ENGLISH Year 4 Term 2: 4 May to 8 MayMONDAYREAD Smart homes and cars of the future:Read silently for yourselfRead aloud for your mother, father or friendUnderline, discuss and look up difficult words in the dictionaryRead again and make sure you understand what you are reading!One of these days, the coffee machine in the kitchen will start making the morning wake-up coffee at exactly six o’clock. The milk in the fridge won’t be sour, because the fridge will automatically order fresh milk from the supermarket. The dishwasher, which is connected to the internet, will automatically start washing as soon as it is full.Mom will get the weather report on the bathroom mirror, while she is brushing her teeth. Dad will check the news headlines in the same mirror when it’s his turn. He will then enter his appointments for the day on his palm top computer, which is linked to a small computer woven into his jacket. Later, when he leaves for work, the information will be downloaded from his jacket computer to the computer of his car. The car will drive on auto pilot all the way, avoiding any jams, hazards and bad road conditions – and Dad will get to his meetings and appointments on time.In addition, the car will be able to check its own engine, set the mirrors, regulate the temperature and warn the motorist if repair work is needed or when the fuel is low.Everything we can think of will be regulated and controlled by computers, which will in turn be connected to the Net. Maybe, in future all learning will be done in virtual classrooms, class teaching will be out of date, no school uniforms, tuck money or transport tickets necessary. Can it just be that COVID 19 is giving us a taste of such a reality? And do you think it will be good for friendships and social interaction?TUESDAYBased on the text you have read, decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE and circle your choice: [8]The fridge can tell the time. TRUE / FALSEThe coffee maker can tell if the milk is sour and order more. TRUE / FALSEMom puts dad’s computer in his car for him. TRUE / FALSEDad checks the weather forecast while brushing his teeth. TRUE / FALSEDad enters his daily appointments onto his car computer. TRUE / FALSEDad’s car is controlled by the internet. TRUE / FALSEDad’s car can warn him of busy roads and lets him choose another route. TRUE / FALSECOVID 19 is bad for social interaction. TRUE / FALSEExplain in your own words what you think a ‘virtual classroom’ is. [2]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write down 5 (FIVE) “th”-words from the reading passage in alphabetical order. [5]________________________ __________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________WEDNESDAY27006691557231073888155723The definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) articles25708641470800definite article ‘the’ is used for indefinite articles a and an are used whensomething or someone specific something or someone is not specificthe earth, the world, the air a cat, a mouse a man, an apple, an owl,the moon, the weather, the principal an old man, a table, an orangeSo, WHEN do we use ‘a’ and when do we use ‘an’?An is used before words starting with a, e, i, o and uAN apple, AN owl, AN inkpot, AN orange, AN uncle and also AN hour,AN honour (because the ‘h’ is silent)BUT…A car, A bed, A girl, A donkey, A minute, A school…Fill in a or an: [30]______book______apple______eye______horse______ear______arm______tree______owl______hen______horse______aunt______ox______orange______axe______uncle______pen______hour______honour______eagle______handThe cook lifted the lid of ______ big, black kettle.He stood beside ______ harmless horse.The boss saw ______ tall young man. He seems to be ______ unhappy man.He kept ______ eye open all night.It takes us ______ hour to drive to the town.He was still ______ young man, but ______ hardy fellow.He wondered whether the young man was ______ honest worker.______ old horse can still do some work.THURSDAY, FRIDAYModals: can, could, may, must and mightCanCan – for abilityI can dance Tango.She can't sing.Can you speak English?Can – for permissionCan I sit here?Can we leave now?Can I play some music?Can – for requests or suggestionsCan we have more coffee?Can I have the bill?You can go wherever you like.CouldCould – past abilityI could run ten kilometres when I was younger.We could see the ocean from our hotel room.I could see that Danny was angry.Could – for permission (polite)Could I have another coffee?You could sit here if you like.Could you repeat that again?Could - for possibilityThis holiday could be really good.You could go to the hairdresser tomorrow.Could this really be true?MayMay – for formal permission.May I come in?May I make a suggestion?May he ask a question?May – to suggest a possibilityIt may rain this evening.They may be late.He may agree with you.MightMight – for possibilityThe electrician might be finished by tomorrow.It might be bad weather tomorrow.Peter might come to the party.MustMust – to express a formal request or necessityI must finish the report today.Each individual must help to stop the spread of COVID19.Every car must have seat belts.Must – to show that something is very possibleShe must be very intelligent.You must be tired after your journey.Fill in can. may, must or could.Sarah is such a talented singer. She ________ practise a lot.David ________ speak Japanese and Thai fluently.You ________ ask questions after my presentation.Mister Turner, ________ I ask a question?I'm sure you ________ speak Spanish seeing that you’re from Colombia.________ you show me your passport please?I'm too old now but when I was younger I ________ surf and water ski.It________ rain tomorrow so we’d better plan an indoor dinner.left242910MODAL VERBSMODAL VERBS3.2 00Remember:Remember: should’nt = should not mustn’t = must not needn’t = need not don’t = do notComplete the sentences by underlining the correct modal verb in italics:You must / should / shouldn’t go to bed so late. It’s not good for you.You don’t have to / mustn’t / needn’t come. I can do it without you.You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t wear a school uniform in most Spanish state schools.You must / mustn’t / needn’t be a good writer to win the Pulitzer Prize.You must / should / shouldn’t be 18 before you can drive in SA.You don’t have to / mustn’t / must copy during exams.You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t be very tall to play football.-95693-531633.303.3right6448302058189157357820right51182650right4476998In 2021 I might…0In 2021 I might…right3835729Next weekend we might…0Next weekend we might…right3183222We might… 0We might… 5398992482578I might get out of bed… ofofatat______________________________________________0I might get out of bed… ofofatat______________________________________________right1794040I might … 0I might … -1275910 3.4 00 3.4 5943600903767Answers1. might2. might2. ................

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