California Association of Teachers of English

CATE Board December 2018Greg JohnsonPresidentHello All,My apologies for those of you who have had to endure so many emails from me. For some of you, this is probably number 5 or 6. As CATE President I have continued to teach English (and a variety of other stuff) at Central Valley Continuation High School. I have also taught at CSUB part-time and really enjoyed a new upper-division class this semester. In addition, I have also ? Continued in my role as an ERWC Trainer, working with Kim Flachmann and Mark Olsen to train 36 new teachers about ERWC. Day 4 of the training will be Monday, Dec. 3.? Continued in my role as a RIAP Leader, working with Kim Flachmann to infuse additional reading and writing strategies into a variety of content area and grade level classrooms.? Attended a day with Nancy Frey where she discussed Vocabulary and Reading (and was superb!).? Attended NCTE in Houston, TX, with Denise Mikkonen, where I represented CATE in some meetings (I think three), found out that CATE is a really well organized group (as several other people picked my brain about how we do things), accepted a membership award (along with Southland and GSDCTE), spent time with Carol Jago, Sheridan Blau, and Kelly Gallagher, attended the annual business meeting with several CATE members, ate several very nice meals, and attended some workshops where I learned new strategies and skills to take back to my classroom.? Wrote and submitted the President’s Perspective for California English.? Attended workshops for English Language Development as part of my ongoing professional development with the Kern High School District.? Worked with Denise and Jill Hamilton-Bunch to prepare the agenda for the December Board Meeting.? Assisted Pat Keough and Angela Halpin in preparing taxes for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.? Assisted Pat in accessing websites and reports in Quicken in preparation for the financial report for the December board meeting.? Attended the KCTE Fall Social at the Speakeasy Bar & Grill at 1933.I think that’s all I have to say about that.I am looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting on Saturday! I will haul the printer along for any last-minute reimbursement printing. Safe travels,GregP.S. Here is the agenda for the board meeting. I have already printed a copy for everyone, so please do not print one for yourself unless you really want to or cannot stomach the color yellow (that is the color of paper I used).Denise Mikkonen, Past PresidentI attended NCTE Annual Business Meeting and Affiliate Breakfast at NCTE Convention.? Had dinner with Jago/Johnson/HMH.Participated in Advisory CallWorked with President on issues related to Board Meeting and Convention.Contacted DSA winner, waiting for Michelle to provide registration information.? Susan was very humbled and honored to be our nomination.?*Reminders – Please bring or send letters for Susan Dillon’s DSA (thanks Bill Y!)*Publications – please update website with current board members*Awards due-CATE Awards: please submit original plus TWO COPIES due at beginning of meeting on 12/1 (thanks Gina Cole got yours!)?????? Classroom Excellence College - Capitol & RedwoodSecondary -Fresno and San DiegoMiddle - Central and KernElementary - Southland, Upper and TUCATEAward of Merit due 12/1????????????? Scholarships due 12/1???? ????????????? Henke Fristrom Virginia ReidNCTE Liaison Awards2018 High School Teachers of ExcellenceIntellectual Freedom Award????????????? Letters for DSA – Susan Dillan?? ?CATE Elections: nominations due by end by 12/1.? Please ask candidates to send a recent photo and statement (app 50 words) to dmikkonen@ by January 5, 2019 for publication in California English.?? ????????????? Membership – current Williams????????????? MAL Secondary – current Polski???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sincerely,Denise MikkonenJill Hamilton-Bunch, Vice PresidentIt has been a busy Fall for me! Kern, CTE WorkCollected nomination materials for Kern's award of excellence nominee.Registered participants for the Nancy Frey's professional development in Kern County in pleted membership materials for participants from Nancy Frey PD.CATEOrganized advisory council call for CATE Board of Directors' December anized housing and meals for CATE Board of Directors' December meeting.Look forward to seeing you all!JillCarole LeCren, SecretaryI ordered business cards for those who requested them and mailed them out. I updated the CATE policies to reflect motions from the last few CATE board meetings. I finished the September board minutes and sent them to board members. I also plan to send documents that need to be posted on CATEweb to Cindy. –Carole LeCren, CATE SecretaryPatrick Keough, Co-TreasurerTo:? CATE BoardFrom:? Patrick KeoughRE:? Co-treasurer Report, December 2018 Board MeetingI continue to work as a 4th grade teacher at Westwood Elementary School.? As part of my co-treasurer duties, I have:*Filled out and submitted postal forms associated with California English.*Submitted documents for the filing of CATE's Federal 990 tax form.*Continued to learn the ins and outs of CATE's budget.? In addition, I also attended the CUE conference in San Diego held earlier in the month.? The sessions that I attended focused on using Google Docs and Google Forms in the English classroom.Respectfully Submitted,Patrick KeoughAngela Halpin, Co-Treasurer/MAL CollegeAngus Dunstan, Capitol RepKathy Nichols, Central Rep/CATE 2017 Co-ChairMeetings: Central Council President’s Report December 1, 2018 10/12/18 - Asilomar?11/11/18 - Mercy High School Awards: Award of Merit: ● ?Lit Crawl ?● ?Steinbeck Center in Salinas ?Middle School Teacher of Excellence: ?David Harlow, Morada Middle School, Lodi Unified School District ?Conferences: ?● ?Asilomar was a huge success. We earned $600 in scholarship money from our gift basket raffle. ?● ?Continued progress on the Yosemite Conference on April 6 - 7. We are still in need of a Sunday brunch speaker. ?Membership Drive: ?● ?Satellite Group in Lodi will have a Pizza and Publications Night in January. More information to come. ?● ?We are still looking for more board members to serve on the Central Council. ?● ?Our Interim Treasurer is Liz McAninch ?Writing Contest: ?At our November board meeting, we read all of the writing contest participants and selected winners. ?Janina Schulz/David Wisar, FACET RepFACET board and Yosemite Conference Committee have both worked mostly on Yosemite Conference during this fall semester. Along with Central and TUCATE, we are thrilled to have Kelly Gallagher as our keynote speaker at Yosemite Conference April 5-7, 2019. We have been working on securing a Sunday speaker, and believe we have narrowed it down. We're hoping to have that speaker finalized soon so we can publish our flyer.?I will find out on Saturday if I passed my National Board Certification. I have continued to teach a class in the credential program at FPU. This year I transitioned out of my role as AP Coordinator for Edison High School and went back to teaching five classes. After a seven year break, I am also back to teaching the yearbook class, which has been fun and challenging. David continues his process towards National Board Certification as well.?Janina Schulz Yearbook AdvisorAP Language /?English III Honors TeacherEdison High SchoolGina Vattuone, GSDCTE RepDecember 1, 2018 GSDCTE Board ReportGood afternoon CATE Board Members,This has been a busy few weeks for us! We are working on a few events simultaneously. On November 13th we met up for snacks and drinks prior to hearing author Anne Lamott. Her words inspired us to maintain hope in times of bleakness and despair. She encouraged us to keep going and never give up.Carol Battle represented our council at the NCTE convention. GSDCTE was recognized as 1 of 10 national recipients of the 2018 Kent D. Williamson Affiliate Membership Award for increasing our membership 259% from 2017-2018 (thank you CATE18 in San Diego).GSDCTE is proud to announce that we are starting a new book club. The first meeting will be December 8th and we will be reading (CATE19 Speaker) Tommy Orange’s There There. Follow us on Twitter @SD_CATEreads.On January 22, we are partnering with HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" Little Fish Comic Book studio to offer a workshop for K-12 educators about how to use Comic Books and Graphic Novels as part of the literacy practice of their classrooms. A very timely topic given that our “One Book, One San Diego” book is John Lewis’ graphic novel, March and that the November issue of California English is dedicated to the exploration of graphic novels on the classroom!? This article sparked my interest HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" and I just finished reading Scott McCloud’s HYPERLINK "." \t "_blank" Understanding Comics.We are planning a “Promising Practices” workshop in March focused on poetry…just in time for poetry month in April.-----I will not be in attendance at the December 1st Board Meeting. I will be facilitating day 5 of the California Global Education Project's signature program: Teaching for Sustainable Communities- Empowering Eco-Literate Global Citizens. This is the day where groups will share their action plans that they developed over the summer and first semester. And we are discussing one of three books that members selected. Mine was the anthology? HYPERLINK ".." \t "_blank" Hope Beneath Our Feet: Restoring Our Place in the Natural World.??The idea of "hope“ keeps sneaking up on me in what I read, watch, listen to and the people with whom I converse. I used to be somewhat dismissive of hope as too naive or foolishly optimistic. I thought hope was for those who don't take action. Now, I think that hope is a necessary accompaniment to action. More and more, I am finding hope useful, especially when I read the words of Krista Tippet who said, "Hope is an orientation, an insistence on wresting wisdom and joy from the endlessly fickle fabric of space and time.Hope is distinct, in my mind, from optimism or idealism. It has nothing to do with wishing. It references reality at every turn and reveres truth. It lives open eyed and wholehearted with the darkness that is woven ineluctably into the light of life and sometimes seems to overcome it. Hope, like every virtue, is a choice that becomes a practice that becomes spiritual muscle memory. It’s a renewable resource for moving through life as it is, not as we wish it to be.” I wish you all a healthy and HOPEFUL 2019!Gina VattuoneGSDCTE PresidentKim Flachmann, Kern RepCATE: KERN COUNCIL December 2018MeetingsScheduled for Dec 15: Business meeting, Book Club, Christmas Feast, Book ExchangeSpecial meeting with Tim Dewar to discuss joint Writing Project activities for Santa Barbara and BakersfieldNominationsNomination of Ashley Zaragoza (middle school) for Excellence in TeachingCriterion used: the school with the largest number of CATE membershipsMembership Drives Sept 27, 2018: Back to School PartyOct 25, 2018: Nancy Frey (120 participants); PD credit through CSUBSpecial Drawings for prizes for CATE members by KCTE Membership ChairOne Book/One Bakersfield ActivitiesOct 2018: Kern Council sponsored awards for One Book essay contestOct 2018: Kern Council sponsored art awards in conjunction with One Book activitiesOct 30, 2018: Kern Council hosted a dinner for the One Book author (Baz Dreisinger)Book Club Meetings[Sept 2015: The International Bank of Bob by Bob Harris (One Book/One Bakersfield)][Dec 2015: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee][Mar 2016: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins][May 2016: Book Club, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi] [October 2016: The Big Thirst, One Book/One Bakersfield][Nov 2016: Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine and the Miracle That Set Them Free by Hector Tober][May 2017: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan][Sept 2017: $2.00 a Day by Kathryn Edin and H. Luke Shaefer][Dec 2017: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson and Rob Bradbury]Oct 2018: Incarceration Nations by Baz DreisingerNov 2018: There There by Tommy OrangeDeep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine and the Essay ContestsOn-going in the schools all yearRecruitmentSummer: Postcard Blitz and phone calls by membership chair Kern Online Presence KERN CATE: PresenceSubmitted by Kim FlachmannPresident of Kern Council[vacant], Redwood RepJennifer Silver, Southland RepHello all,Lots of good things brewing here in the Southland.Last month, we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon in partnership with the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Our main focus: visual arts integration in the ELA classroom.?I led a roundtable session, “Cards Against the Humanities,” at NCTE in Houston. Also, I was honored to accept the Kent D. Williamson Award on the council’s behalf. It was an invigorating convention...and it personally inspires me as I plan to shadow Annie in the coming months.On January 12, we’ll host Kelly Gallagher at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.? The brunch workshop will address “New Year’s Literacy Resolutions.” All are welcome! See me for ticket details; it’s a real bargain for CATE members.Looking forward to catching up with everyone,Jennifer Silver?SCTE PresidentCATE 2020 ChairCarol Surabian, TUCATE RepThe TUCATE Board has been slow getting started this year.? However, we did select a resolutions chair, Robert Morfin, who will join us at the convention.? YAY!We have been helping out with the Yosemite Conference, acting as registrar.? There has been some interest, and we have our first registrations.? We would encourage anyone who has attended, as well as those first timers, to sign up for the April 5-7 conference.? The venue is delightful, the food is plentiful, and the conversation is stimulating.? The falls should be spectacular that time of the year.Carol SurabianTUCATE presidentGina Cole, Upper RepJulie Pearson, MAL ElementaryDecember 2018To: CATE BoardFrom: Julie PaulsenRE: MAL Elementary Report, December 2018 Board MeetingCATE WorkDistributed CATE Conference flyers to local elementary schools. Developing a plan to visit local schools to promote CATE and recruit working with elementary teachers to determine how to best support their needs and encouraging them to join and participate in CATE.One Book One Bakersfield One Kern Attended dinner and lecture with Baz Dreisinger, author of Incarceration Nations on October 30. Professional WorkTeaching kindergarten for the eleventh year at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School in Bakersfield where I am a team leader for two teams preparing for our WASC Accreditation visit in the fall of 2019.On a WASC Accreditation team working at Mary Immaculate Queen Elementary School in Lemoore. We are currently writing the Visiting Committee Report to be presented on December 12. Additionally teaching two sections of a sequence composition course at CSUB (in the evenings). Respectfully Submitted,Julie Paulsen MAL ElementaryCarol Battle, MAL MiddleHello all, Since our last board meeting, I have continued to teach courses in the School of Education at CSU San Marcos while also serving in the role of University Supervisor in the Middle Level Credential Program.I attended NCTE as the San Diego Council Representative and am eager to share some ideas I garnered about diversifying our CATE membership and better serving the students of California including the creation of a Diversity Caucus or potential board committee to effect change the way award winning states like Georgia and Michigan have.I was also able to attend a "Notice and Note for Non-Fiction Reading" workshop hosted by Heinemann where I was able to interact with Kylene Beers and Bob Probst.Robb Polski, MAL SecondaryTo:? CATE BoardFrom:? Robert PolskiRE:? MAL Secondary Report, December 2018 Board Meeting?I continue to work as a 10th and 11th grades (AP English Language and Composition) at Independence High School, Bakersfield, CA and as an adjunct instructor of composition at Taft College, Taft, CA.? ?I have been involved in some KCTE events and activities.? We held our Back-to-School event in September, and I am hosting our December board meeting, food and libations, a book club discussion of Tommy Orange’s There There, and our annual book exchange.? I published a poem in the September English Journal titled “Poem’s Poem,”? which would not have happened if I had not had the fortune of attending the SCWriP Summer Institute in 2014.? Thank you Tim and my fellow writing project fellows for your continual support and encouragement.? And over the Thanksgiving break, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my daughter.? Her big take away after having read 870 pages, “You know Dad, I think I like Ron better.? Harry is too moody.”?I am looking forward to seeing you all.?Respectfully Submitted,Robert PolskiMAL SecondaryJeannine Ugalde, MAL SecondarySommer Iamele, MAL UnspecifiedCarmen Carrillo, MAL CollegeBill Foreman, MAL Small CouncilBoard Report—MAL Small Council—December 2018 MeetingAs Program Chair for the CATE 2019 Convention, I accepted and managed to submissions for the convention program individual sessions. After extending the deadline to October 20, we received over 100 submissions, the great majority of which were accepted. This February our convention will host 91 noncommercial sessions spread equally across the six sessions on Friday and Saturday, with a handful on Sunday morning. We will be very near capacity in terms of the number of rooms available. All noncommercial presenters have been informed about the day they will present and I will send a more specific email to each in a week or two letting them know their session time. Several of our strands received many more proposals than the six required to complete a strand, including Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening, Equity Education, Bridging the Achievement Gap, and the Interdisciplinary/Interactive strand. Others strands will also run but are closer to the required six: English Learners, Oral Performance, ERWC (which saw just four submissions). Several strand ideas simply didn’t receive adequate support but may still be mentioned in the program: Advocacy for All, Elementary, 2- and 4-Year College Teaching. The New Teacher strand idea did not receive significant support from submissions on its own, but we can add the New Teacher designation as a secondary strand where appropriate.One strand idea emerged organically from the submissions this year. Many submissions centered on the use of educational technology (particularly internet technology) to support classroom work. After consulting with the 2019 Convention Chair, we created a “Multimodal ELA” strand that will include the use of noncommercial educational software, web resources, the creation of podcasts, and other nonprint text resources. This seems like an exciting addition to the program.Liz McAninch, MAL UnspecifiedMAL UNSPECIFIED REPORT – DEC 2018Central Council’s first meeting of the new school year was held at Asilomar in October. We kept up the tradition of raffling baskets for the Chiyo Scholarship fund. I was delighted when Mary Adler won the first basket, plus adding $600 toward scholarships. As a member of Curriculum Study Commission, I also took part in planning and on-site registration.In November, Central Council met in San Francisco to read entries in the CATE Writing Contest and select our winners. I also will be assuming the role of Treasurer for the council. We also discussed several candidates for our Teacher of Excellence Award as well as Awards of Merit. Central and Fresno have joined forces on the Yosemite Conference. It is still a “work in progress.”I also teamed up with playwright Ron Jones again to produce The Third Wave at Mercy H.S. this month. We and the students collaborated on his original script to add and/or change some of the original dialogue and scenes. I always appreciate Mr. Jones’ willingness to listen to student voices and concerns. Due to bad air school closings in San Francisco, our second weekend of performances was cancelled, and consequently, we just ended the show this week. Submitted by Liz McAninchJoan Williams, MembershipCATE MEMBERSHIP REPORTDecember 2018# COUNCIL12/162/175/179/1712/173/185/189/1812/18+/-1 Redwood211824202117252323--2 Upper201217161716172441+173 Capitol9485139138119 101119 120123+34 Central267262413414372 252262 262287 +255 Fresno3627525051 54 82 8180 -1TUCATE161619181817 19 2019 -17 Kern11810914997114 128149 148131 -178 Southland591267335339346 445520 518502 -169 San Diego13550586376 194229219209 -1050 Out-of-state2915202123 28 283028 -2 55 Libraries1212121313 12 121212 -- 99 Comps11222 2 1 11 --TOTAL 14071340874124011911172 1266 1463 1456 -7Membership numbers have been updated to reflect current membership totals. Councils that would like copies of the roster, membership brochures, or CE should request them so that they can receive them when needed. Table banners are also available for councils to use.Event Power not checking for membership status; instead, the membership chair has been given a code for access to the registrations so that periodic checks can be made to avoid a money due situation at convention. A list of current bad addresses has been sent to the councils that are affected by the errors.Reminder: All CATE board members must be current members of both CATE and NCTE. I attended the local Redwood Writing Project event for educators and students, an interesting event that held workshops with both students and teachers as the audience in some sessions.I requested an updated list of services and charges for membership processing from Precision Assembly. Membership Committee is currently working on a presentation for the convention focusing on new members and membership chairs.Website needs updating. It is important to have the information as timely and accurate as possible because we should be able to refer people to it for information. Thank you to Carol for adding the information to policy 3 regarding council events and membership reporting and providing us with an updated copy of the policies.Michelle Berry, Convention CoordinatorConvention Coordinator’s Report – December 2018Thanks go to Carole for another wonderful flyer, to Annie for her leadership as local chair, Angela for sending payment for Sunday’s speaker, to Bill Foreman for handling the selection and scheduling of workshops so professionally, to Bill Younglove for working behind the scenes with such commitment to secure a special speaker for sometime in the future, and to Cindy, without whose expertise and patience we would not have a relatively smooth transition to eventPower’s takeover of registration. While there are always bumps in the road to convention, we are on a roll! As soon as they were printed, flyers were sent to Precision for mailing to members going back 5 years, and to Board members for distribution. I have delivered flyers to every high school in Sonoma County, to several high schools so far in Marin County, and 250 flyers were mailed to Susan Dillon, who requested that many for distribution to the Modesto area, before she even knew she was DSA winner. Flyers need to get in the hands of non-members/potential attendees by mid-December. Please cover your local middle and high schools, especially. As I haven’t seen any additional FB advertising done as yet, I will post major speaker bios there, one per week, a bit later than has been done in the past. Those who Tweet, Insta, or otherwise, please do so, and councils are urged to copy from FB posts as well, or create your own, of course, for councils’ social media pages. You will remember that Board members and all presenters must register for convention by December 1. Please do so this weekend if you have not already. and use the code given to you for your special Board pricing. Board and Resolution folks will sign up at this meeting for your room at convention. I will need these commitments by Sunday noon. If you choose to room alone or with someone not on the Board, you will have the Convention rate, rather than the Staff rate, as agreed to at previous meeting.The exhibit hall is going to be placed in the ballroom rather than the Atrium due to greatly increased costs for the former. Registration will be in the open lower lobby area, just outside both the EH and the banquet hall. Yisel’s admin credential program requires her absence on Saturday, but we will cover her that day. Booths have sold in greater number this year than in previous two years for which she credits the discounts CATE is offering, with many vendors still waiting until December to commit.Board member volunteer hours will be similar to the past; we plan for 4 hours per person in service to the convention. There will be a signup sheet at the February board meeting on Thursday. Respectfully submitted,Michelle BerryCindy Conlin, Webmaster/Registrar[no board report necessary; provides annual report after the annual convention to the convention coordinator]Yisel Parra, Exhibits Manager[no board report necessary; provides annual report after the annual convention to the convention coordinator]Annie Gervais, CATE 2019 ChairI have been busy working on convention. Currently, we have a solid committee. The autograph chair/bookstore liaison has been put in contact to receive the information for speaker’s books to order. Our speakers have been well received, and the flyers are circulating. We’re doing well on progress, except in the area of swag bags. Nothing else to report. Jennifer Silver, CATE 2020 Chair[see report under Southland Council]Mindy Montanio, Liaison CTAI have no report at this time, but will be happy to make a recommendation to the CTA Liaison Committee regarding funding for the Conference. :) Hope everyone had a great little break!Mindy MontanioDistrict English Language Arts TOSAInstructional ServicesKern High School District661.827.4516Extension 54516Currently Reading: Visible Learning: FeedbackBill Younglove, Liaison Common Core ConsultantCATE Board Report 9/10-11/30, 2018? 9/12 Shared with CSULB Professor StephanieJohnson’s Single Subject Credential classeswhat SCTE/CATE/NCTE have to offer.?? 9/13 At UCLA, heard Maryanne Wolf, author ofReader, Come Home (Reading Brain in Digital World).?? 9/29 Wrote a 1,500 word article, “ ‘Tis Timefor Narratology!” to coincide with the CE graphics issue.?? 10/3 At Los Angeles World Affairs Council,heard Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid (firstwoman leader; now age 49) speak on hercountry’s educational progress.?? 10/6 Attended SCTE Board meeting at VPTracy Sprague’s house in Torrance. ?? 10/9 At Anaheim City Council, honoring92-year-old Mel Mermelstein (Never Forget filmhero about famous Holocaust denial case), and his 96-year-old Buchenwald liberator.?? 10/10 At? L.A. film, Prosecuting Evil, with now 99-year-old Benjamin Ferencz, Nuremberg’s youngest prosecutor; unveiling USHMM’s Ferencz International Justice Initiative.?? 10/23 CSULB CA Faculty Association meeting, looking at the campus in (Imagine BEACH) 2030.?? 10/24 Attended UCLA L.A. Times Literacy Camp, about how to analyze “fake news.” (See )?? 10/26 Took part in CSULB’s TEDx Talks (11speakers on “Navigating the Truth”).?? 11/2 CSULB Student Teacher Professional Day; newCommission on Teacher Credentialing requirements.?? 11/3 SCTE at The Getty: Program about incorporatingart images into English teaching.?? 11/4 Evaluated scholarly papers at annual IEEE Aerospace Conference Paper Review Day in El Segundo.?? 11/10 Hosted mystery writer David Bell (1 of 30) at Long Beach Grand’s annual Men of Mystery Conference.?? 11/29 Will (have taken) part in the CSULB GraduateStudent Association’s formal paper presentations, on Memory.Gale Caswell, CETA LiaisonThe California Educational Theatre Association 1.Our new President, Michael Despars has outlined his vision for the next two years, including a re-structuring of the board, continuing collaboration with the music and dance organizations, continued participation in writing the requirements for the new Theatre Credential, and more.?2. CETA is near the end of the adjudication period for the High School Theatre Festival.?65 high schools from Kern County to San Diego County have entered their (non-musical) fall productions.3 adjudicators (theatre professionals) attend and ?evaluate each production, and submit ratings and narrativeadjudication narratives are geared to supporting the educational goals of the teacher/directorthe highest scoring production in each of four areas of Southern California will bring their productions to the Festival gathering, January 18-20, 2019 at Fullerton Union HighSchool1200 students and teachers will attend.the 2nd and 3rd place winners for each area will present a a scene from their showsthe Festival also offers opportunities for learning through a wide variety of workshopsstudents may compete in scene and monologue events??senior students compete for acting and technical scholarships?Respectfully submitted,Gale CaswellCETA LiaisonTim Dewar, Liaison CWPTo: CATE BoardFrom Tim Dewar, CWP LiaisonRE: CWP Report for December Board MeetingIn addition to my work as the CWP Executive Director, I am employed at UC Santa Barbara as a Lecturer with Security of Employment in the Department of Education. In addition to teaching classes for undergraduates, credential candidates, and doctoral students, I serve as the Coordinator for the Secondary Credential Program with our Teacher Education Program. CWP has been busy planning for the James Gray Memorial Pre-convention on February 21, 2019. The day's theme will be Literacy in Pursuit of Human Rights: Amplifying Student Voices. In addition to 15 break-out sessions, the day will have keynote presentations from Jessica Early (ASU) and Kristen Norton, featuring Fresno-area high school spoken-word poets (I'd appreciate any help on the hyphenation). The tragic fires in northern and southern California have prompted CWP to commence planning teacher resource support fairs, as we did last year in response to the fires in Sonoma County. We hope to partner again with other subject matter projects and county offices of education. CWP looks forward to coordinating our efforts with anything CATE undertakes. Respectfully submitted, Tim DewarExecutive Director, California Writing ProjectJennifer Howerter, Liaison CDECalifornia Department of EducationEducator Excellence and Equity DivisionDecember 2018 UpdatesMedia and Information LiteracySenate Bill 830, which directs the CDE to post a series of resources on media literacy to its web site, was recently signed by the Governor. The EEED is working internally and with external partners to vet resources. These resources will be posted by July 1, 2019.2019 Health Education Framework The second 60-day public review and comment period will close in January 2019. For a timeline of events, go here: 2019 World Language (WL) StandardsThe World Language Subject Matter Committee and the Instructional Quality Commission analyzed the field review results. The State Board of Education will take action on the draft revision of the World Language Standards in January 2019. 2019 Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) StandardsThe VAPA Subject Matter Committee and the Instructional Quality Commission analyzed the field review results. The State Board of Education will take action on the draft revision of the VAPA Standards in January 2019. 2020 World Languages FrameworkOn January 9-10, 2019, the SBE will appoint the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) and receive focus group input. To see the schedule of CFCC meetings and other significant events, go here: 2020 Visual and Performing Arts Framework On January 9-10, 2019, the SBE will appoint the CFCC and receive focus group input. To see the schedule of CFCC meetings and other significant events, go here: 2020 Ethnic Studies Model CurriculumOn January 9-10, 2019, the SBE will appoint the Model Curriculum Advisory Committee (MCAC). To see the schedule of MCAC meetings and other significant events, go here: Dyslexia Guidelines RolloutThe three rollouts for the Guidelines have concluded, but San Mateo County Office of Education is working on hosting another one in the spring. Stay tuned for more info!State Seal of Civic EngagementWork on the State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) has begun. The web page is live at . The Schedule of Significant Events is also on the web page, as are two civic education resources. The first draft of the criteria will be posted for public comment by the end of December 2018. The criteria should be presented to the SBE for potential adoption in March 2019. For more information contact Janet Mann, Education Programs Consultant in the Educator Excellence and Equity Division, by email at jmann@cde. or by phone at 916-323-5818.Civic Learning AwardsThe application for the Civic Learning Award is still available. The awards are designed to both celebrate successful efforts to engage students in civic learning and to identify successful models that can be replicated in other schools. The due date for the application is January 18, 2019. Social Emotional Learning (SEL)The CDE will soon post a Social and Emotional Learning in California: Guide to Resources on both Collaboration in Common and its CDE SEL web page. The guide will offer a curated suite of free SEL practice resources aligned with the California SEL Guiding Principles. Keep checking out the CDE SEL web page throughout December as it will be posted soon! Assessors Needed The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing is seeking current California teachers, administrators, and faculty who help prepare beginning teachers and/or administrators to participate in operational scoring of the California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA) and the new California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA). Although assessors are needed in all content areas, there is a more urgent need for single subject assessors in Music, Physical Education, and World Languages and assessors working in bilingual settings.? Training and calibration will involve a combination of at-home preparation and in-person training sessions offered in Northern and Southern California. Scoring will be completed online through a secure portal. Assessors will be paid for their time in training, calibration and scoring. For more information about assessor qualifications and to apply, visit?ctcexams.. There are several trainings scheduled for January 2019.Carol Jago, California English EditorDecember, 2018TO:???????????????? CATE BoardFROM:?????????? Carol Jago, California English editorRE:????????????????? December board reportCalifornia English has once again been recognized as an outstanding affiliate journal by NCTE. I was honored to accept the award for CATE in Houston. Thank you to the CATE publications committee for your guidance and support upon which our magazine depends.The November issue of the journal included excerpts (with permission, of course) of Jennifer Fletcher’s new book Teaching Literature Rhetorically: Transferable Literacy Skills for 21st Century Students and Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp’s new book Game Changer: Book Access for All Kids. Scholastic took out a full-page ad as well.Speaking of ads, Heinemann will be taking out a full-page ad in our January issue for a collection of their new titles.You may have noticed that instead of featuring an artist that the November issue included covers of graphic books (again with permission from the publisher). I thought this a way to help project the theme visually throughout the journalI am looking forward to CATE2019 to interest new readers in reviewing for the magazine. I will be presenting a Writing for Publication session once more in Burlingame.California English Calls for Manuscripts?February 2019Voices of Literacy in Pursuit of Human Rights(deadline December 15, 2018) ................

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