



"I got stung by a wasp today, twice, actually.... As normal, I made a paste of baking soda and ice cold water and smeared it over the sting. Normally when I get stung, it swells up for a couple days and still hurts a bunch! This time I opened a couple of capsules of Transfer Factor-Plus

and mixed it into the paste. Then I applied it to the sting as usual and covered it with gauze. I also took two capsules orally. I was busy working but couple hours later I realized IT DIDN'T HURT ANYMORE! I unwrapped the gauze, washed off the paste, and to my amazement, there was no swelling at all. I grabbed the camera and

snapped the attached picture of the sting (no whistling at my leg, please ladies). You can see where the two stings are and there is a little bit of hardness at those spots, but no swelling and no pain. WOW!!! I'm sure it must be a coincidence, but I'll take it anyway" Tom Stephan

1. "About two weeks ago I brought a friend on as a Diamond Distributor

with us and, of course, he got right on transfer factors. I saw Bob and

I asked him, "Any results?" He began to roll back his shirt sleeves and

he said, "Kevin, have you ever noticed my arms?" He has scabs and open

sore wounds all over his arms. As he was rolling his shirt sleeves back

he said, "You know, I've seen dermatologist after dermatologist, doctor after doctor. Nobody knows exactly what this is. They tell me it's viral

in base, but they've never been able to do anything about it." As his sleeves

rolled back I saw that they had gone from open wounds to blemishes in a

seven to ten day period. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm not

quite sure I'd believe it. It was a real testament to the fact that we

have a very, very powerful product on our hands." Kevin O' Conner

2. "For five years I was on antibiotics for a severe case of acne. I

still broke out about 20%. After 6 weeks on transfer factors my acne completely

cleared up. My dermatologist asked me to bring him some information on

whatever I was taking." Marsha S.

3. "My mother, who is 83, was suffering from frequent boils on different

areas of her body, but especially on her arms. I started her on enhanced

transfer factors, 2 per day, and transfer factors at 6 per day. The problem went away, and after a month she stopped taking the enhanced transfer factors.

Things seemed to be stabilized for a period of several months, then she

started having boils again. I couldn't figure this out until I was informed

that her transfer factors dosage had been cut to about 2 per day for two

or three weeks. I got on her case, and she started taking 6 per day once

again. Now she is once again free of boils, and will not go off transfer

factors ever! I explained to her that as we age, our immune system tends

to weaken, and it needs more support. Thanks for the wonderful products!"

Jackie Benson

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4."Transfer factor has changed my life. I had a severe acne condition.

I have been taking antibiotics for years but still couldn't stop this ugly

breaking out. Now in six weeks my face is clear. Also the MalePro works great. My libido is going through the roof. I can't believe how much more

satisfying my relationship with my wife is. Thank you for making a difference

in my life. I have never taken any products that match these." Bob M.

5. "I have fought acne for years. I have been using TF RenewAll on my

face for the past few months. It works great. It clears my face in a few

weeks. When I stop using it, my acne comes back. I have experimented with

this process four times. Each time it goes away and comes back as I use

it and stop using it." Chris

6. "I sincerely feel that transfer factors have changed my life. One

of the most amazing things that I have had with the transfer factors are

using them not only internally but the topical results that I've had. I

do food demonstrations a great deal and I had worn and broken a terrible

blister on my finger. I came home after doing about 1500 ice cream cones

in a eight hour period. When I got home, I could hardly move my hand. I went into the bathroom, wet my finger, put the stuff from two different

capsules of the transfer factors on my finger, wrapped up, put the band-aids

on and because I was so exhausted went directly to bed. When I got up in

the morning my hand was ok. I think that is just such an amazing thing.

I've used it several times because if I do a lot of cooking, I seem to

gouge myself or cut my fingers and things. I've been using it that way, topically. I have heard of people using the transfer factors powder out

of the capsules with Vitamin E and Aloe and putting them together. So I

am fixing up a little container of that to have and I think this is going

to be something that is going to help all of us with the healing part of

it." Katie B.

7. "Back in the '70s and 80's I was a serious marathoner. In preparing

for the race on marathon day it was customary to rub copious amounts of

Vaseline on my feet and toes to minimize the blisters which inevitably occur. About ten years ago I developed a serious fungus in my toe-nails.

Nothing would help it. After one month on transfer factors, my once thick

toe-nails are reduced in thickness by at least one half. Is there no end

to what transfer factors can accomplish?" Charles Kowalski

8. "I have some major health concerns and I wondered how I would know

when and actually if transfer factors were kicking in. It didn't take long.

The day my first order from this company came, I had a "shoot me" of a

cold blossoming. The thing is my colds always turn in to bronchitis. I

was really prepared for the initial feat. I started the transfer factors

and three days later, every cough and sniffle was absolutely gone and I

was totally amazed. The other thing that happened was, I had a hole in

my face, and now, I know this sounds strange, but it's the best way I can

describe what a cosmetologist did to my cheek, 23 years ago. About every

two weeks, I would have to do my ritual cleaning and poking around so the

spot wouldn't get infected. It was actually a 5mm hole. Well, about two

weeks ago I got all of my stuff together getting ready for my ritual and

I got my magnifying mirror and know what, that hole was gone. This is after

twenty-three years. That hole was gone! You know, I always was one who

caught every bug coming down the tide. I realize now that it wasn't that

I was born under some sort of a cloud. Now I see and now I know it was because my immune system just never had the "umph" to protect me effectively.

Now, this is the first time I am really hopeful that one day I am going

to be able to say that my long standing health issues are finally dissolved.

And until then, I'm going to tell the rest of the world about 4Life and

transfer factors." Rebecca N.

9. "I am a registered nurse, 64 years old and respect what medications

can do. However, prescriptions were not helping my severe allergies or

my psoriasis. Allergic episodes usually resulted in a mega-infection of bronchitis or a sinus infection. My psoriasis did not respond to either

of many medications. Both of these health problems are in the auto-immune

category. I included 4 capsules of Choice 50 and 3 transfer factors in my daily supplements. I feel great now! Choice 50 and transfer factors

are a dynamic combination that have truly improved the quality of life."

Doreen Lassiter

10. "I had been suffering from a recurring fungal condition on my neck

and shoulders. My doctor prescribed an anti-fungal drug, which made the

problem disappear temporarily. However every two or three months the condition

would flare up again and I would have to go back to the doctor for another

prescription. I started taking transfer factors in July of last year. The

condition has gone away completely and has not returned in

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over 9 months.

There's no question this outstanding product works!" Ron Santoro

11. "I had a burn on my arm. I dropped a curling iron on the inside

of my arm and after three days, it was so infected it had a huge red ring

around it. I heard the Tuesday night conference call where somebody had applied transfer factors to a burn, so I thought I would try it. I put

the transfer factors with some water and, the next day it had a little

scab on it. I had two spots on my face that looked like they were pre-cancerous, they hurt to touch ,one was red, one was sort of grayish brown. They'd

been there about six months. Well, I put water on it, then I dotted the

transfer factors on there. The next day, I didn't pay attention, I just

left it on there. I don't know if it peeled off or what, but I looked in

the mirror that afternoon and they weren't there anymore. I couldn't even

figure out where they were. I don't know what happened to them. I had a

wart on the top of my hand. I put it on. In three days, the wart was gone.

I couldn't believe it. So it works really well topically." Pat T.

12. "I had irritating itching and pain caused by a severe sunburn. It

had been suggested to me to try TF RenewAll. I was already using other

lotions to try and relieve the irritation, but not getting the results

I needed so I was more than willing to try TF RenewAll. Much to my surprise,

the irritation and skin damage were reduced by more than 50% just overnight."

TF RenewAll works!" Amber Patton

13. "My son, who is a 20 year-old mechanic, was at work one day and

a radiator blew up in his face. By the time I went to pick him up they

had run a cold shower on him and the skin was peeling off his face. We

went to any emergency care facility and they gave him pain pills and told

him to put ice and silvadene cream on it. I came home and I said, ?Okay,

Tyson, we are going to try transfer factors. You?re going to give me ten minutes. You can handle ten minutes worth of pain.? I mixed the transfer

factors in the cream, applied it to all of the burns, and within four minutes

of application the pain was totally gone. That was amazing enough by itself.

That night he slept through the night, and went back to work the next morning.

He came home at noon and you could start seeing signs of infection. The

open wounds were weeping, and I couldn?t keep the cream on him. Out of

desperation I laid him on the floor, opened up the capsules of powder and

applied them right to all the open wounds. Within four hours of doing that

his face was 100% improved, the signs of the infection were diminishing,

the weeping sores were going away. We did the same thing that night. We

put two transfer factors capsules all over every part of his burned face.

The next morning he woke up, came down the stairs, with a big grin on his

face, and he said, ?Mom, you are not going to believe my face.? I looked

at him and there wasn?t an open sore. Tuesday night was the burn; Friday

night he went on a date, Saturday he went water skiing and you could barely

see that he had been burned. That should have been a minimum of three weeks

recovery with scabbing and infections, but it only took about four days

with transfer factors." Susan B.

14. "There is nothing more embarrassing than having middle-aged acne.

My doctor says that they are seeing more and more women with middle-aged

acne than ever before, as well as rossecea. He thinks that they are finding

it being related to peri-menopause, (that is pre-menopause) I refused to

go to my husbands company dinner at Christmas because I was so humiliated

by the condition of my face. I had already spent 300 on 2 products that

I bought from TV infomercials DOESN'T WORK, my sponsor GAVE me a tube of

TF RenewAll , first, because I was so depressed, I wouldn?t even buy it

for myself. Immediately, I saw results, but still wasn't totally clear.

When I went to the conference, I bought Bio-C. I am using Bio-C and TF RenewAll every day, and I am clear, baby's skin again. I have now showed

this to my doctor and he is reading some material. If your teens have acne,

definitely get them TF RenewAll and Bio-C. You won't regret it." Sonya

15. "I had a burn on my arm. I dropped a curling iron on the inside

of my arm and after three days, it was so infected it had a huge red ring

around it. I heard the Tuesday night conference call where somebody had applied transfer factors to a burn, so I thought I would try it. I put

the transfer factors with some water and, the next day it had a little

scab on it. I had two spots on my face that looked like they were pre-cancerous, they hurt to touch ,one was red, one was sort of grayish brown. They'd

been there about six months. Well, I put water on it, then I dotted the

transfer factors on there. The next day, I didn't pay attention, I just

left it on there. I don't know if it peeled off or what, but I looked in

the mirror that afternoon and they weren't there anymore. I couldn't even

figure out where they were. I don't know what happened to them. I had a

wart on

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the top of my hand. I put it on. In three days, the wart was gone.

I couldn't believe it. So it works really well topically." Pat T.

16. "I just want to share with you about one of my customers that was burned just before Christmas. She was making candles and some thing happened with the wax. Anyway she got 2 and 3 degree burns on her hands. When I was talking with her the other day to se how she was doing ,I just had to share what she told me. She has healed just wonderful. When she was in the hospital, they told her that they couldn't believe how fast she was healing. They told her she has an excellent immune system. You can

hardly tell that she burned her hands, expect one hand is a little red.

My customer told me that she knows the reason she healed so fast was because

she started taking transfer factors 2 months ago. She is sure that is why

she healed so fast." Jeann K.

17. "I have been using the TF RenewAll Skin Gel since the convention.

It really works. I have a skin condition, that I have had for several years.

It is totally cleared up. The wrinkles around my eyes are 50% gone. My

husband used it on his feet and his foot condition is almost gone. My daughter

burned her hand and with TF RenewAll it was like new over night. It's great!"


18. "I had accidentally poured boiling water on my hand and it was very

red and looked like it was going to blister. I immediately put it under

cold water than applied TF RenewAll on it. It still burnt badly and was very red and appeared as if it would blister. Before I went to bed, I applied

more TF RenewAll. When I woke up, my hand was redness, no blistering.

just like I never had poured boiling water on my hand..Amazing!" Karen


19. "My husband Nelson was diagnosed with diabetes in January of this

year. When Nelson went to the doctor his blood sugar count was 450 within

3 months we had it back down to 110. The doctors office even called our

house in astonishment about how quickly things had gotten back to normal.

Especially since in monitoring Nelson every week the doctor was concerned

that the medication he had given Nelson was not working properly. That

is when we added transfer factors. Within 3 days Nelsons levels started

to drop. Also with diabetes comes certain skin diseases, one of which is

psoriasis. Nelson has had it very severely on his head, that he was embarrassed

when he was out due to flakes or getting his hair cut because it looked

so awful. It would itch so badly that in his sleep he would scratch his

head to the point of bleeding. Then 4-Life came out with TF Spray with

colloidal silver. We started spraying that on his head every night. Not

only has the severe itching gone away but his head is clearing up and the

psoriasis is going away. We are both very grateful to this company for

the products they have come out with that help us have a much better quality

of life." Mickey B

20. "Having had a long naval career as an aviation & ship command

specialist and a typically Australian 'life in the sun,' Keith suffered

badly with solar keratosis - or skin cancer - until adopting a daily regimen

of Transfer Factor Plus (TF Plus) and more recently, TF Plus Advanced Formula.

Since that time, all his skin cancer has disappeared and people comment

on how smooth and healthy his skin appears. Ineke's immediate family had

a history of cancer and she started on Transfer Factor to rule out the

possible emergence of this in her own body. We both use the 4Life Choice

50 powerful antioxidant to scourge free radicals from our bodies and rely

on Transfer Factor Spray as a first line of oral protection, especially

when travelling. We cannot recommend these products too highly since they

can harm nobody and yet produce almost miraculous results in people's lives.

We think they are a gift from God."--Keith & Ineke Callins.

21. "I take 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula to support my

immune system. It?s been great, especially in terms of providing balance

to my immune system. I also started using 4Life Transfer Factor RenewAll

and Aloe Vera to promote healthy skin. Both of these products help keep

my skin soft and healthy." --Heidy C, Pennsylvania

22. "I'm almost embarrassed to say I was so skeptical it took me three

months to listen to what transfer factors would do for me. But I had a

very bad skin condition on my chin and I had spent thousands of dollars going from doctor to doctor and they literally could not correct it. I

tried every medication you could think of and they just simply gave up.

Well it was really upsetting to me, as you can imagine. I finally gave

in and I tried transfer factors internally and even topically. Within about

12 hours for the first time, it began helping.

[5/27/16, 2:01:27 PM]


My face is practically back

to normal now. I'm just so thankful for the product." Bonnie T. 23. "I just want to share with you about one of my customers that was

burned just before Christmas. She was making candles and something happened

with the wax. Anyway she got 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her hands. When

I was talking with her the other day to se how she was doing ,I just had

to share what she told me. She has healed just wonderful. When she was

in the hospital, they told her that they couldn't believe how fast she

was healing. They told her she has an excellent immune system. You can

hardly tell that she burned her hands, expect one hand is a little red.

My customer told me that she knows the reason she healed so fast was because

she started taking transfer factors 2 months ago. She is sure that is why

she healed so fast. "I have been using the TF RenewAll Skin Gel since the convention. It

really works. I have a skin condition, that I have had for several years.

It is totally cleared up. The wrinkles around my eyes are 50% gone. My husband used it on his feet and his foot condition is almost gone. My daughter

burned her hand and with TF RenewAll it was like new over night. It's great!"

Mary 24. "My co-worker gave her one-year-old transfer factors to see if it

would help with diaper rash she developed after her doctor put the baby

on antibiotics. The rash cleared up right away. One day her husband called

her at work and wanted to know where the "stuff" was that made the baby's

diaper rash go away, because she broke out again. He gave her the transfer

factors and called back a little later and said it was completely cleared

up. I suggested she keep the baby on it to prevent any more outbreaks."

Nancy Gaddy 25. "My 6-year-old son has had terrible eczema all his life, yet transfer

factors, in just 2 months, have made significant improvements." Anthony

V. 26. "For years I've had trouble with my hands. They split open and they

bleed. They itch and they crack. They can become very painful. I was told

at one point that it was a parasitic condition yet I knew, of course, it

was an immune condition. Well, when I started on transfer factors I had

one finger that had not healed up for a couple of months and I really didn't

know what I was going to do about it. After just a couple of days on transfer

factors, and I guess at the time I was probably taking four a day, that

finger healed up completely. Then as time went on over the next couple

of weeks the rest of my fingers healed up very nicely and today I don't

suffer from the condition that really has plagued me for several years.

All I can say is thank you to transfer factors, and thank you to this company."

Susan K.















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