Academy Leadership Curriculum

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Introduction to Leadership |

|Lens: Characteristics and Traits |

|Enduring Understandings |Guiding Questions |

| |

|1. Leaders share common characteristics. |1a. What are characteristics of leadership? |

| |1b. What is an effective leader vs. an ineffective leader? |

| |1c. Are effective leaders always good leaders? |

| |1d. Do the ends justify the means? |

|2. With leadership comes responsibility. |2a. What are the responsibilities of leadership? |

| |Personal agenda vs. common good |

| |2b. What is work ethic? What is follow-through? |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Introduction to Leadership |

|Lens: Characteristics and Traits |

| AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts |

|Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples |

|D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment |

|T - Tests |

|Students will Know… |AC |Students will be able to… |AC |

|The definition of leadership | |Participate in group discussions | |

|Responsibility and accountability | |Reflect on leadership styles | |

|The willingness to accept | |Participate in persuading, compromising, debating, and negotiating in the | |

|Key leadership abilities | |resolution of conflicts and differences. | |

|Elicit the cooperation of others | |Communicate orally and in writing. | |

|Listening skills | |Read for a variety of purposes: critically, analytically, to predict outcomes, to | |

|Place the needs of others above your own | |answer questions, to form opinions, and to skim for facts. | |

|Characteristics of a leader | | | |

|Commitment, loyalty, self-discipline, work ethic, creativity, ability to learn | | | |

|from mistakes, principles, passion for something grater, trust tenacity honesty, | | | |

|openness, patience responsibility, courage, confidence. | | | |

|Myths of leadership | | | |

|Command is leadership | | | |

|Born to be a leader | | | |

|The biggest and fastest will lead | | | |

|Requirements of leadership | | | |

|Training | | | |

|Goals | | | |

|Followers | | | |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Introduction to Leadership |

|Lens: Characteristics and Traits |

|Instructional Plan/Activities | | | |

|(Correlations) | | | |

|1. Deliberating in a Democracy: |1, 2 |2,3 |1,2,3,4,5 |

|2. Provide characteristics of famous leaders from history (ie. Churchill, Hitler, Hershey, Ford, Levi Strauss, etc.) Leave off the| | | |

|tell tale signs. Have students identify who the leader was. Encourage students to make the connection between effective leadership| | | |

|and good leadership and effective leadership and bad leadership. |1,2 |1,2,3,4,5 |1,2,4,5 |

|3. Goals Setting Strategies |1,2 |1,2,3,5 |1,3,4,5 |

|4. Leadership Scenarios |1,2 |1,2,3,4,5 |1,2,3,4,5 |

|Possible Resources: |

|Reviving the Wonder , Ric Stuecher with Suze Rutherford |

|Leadership for Dummies, marshall Loeb and Stephen Kindel |

|The Everything Leadership Book, Eric Yaverbaum and Erik Sherman |

|Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together, Jeanne Gibbs |

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Leadership Development |

|Lens: Process |

|Enduring Understandings |Guiding Questions |

| |

|1. All leadership is temporary. |1a. Why is leadership temporary? |

| |1b. What is situational, transitional and hierarchical leadership? |

| |1c. When might an organization need a specific type of leader? |

| | |

|2. All leaders have to find their own way. |2a. What are models of leadership? |

| |2b. What are the different theories of management? |

| |2c. What is your preferred model for leadership? |

| | |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Leadership Development |

|Lens: Process |

| AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts |

|Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples |

|D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment |

|T - Tests |

|Students will Know… |AC |Students will be able to do… |AC |

|The concepts of leadership: Vision, Mission, Direction, Goal | |1. Create Action Plans: | |

|Situations and circumstances from which leaders arise: Situation al leadership, | |Establish goals and tasks | |

|Transitional leadership, Hierarchical leadership | |Assign tasks to team members based on strengths | |

|Common Leadership Models: Great man, Trait, Behavioral, Contingency, | |Provide/Establish a system of checks and balances | |

|Transactional, Transformational. | |Celebrate success throughout | |

|The importance of empowerment, motivation and delegation. | |Evaluate errors and create new plan | |

|The actions of leaders to include: | |2. Compare and contrast leadership models and scenarios | |

|Establish goals and manage them | |3. Participate in group discussions | |

|Create a cohesive team | |4. Reflect on leadership styles | |

|Use interdependence | |5. Participate in persuading, compromising, debating, and negotiating in the | |

|Provide checks and balances | |resolution of conflicts and differences. | |

|Focus on the people within the system | |Communicate orally and in writing. | |

|Recover from mistakes | |7. Read for a variety of purposes: critically, analytically, to predict outcomes, | |

|Retention and recognition | |to answer questions, to form opinions, and to skim for facts. | |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Leadership Development |

|Lens: Process |

|Instructional Plan/Activities | | | |

|(Correlations) | | | |

|1. Use move clips to promote discussion |1,2 |2,3,4 |2,3,4,5,6,7 |

|2. Students create action plans |1,2 |5 |1 |

|3. Use political cartoons, short stories and art to demonstrate leadership styles |1,2 |2,3 |2,3,4,5,6,7 |

|4. Create and use personal checklists to determine personal leadership styles |1,2 |2,3 |2,4 |

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Teambuilding |

|Lens: Process |

|Enduring Understandings |Guiding Questions |

| |

|1. Teamwork is a model of shared leadership and responsibility. |1a. What is teamwork? |

| |1b. What is shared leadership and responsibility? |

| |1c. What are the benefits of teamwork? |

|2. A supportive environment fosters success. |2a. What is a supportive environment? |

| |2b. What are the benefits of a support environment? |

| |2c. What is individual potential with in a group setting? |

| | |

| | |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Teambuilding |

|Lens: Process |

| AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts |

|Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples |

|D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment |

|T - Tests |

|Students will Know… |AC |Students will be able to… |AC |

|1. The significance of trust and inclusion within group dynamics | |1. Actively design, build, test, and experiment with challenges, problems, designs| |

|2. The various aspects of communication: | |and structures | |

|The communication model | |2. Develop communication skills: the communication model, different types of | |

|Communication styles | |communication styles, and conflict management | |

|Conflict management techniques | |3. Work as a group to solve difficult challenges while sharing the frustration of | |

|3. The various aspects of teamwork: | |failure and the excitement of success | |

|Stages of team development | |4. Participate in open-ended problems that encourage problem solving and | |

|Characteristics of a functional team | |creativity | |

|Interdependence | |5. Use creativity techniques to create innovative solutions to complex problems | |

|The various aspects of problem solving: | |6. Learn to work effectively with others, reflect on what they have accomplished | |

|Problem solving techniques | |and make connections to the world around them | |

|Creativity techniques | |7. Value the process of production development as much as the product itself | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Teambuilding |

|Lens: Process |

|Instructional Plan/Activities | | | |

|(Correlations) | | | |

|1. Use icebreaker and get-to-know-you activities |2 |1,2,3 |2,6,7 |

|2. Participate in cooperative games |1,2 |1,2,3,4 |2,3,4,5,6,7 |

|3. Engage in problem-solving initiatives |1,2 |1,2,3,4 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |

|4. Investigate problems and challenges through hands-on experiences |1,2 |1,2,3,4 |1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |

|5. Participate in open-end discussions |1,2 |1,2,3,4 |2,5,6,7 |

|6. Develop plans based on observations and reflections of group and individual performances |1,2 |1,2,3,4 |2,6,7 |

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Meeting Management |

|Lens: Process |

|Enduring Understandings |Guiding Questions |

| |

|1. Effective meetings can make you and your organization function more effectively? |1a. Why are meetings important? |

| |1b. What are the different types of meetings? |

| |1c. What are the key elements of an effective meeting |

| |1d. How to prepare an agenda? |

| |1e. How to craft (present) your message? |

| |1f. What is parliamentary procedure? |

| |1g. How to follow-up on a meeting using parliamentary minutes procedure? |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Meeting Management |

|Lens: Process |

| AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts |

|Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples |

|D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment |

|T - Tests |

|Students will Know… |AC |Students will be able to… |AC |

|1. The elements of an effective meeting versus an ineffective meeting | |1. Organize an effective meeting: | |

|2. The different types of meetings | |Decide who is calling the meeting, who is coming to the meeting, what is the | |

|Idea generation, work meeting, review, status, project and kick off, and | |subject of the meeting, what is the meeting time and location, & duration, and | |

|Regular/standing | |what are the meeting objectives | |

|3. The methods to generating an effective meeting agenda | |2. Accurately utilize the appropriate type of meeting format to maximize the | |

|4. Parliamentary meeting procedure | |meeting potential. | |

|5. The proper project proposal techniques | |3. Create and execute an effective agenda: | |

|6. The follow-up procedures after a meeting | |Stay on time, stay on track, encourage participation, and involve individuals with| |

| | |particular expertise when appropriate | |

| | |4. Utilize parliamentary procedure in academy leadership | |

| | |5. Present project proposals to the following audience members: | |

| | |Student leadership team | |

| | |Administration team | |

| | |Appropriate staff and student organizations | |

| | |6. meetings Follow-up on meeting action items through: | |

| | |Distributing meeting minutes, a follow-up document (a spreadsheet or schedule of | |

| | |what is completed, of what is outstanding, and finally attaching the names of the | |

| | |individuals who have accomplished their tasks) | |

|Grade: 9-10 |

|Subject: Academy Leadership |

|Unit: Meeting Management |

|Lens: Process |

|Instructional Plan/Activities | | | |

|(Correlations) | | | |

|1. Teach the key elements of a meeting. |1 |1,2 |1,2 |

|2. Teach the different types of meeting formats. |1 |2 |2 |

|3. Teach the appropriate method for an agenda. |1 |3 |3 |

|4. Teach parliamentary procedure. |1 |4 |4 |

|5. Teach presentation skills when presenting a proposal to an audience. |1 |5 |5 |

|6. Teach follow-up parliamentary procedure. |1 |6 |6 |


Unit Overview

Students will explore the foundations of leadership with and emphasis on the abilities, characteristics, and requirements that shape leaders.

Approximately: 4 weeks

Introduction to Leadership

Characteristics and Traits





Unit Overview

Students will examine the various leadership models and concepts while considering the theories of empowerment and delegation.

Approximately 4 weeks


Unit Topic:

Introduction to Leadership

Leadership Development








Unit Overview

Teamwork is about high functioning groups, who are supportive, creative, and productive. Participants in such groups will also share collective challenges, choices, and responsibilities.

Approximately: 4 weeks


Unit Topic:

Leadership Development




Problem Solving




Getting to Know



Unit Topic:


Unit Overview

Students will learn and utilize the various aspects of meeting management techniques while using parliamentary meeting procedures.

Approximately: 4 weeks

Meeting Management







The basics of Meeting Management




Meeting Follow-Up


Meeting Minutes

Unit Topic:

Meeting Management


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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