MAPSD Wellness Infogram -


Inside this issue:





May is




May Recipe 3

Wellness 3






Wellness Team Contact 5 Info

Wellness Infogram

MAY 2018

Avoiding Summer Allergies in the Home

Like spring, the biggest summer allergy trigger is

1. Try to stay indoors when the pollen count is

inhalant allergens. When

especially high.

pollen gets into the noses of 2. Keep doors and windows

certain people, it triggers the closed when possible to

runny nose, itchy eyes, and

keep allergens out.

other allergy symptoms. Higher pollen counts usually 3. Clean air filters in your

home often. mean worse symptoms. ees,

wasps, yellow jackets,

4. Clean bookshelves,

hornets, and other insects can also cause allergic reactions in some people when they

vents, and other places where pollen and dust can collect.

sting. Inside, molds love damp areas, including the basement and bathrooms.

5. Wash bedding and rugs in hot water to eliminate dust mites.

Their spores get into the air 6. Vaccuum often to

and can cause problems for allergy sufferers. Dust mites -- microscopic insects -- peak

prevent mold and dust from gathering in carpeting.

during summer. They thrive 7. Try to keep household

in warm, humid temperatures and nest in beds, fabric, and carpets. Their residue can get

humidity between 30 and 50% to prevent dust mite growth.

into the air, triggering

8. Wear a mask when

sneezes, wheezes, and runny noses. Here are some tips to

mowing lawn to avoid inhaling pollen.

help you prevent summer allergies as best you can.

9. Wash your hair at night to rinse out airborne

10. Try nasal rinses and sprays to prevent congestion.

11. Use a bleach solution and a sponge to zap small mold problems.

12. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and laundry rooms, and dehumidifiers if they are needed elsewhere.

13. Wash & groom pets frequently to help them avoid dander as well.

, WebMD

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May is Melanoma/Skin

Cancer Detection &

Prevention Month

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. UV radiation can also come from tanning booths or sunlamps. The most dangerous kind of skin cancer is called melanoma.

The good news? Skin cancer can almost always be cured when it's found and treated early. Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to prevent skin cancer or detect it early on.

Make a difference: Spread the word about strategies for preventing skin cancer and encourage communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved.

Identify youth leaders in your community who can talk to their peers about taking steps to prevent skin cancer.

Partner with a local hospital, state fair, or similar organization to host a skin cancer screening event.


Take simple steps today to protect your skin:

Stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. Put on sunscreen every 2 hours and after you swim or sweat.

Cover up with long sleeves and a hat. Check your skin once a month for


Here are just a few ideas to help raise awareness about skin cancer and help people take action to prevent or detect it:

Encourage families to adopt good habits together, like wearing sunscreen and limiting their time in the sun.

Motivate teachers and administrators to teach kids about the harm of UV radiation and why it's important to protect yourself.

Banana Blueberry Muffins

Page 3


-1 c. whole wheat flour -3/4 c. all purpose flour -1/4 c. wheat germ -1 t. baking soda -2 ripe bananas -1/3 c. milk

-1 t. vanilla -1/2 c. butter -1/3 c. sugar -1/3 c. brown sugar -2 large eggs -1 c. frozen blueberries


1. Preheat to 375 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin pan.

2. Whisk together flours, wheat germ, and baking soda.

3. In Haolat rSgpeinbaocwhla, nbdeaAtrtbicuhttoekreaDnidpsugars until fluffy. Add eggs, mashed bananas, milk, and vanilla.

4. With mixer on low, alternately add flour mixture and banana mixture to butter mixture until combined. Fold in blueberries.

5. Bake 25-28 min and let cool in pan 10 min.

Wellness Reminders

Health Coaching ? Due June 30, 2018!!

Completion of one Health Coaching session is required for the 2017-18 wellness year and can be completed immediately following online Health Risk Assessment completion.

Onsite Health Coaching: Please sign up for your onsite health coaching session using the wellness portal under the "Activities" tab.

Telephonic Health Coaching: Please contact: 844-309-1269 to schedule. As a reminder, please reserve telephonic sessions for spouses and employees who are not as able to complete their sessions onsite.

More appointments will be made as the year progresses.

Upcoming Wellness Events

May Challenge: Do Something Special for Someone, Stretch of the Month, 6 Week Weight Loss Challenge Throughout Month: Health Coaching

April 30: Walk for Autism 5:00--6:30 PM Taylor County Courthouse Parking Lot. Walk to help educate, support and advocate.

May 1: March Against Meth 5:30--6:30 PM Taylor County Courthouse Parking Lot. Join the Taylor County Drug Opposition Partners on a 1.75 mile walk (or run) around Medford to raise awareness of the Meth issue that plagues our community. After the walk there will be snacks, talks with community leaders and a K9 demonstration.

May 1: Baby Fair 4:00--6:00 PM Aspirus Medford Community Education Room

May 2: Blood Drive 1:30--5:30 PM Medford Area Fire Department Fire Hall; Call 715-748-8762 to register.

May 3: Medford Rotary Auction 5:30--8:00 PM The Veranda, Medford. Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser. For more information email: medfordmorningrotary@

May 12: Graumann Fight the Cancer Ride Chelsea Conservation Clubhouse, N6357 Hwy 13, Medford) Call 715-905-0195.

May 14: Mommy & Me 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Community Room Moms and their babies (ages two weeks to one year) are invited to join the fun, fellowship, support, and encouragement of other new moms as part of this support group. Older siblings are welcome to attend with mom and baby. Some sessions will include lactation services and special speakers. A scale will be available to weigh your baby. Group meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month. No registration is required. Questions? Contact the Aspirus Birthing Center - Medford at 715-748-8156.

May 18: Taylor County Moving for a Cure Medford City Park. 5K Run/Walk to raise funds and support cancer patients within Taylor County. Visit: for more information.

May 21: Medication Monday 30-minute appointments available from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Aspirus Pharmacy-Medford (139 South Gibson St.) Questions about your medications? Do you... * Have trouble organizing and understanding your medications? *Get your medications by mail order or from more than one pharmacy? * Take more than 4 medications or have multiple health conditions? * Want to lower your medication costs? Call 1.800.847.4707 to set up a free appointment to review your medications one-on-one with an Aspirus Pharmacy-Medford pharmacist. You should bring all of your prescription medications, herbal supplements, and over-the-counter medicines with you to the appointment.

May 22: Community Memory Caf? 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Taylor County Multipurpose Room. A Memory Cafe is a social gathering place for persons with memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, early Alzheimer's, or other dementia and their family and friends. Please join us and share your stories and socialize with others who are living a similar journey with dementia. For more information, contact: Sherry Meyer, Aspirus Senior Care Services, at 715- 748-8875 or Petti Mannel, Our House Senior Living, at 715-748-2901.

May 22: Honoring Choices - Advance Care Planning 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Aspirus Medford Welcome Center Schedule a 45-minute appointment with a trained representative who will assist you to assess your health care values and goals, consider possible future choices, and make a written plan ? an "Advance Directive." An Advance Directive is a document that enables you to appoint someone to make your health care decisions in the event that you become unable to make decisions for yourself. Call Sherry Meyer at 715-748-8875 to register.

Ongoing: Weight Watchers at Work Weekly Meetings: Tuesdays--6:45 am; Aspirus Medford Hospital; Paid Enrollment Required; Call Lisa Blink at 920-819-5830 for details and registration information. Thursdays--6:50am; Medford Senior High School Library; Everyone is welcome, you don't have to be a staff member!

Thoughts? We want to hear from you!

Personal and Organizational wellness is an ongoing

effort. If you have any thoughts about how your

Amanda Lange,

MAPSD Wellness Program can better support you,

Wellness Coordinator

please share them with the Wellness Coordinator or

Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics

135 S Gibson Street

your building representative. We welcome any ideas for program design, events, guest speakers, etc.

Medford, WI 54451 P: 715-748-8128 F: 715-748-8763 E:

Know someone who has realized a personal success story? Please nominate them to be recognized in an upcoming Infogram! (Permission will be obtained from the nominated individual before

the story is published.)

For more information on anything included in the infogram, including upcoming wellness events, please contact the Wellness Coordinator.

Medford Area Public School District Wellness Team

Building Representatives

MASH: Sam Eckert

SES: Carol Couillard

MAMS: Carrie Frahm

District Office: Anne Fleegel

MAES: Janelle Karsten

District Wide: Mindy Schwarz

TCEB: Sandy Pope


Amanda Lange, Wellness Coordinator


Cory Toth


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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