DULL DAY INjLAW MILL Calnmet Baking Powder

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DULL DAY INjLAW MILL Calnmet (Continued from Page1.)

reported later referred back to the committee of the whole.

H. B. 120. Martin. Providing for the time of holding the district court

in the county of Billings, was read

repealing section 1023 ?f the revised and on motion, the committee report


ed favorably when they rose.


Published every afternoon, except Sunday, H. B. 185. Shells. To amend sec

The Committee Arose.

?t Bismarck, North Dakota, is delivered by carrier to all parts of the city at SO cents per month, or $6 per year. The daily sent

tion ?, chapter 34 of the laws of 1901 relating to the time when the board

When the committee of the whole arose they reported the following bills

to any address in the United States or of pardons shall meet.

and upon roll call, they passed: H. B.



All Diseases of the i? , kidneys, bladder, aai I* ' urinary organs.

Also catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, ? female troubles.

-,-.ada, postage prepaid, $# per year; $9 for H. B. 186. Sweet. Providing for Nos. 80, 81, 77, 66,and 120. House

*iz months; $1.50 for three months. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE.

Published every Friday; eight pages,


the appointment of an agent for the society of cruelty to animals,x in any

bill 29 was referred back to the com mittee for further consideration.

taining a summary of the news ?f the week town, village or diserict where such

Bucket Shop Bill.

Health-- Eoonomy.


Don't become discouraged. There Is a sure for yon. If necessary write Dr. Fenner. He hasspent a lifetimecuring Justsuchcases asroots. All consultations IBSB. ,.w.

Was in Torture all the Time. ---local and foreign--particular attention being

(aid to state news. Sent to any address, postage paid, for $1 for one year; 60 cents for six months; 26 cents for three months.

a society is organized. H. B. 187. Sweet. Providing for ad

vance notice to creditors of the sale

Chief Clerk Sougstad announced to the house that H. B. 35, prohibiting the operation of bucket shops in this

JOHN J. RYAN TO BE ACQUITTED. Cases Against Alleged "Get Rich

The Bismarck Tribune is the oldest of merchandise stocks made other state had been sent to the governor

Quick" Man to Be Dropped.

tewspaper in the state--established June 11, wise than in the usual and regular for his signature.

St. Louis, Feb. 9.--John J. Ryan, who

Had Pains in His Back.

1S78. It has a wide circulation and is a prosecution of a seller's business.

The house then adjourned.

was indicted *on the charge of having

desirable advertising medium. Being pub-

fished at the capital of the state it makes a H. B. 188. Miklejohn. To amend

embezzled $900,000 in a "get-richquick" scheme, and whose trial was

DYNAMITE EXPLOSION feature of state news, of a semi-official char section 3094 of the revised codes of

acter, and is therefore particularly interest 1899, relating to investments of funds

ing to all who desire to keep the run of state affairs--political, social and business.


domestic insurance corporations.

H. B. 189.. Mikeljohn. To amend

called Wednesday, will be acquitted by the jury selected to try his case, under instructions from Judge Foster, who early Wednesday night sustained

seetion 4844 of the revised codes of

the demurrer filed by Ryan's counsel*

Dr. Feasor, Fredonia, N. Y. Dear Sir:--Some six months ago a

friend recommended to me ycrafjastly celebrated Kidney and Backache Cure. I was at that time suffering intensely

1899, providing for lien for repairs or personal property.

H. B. 190. White. To provide a


to the state's case. After hearing Judge Fosters de

cision on tbe demurrer, Circuit Attor ney Sager stepped forward and an

, from pains in my back.

" '1

My work daily aggravated.the com

plaint and I was in torture all the time.

method for the nomination of candi


nounced to Judge Foster that inas

Old friends in the city, where ha dates for office by political parties.

much as the case in which the state's

served a term in the office of state treasurer, will deeply regret to learn of the death of Hon. D. W. Driscoll,

H. B. 191. Ryan. An act providing for the organization of parks in cities and villages and providing for the


witnesses had just been heard was the strongest he had against Ryan, he would enter nolle prosequis in the re maining three.

for a great many years a substantial maintainence of the same.

Ryan left the courtroom apparently*

After taking two bottles of your medi cine I was relieved and two more: com pletely cured me. I feel like a new mam now, thanks to your Remedy, and unhes itatingly recommend it to those suffering

resident of Walsh county in the north H. B. 192. Chapman. Poviding for

in the best of spirits.s "T told you so,"

as I was.

Sincerely yours,

ern section of the state. Mr. Driscoll the appropriation of $2,000, or such was one of a type of pioneers that is funds as may be necessary for the gradually growing fewer in numbers, payment of the state engineer em and in his private and official life he ployed to investigate the irrigation made a large circle of friends, all of project.


he declared to those about him. "I never should have been brought to trial on any of these cases. It is a civil matter. The federal court has passed upon it and the creditors got their 15 per cent of the claims upon

Howard Sproale^

797 Agate St., St. Paul, Minri?

Sold by Druggists, 50c. and $1. Get Cook Book and Treatise on the Kidneys--FUSE. M. M. Fenner, M. D., Fredonia, N. Y.

whom will regret the news of his

Reading Senate Bills.

the company, so what criminal action

For Sale by B. E. JONES death. In his last years, Mr. Dris-

coll's life was saddened by the death of his son and daughter just at the

S. B. 53. Providing for redisricting of county commissioners districts, where new territory is added.

Calumet, Mich., Feb. 9.--Ten thou sand pounds of dynamite stored under ground in a magazine at the eighth

can they have against me?" The case on which Ryan went to

trial is that in which Mrs. Elizabeth Bierlein of No. 4424 Tennessee ave

age when they would have been the S. B. 70. Providing a contingent level of No. 3 shaft of the North nue, is the complaining'witness. It is

greatest possible comfort to him in fund for the use of the state's attor Kearsarge branch of the Osceola Con charged that $70 was accepted from

TWO VESSELS CAUGHT his declining years. His death re ney in preparing and presenting cases solidated mine, exploded Wednesday, Mrs. Bierlein after the company was

Ten cents on the dollar off on all goods and 20 per cent off on some un

til the 12th at Faunce's. Call and see

sulted from heart failure, from which for trial.

killing several men, three of whom known to be insolvent on Feb. 10,1903.


he had been a sufferer for some time,

Senate Bills Fassed.

have been accounted for, and injuring

and it has been known to his friends S. B. 8. Providing for the organi many others. The force of the explo



for several months that his death was zation of towns, villages, districts,

a matter of but a little while. Bis etc: Passed by a vote of 78 ayes and

marck friends will extend their 1 nay.


sympathy to the bereaved relatives

Committee of the Whole.

sion was felt for miles around and

men working in other portions of the mine some distance from the scene of the explosion, were knocked down by the concussion. The cause of the dis

English Privy Council Renders Deci sion in Gaynor-Greene Case.

London, Feb. 9.--The privy council rendered its decision during the morn

and they hope that the memory of an Mr. Stevens of Burleigh moved that aster is shrouded in mystery and may ing in the Greene-Gaynor case in favor




active and useful life and .honorable career will serve in some measure to

the house resolve itself into a commit tee of the whole and Mr. McCrea was

never be discovered, as William Pollitt, Jr., the man who was in charge

of the American government. The council reversed the two






alleviate the bitterer pangs of suffer ing.

called to preside.

H. B. 80, Mr. Phelan. Relating to powers and duties of railway commis

of the powder, was blown into thou sands of pieces, no tangibble trace of

him having been found up to a late hour.

ments of Justice Caron of Quebec, rendered Aug. 15, 1902, and ordered the respondents to pay the costs of the appeaL






A letter from Grant S. pager, chair sioners, was read and on motion the The known dead: William Pollitt, . The decision simply reverses Justice man of the executive committee of committee voted to report favorably Jr., single, aged twenty-five, blown to Caron's judgments and leaves Greene


the press association, states that the meeting of the association next week In Bismarck will be, as he terms it,

upon it when they arose.

H. B. 81. Morgan. Providing that county auditors furnish township

atoms; Mathew Kaskala, miner, blown to pieces; IJetefr Kulpa, trammer, suf

focated, aged thirty-five, married, leaves a wife and three children.

and Gaynor under remand' as before Justice aron intervened.

John F. Gaynor and Benjamin D.


a "hummer." He has already had ap clerks copy of real and personal The more seriously injured are: Greene were indicted in Savannah, St. Johns, N. F., Feb. 9.--Two ves

A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tells . How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable

Compound Completely Cured Her.

The great good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is doing ?.in?ng the women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists, and thinking people gener ally.

plications from thirty-seven publica property tax lists. Stevens moved William Wills, Peter Putala, Gus Ga,, Dec. 8, 1S99, charged with embez sels, the brig Energy, bound inward,

tions calling for fifty-four people, and that when the committee arose that Donald, Joseph Novie, Wilford Hum zlement and defrauding the United and the 'brig Vidonla, outward bound,

it is expected that the meeting will show a representation of fully 50 pub lications with from seventy-five to eighty individuals. This will be the

the bill be recommended to be post poned indefinitely. Mr. Morgan moved an amendment that the committe rec ommend its passage, which carried.

phrey, Ben Orchard and John Noviet. As soon as the explosion occurred

the mining officials organized a rescue party who penetrated the scene of the catastrophe by descending into No. 1

States government, together with Caplain Oberlin M. Carter, in the per formance of government contracts for the improvement of the Savannah river and other river and harbor work

are caught amid the masses of an ice floe which packed against the harbor Tuesday night. It is feared that both vessels will be destroyed before morn

record-breaking event in association history, and every man in attendance is expected to be a bona fide member of the association and in the actual

H. B. 77. Mr. Blank. To correct errors in town, villages and city plats, was on motion of Mr. Underwood, rec ommended to pass.

shaft and crossing over on one of the lower levels.

The force of the explosion tore out the plates of shaft No. 2 at the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth levels,

in that district, the illicit profits being estimated at $2,000,000/


ing, in which case little hope of rescu-, Ing their crews is entertained.

Tugs failed in an attempt to reach them Wednesday. The Energy sig nalled that she was short of provisions.

business of newspaper publication. H. B. 66. Nicholson. Amending twisted the ship rails and tore them

Inasmuch as there will be consider section 1191 revised codes relating to from the stringers, and created havoc

able demand for hotel accommoda assessment of personal property, was in general.

tions at this time, particularly for on motion of Mr. Nicholson recom

Several Men Rescued.

A party of men who were sent over Captain, Passengers and Crew of the the ice with food were caught in the

Damara Reach Pleasant Point.

blizzard and their .fate is unknown.

Halifax, Jtf. S., Feb. 9.--After bat

tling for twelve hours in an open boat

JMrs.Sara PVi/son

The following letter is only one of many thousands which are on file in ? ' the Pinkham office, and go to prove

those members of the association who mended to pass.

The relief party succeeded in rescu with the temperature 2 below zero and


beyond question that Lydia E. Pink- <

will be accompanied with their wives, it is again requested that people of Bismarck who have rooms to let at reasonable prices for the two days of the association meeting, notify Mr. A. L. Woods in order that steps may be taken to provide for the visitors.

H. B. 41, on request of Mr. Morgan was referred back to the committee on state affairs.


H. B. 29. Underwood. Prescribing the duties of county registers of deeds with reference to certification of ab

ing several men who were taken to the surface as soon as possible, where they were revived in the open air. Six members of the rescue party succumber to the deadly gases , and fumes and were taken to the mouth of the shaft and resuscitated.

Fortunately, only two miners and a

stracts or chattel mortgages and liens party of three trammers were working

Back in the early 80's, when all upon personal property and providing on the level at which the dynamite

a mighty gale lashing the 8ea, Captain Gorst, three passengers and ten of the crew of the ill-fated Furness liner Da mara have reached Pleasant Point in safety. The men were badly frost bitten and exhausted, some of them being so benumbed from the cold that they had to be lifted out of their seats.

The landing was effected with the greatest difficulty and all in the boat

George A. Gilbert, assistant general superintendent of the railway mail service, is dead at Rochester, N. Y.

The first joint ballot for United States senator, taken by the Delaware legislature Wednesday, showed no change in the.deadlock.

Count Attorney La Croix Wednesday ordered the sheriff to stop all forms

ham's Vegetable Compound must be a remedy of great merit, otherwise it could not produce such marvelous re sults among Bick and ailing women. Dear Mrs. Pinkham:--

" About ninemonths ago I was a great sufferer with womb trouble, which caused me severe pain extreme nervousness and frequent headaches, from which the doctor failed to relieve me. I tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and within a short time felt better, and after taVmp five


was boom and bluff in Bismarck and throughout North Dakota there came to this city--to the Tribune editorial force--one of those bright minds the publisher of this paper has been so fortunate in securing from time ?o time--Will Hubbard . Kernan. A pessimist of the most pronounced type, a hater of religion and of so ciety, almost a human wreck back in

a penalty for failure to comply. Mr. Underwood moved that the commit tee report the bill favorably. Mr. Phelan moved an amendment be adopted, providing for the turning of the fees for those services to the county treasury. Mr. Phelan also moved that section 2 of the bill be stricken out. This bill provided that any person authorized to make ab

was stored when the explosion ococcurred, or otherwise the . list of dead and maimed would have been apr pallingly large. While no trace of

Pollitt and Kaskala has been found so far, it is impossible they could have survived the terrible blast, as they were in the immediate vicinity. The only body recovered is that of Kulpa, who was suffocated by the poisonous gases.

The dynamite was placed under

were thoroughly drenched by the big breakers. Every person was encased

with thick ice from head to foot. It is not known whether or not aixy- of them will succumb.

Captain Gorst said the Damara foundered at 10 a. m. Tuesday. They had stood by her for six hours in the lifeboat and it was only when the steamer went down that they pulled away.

of gambling in Helena, Mont. The sheriff complied with the order.

At Nashville, Tenn., the main eleva tor of the Liberty Mill company, con taining 5,000 bushels of wheat, burned Wednesday night. Loss, $75,000.

Rear Admiral C. Cosby, U. S. N., re tired, died at Washington Wednesday from paralysis. He was born in Louisiana in 1&40 and served during the Civil t>war.

bottles of it I was entirelycured. I therefore

heartily recommend your Compound as a -

splendid uterine tonic. It makes themonthly

periods regular and without pain; and what ,

a blessing it is to find such a remedy after so

many doctors fail to help you. lam piofwedi if:

to recommend it to all suffering women."

Mrs. Sara Wilson, 81 East 8d Street, Ctad*. ''

nati, Ohio.


If yon have suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness of the stom- 1 ach, indigestion, bloating, leueorrhcB*, flooding, nervous prostration, dizzi- , v ness, faintness, "don't-care" and

those days--on the verge of insanity stracts shall be privileged to make ground in the magazine so as to be

--he nevertheless wrote some good abstracts of mortgages and liens of near to the men and save delay when

verse, some wonderful prose. He lasted but a brief period and resumed his vocation--a tramy journalis--a de bauch. It seems that from bad to

personal property. Mr. Phelan, stated blasting was to be done. It consist

that it would work no hardship'upon ed of 200 boxes of fifty pounds each.

the registers of of incalcuable

deeds and benefit to

it would be the poor

, The Osceola Consolidated Mining company will suffer a large loss as it will be impossible to resume opera


Porto Ricari Wins Case Against the United %tates.

Washington, Feb. 9.-1--The United States court of claims has decided the

Adolph C. G. Anderson of Chicago defeated T. V. Thomsen of Minneapo

lis at St. Paul In two straight heats of one mile in their skating match, thus becoming amateur champion of Minnesota and Illinois.

" want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, e*? ?-"*5* citability, backache or the bines, these* , are sure indications of female weak- ?> I ness, some derangement of the nteras or ovarian trouble. In such cases there V '? is one tried and true remedy---Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. |T>

worse his journey finally ended in the farmers of the state, who when they tions at that point for some time.

Porto Rican customs case of Narciso

poorftonse at Memphis, Tenn., where want to make a loan of $50 or .$100, A searching party has returned froni Basso against the United States, hold

he died last month. What an aggre they have to pay for the cost of mak the sixth level, as it is impossible to ing that the fine of $1,500 collected

gation of celebreties have, at some stage in their journey, tarried In

ing up a statement of against them,

the moragages

penetrate further. The company is sealing shafts to smother the fire, which may be raging with great fury,

from Basso for smuggling goods into Porto Rico was illegally collected and must be refunded. In July, 1899, Bas

North Dakota--in Bismarck.

The discussion on this measure be as the gas is very thick. *Four or five so was arraigned, tried and convicted

came torrid, when Mr. Stevens of Bur men are believed to be under ground, of bringing goods into Porto Rico

House bill No. 35, Rep. McCrea's leigh arose and in a strong speech if they have not succumbed to gas. without payment of duty and was fined

Kansas City Southera Railway

bill to abolish the bucket-shop busi stated that he had been hearing senti* An hope is cut off, as it will be impos $1,500 and sentenced to one month's

ness in the state, to prohibit trading ments such as Mr. Phelan expressed-, sible to reach the surface, on margins or contracts with no in relating to saving the poor farmers

Imprisonment. The fine was paid un

der protest and action was begun in

the United States court of


tention for delivery and providing some money. He thought all that AGAINST FARIBAULT BANKER. recover the amount The court in ef

??'? iilfrO' v vs

"Straight as the Crow Flies" ^


penalty, wa? the first house bill to sort of talk on Mr. Phelan'a part was

fect holds that the law under which

reach the governor, reaching him at a "bluff" and not in earnest. Mr. Charge of Misappropriation of Large Basso was convicted was not extended

three o'clock yesterday afternoon. Up Stevens stated that he thought ths

Sum Is Made.

to Porto Rico until May 19,1900, near

to this time two senate bills and one boose bill , have passed both houses and have been presented to the gov

enactment of the bill without section 2 would be a great injustice to the registers of deeds and asked the mem

Faribault, Minn., Feb. 0.--T. B. Clement is alleged to have appropriat ed to his own use the proceeds of the Robinson estate to the amount of $60,-

ly a year fcfter the offense was Alleged to have been committed and hence the Porto Rican court had not at that time any jurisdiction of the case. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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