Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology

Indian Journal of

Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology

Journal indexed with SCI-E, PubMed, and EMBASE

V o l 7 4 | Issu e 2 | M ar-A p r 2 0 0 8



Manage me nt of autoimmune urticaria Arun C. Inamadar, Aparna Palit.................................................................................................................................. 89


Cosme tic de rmatology ve rsus cosme tology: A misnome r in ne e d of urge nt corre ction Shyam B. Verma, Zoe D. Draelos ................................................................................................................................ 92


Psoriasiform de rmatose s Virendra N. Sehgal, Sunil Dogra, Govind Srivastava, Ashok K. Aggarwal............................................................. 94


A study of alle rg e n-spe cific Ig E antibodie s in Indian patie nts of atopic de rmatitis V. K. Somani .................................................................................................................................................................. 100

Chronic idiopathic urticaria: Comparison of clinical fe ature s w ith positive autologous serum skin test George Mamatha, C. Balachandran, Prabhu Smitha ................................................................................................ 105

Autologous se rum the rapy in chronic urticaria: Old w ine in a ne w bottle A. K. Bajaj, Abir Saraswat, Amitabh Upadhyay, Rajetha Damisetty, Sandipan Dhar............................................ 109 Use of patch te sting for ide ntifying alle rge n causing chronic urticaria Ashimav Deb Sharma .................................................................................................................................................. 114

Vitiligoid liche n scle rosus: A re appraisal Venkat Ratnam Attili, Sasi Kiran Attili....................................................................................................................... 118

C O N T E N T S (Co n t d.)


Activate d charcoal and baking soda to re duce odor associate d w ith exte nsive bliste ring disorde rs Arun Chakravarthi, C. R. Srinivas, Anil C. Mathew.................................................................................................. 122

Ne vus of Ota: A se rie s of 15 case s Shanmuga Sekar, Maria Kuruvila, Harsha S. Pai....................................................................................................... 125

Pre mature ovarian failure due to cyclophosphamide : A re port of four case s in de rmatology practice Vikrant A. Saoji............................................................................................................................................................. 128


Hand, foot and mouth dise ase in Nagpur Vikrant A. Saoji............................................................................................................................................................. 133

Non-familial multiple ke ratoacanthomas in a 70 ye ar-old long-te rm non-progre ssor HIV-se ropositive man Hemanta Kumar Kar, Sunil T. Sabhnani, R. K. Gautam, P. K. Sharma, Kalpana Solanki, Meenakshi Bhardwaj...................................................................................................................... 136

Late onse t isotre tinoin re sistant acne conglobata in a patie nt w ith acrome galy Kapil Jain, V. K. Jain, Kamal Aggarwal, Anu Bansal.................................................................................................. 139

Familial dyske ratotic come done s M. Sendhil Kumaran, Divya Appachu, Elizabeth Jayaseelan................................................................................... 142

C O N T E N T S (Co n t d.)

Nasal NK/T ce ll lymphoma pre se nting as a le thal midline granuloma Vandana Mehta, C. Balachandran, Sudha Bhat, V. Geetha, Donald Fernandes ..................................................... 145

Childhood scle rode rmatomyositis w ith ge ne ralize d morphe a Girishkumar R. Ambade, Rachita S. Dhurat, Nitin Lade, Hemangi R. Jerajani...................................................... 148

Subcutane ous panniculitis-like T-ce ll cutane ous lymphoma Avninder Singh, Joginder Kumar, Sujala Kapur, V. Ramesh..................................................................................... 151


Using a subme rsible pump to cle an large are as of the body w ith antiseptics C. R. Srinivas ................................................................................................................................................................. 154

Pe utz-Je ghe rs syndrome w ith promine nt palmoplantar pigmentation K. N. Shivaswamy, A. L. Shyamprasad, T. K. Sumathi, C. Ranganathan ................................................................. 154

Stratum corne um findings as clue s to histological diagnosis of pityriasis liche noide s chronica Rajiv Joshi ..................................................................................................................................................................... 156

Author's re ply S. Pradeep Nair ............................................................................................................................................................. 157 Omalizumab in se ve re chronic urticaria K. V. Godse..................................................................................................................................................................... 157 Hypothe sis: The pote ntial utility of topical e flornithine against cutane ous le ishmaniasis M. R. Namazi ................................................................................................................................................................ 158 Nodular me lanoma in a skin graft site scar A. Gnaneshwar Rao, Kamal K. Jhamnani, Chandana Konda ................................................................................... 159

C O N T E N T S (Co n t d.)

Palatal involve me nt in le promatous le prosy A. Gnaneshwar Rao, Chandana Konda, Kamal Jhamnani ........................................................................................ 161

Unilate ral ne void te langie ctasia w ith no e stroge n and proge ste rone re ce ptors in a pe diatric patie nt F. Sule Afsar, Ragip Ortac, Gulden Diniz .................................................................................................................... 163

Eruptive liche n planus in a child w ith ce liac dise ase Dipankar De, Amrinder J. Kanwar.............................................................................................................................. 164

Xe rosis and pityriasis alba-like change s associate d w ith zonisamide Feroze Kaliyadan, Jayasree Manoj, S. Venkitakrishnan............................................................................................ 165 Tre atme nt of actinomyce toma w ith combination of rifampicin and co -trimoxazole Rajiv Joshi ..................................................................................................................................................................... 166

Author's re ply M. Ramam, Radhakrishna Bhat, Taru Garg, Vinod K. Sharma, R. Ray, M. K. Singh, U. Banerjee, C. Rajendran .......................................................................................................................................................... 168 Vitiligo, psoriasis and imiquimod: Fitting all into the same pathw ay Bell Raj Eapen........................................................................................................................................................ 169 Author's re ply Engin enel, Deniz Se?kin .................................................................................................................................... 169 Multiple de rmatofibromas on face tre ate d w ith carbon dioxide lase r: The importance of lase r parame te rs Kabir Sardana, Vijay K. Garg ................................................................................................................................ 170 Author's re ply D. S. Krupa Shankar, A. Kushalappa, K. S. Uma, Anjay A. Pai........................................................................... 170 Alope cia are ata progre ssing to totalis/unive rsalis in non-insulin de pe nde nt diabe te s me llitus (type II): Failure of dexame thasone -cyclophosphamide pulse the rapy Virendra N. Sehgal, Sambit N. Bhattacharya, Sonal Sharma, Govind Srivastava, Ashok K. Aggarwal ..................................................................................................................... 171

Subungual exostosis Kamal Aggarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, Vijay Kumar Jain, Amit Mital, Sunita Gupta.................................................... 173

C O N T E N T S (Co n t d.)

Clinicohistopathological corre lation of le prosy Amrish N. Pandya, Hemali J. Tailor ............................................................................................................................ 174


De rmatographism Dipti Bhute, Bhavana Doshi, Sushil Pande, Sunanda Mahajan, Vidya Kharkar .................................................... 177


Mycophe nolate mofe til Amar Surjushe, D. G. Saple ......................................................................................................................................... 180


Multiple papule s on the vulva G. Raghu Rama Rao, R. Radha Rani, A. Amareswar, P. V. Krishnam Raju, P. Raja Kumari, Y. Hari Kishan Kumar .............................................................................................................. 185


Ne t Study Oral isotre tinoin is as e ffe ctive as a combination of oral isotre tinoin and topical anti-acne agents in nodulocystic acne Rajeev Dhir, Neetu P. Gehi, Reetu Agarwal, Yuvraj E. More .................................................................................... 187 Ne t Case Cutane ous diphthe ria masque rading as a sexually transmitte d dise ase T. P. Vetrichevvel, Gajanan A. Pise, Kishan Kumar Agrawal, Devinder Mohan Thappa............................................................................................................................................. 187

Ne t Le tte rs Patch te st in Be hce t's dise ase ?lker G?l, M?zeyyen G?n?l, Seray K?lc? ?akmak, Arzu K?l?? ................................................................................ 187 Ce re briform e le phantiasis of the vulva follow ing tube rculous lym phade nitis Surajit Nayak, Basanti Acharjya, Basanti Devi, Satyadarshi Pattnaik, Manoj Kumar Patra ...................................................................................................................................................... 188

Ne t Quiz Ve sicle s on the tongue Saurabh Agarwal, Krishna Gopal, Binay Kumar....................................................................................................... 188

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