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60 Minutes/Vanity Fair PollBad HabitsAugust 7-11, 2015In general, would you say that you judge yourself more than you judge others, or do you judge others more than you judge yourself?Americans think they are harder on themselves than others.Most Americans judge themselves more than they judge other people. Seven in 10 Americans say that they judge themselves more, while just 16% say they judge others more than they judge themselves. Women (73%) are slightly more likely than men (65%) to judge themselves more than they judge others.Who Do You Judge More?TotalMenWomenYourself69%65%73%Other people161813Neither (vol.)121410Which one of the following bad habits irritates you the most?Smoking is the most irritating bad habit.Going back to the days when smoking was common in public spaces doesn’t seem to appeal to most Americans. When asked which bad habit bothered them the most, 32% of Americans picked smoking, the top choice from a list that also includes using crude language (23%), speaking while chewing food (20%), smacking gum (8%), biting nails (4%), and cracking knuckles (3%). There are differences by age. Americans under 45 are almost as offended by talking with your mouth full as they are with smoking. And as Americans get older they are more bothered by bad language. 41% of Americans 65 and older say crude language is the habit that bothers them the most – their top choice - though it is picked by just 9% of Americans under 35.Which Bad Habit Irritates You the Most?Total18-3435-4445-5455-6465+Smoking32%31%30%37%36%27%Using crude language23 918273141Speaking while chewing food202829131113Smacking gum 815 8 6 6 3Biting nails 4 7 6 2 1 4Cracking knuckles 3 3 2 4 4 2Which one of the following bad habits are you most likely to engage in when no one else is looking? 1. Smoking a cigarette, 2. Eating something fattening, 3. Drinking alcohol, 4. Texting an ex, 5. Watching a trashy TV show, 6. Looking at someone you’re attracted to from head to toe.Gluttony is America’s secret bad habit.Which bad habit are Americans most likely to indulge in when not under the watchful eye of others? It turns out eating something fattening is the top choice of most Americans, picked by 38%, far ahead of any other habit on a list of six, including watching a trashy TV show (14%), looking at someone you’re attracted to from head to toe (13%), smoking a cigarette (10%), drinking alcohol (7%), or texting an ex (4%). Another 13% said they wouldn’t engage in any bad habits even if no one was watching.Eating something fattening is the top choice for both men and women, but women (46%) are more likely to pick it than men (30%) by sixteen percentage points. The second choice among women is watching a trashy TV show (17%), while for men it’s “checking out” someone they’re attracted to from head to toe (17%).Which Bad Habit Are You Most Likely to Do Secretly?TotalMenWomenEating something fattening38%30%46%Watching a trashy TV show141017Looking at someone from head to toe1317 9Smoking a cigarette1014 6Drinking alcohol 7 9 5Texting an ex 4 4 4None of these (vol.)131313If you knew there would be no negative consequences, which one of the following bad habits would you most like to do more of?In a world where there were no ill effects, Americans would rather overeat than drink alcohol or smoke.Overeating is also the number one bad habit Americans would do more of if there were no negative consequences. 44% of Americans pick overeating, far ahead of drinking alcohol (16%), smoking (10%), sleeping around (8%), or lying (4%). Women (50%) are far more likely to choose overeating than men (38%), though it is the top choice of both genders.If there were no Negative Consequences,Which Bad Habit Would You Most Like to Do More of?TotalMenWomenOvereat44%38%50%Drink alcohol161914Smoke1013 8Sleep around 810 5Lie 4 5 4None of these (vol.)161319Which one of the following comes closest to how you usually view people who have no bad habits?Having no bad habits may be something to aspire to.How do Americans view people who seem to have no bad habits? For many Americans, the first impression is positive. 41% say they see people who have no bad habits as role models, the top choice from a list of five. Other Americans are not as positive. 24% of Americans think these so-called people with no bad habits are hiding something, 14% think they’re from another planet, 7% think they’re impossible to be around, and 6% think they’re deeply unhappy.People Who Have No Bad Habits Are…TotalMenWomenA role model41%39%42%Hiding something242622From another planet141414Impossible to be around 7 8 7Deeply unhappy 6 5 6Which one of the following is most likely to get you to break a bad habit?It may take a near death experience to break a bad habit.It may take a lot to get Americans to break a bad habit. 41% of Americans say a near death experience is probably the best cure for a bad habit, while 30% think an intervention by a loved one is most likely to get them to quit. Just 9% think several years of therapy is most likely to do it, while another 9% think the most effective cure for a bad habit is replacing it with another bad habit.What is Most Likely to Get You to Break a Bad Habit?TotalMenWomenA near death experience41%40%41%An ultimatum from a loved one303030Several years of therapy 9 711Another bad habit to replace it 911 7Which one of the following do you most want to hide from other people?Women want to hide their bodies; men want to hide their credit card statements.When it comes to the things they want to hide from others, Americans are torn between their bodies and their credit card purchases, and the divide is along gender lines. Hiding one’s body is the top choice among women (33%), while hiding their credit card statements is the top choice among men (26%). Further down the list are your political opinions (15%) and the inside of your home. Another 14% of Americans volunteer that they have nothing to hide on any of these fronts.Which Do Most Want to Hide from other People?TotalMenWomenYour body22%10%33%Your credit card statement222619Your political opinions151713The inside of your home1010 9Your emails and texts 910 7The websites you visit 5 9 2Your spouse or partner 2 2 2None of these (vol.)141513If your spouse or partner spent the last three hours of every night indulging in one of the following activities, which one would bother you the most?Men are less concerned than women about their partner watching pornography.It turns out many Americans are not thrilled with the idea of their spouse or partner ending the day with a three hour porn binge. When asked which activity would bother them the most if their spouse or partner spent the last three hours of every night indulging in it, pornography is clearly the top choice. Pornography is picked by just about half of all Americans (49%) - much further down on the list are watching reality television (17%), playing video games (13%), and posting on social media (11%).Though pornography is the top choice of both genders, women seem to be more bothered by their partner watching pornography than men. 63% of women say that pornography would be the habit that bothered them the most, compared to just 35% of men. Which Late Night Activity by a Spouse or PartnerWould Bother You the Most?TotalMenWomenLooking at pornography49%35%63%Watching reality television1726 9Playing video games131015Posting on social media1117 5Would you say your friends and colleagues think of you more as someone who is always on time or someone who is always late?Most Americans think they are always on time.Most Americans believe they deserve high marks for punctuality. 79% think that their friends and colleagues think of them as always on time. Just 19% think their friends and colleagues think of them as someone who is always late. Older Americans are even more confident that they aren’t ever late. 88% of Americans 65 and over think others see them as always on time. This drops to 70% of Americans under 35.Your Friends and Colleagues See You As…Total18-3435-4445-5455-6465+Always on time79%70%79%79%86%88%Always late1929191812 8When you hear about a celebrity going into rehab, which is more likely to be your first reaction?Americans support celebrities in rehab.Americans are generally supportive of celebrities in their attempts to get sober. 62% of Americans think “good for them” when they hear about a celebrity going into rehab, while just 32% think “It won’t be the last time” as their first reaction.This positive reaction is shared by Americans of all political persuasions, though Republicans are a little harder on celebrities than Democrats or independents. While 67% of Democrats think “good for them” as their first reaction, just 56% of Republicans agree.First Reaction When Hearing About a Celebrity in RehabTotalRepsDemsIndsGood for them62%56%67%63%It won’t be the last time32382831When do you invoke the “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” rule?Americans are less likely to invoke the “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” rule as they get older.Jimmy Buffet may be disappointed to find out that not all Americans invoke the “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” rule at whim. Just 23% of Americans say they invoke the “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere” rule whenever they feel like it, which is designed to circumvent the convention of only drinking alcohol after 5 PM. 21% of Americans invoke the policy only when on vacation, while 29% say they never invoke the rule. A quarter of Americans say they don’t know what that rule means, so one can only guess if and when they decide it’s time for their own personal Happy Hour.Younger Americans are more likely to reset their clocks in order to start drinking early whenever they want. 32% of Americans under 35 say they call it five o’clock somewhere whenever they feel like it, but this percentage drops to just 11% of Americans 65 and older.When Do You Invoke the 5 O’clock Rule?Total18-3435-4445-5455-6465+Whenever you feel like it23%32%22%23%17%11%Only when on vacation212533201713Never292116373637I don’t know what that is252026192835____________________________________________________________________________This poll was conducted by telephone from August 7-11, 2015 among a random sample of 1,019 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News by SSRS of Media, PA. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus 3 percentage points. The error for other subgroups may be higher. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Poll.60 Minutes/Vanity Fair PollBad HabitsAugust 7-11, 2015VF-01. In general, would you say that you judge yourself more than you judge others, or do you judge others more than you judge yourself?* TOTAL RESPONDENTS *TotalMenWomen % % %Judge yourself more696573Judge others more161813Neither121410Don’t know/no answer 4 3 4VF-02. Which one of the following bad habits irritates you the most?***************** Age ******************Total18-3435-4445-5455-6465+ % % % % % %Smoking323130373627Using crude language23 918273141Speaking while chewing food202829131113Smacking gum 815 8 6 6 3Biting nails 4 7 6 2 1 4Cracking knuckles 3 3 2 4 4 2None of these (vol.) 8 7 5 910 7Don’t know/no answer 1-- 1 2 1 2VF-03. Which one of the following bad habits are you most likely to engage in when no one else is looking?TotalMenWomen % % %Eating something fattening383046Watching a trashy TV show141017Looking at someone you’re attracted to from head to toe1317 9Smoking a cigarette1014 6Drinking alcohol 7 9 5Texting an ex 4 4 4None of these (vol.)131313Don’t know/no answer 2 2 1 VF-04. If you knew there would be no negative consequences, which one of the following bad habits would you most like to do more of?Over eat443850Drink alcohol161914None of these161319Smoke 1013 8Sleep around 810 5Lie 4 5 4Don’t know/no answer 1 2 1VF-05. Which one of the following comes closest to how you usually view people who have no bad habits?* TOTAL RESPONDENTS *TotalMenWomen % % %They’re a role model413942They’re hiding something242622They’re from another planet141414They’re impossible to be around 7 8 7They’re deeply unhappy 6 5 6None of these (vol.) 6 6 6Don’t know/no answer 3 3 3VF-06. Which one of the following is most likely to get you to break a bad habit?A near death experience414041An ultimatum from a loved one303030Several years of therapy 9 711Another bad habit to replace it 911 7Don’t know/no answer121312VF-07. Which one of the following do you most want to hide from other people?Your body221033Your credit card statement222619Your political opinions151713None of these141513Your emails and texts 910 7The websites you visit 5 9 2Your partner or spouse 2 2 2The inside of your home1010 9Don’t know/no answer 2 1 2VF-08. If your spouse or partner spent the last three hours of every night indulging in one of the following activities, which one would bother you the most?Looking at pornography493563Watching reality television1726 9Playing video games131015Posting on social media1117 5None of these (vol.) 7 8 5Don’t know/no answer 3 3 3VF-09. Would you say your friends and colleagues think of you more as someone who is always on time or someone who is always late?***************** Age ******************Total18-3435-4445-5455-6465+ % % % % % %Always on time797075798688Always late1929191812 8Depends (vol.) 1 * 2 1 1 2Don’t know/no answer 1 1 1 2 1 2VF-10. When you hear about a celebrity going into rehab, which is more likely to be your first reaction?*** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ******** Party ID *****TotalRepsDemsInds % % % %Good for them62566763It won’t be the last time32382831Don’t know/no answer 6 5 5 6VF-11. When do you invoke the “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” rule?***************** Age ******************Total18-3435-4445-5455-6465+ % % % % % %Whenever you feel like it233222231711Only when on vacation212533201713Never292116373637I don’t know what that is252026192835Don’t know/no answer 2 2 3 1 2 4Total respondents:1,019 ................

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