Henderson Middle School - HOME

Name _____________________________________________________ Period ____ Date ____Making CompoundsObjective: Use two common household materials to observe how a chemical reaction produces new substances.Observation and Research: A chemical change or chemical reaction is a change that takes place when atoms of a substance are rearranged, and the bonds between the atoms are broken or formed. During a chemical reaction, the structure or composition of the materials change. Chemical reactions occur around us all the time. When a chemical change is complete, the resulting substance(s) is/are different from the original substance(s). The substance or substances that start a chemical reaction are called reactants. The new substance(s) that are produced as a result of the reaction are called products.In this experiment, students work with common household vinegar and baking soda, which forms a basic solution when dissolved in water. Adding baking soda to vinegar starts a chemical reaction that produces sodium acetate and carbonic acid. The carbonic acid is unstable and instantly falls apart into carbon dioxide and water. The rapidly forming bubbles that appear during the reaction are carbon dioxide gas escaping from the mixture. Pressure created from the rapidly forming gas may cause the bag to burst. In addition, the starting temperature is higher than the ending temperature, so the reaction is considered to be endothermic. An endothermic change is a change that needs energy to be added.Question: What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar?Hypothesis: If _________________________________________________________________,then _________________________________________________________________________.Materials:2 pieces of toilet paperWarm waterBaking sodaVinegarZiplock bagMeasuring cupSpoonProceduresTear off two squares of toilet paper from a toilet paper roll.Add a large spoonful of baking soda to the center of one of the toilet paper squares, and carefully wrap the toilet paper around it. Wrap the second toilet paper square around the first.Have one student hold the plastic bag open as another student adds ? cup of vinegar and ? cup of warm water to the bag.Place the wrapped baking soda in the bag, and quickly seal it. Gently swirl the liquid around so that it soaks the toilet paper.Place the bag down and observe. AnalysisAnswer the following questions based on what you recorded in your data table.Describe the types of matter used to generate this chemical reaction.Describe the types of matter that were formed in this chemical reaction.How do you know that a chemical reaction occurred?List the reactants. ____________________________________________________List the product (what was produced). ____________________________________ ................

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