

Gerson Therapy Handbook

Companion workbook to "A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases", by Max Gerson, M.D.

Practical guidance, resources, and recipes for following the Gerson Therapy

Revised 5th Edition ISBN: 0-9611526-4-8


A non-profit organization dedicated to the holistic treatment of degenerative disease

The Gerson Institute PO Box 161358

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? 1993-1999 The Gerson institute. All Rights Reserved. The information contained in this book is based on origin al research, empirical observation and other information developed and/or compiled by The Gerson Institute, its associated practitioners and researchers and on independent research and/or empirical observations conducted and/or compiled by other individuals and/or organizations. The advice and suggestions described herein should not under any circumstances be relied upon as the sole means of determining appropriate treatment or intervention. The Gerson Institute, its staff, and auxiliary faculty do not prescribe or recommend treatment, and cannot be held responsible or liable for the use or misuse of any information contained herein.

The Gerson Institute has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, but cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, misstatem ents, or other erroneous information that may be contained herein. Please notify us in writing of any deficienc ies or discrepancies so that corrections may be made in future editions.

This book contains valuable, proprietary information developed over many years with considerable expense and effort. The reproduction, duplication, excerpting, or the storage and/or retrieval on any electronic or other system of information contained in this book is strictly prohibited without advance written permission from the Gerson Institute.

The names "Max Gerson", "Gerson", and "Gerson Therapy" as associated with any method or protocol for medical or treatment are worldwide trademarks and/or service marks of the Gerson Institute. Any use of the trademarks and/or service marks by any person or entity must be authorized in advance, in writing, by the Gerson Institute. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Violators are subject to prosecution.


Table of Contents

8 Introduction 9 The Gerson Institute 10 Max Gerson, M.D. and the Gerson Therapy 12 Dr. Patricia Spain Ward, History of the Gerson Therapy, 1988

14 Chapter 1: Procedures Used While in the Hospital 14 Enemas, Getting Started 14 Coffee Enemas 14 Keep Your Equipment Clean! 14 Frequency of Enemas 15 Nourish First - Then Detoxify 15 Castor Oil Treatment 15 Castor Oil by Mouth 15 Castor Oil Enema 16 Medications 16 Mealtime Medications 16 Annotated Hourly Schedule 16 Diet and Juices 17 Flax Seed Oil (a.k.a. Linseed Oil) 17 Acidol Pepsin 17 Potassium 17 Lugol's Solution 17 Thyroid 17 Niacin 17 Pancreatin 17 Royal Jelly 17 Liver Extract (crude) and B-12 18 Coffee Enemas 18 Castor Oil 5 Tests 18 All Other Medications 18 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 18 Bee Pollen 18 Liver Juice 19 Adjuvant Therapies 19 Amygdalin/Laetrile 19 Polarizing Treatment 19 Oxygen Therapy 20 Adjuvant Treatments 21 Ozone 21 Laetrile (Amygdalin) 21 Hydrotherapy 21 Vitamin C 21 Wobe Mugos 21 Tahebo Tea and Essiac Tea 21 Live Cell Therapy 21 Adjuvant Therapeutic Procedures 21 Pain Relief 21 More Frequent Enemas 22 Pain Triad 22 Castor Oil Pack 22 Hydrotherapy 22 The Theory Behind Hydrotherapy


23 Preparing for and Undergoing Hydrotherapy 24 Clay Poultice 24 Definition 24 Effects 24 Indications 24 Procedure

25 Chapter 2: Going Home, The Gerson Household 25 Follow-up Care 25 Laboratory Monitoring 25 Outpatient Follow-up Checklist 26 Medication Supplies 27 Instructions for Giving Injections 28 Finding Organically Grown Food 28 Organic Coffee Information 28 Organic Certification Logos 29 The Gerson Household: Kitchen Supplies 29 Appliances 29 Cookware 29 Kitchen Utensils 30 Condiments and Staples 30 Paper Goods 30 Bathroom Supplies 30 Pollution In and Around the Home 31 Grocery List for a Week 31 Water 31 Hardball Sales Pitch 32 Unsafe Tap Water 32 Labs That Test Water 32 No Single Machine Does it All 32 Strengths and Weaknesses 32 Buy or Rent 33 Finding a Vendor 33 Schedule for the Day

35 Chapter 3: General Procedures, Common Reactions, and Personal Care 35 Enema Recipes 35 Coffee Enema 35 Chamomile Enema 36 Enema Procedure 37 Enema Reactions and Remedies 37 Intestinal Spasms and Cramping 37 Check the Enema Technique 37 Heat Over the Abdomen 37 Add Potassium Compound 37 Lower the Dosage 37 Back to Back Enemas 37 Castor Oil Enema 37 Colds and Flus 38 Exercise 39 Flare-ups and Reactions 39 Flare-up Symptoms 39 Flu-like Symptoms 39 Nausea



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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