Problem/Question: What is the effect of Milk of Magnesia ...

Problem/Question: What is the effect of Milk of Magnesia, Alka Seltzer, Tums, baking soda and water on the pH of soda?

Background: Universal Indicator is a pH indicator that transitions through several colors to indicate the acidity of solutions. pH is a quantitative measure of the acid or base levels of a solution. The more basic a solution, the higher its pH, the more acidic it is, the lower the pH value. Milk of Magnesia®, Alka Seltzer®, Tums ®, baking soda are an antacids, a base used to neutralize stomach acid.

Universal Indicator Color Chart

|Color |Red |Orange |Yellow |Green |Green-blue |Blue |Violet |

|pH |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

Soda is a carbonated beverage. Carbonation is the result of dissolving carbon dioxide gas in a liquid. When carbon dioxide combines with water carbonic acid is produced.


1. Obtain two 50 mL beakers. Label one beaker A, the second beaker B.

2. Add 20mL of Sprite (the clear carbonated beverage) to each beaker.

3. Add 1mL of Universal indicator to each beaker. Record observations.

4. Add 20mL of milk of magnesia OR Alka Seltzer OR Water OR baking soda water OR 2 crushed Tums to beaker A.

5. Observe beakers for 3 minutes. Record pH.

Problem/Question: What is the effect of Milk of Magnesia, Alka Seltzer, Tums, baking soda and water on the pH of soda?

Background: Universal Indicator is a pH indicator that transitions through several colors to indicate the acidity of solutions. pH is a quantitative measure of the acid or base levels of a solution. The more basic a solution, the higher its pH, the more acidic it is, the lower the pH value. Milk of Magnesia®, Alka Seltzer®, Tums ®, baking soda are an antacids, a base used to neutralize stomach acid.

Universal Indicator Color Chart

|Color |Red |Orange |Yellow |Green |Green-blue |Blue |Violet |

|pH |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

Soda is a carbonated beverage. Carbonation is the result of dissolving carbon dioxide gas in a liquid. When carbon dioxide combines with water carbonic acid is produced.


1. Obtain two 50 mL beakers. Label one beaker A, the second beaker B.

2. Add 20mL of Sprite (the clear carbonated beverage) to each beaker.

3. Add 1mL of Universal indicator to each beaker. Record observations.

4. Add 20mL of milk of magnesia OR Alka Seltzer OR Water OR baking soda water OR 2 crushed Tums to beaker A.

5. Observe beakers for 3 minutes. Record pH.


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