Foods II Final Review - Educators Rising

Culinary Arts 2 Final Review

Directions: The following terms and concepts will be found on your final exam.

On a separate piece of paper, define and identify each term.

Food Safety

1. Food Contamination

a. Physical

b. Biological

c. Chemical

2. Name three ways food can become unsafe

3. Contamination

4. Cross Contamination

Healthy Eating/Nutrients

1. What are the six main nutrients?

2. Fat

a. How many calories are in one gram?

b. Name two functions of fat…

c. How much fat should a teenager have in one day?

d. Saturated Fat

e. Polyunsaturated Fat

f. Monounsaturated Fat

g. Cholesterol

h. LDL

i. HDL

j. Hydrogenation

3. Carbohydrates

a. How many calories are in one gram?

b. What is the function of carbohydrates in the body?

c. Complex Carbohydrates

d. Simple Carbohydrates

e. Natural Sugars

f. Refined Sugars

g. What health problems are associated with a high sugar intake?

h. What is sugar used for in food products?

i. Fiber/Dietary Fiber

4. Protein

a. How many calories are in one gram?

b. What is the function of protein in the body?

c. What are amino acids?

d. What are essential amino acids?

e. Incomplete Proteins

i. What food sources do you find them in?

f. Complete Proteins

i. What food sources do you find them in?

5. Vitamins

a. What is the general purpose of vitamins?

b. Name two vitamins and their function…

6. Minerals

a. What is the general purpose of minerals?

b. Name two minerals and their function…

7. Water

a. What is the function of water in the body?

b. How much water do you need daily?

Calculating Calories

1. Determine how many calories are in one gram of fat, carbohydrates, and protein.

2. Identify the steps to calculating calories.


1. What is tofu?

2. How is it made?

3. What type of protein is tofu?

4. What does tofu typically replace in a recipe?


1. Name all four types of vegetarians.

2. Define what each one eats as well as any other ways they are known?

3. Name three reasons why someone may choose to become a vegetarian?


1. Pork is high in what?

2. Pork is composed of which three things?

3. Pork is an edible portion of which part of the pig?

4. Wholesale Cuts

a. Name all five

5. Retail Cuts found in each wholesale cut.

6. Draw the pig and identify the location of…

a. Wholesale Cuts

b. Retail Cuts

7. Where are the tenderest cuts of meat found in the pig and why?

Cooking Methods

1. Moist Heat

a. Which cuts of meat do you use this method with?

2. Simmering/Sautéing

3. Stewing

4. Braising Using Moist Heat

5. Dry Heat

a. Which cuts of meat do you use this method with and why?

6. Grilling

7. Broiling

8. Barbequing

9. Roasting


1. Fermentation

2. What is proofing the dough?

3. What type of gas do leaveners release?

4. Yeast

a. What are the three types of yeast?

b. What is yeast and what does it live on?

c. When using yeast what happens when the water is too hot or cold?

d. What should the water temp be at?

5. Baking Powder

a. Is a mixture of what two things?

b. What does double acting refer to?

c. Which two times does baking powder react?

6. Baking Soda

a. When reacting with a liquid what needs to be added to the baking soda to cause a reaction?

7. Gluten

a. What is gluten?

b. How is gluten developed?

c. What is the purpose of developing gluten?


1. What are the four basic pastry ingredients?

a. Define each of these…

2. Sweet pie and example

3. Savory pie and example

4. One Crust Pie and example

5. Two crust pie and example

6. What kitchen equipment do you use to “cut in” ingredients?

7. Name and describe the steps to repairing cracked and torn pie crust.

8. How do you develop layers in pastry dough?

9. What happens when you bake pastry dough?

Cookie Decorating

1. Identify the steps for assembling a pastry bag.

a. Provide a picture for each step identified.

2. What do you use leaf tip for?

3. What do you use star tip for?

4. What do you use round tip for?

5. What do you use petal tip for?


1. Dry vs. Liquid

2. Equivalents and Abbreviations

3. Recipe Conversion


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