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Mullins Log Cabin 1435 Denny Road Berry, KY 41003



HEDGE APPLE (Osage Orange)

How to prepare the hedgeapples for use

I get so many phone calls and emails from folks asking me how to prepare hedgeapples to eat, or how to preserve them. So this is what i do. First of all, wrap the hedgeapple in freezer paper, or newspaper, put in freezer, and freeze solid.

Get your slaw grater, just like you are going to make coleslaw. Grate off the amount you want to eat. This makes it real mushy and you don't even have to chew it. Next i drink a glass of water, and wash my hands. The white sap can burn your eyes if you should put your fingers near your eyes. Most people that i have talked to are eating a tablespoon twice a day. There is no certain amount, or magic portion that you take. It's up to the individual. Some people just eat a teaspoon, others a tablespoon, and others even several whole hedgeapples in a few weeks time. The only side effect that i have heard of, some people get loose bowel movements. I'm not a doctor, but my theory is, that's just your body getting rid of the toxins. I personally don't think it has a bad taste at all. To me, it tastes a little like cucumbers. However, some people don't like the taste. If you are one of those people, then mix it with something you do like, for instance cottage cheese or applesauce. There isno guarantee that hedgeapples work for everyone, but for the majority of people it does work, and they are telling me that they can see a reduction of tumors within a month. Again, everyone is different. There are many things a person can do to slow down the growth of cancer. Some people go on an all alkaline diet, others drink baking soda water, and still others drink food grade peroxide. Go to this website to learn other alternatives.

God bless you and your loved ones who are seeking answers. If you have further questions, you can contact me at logcabin1999@ PS: I use the whole hedgeapple, peeling, inside, seeds and all. I don't waste any of it.

I ran into a couple from Walton, Kentucky at the Kentucky Wool Festival the 1st weekend in Oct. They were telling me about several folks that they know of who have had excellent results with hedgeapples. Some people are in remission, and others have been given a clean bill of health. The gentleman drives a senior citizen bus and plans to bring a group of these folks out to my

log cabin in the Spring. They were so interesting to talk to.

I'm having concerns about people in the Augusta and Maysville area of Kentucky. I get more calls from this area than any other place in the US. What is going on in this area that is causing so many people to develop cancer? I pray that they can all be healed, and find their cancer before it's too late

This is for the folks who insist that hedgeapples are poisonous. My dad always told me to never eat a hedgeapple because they were poison. After eating the hedgeapple now for several years, i have come to realize that all the old folks were wrong. My theory is this. Farmers used to find dead cows and horses in the fields. They found them with hedgeapples in their throat. The animals didn't die from poison. They died from suffocation. The hedgeapples were lodged in their throats. If hedgeapples were poisonous, i would have been dead years ago. You will see squirrels, deer, and other animals eating the hedgeapples. Animals know what they can eat, and what's good for them. So, please don't worry about being poisoned by eating the hedgeapples or taking the capsules. You cannot overdose on them either. I know of people who used to eat a slice a day. another man that my husband knows ate 18 hedgeapples in just a few weeks, and guess what? He no longer has cancer. _____________________________________________________________________________

Hello folks, just wanted to let you know that hedgeapples are on the trees now. In our area, they're about the size of an orange. You do not have to wait until Autumn when they fall to the ground. They are effective right now. I don't have any trees myself, but have seen them in other areas. So, if you are in an area where they grow, which is usually anywhere in the USA East of the Mississippi. You can take them off the trees now and use them. God bless each of you who are fighting this terrible disease. Don't give up, there is always hope. I have acquired a limited number of hedgeapples. So if you live in an area where they don't grow and are interested in them. Please email me. Sorry, i can't send them to you free, since i am unemployed. However, if you send me $10.00 per hedgeapple or 2 small ones, i will ship anywhere in the USA with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii. Two years ago I shipped a few and ended up in the hole. I wasn't thinking that it cost more to send to different parts of the US. So, to make sure that the shipping charges are sufficient, i would need $10.00 per shipment. You can pay me by going to PayPal and entering your mailing information and my email addresslogcabin1999@ or you can mail me a check at this address Mulling Log Cabin 1435 Denny Rd. Berry, KY 41003

Thank you, and may God bless each of you in your battle of healing cancer.

Hedgeapples and Cancer

You are about to read true stories from people who have used hedgeapples to kill cancer cells in their bodies. You'll also see stories about animals who have been healed by eating hedgeapples. You'll also find pictures of hedgeapples, and reports of scientific studies using a chemical found in hedgeapples called "Tetrahydroxystilbene." I am constantly giving my readers the latest stories of people who have been cured of cancer, or are in remission. If you have been healed of cancer or other diseases after eating hedgeapples, or taking the capsules, please email me, so that i can enter the information here.

It gives cancer patients hope to learn of others who have been healed or in remission. Thank you and may God bless each of you, who are reading my website today. Judy Mullins logcabin1999@ ____________________________________________________________________________

The email shown below is my most recent report. She lives in Burlington, KY Received September 9th, 2012

From: Judith To: Judy Mullins Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2012 1:01 AM Subject: Re: Customer contact message for

The gentleman I spoke of is about 70 yes. old & lives in Burlington Ky. He was diagnosed with amalignant tumor on his left lung. He went through a series of Chemo & also radiation to try to shrink the tumor. Those treatments made him feel quite ill, but did little to shrink it. X rays 2 or 3 months after the treatment showed no change.

While trying to find some other form of treatment, his family researched the Hedge Apple thru Google, & in the process found your web site. They figured it was worth a try. They were able to drive out to the countryside & find the Hedge Apples on a farm & brought some back. They keep them frozen & grate doses off them. He takes 1 tblsp. (mixed in juice or water) 2 times a day, once in the morning & once at night.

After 3 months of use, (unknown to the Dr.) the Dr. wanted him back in for a progress Xray to see if the tumor was growing since the Chemo & Radiation. The Xray showed NO Tumor, nothing visible. (It had been close to the size of a golf ball) They told the Dr. about the Hedge Apple treatment, to which the Dr. smiled & shrugged. He of course couldn't prescribe anything like that.

He continues with the dosage, intending to stay on it from now on. He may cut it to a one dose daily maintenance dose eventually. I will add that he is a heavy smoker & was also told he had Enphasemia (may have spelled that wrong) which seems to be milder than it was, also. He continues to smoke at the same rate. When he was first diagnosed, the Dr. said he would be lucky to live another year to a year & a half. He is well past that, going on 2 years or so since the Dr.'s prediction.

I have since suggested using this treatment to 2 other persons having poor results with Chemo & Radiation. They are in the process of doing their homework on it & I hope they will follow thru with it's use. As I hear more from them I'll let you know. One is a young woman who had a mastectomy & found more cancer in another area & the 2nd is an older man who"s a farmer with severe skin cancer on his hand from years of sun exposure & had his hand amputated & has found out the cancer is in his kidney also. Both of these folks are Kentuckians.

I, of course am keeping these folks names private, as I don't have their permission to reveal their names, but I'll encourage them to contact you personally to tell of their progress. (no promises of course) I've been blessed with family genes that so far in 3 generations have not produced cancer. That makes me doubly anxious to tell as many people as I can about this

amazing treatment. I'm fighting for as many healthy people as I can produce! This lady is willing to communicate with anyone, but does not want me to publish her full name or email address. If you want to talk to her, please email me and i will forward it on to her.

logcabin1999@ _____________________________________________________________________________

Feb. 8, 2012

The following was forwarded to me from my friend who sells the hedgeapple capsules. This is another sucess story from one of the people who took the capsules

This gentleman had lung cancer. He took the hedgeapple capsules, and when he went back for his CT scan, the cancer was gone.. Gene was praising God, and praising his daughter Hallie for sending him the gift of the hedgeapple capsules. Sorry, I could not get my computer to cooperate. I was just going to copy and paste the email, and for whatever reason, it did not work.

I have had a few people asking me if the hedgeapple capsules work as well as the fresh hedgeapples. I believe this should answer your question. I see no difference in the effectiveness. My friend prefers not to have her phone number posted on the internet. So, for the people who are very serious about trying the hedgeapple capsules, and wish to order them, just email me and i will give you her contact information. logcabin1999@

Recently i stumbled across a very informative website. It's called This website teaches the readers about natural ways of healing, cancer included. Were you aware that you should be on an alkaline diet if you have cancer? Cancer cells thrive on sugar. Were you aware that food grade peroxide can heal you of ulcers, and many other ailments? You'll learn about things like this on Check it out, it could save your life, or the life of a loved one.

Here is another website that might be of help to you.

January 6th, 2012 Here's another inspiring story about man's best friend who had cancer. Hedgeapples not only help humans, but animals as well. Don't put your beloved friend down before first trying hedgeapples.

From: " Bruce, Elizabeth L " To: "logcabin1999@" Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 10:51 PM Subject: Hedge Apples

Hi Judy. 8 months ago our 12 year old dog, Shelby , was diagnosed with "untreatable" cancer that had already spread to her lymph nodes. The vet sent us home and said that soon, the cancer would overtake her heart, lungs, and other major organs.....and that we needed to prepare ourselves for such.

We were devestated, as she has been like one of our children and we love her so much. Near the time of her diagnosis, we were also having problems with spiders in the house, and a co worker brought us some hedge apples from his farm.

I got on the internet to research the apples as a spider repellant when I came across your

website about the hedge apples and cancer. Like many on your site, I figured "why not give it a try?!!?" Our Shelby was only expected to live a month or so, but it has been 8 months and at her last vet visit, they said her lungs,liver and major organs were all still clear of cancer. The vet couldn't believe it! She still does have skin cancer sores, so was wondering, in your experience, should I keep giving her the apples orally or should the skin cancer be treated differently?

Thank you so much for your web site. Even if we do lose Shelby , this extra time with her (that I feel is due feeding her the apples) has been such a blessing.

I would appreciate any information or insight you have with regards to the skin cancer. She has large open sores that we are currently treating with antibiotic power and ointments.

Sincerely, _______________________________________________

December 28th, 2011 Latest good news update!!! I received a phone call today from a lady in Menifee County, KY. She was wanting the name and phone number of my friendwho has the dried hedgeapple capsules.She informed me that a neighbor had been told by a DOCTOR in Lexington, KY to go get some hedgeapples for his cancer. I don't know the doctor's name, but if i find out, i will certainly post it here. Thank God, the medical communityis starting to recognize the healing properties of the Hedgeapple, also known as Osage Orange.

you don't have hedgeapples in your area, and wish to have thefresh ones, this lady in Danville, Kentucky will ship them to you for theprice of shipping KFOWLER0005@kctcs.edu Her name is Kayla Fowler Also, don't forget my friend in Williamstown Kentucky has hedgeapple capsules for sale. Email me for her name and phone number. logcabin1999@ A word of warning to those of you who might have a latex allergy. This has just come to my attention. Read the copied statement below. Also, don't apply the sap of the hedgeapple directly to your skin. It can cause a burn in some people. Always eat something and drink a glassof water if you are taking it internally.

If you would like to buy hedgeapples in capsule form, I have a friend who dries them, and places them in capsules. It works just as well as the fresh hedgeapples. Just give me a call, and I will give you her phone number.

Please email me if you need further information about


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