CSI – Mystery Powders Lab

CSI – Mystery Powders Lab


List your topic at the top and write the steps you took, in order, on the flow chart.


Identifying the Mystery Powders Using Chemical or Physical Properties:

Study the data table below. Compare the data with results you collected as you performed various test on the 6 white powders. Answer the questions.

| |Color / | | | | | | |

|Powder |Texture |pH |Iodine |Water |Vinegar |Heat |Solubility |

|Baking soda |Fine white powder |Blue |Yellow / orange |Fizzes |Fizzes |May brown edges |Yes |

|Salt |White cubic crystals|No change |No reaction |Dissolves |No reaction |Turns clear |Yes |

|Sugar |White irregular |No change |Yellow |Dissolves |Dissolves |Burns and chars |Yes |

| |crystals | | | | | | |

|Corn starch |Fine yellow white |No change |Reddish-purple then|Makes cloudy but |Gets thick and then|Brown around edges |No |

| |powder-silky | |black |stays on bottom |hard | | |

|Dishwasher detergent |Small white balls |Blue |Yellow / orange |Fizzes |Fizzes |No reaction |Part. |

|(powder) | | | | | | | |

|Baby powder |Fine white |No change |Yellow |Makes cloudy but |No reaction |No change |No |

| |powder-silky | | |stays on bottom | | | |

|Flour |Smooth off white |Blue |Yellow/ |Moves away from the|No reaction |Browns and burns |Part. |

| |powder | |brown |water | | | |

|Mystery Powder A |White cubic and |No change |Yellow |Dissolves |Partially dissolves|Turns clear and |Yes |

| |irregular crystals | | | | |burns | |

|Mystery Powder B |Powdery – silky off |No change |Yellow to purple to|Cloudy but stays to|Thicken slightly |Browns around the |No |

| |white | |black |the bottom | |edges | |

|Mystery Powder C |White smooth powder |Blue |Yellow/ orange |Fizzes |Fizzes |Browns |Part. |

| |with small white | | | | | | |

| |balls | | | | | | |


Topic: How do you identify a mystery powder?


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