | |To get them thinking about their |

| |Initiative Manager briefly welcomes| | |own credit practices and lessons.|

| |participants to CreditSmart | | |To begin to set good practices |

| |Initiative. | | |and dispel myths about credit. |

| | | | |To understand what motivates the |

| | | | |participant to learn. |

| |Introductions | | |To establish rapport between the |

| |(10 minutes) | | |instructor and participants. |

| |Introduce instructor(s). | | |To learn more about each |

| |Explain to participants that you | | |participant. |

| |want to learn more about them to | | | |

| |insure a good learning experience. | | | |

| |Participant introductions. | | | |

| |(Depending on the number of | | | |

| |participants, you may modify the | | | |

| |manner in which you handle | | | |

| |participant introductions.) | | | |

|8:30 – 8:50 a.m. |Your Credit and Why it is Important|Module: Tab 1 |Refer to P. 2 of |This module will provide |

|(20 minutes) |Participants should learn: | |Instructor Guide |participants with an introduction|

| |The difference between good and bad| |for consumer |to credit, some basic |

| |credit. | |workbook material. |terminology, and an understanding|

| |Why the industry classifies credit | | |of the value of a good credit |

| |as A, B, or C. | | |record. |

| |The impact of bad credit on | | |More tips on P. 2 of the |

| |interest rates. | | |Instructor Guide. |

| |How goal setting may help achieve | | | |

| |good credit. | | | |

|8:50 – 9:10 a.m. |Managing Your Money |Module: Tab 2 |Refer to P. 24 of |This module begins by focusing on|

|(20 minutes) |Needs and Wants Activity: |Activity: Needs and Wants: The |Instructor Guide |the difference between “needs” |

| |Class can be divided into groups |group receives a single piece |for consumer |and “wants”. In addition, this |

| |representing family types. Each |of flipchart paper to record |workbook material. |module will help participants |

| |group is assigned a family |their family's needs and wants.| |better understand the importance |

| |structure. (e.g. single; couple no |A spokesperson for the group | |of budgeting and developing wise |

| |children; husband and wife with two|reports conclusions. | |spending habits. |

| |young children; couple with two |PowerPoint slides: review | | |

| |teenage boys; single parent with |slides, paying attention to how| | |

| |one college student and two |to prepare a budget. Stress | | |

| |children at home; single person |that listing needs and wants is| | |

| |living with and caring for elderly |the first step in preparing a | | |

| |parents.) |spending and savings plan. | | |

| | |Community Connection Plan: | | |

| | |Resource for help with money | | |

| | |matters. | | |

|9:10 – 9:25 a.m. |Break | | | |

|(15 minutes) | | | | |

|9:25 – 10:00 a.m. |Goal Setting |Module: Tab 3 |Refer to P. 64 of |This module will help |

|(35 minutes) | |Activity: Consumer Workbook |Instructor Guide |participants understand the |

| | |PP. 42-43: Ask participants to |for consumer |importance of setting goals. Only|

| | |set goals for the assigned |workbook material. |by establishing clear goals will |

| | |family structure. Review | |they be able to full achieve |

| | |results with the class. | |their financial objectives. |

| | |PowerPoint Slides: Review all | | |

| | |slides briefly. | | |

|10:00 – 10:20 a.m. |Planning for Your Future |Module: Tab 10 |Refer to P. 226 of |This module provides information |

|(20 minutes) |Stress the importance of |Activity: Quickly refer to |Instructor Guide |to help you recognize and avoid |

| |recognizing the values that guide |family structure assigned, and |for consumer |credit scams and predatory |

| |money decisions, and how these |come up with one or two values.|workbook material. |lending practices which can |

| |should be compared with personal |Ask for volunteers to give | |consume your personal resources, |

| |goals list that each participant |examples. | |and severely damage your credit. |

| |created in Module 3. |PowerPoint slides: Briefly | | |

| | |review slides. | | |

|10:20 – 11:10 a.m. |Exercise | |Download from | |

|(50 minutes) | | |Workshop | |

| | | |Activities. | |

|11:10 – 11:25 a.m. |Break | | | |

|(15 minutes) | | | | |

|11:25 – 11:45 a.m. |Avoiding Credit Traps |Module: Tab 8 |Refer to P. 176 of |This module provides information |

|(20 minutes) |Start section by asking |Flip chart: Prepare a flip |Instructor Guide |to help participants recognize |

| |participants their definition of |chart in advance that outlines |for consumer |and avoid credit scams and |

| |“Predatory Lending.” Write |the common predatory lending |workbook material. |predatory lending practices, |

| |definitions on a flip chart. |practices. (Use P. 140 of the | |which can consume personal |

| |Encourage discussion; ask them to |consumer workbook as a guide). | |resources and severely damage |

| |share examples of their own, or |PowerPoint slides: Review | |one’s credit. |

| |others they know. (This should be a|slides and refer to Community | | |

| |short discussion.) |Connection Plan. | | |

|11:45 a.m. – Noon |Wrap Up | | |Summarize the day’s learning. |

|(15 minutes) | | | |Answer participants’ |

| | | | |questions—clear “parking lot.” |


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