BTEC Firsts in Hospitality Unit 2 - Working in the ...

Scheme of work

This Scheme of work is provided to help you make the most of your planning time. Customise it by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column.

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 21

Duration of lessons: Mix of 1 and 2 hours. The duration of lessons is not prescriptive – 2 hour lessons can be delivered, alternatively, as 2 x 1 hour lessons.

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Links to other units |

|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher/Tutor presentation (approx. 10 minutes): Outline the nature of the learning aims and the | |

| | |number of assignments that learners will be expected to complete. | |

|Learning aim A: Understand effective working skills in the hospitality industry |

|1 (cont.) |Topic A.1 Job roles within the hospitality industry |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the key job roles within the hospitality industry and the |Unit 8, Topic B.1 |

|(1 hour) |Job roles, e.g. chef, barista, food server, bar person, |employment opportunities available. |Unit 11, Topic A.3 |

| |receptionist, room attendant, marketing assistant, hotel/hostel |Whole group activity: Learners to watch DVD/video clips that demonstrate the tasks involved in job| |

| |housekeeper, food and beverage supervisor, hospitality manager, |roles within the hospitality industry. Examples of video clips available on video-sharing websites| |

| |events organiser. |include: | |

| |Hospitality industry businesses, e.g. hotels, restaurants, pubs, |watch?v=rfdKxUjJiTA | |

| |bars and nightclubs, contract food service providers, hospitality|watch?v=aK9oQzy1BlU | |

| |services, membership clubs, events. |Note: Teachers/tutors should make sure they view and check video clips for their suitability | |

| | |before using them in lessons. | |

| | |Whole group discussion: Follow up with a question and answer session, which could be based on: | |

| | |qualifications needed, work-based skills, personal skills, working hours/shifts, uniform worn, | |

| | |tasks involved in daily jobs, who the line manager is and who they supervise, career progression, | |

| | |contact with customers, etc. | |

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Links to other units |

|2 |Topic A.1 (cont.) |Whole group visit: Arrange a visit to a hospitality business so learners can see job roles in a |Unit 8, Topic B.1 |

|(2 hours) |Job roles, e.g. chef, barista, food server, bar person, |working context. |Unit 11, Topic A.3 |

| |receptionist, room attendant, marketing assistant, hotel/hostel |OR | |

| |housekeeper, food and beverage supervisor, hospitality manager, |Guest speaker: Invite a guest speaker to talk about job roles in the hospitality industry. | |

| |events organiser. |Whole group activity: Follow up with a question and answer session. | |

| |Hospitality industry businesses, e.g. hotels, restaurants, pubs, |Individual activity: Give learners a set of job descriptions and ask them to match the | |

| |bars and nightclubs, contract food service providers, hospitality|descriptions to the correct job titles/roles. | |

| |services, membership clubs, events. | | |

|3 |Topic A.2 Working skills in the hospitality industry |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce and explain the concept of occupational skills in different |Unit 6, Topic B.1 |

|(1 hour) |Occupational skills, e.g. cooking skills, food service skills, |hospitality job roles. |Unit 6, Topic C.1 |

| |drinks service skills, accommodation skills, front office skills,|Paired activity: Give learners a list of hospitality job roles and ask them to identify the key |Unit 8, Topic C.1 |

| |excellent customer service skills. |occupational skills the roles require. Facilitate feedback of ideas to the whole group. |Unit 8, Topic C.2 |

| | |Small group/individual activity: Learners to write job adverts for at least one of the job roles |Unit 8, Topic C.3 |

| | |discussed earlier in the lesson. |Unit 11, Topic C.1 |

| | |Whole group discussion: Lead a discussion about the skills learners have identified in their job |Unit 11, Topic C.2 |

| | |adverts. Are there skills that are the same across the different job roles? |Unit 12, Topic B.1 |

| | | |Unit 12, Topic B.2 |

| | | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

|4 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor input: Recap on occupational skills to introduce the lesson. |Unit 6, Topic B.1 |

|(2 hours) |Occupational skills, e.g. cooking skills, food service skills, |Small group activity/role play: Each group to be given a scenario involving a range of job roles |Unit 6, Topic C.1 |

| |drinks service skills, accommodation skills, front office skills,|in the hospitality industry. For example, which hospitality employees would be involved in: |Unit 8, Topic C.1 |

| |excellent customer service skills. |a guest booking into a hotel for a two-day business conference |Unit 8, Topic C.2 |

| | |a children’s party at a fast-food outlet |Unit 8, Topic C.3 |

| | |a charity quiz night in a local pub? |Unit 11, Topic C.1 |

| | |Ask learners to identify the key occupational skills for each scenario before planning and taking |Unit 11, Topic C.2 |

| | |part in role-play activities to demonstrate the identified skills to the rest of the group. |Unit 12, Topic B.1 |

| | |Learners involved in the role play should be encouraged to demonstrate both good and bad |Unit 12, Topic B.2 |

| | |application of the occupational skills identified so that learners making observations can |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| | |identify strengths and weaknesses in skills demonstrated and suggest ways to practise the skills. | |

|5 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce and explain personal and interpersonal skills. |Unit 8, Topic C.1 |

|(1 hour) |Interpersonal skills, e.g. positive attitude, appropriate |Individual activity: Learners to identify skills they like and dislike in hospitality workers. |Unit 8, Topic C.2 |

| |behaviour, greeting customers positively, respect for customers |As a whole group, learners to then watch a DVD/video clip showing (in)appropriate behaviour of | |

| |(courtesy, interest). |staff when dealing with customers. Examples of video clips available on video-sharing websites | |

| |Personal skills or personal attributes, e.g. patience, tact, |include: | |

| |diplomacy, effective teamworking skills, honesty, initiative, |watch?v=ZO4YUsAHuLk | |

| |self-motivation. |watch?v=ndmMzZb84vQ | |

| | |Note: Teachers/tutors should make sure they view and check video clips for their suitability | |

| | |before using them in lessons. | |

| | |Whole group discussion: On what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for hospitality staff. | |

| | |Create a group thought shower of ideas for learners to photocopy and keep in their files. | |

|6 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Guest speaker: Invite a guest speaker to talk about the personal and interpersonal skills required|Unit 8, Topic C.2 |

|(1 hour) |Interpersonal skills, e.g. positive attitude, appropriate |of workers in the hospitality industry. | |

| |behaviour, greeting customers positively, respect for customers |Whole group activity: Follow this up with a question and answer session. | |

| |(courtesy, interest). |OR | |

| |Personal skills or personal attributes, e.g. patience, tact, |Paired activity: Learners to research interpersonal and personal skills required for specific job | |

| |diplomacy, effective teamworking skills, honesty, initiative, |roles using provided job adverts/descriptions. | |

| |self-motivation. | | |

|7 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the key skills of communication. | |

|(2 hours) |Communication skills, including: |Individual activity: Learners to watch a video clip from a popular TV soap and analyse the ways | |

| |speaking, e.g. appropriate language use, tone, pitch, pace, |the characters communicate with each other, focusing on their use of speaking and listening | |

| |avoiding use of jargon |skills, e.g. the language used, tone of voice, level of attentiveness. Learners should make notes | |

| |listening skills, e.g. asking customers appropriate questions, |of their findings. Facilitate a whole group discussion about the findings. | |

| |repeating back important information to customer, looking |Learners then watch either the same TV clip or a different one but without sound. Ask them to | |

| |attentive |identify body language and interpret what they see. Learners should make notes of their findings. | |

| |body language, e.g. posture, facial expression, hand gestures, |Facilitate a whole group discussion about the findings. | |

| |eye contact. |Small group activity: Learners are asked to work in groups of four. Within the groups, learners | |

| | |will work as a pair. Each pair is issued with a scenario requiring the use of communication skills| |

| | |and relevant props. For example: a customer complaining about food that is not hot enough; a guest| |

| | |with a physical disability wanting to make a hotel booking by phone; a contract caterer taking a | |

| | |face-to-face order from a customer for an 18th birthday party buffet. | |

| | |Each pair should role play their scenario to the other pair in their group using props provided. | |

| | |The pair not taking part in the role play should practise their listening skills by observing the | |

| | |role play. How effective were the communication skills used by the other pair? Learners should | |

| | |make notes of their findings. Facilitate a whole group discussion about the findings. | |

|8 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Guest speaker: Invite a guest speaker from a local hospitality business to discuss first-hand | |

|(2 hours) |Communication skills, including: |different styles of communication, the importance of using clear messages and examples of urgent, | |

| |styles of communication, e.g. face-to-face, on the telephone, in |non-urgent, difficult and routine communications in context. Follow up by a question and answer | |

| |writing (letter, email, fax), urgent, non-urgent, difficult, |session. | |

| |routine |Whole group discussion: Provide the group with a range of scenarios that require the use of | |

| |writing skills |communication. Learners are asked to identify and justify the best style of communication for the | |

| |interpreting written information |range of scenarios. For example: dealing with a customer complaint, informing past customers of | |

| |appropriateness of communication style to situation. |upcoming special offers; confirming a booking/order with a customer. | |

|9 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor input: Introduce task and show learners a DVD/video clip showing the importance of |Unit 12, Topic B.1 |

|(2 hours) |Working with others, e.g. teamworking, realising that goals |teamwork in hospitality. Examples of video clips available on video-sharing websites include: |Unit 12, Topic B.2 |

| |cannot be achieved without the help and support of others, |watch?v=d0EhVWU9tJE | |

| |independent working, problem solving, self-reliance (reliability,|Note: Teachers/tutors should make sure they view and check video clips for their suitability | |

| |honesty), good timekeeping (meeting deadlines and goals). |before using them in lessons. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to work in groups of three or four; each with a task to complete, | |

| | |for example: plan and serve an afternoon tea; deep clean a kitchen work area. | |

| | |Learners will need to think about the following: planning the work pattern; dividing tasks fairly.| |

| | |Learners will need to demonstrate teamwork and use of own skills. They should make notes on the | |

| | |following: | |

| | |roles and responsibilities | |

| | |evidence of independent working | |

| | |evidence of how the team completed the task | |

| | |evidence of how the team was reliable | |

| | |suggestions for how the team could have been improved. | |

| | | | |

| | |Whole group discussion: After completing the task, lead a discussion to reinforce the importance | |

| | |of using individual skills and teamwork to successfully complete a task. What went well during the| |

| | |task? What did not go so well? | |

|10 |Topic A.3 The effect of good working skills on hospitality |Teacher/Tutor input: Recap on what is meant by ‘working skills’ in the hospitality industry. | |

|(1 hour) |businesses and staff |Whole group discussion: Ask learners to think about the benefits of good working skills on | |

| |Benefits to businesses, including: |hospitality businesses. Help learners to identify the three groups of stakeholders that benefit | |

| |improving efficiency in workplace |from good working skills. | |

| |helping to meet work deadlines and business goals |Small group activity: Split learners into small groups. Allocate a different stakeholder to each | |

| |establishing and maintaining a good reputation for the business |group. Learners to discuss in more detail and research the benefits of good working skills to that| |

| |encouraging repeat custom |stakeholder. Each group to present their findings to the rest of the group. | |

| |boosting staff morale and creating a positive working environment|Teacher/Tutor presentation: Run through the benefits of good working skills for each group of | |

| |improving working relationships with customers and colleagues. |stakeholders. | |

| |competitive advantage. | | |

| |Benefits to customers, including: | | |

| |promoting reliability and trust in products and services | | |

| |enhancing the customer experience. | | |

| |Benefits to self: | | |

| |transferability of skills, including: | | |

| |improving own productivity | | |

| |supporting career progression. | | |

|11 |Topic A.4 The consequences of poor working skills on hospitality |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the consequences of poor working skills. | |

|(1 hour) |businesses and staff |Whole group discussion: About the consequences of poor working skills on the three stakeholder | |

| |Damage to reputation, e.g. sub-standard products, poor value for |groups. Have learners had any experience of poor working skills when visiting a hospitality | |

| |money, unreliable and/or untrustworthy service. |business? | |

| |Reduced profit and custom. |Small group activity: Learners should find and look at reviews of a range of local/national | |

| |Negative publicity, e.g. word-of-mouth, newspapers. |hospitality businesses. Are the reviews positive or negative? What do customers like/dislike about| |

| |Competitive disadvantage. |the business? Are any of the reviews linked to the working skills of the staff? | |

| |Staff dissatisfaction, lack of motivation, high staff turnover. |If the reviews were positive, how could poor working skills affect the reviews? If the reviews | |

| | |were negative, how could the business improve? | |

| | |Small group activity: In groups, learners to make posters showing the consequences of poor working| |

| | |skills. | |

|12 |Topic A.5 Providing consistent and reliable service in |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the topic of how businesses can provide consistent and |Unit 3, Topic A.4 |

|(1 hour) |hospitality through business procedures |reliable customer service. |Unit 8, Topic C.1 |

| |Ways that businesses in the hospitality industry can provide |Introduce the importance of using business procedures to do this. |Unit 11, Topic B.1 |

| |consistent and reliable service, e.g. by monitoring customer |Emphasise the importance to customers of providing a seamless system that provides safe, reliable,| |

| |service, following policies and procedures (business, |consistent service and meets customer expectations and needs. The use of policies and procedures | |

| |professional), meeting legal and regulatory requirements, and |underpins the standard of service provided. | |

| |having ethical standards: |Whole group discussion: Ask learners to discuss and give examples of specific policies and | |

| |ensuring that correct procedures are followed, e.g. referring to |procedures that they are aware of relating to customer service. How does following these policies | |

| |someone in authority, dealing with questions you cannot answer, |and procedures benefit the customer? | |

| |treating customers equally. |Learners should consider the expectations of customers for a consistent and reliable service in | |

| | |hospitality businesses. Make reference to findings from lesson 10 and 11. | |

| | | | |

| | |Where have learners had good customer service? Can they give any examples of when they have bad | |

| | |customer service? | |

| | |Paired/small group activity: Learners could review customer feedback posts of existing hospitality| |

| | |businesses to identify good and poor practice. Facilitate the feedback of findings and collate | |

| | |ideas in a group thought shower. | |

| | |Individual activity: Give learners a set of scenarios in which customers have made complaints | |

| | |about a hospitality business. Learners are asked to write procedures to improve the level of | |

| | |customer service offered in the scenarios. | |

|13 |Topic A.5 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the purpose of business procedures. | |

|(1 hour) |The purpose of business procedures that contribute to consistent |Learner activity: Watch DVD/video clips on procedures that staff will use in certain hospitality | |

| |and reliable working skills in the hospitality industry, |businesses. What are the benefits of the procedures to the customer and the hospitality business? | |

| |including: |Examples of video clips available on video-sharing websites include: | |

| |ensuring staff compliance with expected standards of service |watch?v=jIzaK5the1U | |

| |ensuring business mission/vision statements are followed |watch?v=gBwjClI7vtM | |

| |ensuring external quality benchmarks are met. |Note: Teachers/tutors should make sure they view and check video clips for their suitability | |

| | |before using them in lessons. | |

| | |Paired activity: Learners to research the external quality benchmarks that are applied to the | |

| | |hospitality industry. What are the benchmarks? How are they awarded? How do businesses ensure the | |

| | |benchmarks are met? Learners could find out how they are met in a local hospitality business. | |

|14 |Topic A.6 Complying with legislative and regulatory service |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce some of the legal and regulatory requirements that |Unit 3, Topic B.1 |

|(1 hour) |requirements in the hospitality industry |hospitality businesses have to comply with and the importance of compliance. |Unit 3, Topic B.2 |

| |Meeting all legal and regulatory requirements, including sale of |Paired/small group activity: Learners to research examples where hospitality businesses have not |Unit 8, Topic B.2 |

| |goods, health and safety, data protection and equal |met legal requirements. |Unit 9, Topic B.3 |

| |opportunities. | | |

| | |Learners are asked to identify the initial problem (e.g. selling short beer measures) and state | |

| | |how the law has been broken (e.g. by contravening the Weights and Measures Act, 1985). | |

| | |In breaking the law, what are the consequences to the business? For example: fine, prosecution, | |

| | |business closure, loss of licence, poor publicity, reduction in customers. What are the | |

| | |consequences for staff? For example: reduced hours, fewer jobs, redundancy. | |

| | |Learners could make a poster to help prompt them when feeding back their findings to the whole | |

| | |group. | |

|15 |Assignment 1 Tasks to cover 2A.P1, 2A.P2, 2A.M1, 2A.M2 and 2A.D1 |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Recap unit content so far. | |

|(2 hours) |Use an assignment you have designed. |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, nature of assessment and timeline| |

| |Alternatively, use Task 1 of the authorised assignment ‘Working |for completion/submission. | |

| |in the Hospitality Industry’, available from |Individual activity: Learners to draft a response (spider diagram format) to 2A.P1, 2A.P2, 2A.M1, | |

| | |2A.M2 and 2A.D1. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to work on completing assignment. | |

| | |Learners should spend session time and non-supervised time working on this assignment. | |

|Learning aim B: Use working skills in a hospitality situation |

|16 |Topic B.1 Creating a positive first impression with customers |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the importance of first impressions.. | |

|(1 hour) |Personal presentation, including: |Whole group activity: Discuss the concept of first impressions and its impact on customers. Have | |

| |personal hygiene, e.g. fresh appearance, wash or shower daily, no|learners been to a hospitality business where they have had a good first impression? A bad first | |

| |bad body odours, clean hands and short fingernails, keeping cuts |impression? Why was this? | |

| |and wounds covered with appropriate waterproof dressing |Small group activity: Give learners a set of scenarios in which hospitality staff are presenting | |

| |personal appearance, e.g. clean uniform and in good repair, hair |themselves in both good and bad ways. They should discuss the impression each member of staff is | |

| |– neat, tidy and clean, not wearing too much make-up, jewellery, |giving to customers and the impact this has on the business. | |

| |perfume or aftershave, avoiding chewing gum. | | |

| | |Whole group discussion activity: Follow up activity with a discussion covering issues such as: | |

| | |What messages do staff portray? What do customers see? What effect will it have on a business? | |

|17 |Topic B.2 Working effectively with customers and colleagues |Teacher/Tutor input: Invite a guest speaker from a local hospitality business to talk to learners |Unit 9, Topic A.4 |

|(2 hours) |Customers, including: |about different types of customers and how their needs are met. Follow up with a question and | |

| |internal, e.g. team colleagues, other teams, supervisors, |answer session. | |

| |managers |Individual activity: Learners to be given a business to work with, e.g. a local pub or hotel. Each| |

| |external, e.g. existing, new, individuals, groups, business |learner is issued with two sticky notes. Working independently, learners should list four internal| |

| |people, non-English speaking, different ages, different cultures,|customers that they would deal with in the business. | |

| |gender, families with young children |Learners to write a sentence showing how the internal customers will work together on each of | |

| |customers with special needs, e.g. physical disability such as |their sticky notes. | |

| |hearing or sight impairment, with special dietary needs or |Display sticky notes as a wall display. Encourage learners to look at other learners’ responses. | |

| |preferences, accompanied by a small baby or child, with learning |Whole group activity: Watch a DVD/video clip(s) about internal customer service. Lead a question | |

| |difficulties. |and answer session on why internal customer service is important, the consequences of poor | |

| | |internal customer service, and the ways that internal customer service can be improved. Examples | |

| | |of video clips available on video-sharing websites include: | |

| | |watch?v=RU13q5Ys1H8 | |

| | |Note: Teachers/tutors should make sure they view and check video clips for their suitability | |

| | |before using them in lessons. | |

| | |Paired activity: Give learners a hospitality business to work with and ask them to identify the | |

| | |external customers who would be most likely to use that business. They should discuss, in pairs, | |

| | |the reasons why they are customers at that business. For example, a nightclub business would only | |

| | |be open for over 18s. | |

| | |Whole group activity: Learners to watch a DVD/video clip showing how to meet the needs of | |

| | |customers with special needs. | |

| | |Whole group discussion: Focusing on the range of special needs that customers may have – e.g. a | |

| | |physical disability such as hearing or sight impairment, special dietary needs or preferences, | |

| | |accompanied by a small baby or child, learning difficulties. | |

| | |Then, discuss ways these needs can be met in different hospitality businesses, e.g. hotels, clubs,| |

| | |cafes, restaurants. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to make a training leaflet to help new staff know how to respond to| |

| | |and meet a range of customers’ needs. | |

|18 |Topic B.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce ways that colleagues work together effectively. | |

|(2 hours) |Working with colleagues, including: |Whole group discussion: Learners to discuss times when they have worked well in a team. Why did it| |

| |positive approach/attitude to work |work well? Are there times when teamwork has not worked well? If so, why? What could the team have| |

| |accepting instructions willingly |done better? | |

| |cooperating with other team members |Small group activity: Issue each group with a role-play scenario focusing on one aspect of working| |

| |offering help and assistance |with colleagues, such as having a positive approach. | |

| |respecting and understanding others |Each role-play scenario should cover a different hospitality business and situation. For example: | |

| |showing fairness and consideration to others. |it has started raining, which has led to a surge of customers in a coffee shop. The serving | |

| | |waitress is rushed off her feet. The employee who washes the dishes helps out by clearing and | |

| | |wiping tables. | |

| | |Learners are asked to act out their role-play scenario, showing how important the specific | |

| | |‘working with colleagues’ aspect that they are covering is. | |

| | |Whole group discussion: Each group is encouraged to start and lead a discussion based on the | |

| | |aspect of working with colleagues they focused on, e.g. what is the point of encouraging it? How | |

| | |does it affect service? What about staff morale? What are the consequences of not working well | |

| | |with colleagues (emphasis placed on the aspect that group is focusing on)? | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners are asked to record which working skills are used by the different | |

| | |groups during the role-play scenario activity, giving specific examples when a team member used a | |

| | |skill well. | |

|19 |Topic B.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor input: Recap key skills of communication. | |

|(1 hour) |Communicating effectively with customers and colleagues. |Paired/small group activity: Give learners a series of hospitality situations in which something | |

| | |needs to be communicated. Ask them to suggest the most appropriate method of communication, e.g. a| |

| | |restaurant that needs to communicate a promotional deal, a manager who needs to communicate | |

| | |changes in shifts to staff. Follow up with a question and answer session. | |

|20 |Topic B.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Introduce the concept of the evaluation cycle. |Unit 8, Topic B.2 |

|(1 hour) |Improving performance: reflecting on problems, updating and |Whole group discussion: On why it is important to review and improve the performance of a |Unit 12, Topic C.3 |

| |improving procedures, maintaining standards, identifying areas |business. | |

| |for improvement. |Individual activity: Ask learners to review a group activity they have taken part in (e.g. | |

| | |activity in lesson 18) using the evaluation cycle: | |

| | |What was the goal? | |

| | |What role were they given? | |

| | |What task(s) did they have to complete? | |

| | |Did the team work well together? | |

| | |Were there any problems? If yes, how did the team overcome them? | |

| | |Whole group activity: Follow the review with a group discussion identifying similarities and | |

| | |differences between findings. | |

|21 |Assignment 2 Tasks to cover 2B.P3, 2B.P4, 2B.P5, 2B.M3 and 2B.D2 |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Recap unit content. | |

|(2 hours) |Use an assignment you have designed. |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, nature of assessment and timeline| |

| |Alternatively, use Task 2 of the authorised assignment ‘Working |for completion/submission. | |

| |in the Hospitality Industry’ available from |Individual activity: Learners to draft a response (spider diagram format) to 2B.P3, 2B.P4, 2B.P5, | |

| | |2B.M3 and 2B.D2. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to work on completing assignment. | |

|TOTAL: 30 hours |

* See the specification for full details of unit content.


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