For this test you will need some baking soda or betaine HCl with Pepsin [available in your health store]. Important to take the Betaine HCl with Pepsin

The purpose of this test is to give you a rough indication as to whether your stomach is producing adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid.

Scientific tests for assessment of hydrochloric acid levels are:

1. The Heidelberg Test, although it is not 100% accurate either.

2. The SmartPill. This is an ingestible capsule that measures pressure, pH and

temperature as it travels through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to assess GI motility. The SmartPill motility monitoring test can be performed at a clinic or physician's office to evaluate motility disorders like gastroparesis (a condition in which the contents of the stomach empty too slowly) and chronic constipation.

3. Gastrocaps can also be used to measure hydrochloric acid levels with good accuracy. Both these methods involve a visit to a doctor for you to swallow a special capsule, which is used to measure acid levels.

Warning: The below home tests are not suitable for those with ulcers and gastritis!

What is Hydrochloric acid? HCl is important for digestion and absorption of many nutrients. When hydrochloric acid is lacking (a condition termed hypochlorhydria), malnutrition results. At the same time, one can develop multiple food sensitivities as abnormally large, inadequately digested food particles are absorbed, triggering an immune response.

Also, because hydrochloric acid kills many bacteria, yeasts, and parasites, its insufficiency is associated with greater incidence of dysbiosis (gastrointestinal infection). Hypochlorhydria is linked to not only gastrointestinal symptoms (including belching, gas, indigestion, poor appetite, prolonged fullness after meals, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea), but also to autoimmune diseases and degenerative diseases of all kinds. It is a major contributor to chronic unwellness that is under-appreciated. Although hypochlorhydria can occur at any age, older individuals are especially affected. Some estimates suggest half of individuals over age 65 have inadequate stomach acid.


Signs and Symptoms Suggestive of Hypochlorhydria Bloating or belching immediately following meal

Sense of fullness after eating

Itching around rectum

Weak, peeling, or cracked fingernails

Post adolescent acne

Undigested food in stool

Dilated capillaries in face (acne rosacea)

Iron deficiency

Chronic intestinal infections

History of multiple food allergies

Flatulence with bloating

Feel like food sits in stomach

1. Baking Soda Test To perform this test: mix one quarter teaspoon of baking soda in eight ounces of cold water, first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything except water. Drink the baking soda solution. Time how long it takes to belch. Time up to five minutes. If you have not belched within five minutes stop timing anyway.

If your stomach is producing adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid you should probably belch within two to three minutes. Early and repeated belching may be due to excessive stomach acid. Belching results from the acid and baking soda reacting to form carbon dioxide gas.

I also look for signs and symptoms of low stomach acid. There are many laboratory test indicators of this condition. Some of these include deficiencies of amino acids, minerals, B vitamins, and, on digestive analysis, elevated levels of putrefactive short chain fatty acids in the stool.


2. Betaine Hydrochloride Test I like to have patients do a therapeutic trial with supplemental betaine HCL plus Pepsin (hydrochloric acid). If you take betaine HCL, and after a meal still feel nothing, your stomach is probably not producing enough hydrochloric acid. A normal response to taking betaine HCL is a feeling of warmth or heaviness in the stomach.

For an individual whose hydrochloric acid levels are low, I have them gradually work up slowly to supplementing as many as 5 betaine HCL capsules after meals. Although this may sound like a lot, in response to a very big meal, a healthy stomach produces the equivalent of at least 14 betaine HCL capsules [yet this depends on the mg in each capsule!]. For optimal results, the protein digesting enzyme, pepsin, should be part of the betaine HCL formulation. This is derived from animal sources and so is not appropriate for everyone. Important steps to include:

1. Eat a meal that contains at least 15-20g of proteins.

2. Start with 1 capsule [around 600mg or less] at start of a meal, monitor and observe

your symptoms.

3. Look for sensations of heat in chest, burning or GI distress.

4. Maintain this dose for a day , if you do not notice any symptoms, increase by 1, to

two capsules.

5. Monitor symptoms

6. If you do not feel anything, increase to three. Keeping increasing with each meal until

you notice some symptoms.

7. When this happens, you will know your ideal Betaine HCL dosage is 1 pill less. For

example, if you felt the discomfort going from 4 pills to 5 caps, stay with 5 capsules your correct dosage for a normal meal.

Warning: Do not take Betaine HCL without supervision. You are at a high risk if you're consuming any anti-inflammatory medicines. Such as: corticosteroids, aspirin, Indocin, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs. These drugs can damage the GI lining and supplementing with HCL could aggravate it, increasing the risks of bleeding or ulcer. Also do not do this test if you have ulcers.


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