Testimonial – Maria del Rosario de Malta

Testimonial – Maria del Rosario de Malta

By Carolina Malta, July 24, 2008

Guayaquil, Ecuador

My mother presented a primary cervical cancer in February, 2001, where she received several sessions of radiation and brachytherapy. She then continued follow-up examination for three years after treatment.

In January 2008 she was officially diagnosed with metastasis to the spine, where vertebrae L3, 4, and 5 were compromised in 50, 40, and 20% respectively. A magnetic resonance imaging portrayed a tumor 3cm x 4 cm in approximate size.

She immediately consulted for treatment in SOLCA (Sociedad de Lucha contra el Cancer) Guayaquil, where a traumatologist explained the urgent nature of the situation: “This is a life-threatening situation and we must proceed to operate as soon as possible […]. There is always a risk in surgery and I cannot guarantee the outcome of the operation but if not done, the patient’s back can collapse and she can become paralyzed from the waist down.”

The operation intended to remove the tumor - this to be done in conjunction with an oncologist –, to empty the vertebrae and refill them with a surgical type of “cement”, and finally to place a stainless steel, surgical-grade plate in her back in order to stabilize the spine.

Her operation was scheduled for February 15, 2008. By this time she could no longer sit, stand up, or walk, and her pain was intolerable to the degree of having 12-15 hour crises just for barely moving her left foot.

Two hours later during the operation, the oncologist explained that after “careful consideration” they had decided to take a biopsy but not operate since the tumor occupied an area where an important vein sat, thus making the risks of removal “far outweigh the benefits”; he also explained that given the current position of the tumor, it would be necessary to cut the colon and to remove a kidney. In his opinion there was no purpose in operating and the next step would be to radiate.

Radiation occurred 15 days after operation attempt. She received 4 grays of radiation spread into 180-centigray sessions, for a total of 22. She was then allowed to rest for another 3 weeks when she would have to get an MRI to determine tumor status.

My mother was subjected to a very traumatic experience. She was hospitalized once more in March, after an almost fatal morphine overdose (15 morphine ampoules per day for over 2 weeks). Her condition worsened after just 4 days of being released from the hospital; she seemed disoriented, babbled, could not respond in conversation, and became extremely absent-minded. It turns out later that her kidneys did not function properly to the extent that she needed to be readmitted.

Also, it noteworthy to point out that the medical establishment treats a patient as just another dollar bill and could not care less about the person, the illness or the cure. To date, we have no records from this hospital (SOLCA, Guayaquil, Ecuador); all of her tests and documentation were restricted to us since this is hospital policy. Even our privately conducted tests were carelessly misplaced. Furthermore, all of our questions about my mother’s diagnosis were hardly ever answered and if so, unclearly or inconsistently; the language used by most doctors was vague, ambiguous, and egocentric. I cannot emphasize enough how frustrated, misinformed, and clueless we felt by the lack of documentation and information at the time.

While we waited to have a second MRI, we found out about an alternative treatment by Dr. Solomon which entailed strict dietary changes, natural protein and vitamin supplementation, cancer-fighting medication administration, and most importantly, spiritual reflection. Our first dietary plan included:

Liver regeneration through:

Urea 15 gr.

Creatine 30 gr.

Diluted in 1 liter of distilled water and administered in 7 parts daily

Pancreas restoration through pancreatin enzyme supplementation (3 per day)

Vitamin supplements:


-Paw paw

-Vitamin A with beta-carotene


-sodium bi-carbonate capsules

Other indications: 30 minutes (at least) of sunlight every day.

From May 13, 2008 through May 16, 2008, the diet was restricted to raw vegetables only and distilled water; after the third day it changed to only black grapes with seeds for a period of three weeks.

While in this transition, her body experienced tremendous changes, including high blood pressure (normal 110/69). Here are some notes from May 13 and 14th, 2008:

May 13, 2008

My mother had black grape and distilled water. Blood pressure went as high as 156/111; se was administered capoten 25mg and it helped, then pressure started to increase at about 4:00pm and she stopped eating grapes. She continued to take the water and pressure dropped to about 146/89; she was given an enema of saline solution and a vaginal douche. The [Cansema] patch shows 3 big scabs and 3 smaller ones. There is a bright pink color and there is itching but still no pain. She went to sleep at around 2:00 am up until 8:00 am, despite the fact she took sleep medication.

Pressure Log

May 14, 2008

130/86 2:00pm

125/83 1:55am

134/89 1:54am

May 13, 2008

149/92 8:34pm

147/91 8:32pm

142/83 6:54pm

150/88 6:45 pm

159/95 6:43pm

139/89 5:37pm

139/78 5:06pm

144/91 4:48pm

143/94 4:29pm

146/95 4:11pm

154/98 4:03 pm

139/91 3:18 pm

136/82 3:07 pm

139/93 2:56pm

138/102 2:53pm

140/89 1:08 pm

141/95 12:56am

144/102 12:44 am

136/111 12:43 am

141/87 10:14 am

May 12, 2008

135/86 7:53 pm

The first two Cansema patches broke from the skin about 2 weeks later. It was actually pretty surprising to see that cancer could come out through the skin without any surgery. The drawback was the intense pain it caused, but it was obvious that it was working.

About a month later, the dietary plan was revised to replace noni and paw paw for large doses of intravenous vitamin C for about one week (100 gr.), and selenium, beta-carotene, and baking soda supplements were reduced. The diet also included:

-at least 13 vegetable juices per day (1 per hour), incorporating lugol’s solution 3 times per day in juices

-addition of oleander soup by drops in every juice

-addition of potassium solution in teaspoon size, 4 times per day

-eating raw vegetables and certain raw fruit continuously during the day

-addition of Cansema Tonic to destroy cancer, by drops in juices

Other additions: Coffee enemas 3 times daily.

At this point we noticed many improvements:

-less nausea, little vomiting

-tanned, pink pigment to skin instead of yellow

-walking ability after being unable to sit down for extended periods of time

-less pain

-ability to detoxify constantly

-ability to sit for extended periods of time

However, we also noticed many detrimental, long-term effects of radiation:

-hair falling off

-bone marrow suppression



-burning in specific areas of the body

-lymphocyte depletion

-loss of appetite


-alopecia, despite constant administration of coffee enemas and i.v. vitamin C to lower pain

At the end of June, 2008 Dr. Solomon noticed that 3 other Cansema patches on her right hip were not reacting with the normal crust, separation- from- skin protocol. He determined that the amount of cancer aggregated in that area of the body was too great for Cansema to be able to push without putting tremendous burden on the body (e.g. a hole extending deep to the bone and covering the entire hip). [It is worthy to highlight Cansema’s tremendous power and capabilities since we have never seen a tumor break from the skin and later falling off; furthermore, we could not believe the extraordinary pull this medication had when we noticed my mother’s cancer being encapsulated at a specific location despite it being a liquid! To my opinion no other medication can do this by itself…]

Dr. Solomon then decided to inject urea into the tumor area and wait for another week or until the pain became intolerable. At this point he decided to make an incision and extract the liquefied tumor out of the right hip, a procedure that lasted for almost three hours. After this procedure her hip actually became visible again.

In order to restore the lost blood during the procedure the diet went through additional changes:

June 29, 2008

-Aminoacids: 5 in the morning, with 3 hour intervals – a total of 20 per day

-Creon 10,000: 5 per day

-Astragalus: 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 at night

-Echinacea - 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 at night

-Also continue vegetable intake and add 3 cooked meals of grains, vegetables, and fish.

-Increase coffee enemas to six per day or more, every 3 hours.

After 3 weeks had elapsed, the left hip began to pool a second tumor and the pain had worsened considerably. We decided to repeat the procedure done the first time. The difference was that the after the tumor was drained, her hip continued to be swollen as if the tumor had never been removed. We continued to drain systematically for one week until we noticed the swelling decrease. Inevitably, there was infection in the area but was treated with colloidal silver, oregano oil, cayenne pepper oil, and hydrogen peroxide. Currently, we have added Vidacell™ to her food supplementation with surprising results.

In a period of one month, Dr. Solomon estimates that 15 pounds of liquefied tumor have been removed from my mother’s body!

The treatment is not finished but we have witnessed many incredible things; we have seen my mother walk again by herself, although with difficulty; we have seen her maintain her weight, despite the tendency for cancer patients to develop cachexia; we have noticed that her pain has consistently reduced, although we are still working on managing it, but most importantly we have seen her LIVE again, which is a big deal since she was only given another 3 months by the medical establishment (e.g. from February to the end of May).

The following table illustrates my mother’s blood test results for a two to three month period:

|Name/Indicator |Value (Hemogram Test Results. in Approx 2-week Increments) |

|May 12 |May 26 |June 9 |June 27 |July 2 |July 14 | |Hematites/Erythrocytes |4410000 |4605000 |3910000 |3767000 |3568000 |3479000 | |Hemoglobin |12.8 |12.63 |11.4 |10.26 |9.741 |9.612 | |Hematocrit |38.1 |39.75 |36.2 |33.62 |31.62 |31.3 | |Leukocytes |11050 |13040 |10420 |17060 |16220 |15650 | |N. bands % |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |Neutrophil/ Segs. % |77 |87 |79.8 |91 |81.4 |85.43 | |Eosinophil granulocytes % |1.3 |0 |1.3 |0 |0.7033 |0.5549 | |Basophil gr. % |0.5 |0 |0.3 |0 |0.7334 |0.5146 | |Monocytes % |6.8 |3 |8.6 |4 |5.395 |6.558 | |Lymphocytes % |14.4 |10 |10 |5 |11.77 |6.942 | |-- TOTAL -- |100.00 |100.00 |100.00 |100.00 |100.00 |100.00 | |N. bands mm3 |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 |0.00 | |N. Segs mm3 |8508.50 |11344.80 |8315.16 |15524.60 |13203.08 |13369.80 | |Eosinophil granulocytes mm3 |143.65 |0.00 |135.46 |0.00 |114.08 |86.84 | |Basophil gr. mm3 |55.25 |0.00 |31.26 |0.00 |118.96 |80.53 | |Monocytes mm3 |751.40 |391.20 |896.12 |682.40 |875.07 |1026.33 | |Lymphocytes mm3 |1591.20 |1304.00 |1042.00 |853.00 |1909.09 |1086.42 | |M. C. V |86.4 |86.32 |92.6 |89.25 |88.62 |89.97 | |M. C. H. |29 |27.42 |29.2 |27.23 |27.3 |27.63 | |M. C. H. C. |33.6 |31.77 |31.5 |30.51 |30.8 |30.71 | |RDW |15.9 |14.78 |16.7 |14.76 |15.32 |15.29 | |MPV |10 |7.196 |9.1 |5.548 |5.489 |5.478 | |

It is important to note that her blood level has consistently dropped due to the interaction between Cansema/ Cansema Tonic and red and white blood cells. Killing cancer leads to lower blood levels and during the first weeks of treatment her leucocytes increased to show a pooling of white blood cells to the area where the Cansema patch was positioned. Also, the level of bacteria consistently decreased as Cansema and other treatments continued to work.

Monocytes have increased and decreased erratically throughout my mother’s treatment. They started off at 6.8% right after my mother finished her radiation. However, it is important to note that for the following weeks, monocytes have been as low as 3% and as high as 8.9%. These changes in my opinion result from: a) radiation being a false and misleading procedure to reduce tumors, (besides the widely known adverse effects on the body, especially the liver and kidneys) which mask real tumor size and aggressiveness; b) conventional treatment not killing the cancer (after the first month we noticed an ‘explosion’ of the cancer index); and c) a true destruction of cancer (through alternative treatments, oleander soup and Cansema) given by a slight increase in the monocyte percentage in the short term but with consistent decrease over time, and d) cancer being exterminated and thus releasing viruses contained within these cells.

We thank God for knowing about these treatments on time and for providing us with the faith and the strength to endure this illness. Although my mother already received destructive radiation, she still has the opportunity to make it, if she follows strict diet, takes her vitamins and medications, and if she keeps a positive attitude.


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