Project Due Date_________________

Project Due Date_________________ Name_________________________

Period_______ Date____________

Summer Reading Brochure

To demonstrate your knowledge of your required summer reading book, you will create a brochure that highlights the key points of your book. Follow the directions carefully. Make sure you have met all the requirements for the project before you submit your finished product.


1. Make your brochure by folding a plain piece of 8 1/2” x 11” paper into thirds. A sheet of computer paper is perfect!

2. Complete your work on a computer or neatly in blue or black ink You may add color for creativity.

3. The cover of your brochure needs to have

• The title of the book

• The author’s name

• An original illustration that relates to the book (please no pictures of the cover of the book!). Your picture(s) can be from the computer, a magazine, or a drawing that illustrates a scene from the book. Single pieces of clipart are not acceptable.

• Your name, period, and date in the lower right hand corner

4. The inside of the brochure must contain a graphic organizer (web) with an interesting border that is related to the book. Your graphic organizer should be logically organized and include the following information:

Center of Web:

• Title and author’s name

Six “arms” or “branches” coming out from the center:

Each arm/branch should be labeled-Protagonist, Antagonist, Setting, etc.

***This information should be in complete sentences!

• Identify the setting of the novel, which should include the time and place.

• Identify and describe the protagonist, or main character of the novel.

• Identify and describe the antagonist(s), or “bad guy(s)” in the novel.

• Explain the major conflict of the story. This is the main problem faced by the protagonist.

• Explain the resolution to the conflict, or the conclusion, of the story. This is how the main problem is solved.

• Explain the theme of the novel. This is the main message about life the author is trying to get across to the readers. **Remember a theme statement is always a complete sentence.

5. The back of the brochure needs to include the following:

• A thorough opinion of the book. Tell WHY you liked or didn’t like the book. Use specific details form the book in your explanation.

• A recommendation describing the type of person who would enjoy this book. You should also name a specific person you know that would enjoy reading this novel and explain why.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] Summer Reading Brochure


_______/ 5 points Identifies and describes the setting of the novel including both time and place in complete sentences

_______/5 points Identifies and describes the protagonist in complete sentences

_______/5 points Identifies and describes the antagonist in complete sentences

_______/5 points Explains the major conflict of the story in complete sentences

_______/5 points Explains the resolution to the conflict of the story in complete sentences

_______/5 points Explains the theme of the novel in complete sentences

_______/5 points Provides a thorough opinion of the novel in complete sentences; specific examples are included to enhance the explanation

_______/5 points Describes the type of person that would like this book and names a specific person who would enjoy reading this book


_______/5 points Cover includes title, author, and picture. Name, date, and period appear

in the lower right hand corner of the cover.

_______/5 points Graphic organizer is logically organized and includes an interesting and relevant border. The title and author are centered in the middle of the graphic organizer.


_______/5 points NO spelling mistakes, capitalization, or punctuation errors are present.

_______/5 points Complete sentences are used throughout the brochure.

Name: ____________________

Overall Score: _____/60 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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