Indian in the machine’s




Learn how to detoxify from the modern world by balancing your body chemistry using very simple technology.




Dieter Braun, age 40, is an artist currently living in Costa Rica, originally from Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. Dieter has been writing about the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical benefits of ionic foot bath plates, on the internet through his website at and through his video series, “Ionic Foot Bath School” at Youtube indianinthemachine.

Dieter has administered hundreds of ionic foot baths for other people and gives himself an ionic foot bath about one every week or two, as part of his own regular journey towards health, wellness and balance of his body chemistry.

Dieter is a recording artist, “spirit” photographer and has written several hundred articles online (a Google search of “Indian in the machine” will yield over 8000 results). His articles are regularly posted at Fourwinds10 () one of the largest independent websites on the internet garnering several million page views a month.

Dieter has a bachelor’s degree in Food Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Saskatchewan.

Dieter believes that the public has been greatly misled about the nature and safety of thousands of chemicals unconsciously used by the public, military and corporations.

Dieter enjoys assisting people to discover the power within, by taking conscious, diligent steps to detox from the modern world, thus assisting people to free themselves from the slavery within, that keeps people in a disempowered state of disease, negative emotions and limited belief systems based on lies, half-truths and untruths.



It’s my pleasure to assist you to learn more about the wonderful world of ionic foot baths!

Ionic foot baths first came into my world about 3 years ago…and I was so impressed with the foot bath’s beneficial effects that it became a natural part of my world, both in terms of health and income.

I remember three years ago in 2006… I was set up at a Mind Body Spirit Expo with my parents…I was selling my CDs and herbs, and my parents were selling jewelry. We were set up from a booth that was doing ionic foot baths. This booth was run by an oriental couple and they were BUSY! After watching LOTS of people get their feet done, for several days…my mother offered to treat me and my dad to an ionic foot bath. I couldn’t resist! After all I was spending days on my feet walking on hard cement. Ask anyone who has done any sort of an expo in some of these artificial environments...they can be hard on the body. Notwithstanding the hard cement…it’s the lack of ions in the air that can take it’s toll on a person…I have since come to learn that building with “forced air” ventilation can be some of the most unhealthy environments to work in…I was tired, my feet were sore…I was still much more toxin than I am as I write these words…My body was still acidic… I was ready for my first foot bath!

During my first foot bath, the foot bath water turned very black (generally a sign of body acidity). About 10 minutes into my foot bath, I felt “better”…I could feel myself relax, mental, emotional and physical tension began to ease. I asked my father how he felt, and he felt the same way. This release of tension from within, was an immediate response that I would see time and time again in people who’s feet I would eventually treat over the years. When I took my feet out of the foot bath, they felt better. I have used the term “clean from the inside out” and many people who have had foot baths may relate to that term. After all, our feet naturally sweat from the time we are babies…just imagine for a moment how toxins can build up over the years as our feet naturally sweat and break down the foot wear….glue, petrochemicals, rubber, polyester, nylon etc…breaking down and little bits of reside work it’s way into our feet over years of wearing unnatural footwear. I feel that ionic foot baths don’t “yank” things out of the body, however there appears to be a localized affect, as the feet due to their proximity to the foot bath action, are instantly affected.

Dieter answers common ionic foot baths questions.


Question #1 Why do you say that most of us are toxic?

AN ACIDIC BODY IS TOXIC. Body acidity/alkalinity is measured by pH (potential of hydrogen). Ionic foot baths can introduce negative ions back into the body, thus bringing the body closer to a balanced body pH of ~7.4.

There are 100000's of chemicals in our environment and many of these contribute to the cause body acidity. Thus can the fact that many foods are deficient in nutrients in their natural composition, thereby removing the body’s natural ability to detoxify itself. Keep in mind that NONE of these manmade chemicals BELONG inside us.

Governments, corporations and media have GREATLY mislead the public regarding

the TRUTH of 1000’s of chemicals including, chemtrails, vaccines, vitamins, mercury

fillings, processed food, microwaves. x-rays, junk food, pop, plastics, table salt, and more. Humans in power want a planet that is poisoned so that they could control our spiritual

connection with God and limit our health, our reason, our brains, our POWER!

Our bodies are the doorway to our emotions, our thoughts and our connection with God.


Question #2 Why do you say these ionic foot baths work, and what do you say to the many skeptics?

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect says that there is an effect or consequence for ALL of our


Even if we simply were soaking our feet in salt water (the cause) without the added electricity, we would be absorbing salt water in through our feet (the effect). Adding an electrical charge to salt water, creates ionized water, thus freeing up the negative ions to be readily absorbed through the feet.

ACIDIC BODIES ARE DEFICIENT IN NEGATIVE IONS. Our bodies need enough "negative ions” to efficiently operate, measured by an optimum pH of 7.4. When we achieve an optimum pH, our body’s cells can do what they are designed to do.

Ionic foot baths use electricity, salt water and stainless steel, to create negative and positive ions.

Ionic footbaths work because our feet are designed to absorb negative ions from mother earth, we artificially create ideal conditions through ionic foot baths for this natural ionic energy exchange.

*Our bodies absorb negative ions through the ionic foot bath water, when our bodies are more

 acidic than the ionic foot bath water.


Question #3 What can I expect after one foot bath? What else should I do?

Most people feel a greater sense of wellbeing after one treatment, however

depending on your level of toxicity, up to 1 treatment/week for 12 weeks is beneficial.

If your body tells you to go slow, then go slow, if your body tells you to go faster, then you can go faster...listen to the messages your body sends you (rather than what other people say)... always!


Drink lots of water, sweat, sauna....the idea is to flush your body after the foot bath... flush...put back in healthy clean food, then flush some more...


Question #4 What is all the stuff in the water and why does stuff form

in the water without feet?

*A source of great controversy is all that “stuff” in the water. However let's be concerned with what's going on inside us rather than what's in the water, so that we don't get sidetracked from our mission, which is to create optimum chemical conditions by balancing of our body chemistry, so that our bodies can heal itself….AND PURGE ITSELF AS IT IS DESIGNED TO DO!

A special note: When we use ionic footbaths, we are intentionally oxidizing metal in the

 presence of salts in a slight acid in order to create negative and positive ions.


These conditions create precipitate (ie. stuff in the water) as the metal acids form salts.

Yes stuff forms in the water even without feet in it.

These ionic foot baths ultimately work off the pH differential between the pH of your body,

 and the foot bath water. For example if your pH is 4.5 and the pH of the water is 6.5, then we have a pH differential of 2. Your results would be generally more dramatic than if a person who's pH is 5.5 who would have a pH differential of 1. The larger the pH differential, the greater the visual results.

A special note for skeptics: The human body flushes heavy metals through the urine,

but you don't see chunks of heavy metals when you go to the bathroom do you???

Question #5 How do ionic foot baths cause the body to purge toxins?

When we oxidize metal in the presence of salt, we form an ion soup.....

For bodies that are more acidic than the foot bath water, they readily absorb the negative ions in the foot bath water.

Once in the body, these absorbed negative ions will go where they are needed most.

These negative ions will provide the "chemical fuel" for the body to release positively charged metals and chemicals.

Ionic footbaths will increase the release of many metals in the body which is why it’s important to drink lots of water after a footbath. The body will release many metals through the urine including metals that our body uses like iron, this is why it's important to eat clean healthy food, so that needed metals can be readily replenished IN THEIR NATURAL RATIO. This natural ratio is altered in most processed foods therefore imbalance is inevitable over time when a person eats lots of processed foods, and doesn’t take adequate steps to reestablish their pH to 7.4.


Question #6 How can ionic foot baths be used as a natural chemotherapy USING BAKING SODA?

We can use ionic foot baths to alter our body chemistry where cancer and illness can no

 longer thrive.

We know that cancer cells cannot grow at a pH of 8.

Therefore it's reasonable to assume that if a person brought their body chemistry to a pH of

 8, then they would reduce or even entirely eliminate the cancer growing conditions in the body (especially true if cancer has not yet developed).

You can add baking soda to the seasalt and ionic foot bath water in order to create conditions where the pH of the foot bath water is ~8.5-9.

Since ionic foot baths work based on the pH differential between the foot bath water and

 the person who's feet is in the water, adding baking soda has the effect over time of bringing the pH of the person who's feet is in the water closer and closer to the pH of 8.

Question #7 How can ionic foot baths be used to detoxify from chemtrails?


We know that the governments are spraying chemtrails all over the atmosphere.

We are all affected whether or not we realize it or not or ignore that it’s happening.

Chemtrails contain heavy metals like barium and aluminum.

Ionic foot baths have been proven to create conditions where the body excretes more heavy



Question #8 What do you say to people that say they can’t afford to buy their own plates or to have a treatment?

Many people have poverty mentality when it comes to their health. Often processed foods, booze and pop are a higher priority to healthier alternatives:

1. Where else can you eliminate being a high cancer risk using a simple, safe technology and baking soda?

2. Believe in an abundant Universe. I believe many people fail to act on the messages the Universe sends them to create more abundance for themselves because they either fear and/or doubt God and/or their own worth and power.

3. Believe in the power of the Universal Law of Attraction. What you focus and believe is what you attract.

4. Believe that God wants to assist you to create the abundant life of your dreams, but you must learn to listen to Him and follow His guidance, not the other way around. Remember, you serve God…seek Him out (not the other way around), and listen to His messages that come in every form.

Question #9 Why do you also consider the purchase of an ionic foot bath to be a new business venture?

A set or two of these ionic foot bath plates and a person literally can start their own small business.

People are making pretty good cash setting up at conferences, health shows, community

gatherings etc.

Do the math in your head....after 10 treatments for $20/each treatment, each set of ionic footbath plates will pay for themselves in less than a successfully rewarding leisurely/brisk day.

What other opportunity have you ever heard of, where a personal can pay for their entire

new business venture, in less than a day of assisting your fellow brothers and sisters to

heal and understand their bodies?

The ionic foot bath plates and accompanying power source are so portable that you can easily transport with convenience!

Ionic footbath plates are stainless steel resting on an acrylic stand.  This is a solid,

no-frills way of detoxing. 

Some people would pay $1500 to do the same thing, for the privilege of having a few added gadgets/features, but for many, right here is the true value.

Indian in the machine's stainless steel plates will last through 100's of uses. 



Question #10 What are the instructions for using the ionic foot bath plates?

A. Instructions for chargers with no automatic features.

Warm water will open the pores and facilitate a greater energy exchange with the water.

Use a comfortably warm/hot temperature (about 2/3's to the top of the plates).

Add approx. 1/3-1/2 tsp of sea salt into water and stir.

Ttry adding less salt if your charger shuts off before you are done your foot bath.

Attach negative and positive wires to each pole.

Turn on power (12V for feet 6V for hands)

Ease feet in water.

Keep feet in water for 20-30 min.

Meditate.....consciously release all that no longer serves you, into the footbath water.

Drain water in toilet, ocean, or backyard etc.....say a prayer...

B. Alternative instructions chargers with automatic features.

*Many chargers on the market have automatic features.

Try these instructions to maximize the window of which your foot bath will function.

Use a comfortably warm/hot temperature.

Fill tub with warm water (so that the top of the plates would be almost submerged when feet are in water) about 2/3's to the top of the plates).

Attach negative and positive wires to each pole.

Turn on power (12V for feet 6V for hands).

Add salt and keep for the light to change from "standby" to "charging" then stop. 

Ease feet in water.

Keep feet in water for 20-30 min.

Meditate.....consciously release all that no longer serves you, into the footbath water.

Drain water in toilet, ocean, or backyard etc.....say a prayer...


Question #11 What "charger" (power source) is used?

Dieter sells the ionic foot bath plates only. 

A power source is purchased from other sources.

The power source is a DC 12V 6V 1.5A or 2A battery charger.

This appliance is commonly found in many automotive sections and dept. stores.

On average they cost around $35-45.

Question #12 What power source does Dieter personally use?

Dieter uses "Battery Companion" Model SFM-1562A.

This model has automatic features which can shut the unit down if:

1. People are swishing their feet.

2. If a person uses too much water and/or salt.

3. If the unit is left on for hours. 

Other models with non-automatic features would alleviate these situations,

however Dieter likes the portability of Battery Companion.




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