Lesson 1 – Introduction to Biotechnology

|Middle School Curriculum |

|Unit 17: Biotechnology |

|Lesson 1: Overview of Biotechnology |


1. Define biotechnology

2. Compare and contrast biotechnology and genetic engineering

3. Explain how biotechnology helps increase production

4. List uses of biotechnology in plant and animal science

5. Explain the historical uses of biotechnology

Agriculture QCC:…………………………………………………………………………20, 26

Language Arts QCC:…………………………..…………………………………………. 6-7, 16

7-7, 20

8-7, 20

Science QCC:…………………………..……………………………………………………... 6-1

7-1, 10



Raven, Peter H. and George B. Johnson. Understanding Biology: Third Edition.

Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Publishers.

Osborne, Edward W. Biological Science Applications in Agriculture. Danville, IL:

Interstate Publishers, Inc.

Herren, Ray V. Exploring Agriscience (2nd Edition). Delmar Thomson Learning.

Lee, Jasper P. and Diana L. Turner. Agriscience and Technology. Danville, IL: Interstate

Publishers, Inc.

Biological Science Application in Agriculture: Plant Science.


See labs

PowerPoint presentation


DNA Codons

Chromosomes Artificial insemination

Fermentation Nucleotides

Genes Cloning

Replication Herbicides

Amino acid Mutation

|Teaching Procedure |

A. Introduction

Biotechnology is the management of biological systems for the benefit of humanity. It is used in molecular biology and genetics. Another example of biotechnology seen in the news recently is cloning. In this lesson, we will learn the basics of biotechnology so we can apply them to the later lessons in this unit.

B. Motivation

1. Learn about biotechnology and its uses

2. Do lab activity where students construct sentences using the DNA codes given to them

3. Compare and contrast genetic engineering and biotechnology

C. Discussion

1. Question: What is DNA?

Answer: DNA is hereditary information for organisms stored in chromosomes. It is stored as a sequence of nucleotides, which are composed of a five-carbon sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base. DNA is a recipe for making an organism because it contains the necessary items to make that organism just like a recipe contains the ingredients to make a cake.

2. Question: What is biotechnology?

Answer: The management of biological systems for the benefit of humanity. It is used in a wide array of other science disciplines.

3. Question: What are some uses of biotechnology in plant and animal science?

Answer: Cloning is used in both animal and plant sciences. Plant science used herbicides and now scientists are working on developing a plant that can withstand the herbicide. In animals, genetic engineering allows us to check on who is the father of a child as well as cracking the genetic code for humans.

4. Question: Compare and contrast genetic engineering and biotechnology.

Answer: Biotechnology encompasses all subjects of science, but genetic engineering deals with genes. Genetic engineering involves gene splicing, replication, and transfer of genes to other organisms. Biotechnology handles the bigger picture and genetic engineering focuses more on smaller areas. Genetic engineering is an example of a biotechnology. Using a wide array of methods, genetic engineering accomplishes the task of multiplying the number of genes.

5. Question: List the historical uses of biotechnology.

Answer: The earliest biotechnology was used to make cheese and wine. Through the use of bacteria, spoiled milk can be fermented to form cheese and grape juice fermented to form wine. Yeast can be fermented to make bread as well (see attached lab activity). Highly spoilable foods can now be kept for long periods of time thanks to certain bacteria. Legend has it that Arabs were the first to use artificial insemination. Arabs would sneak into enemy camps and collect the semen of the stallions. This semen would then be used to impregnate the mares.

6. Question: How does biotechnology increase production?

Answer: Developing and using new forms of plants and animals, modifying to improve their life processes, and improving the quality of food. Thanks to biotechnology foods have a longer shelf life. A good example is the tomato because tomato pickers pick tomatoes that are green so that as the tomatoes travel to stores…they ripen along the way!

D. Lab Activity

This lab allows the students to practice their copying and replication of DNA. They need a basic understanding of what is all involved in biotechnology before moving on to future lessons.

In order for students to understand how DNA replicates they need to understand how to copy DNA.

Before class, create at least six DNA codes, containing six triplet codes in one DNA code.


Then, copy the DNA and put each triplet code on a piece of construction paper.

Example of copied genetic code: CAT TGA ACG ATC CCC TAA

On the back of each piece, put a word for the students to construct a sentence. Place each piece of paper around the room, on tables or walls.

Example: CAT triplet code will have the word “the”. TGA have “goat”, ACG be “likes”, ATC be “the”, CCC be “purple”, and TAA be “flowers.” So the sentence the students will construct will be “The goat likes the purple flowers.” You can make the sentence longer by adding more triplet codes.

When the students come in give each pair of students a DNA code, if one or more groups has the same code that is fine! Instruct the students to first copy their DNA and then find the appropriate answers around the room. When they are done with their DNA code, one student from each group will report their answer to the teacher to see if their answer is correct.

After this exercise, have the students do this activity with RNA. Students keep the same DNA sequence but now they are looking for the corresponding RNA strand. Before class, put up the corresponding RNA codons.

From this they can find the t-RNA sequence. Hint: this is the same as their original sequence except instead of thymine it will be uracil!

E. Other Activities

1. Video: “Nova Cracking the Code of Life” The video explains the structure and function of DNA, what a gene is and what it does, and how proteins are produced. Item # ER-49-2212A in Carolina Catalog.

2. Teacher Activity:

DNA Mutations – on PowerPoint

Print the following sentence on the board: THE OLD RED DOG WAS TOO BIG FOR HIS BED. Each word consists of three letters like the triplet code of DNA. If a mutation were to cause a deletion of the D in OLD, the sentence would now read: THE OLR EDD OGW AST OOB IGF ORH ISB ED. Obviously this is nonsense. If it were a DNA molecule, the resulting protein would probably be ineffective. If the mutation caused an inversion of the word DOG, the sentence would now read: THE OLD RED GOD WAS TOO BIG FOR HIS BED. In this case, the sentence still makes sense, but the meaning is completely changed. A protein resulting from such a mutation would have a different amino acid in one position of its sequence which could have profound implications. This analogy could be extended by making other mutations, such as reversing the sentence, inserting a new word or letter, substituting a different word somewhere along the chain.

***Simple mutations, such as deletions, can affect the animal only slightly such as a color change or lack of a certain color pigment. Inversion and larger deletions or additions can change the animal by a birth defect or worse things.

3. Extra Assignment – Bread and Yeast Fermentation provided as set of worksheets. One set is for the teacher and the other for the student.

3. Optional Lab Activity

What kinds of food do we get from cows? Steaks, hamburger meat, milk, etc. Milk goes into the formation of cheese and ice cream. Yogurt also is made from milk. In this lab, students will make their own yogurt using whole milk.

Yogurt Production

Society uses more from an animal than we think. Milk from cows is not only used for drinking but also for making cheese, ice cream and yogurt. In this lab, we will find out how people make yogurt from milk.


Half-pint carton of milk

500 ml beaker or Mason jar

Ring stand (optional)

Powdered milk

Heat source (Bunsen burner, hot plate, etc)

Thermometer (0-100° C)

Starter Yogurt culture (any non-flavored yogurt available at grocery store)

Incubator, yogurt maker, or heating pad and cooler



Jams or fruit


1. Pour the half-pint carton of milk into a beaker. Place the beaker in a ring stand (or on a hot plate).

2. Add 11 g of powdered milk to the beaker and stir. Heat to 96° C, stirring constantly. Do not boil, but scald it.

3. Cool milk to 46° C while continuing to stir.

4. Add 5 ml of starter yogurt culture to the empty milk carton. Pour the cooled milk into the carton and staple shut. Label the carton with date and student name.

5. Place in an incubator at 39° C until it coagulates (6-8 hours). If you are using the heating pad and cooler as your incubator, be sure to keep the temperature consistent. To find out the temperature at each setting on the heating pad, tightly wrap the pad together and then stick a thermometer in the center. Check the temperature at each setting for accuracy. Usually the “low” setting is around 39° C.

6. Remove the carton from the incubator and cool to 10° C in a refrigerator overnight.

7. You may want the students to bring in their own jams to put into their yogurt. The teacher needs to have some sugar on hand because the yogurt is a little tart at first.


Language Arts

Middle School Connections in Agriculture Education

Language Arts QCC: Grade 6-7, 16

7-7, 20

8-7, 20

Name____________________________________ Period____ Date______________

Teacher’s Note: Have students participate in the lab activity related to DNA and RNA in the lesson plan.

You are just beginning to learn about biotechnology and have completed the lab related to DNA. Respond to the questions below in complete sentences.

1. How is the lab related to biotechnology?

2. How has biotechnology impacted agriculture?

3. Compare and contrast genetic engineering and biotechnology.

4. Name some current issues related to biotechnology and genetic engineering that you have heard about in the last year.



Middle School Connections in Agriculture Education

Science QCC: Grade 6-1

7-1, 10


Name____________________________________ Period____ Date______________

You have learned exactly what DNA is.

DNA is hereditary information for organisms stored in chromosomes. It is stored as a sequence of nucleotides, which are composed of a five-carbon sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base. DNA is a recipe for making an organism because it contains the necessary items to make that organism just like a recipe contains the ingredients to make a cake.

Please use an overhead to allow students to see the following website:

Read the information aloud to the class as you show the picture slide show.

Introduce the concept of a DNA ladder to the class.


Materials needed:

black, red, green, blue, yellow markers or crayons.

Poster paper or large manilla paper

Follow the instructions carefully to complete your DNA ladders. DNA molecules always follow a specific code, with the following elements: (G) guanine, (C) cytosine, (A) adenine and (T) thymine. Guanine and Cytosine are always matched together. Adenine and thymine are always matched together. For instance, one side of a DNA molecule has a basic sequence of C so the opposite side is G. One side of a DNA molecule has a basic sequence of G so the opposite side is C. One side of a DNA molecule has a basic sequence of A so the opposite side is T. Here is another example:



G---C This makes up part of a

A---T DNA ladder. This is a very simple ladder.


Pass out the following worksheet of DNA ladders and allow the students time to complete the sheet and turn it back into the teacher.


Use the following colors for each element to complete this worksheet C=red G=green T=blue A=yellow Use black for the dashes, this resembles the ladder.

Draw each DNA ladder using the color code. Match each side with the right element. You will be amazed at how many different codes there are.

1. G





2. A





3. G






|Middle School Curriculum |

|Unit 17: Biotechnology |

|Lesson 1: Overview of Biotechnology |

Bread making:

A concise look at the history, biology, and chemical processes of yeast

Teacher’s Edition


Relate the following story:

A bakery in San Francisco was famous for its wonderful bread. The bakery decided to franchise their bread, but the taste could never be duplicated outside the San Francisco Area.

Ask the students to brainstorm what they think the possible reasons could be for the variation.


The recipe was always the same and every possible explanation for the difference was tried (elevation, slightly varying ingredients across the country). This problem caught the interest of the USDA who decided to find the solution. The bread was tested and a new variety of yeast was discovered that added a particular taste. This yeast only grew in that specific part of San Francisco and grew on the walls of the bakeries in that area. When the bread was being made, the yeast present in the air landed in the bread dough.


Purpose: To show how yeast causes bread to rise while simultaneously explaining the chemical process of fermentation.

Distribute handout and proceed with experiment.

Materials: (Per group of 4)

Ziploc type bags, 2-gallon size

4 paper plates

Mini loaf pans, custard cups, or a muffin pan


Measuring spoons and cup

2 cups all purpose flour (plus extra for kneading)

2 cups wheat flour

1 package of dry yeast or fast-acting yeast

1 c. water (boiling water will be supplied by teacher)

2 teaspoons honey

4 tablespoons nonfat dry milk

1-tablespoon vegetable oil

2-tablespoon salt

1-teaspoon baking powder

1-teaspoon baking soda

Felt pen


4 colored pencils

Safety glasses

Teacher’s Materials

(In addition to the above listed)

Hot plate or stovetop

3-4 quart saucepan

Butter for the taste testing if desired

Discussion: Discuss the following topics during the first resting stage of the bread dough. There is a coordinating handout which can be given to students.

Brief History of Yeast

Yeast has been used to make bread since before written history.

Historians generally believe that yeast was originally introduced into bread through natural contaminants of flour and milk. Yeast floats in the air and lands on bread dough while being prepared.

Leaven was a dough-type medium that was kept from one loaf of bread to the next to begin the leavening process.

Yeast has also been used for many centuries in both beer and wine making.

Not until modern times that scientists discovered the existence of the yeast cells that are actually responsible for fermentation.

Yeast as a Living Organism

Yeast is a unicellular fungus (and therefore not a plant) that lives in liquid or moist habitats, primarily reproducing asexually by simple cell division or by budding of a parent cell.

Special note: There are now five general kingdoms that organisms are divided into: Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia. At one time, it was taught that yeast was a plant. This has changed in the past few years.

Yeast is classified into the division Ascomycota (sac fungi). The microorganism is placed here because under certain conditions a single yeast cell can produce 4 spores. The spores are much better adapted to survival under harsh conditions such as drought and excessive heat than are vegetative cells.

Simple cell division occurs when the cell divides evenly creating an exact genetic duplicate of itself. Budding also produces a duplicate, but cytoplasm and intracellular apparatuses are not evenly divided between the mother and daughter cell.

Refer students to the picture provided on their handout. The yeast pictured here is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is the most important form of yeast for commercial production. This species is widely used in bread, beer, and wine.

Yeast produces energy to carry out daily metabolic function using anaerobic glycolysis, or fermentation.

Refer students to the overall chemical equation for fermentation.

2 CO2

Glucose → 2 pyruvate→ 2 Acetaldehyde →2 Ethanol

Yeast in Action

Yeast is used for beer, wine, bread, soy sauce

The first reaction in bread making involves combining a sugar source (glucose) with warm water and yeast. The warm water acts as a catalyst. Flour is added in this step to help trap the carbon dioxide (like a balloon filling with air)

The bread rests for 15 minutes during which it begins to rise

More flour, honey, and warm water are added to increase fermentation and volume.

The bread is kneaded to increase the elasticity of the dough and prevent the carbon dioxide from escaping.

The bread rests again for 10 minutes after which the air is punched out. Why? To prevent the extra carbon dioxide from causing the bread to “explode”

During the next rising phase the bread will double in size again due to fermentation.

During baking, more carbon dioxide is produced = final rise, and the ethanol is cooked off.

Alternatives to Yeast

There are many chemicals that produce similar reactions to yeast.

Both baking powder and baking soda react to produce carbon dioxide.

Baking soda (NaNCO3) is a base that reacts with an acid to produce CO2. Recall the volcano experiment - baking soda + vinegar.

In cooking there are several ingredients that will react with the soda: Sour milk, brown sugar, honey, applesauce, vinegar, cream of tartar.

Baking powders contain mixtures of dry acid or acid salts and baking soda.

The type of baking powder generally used in cooking is double acting. It releases CO2 when moistened, and again when baked.

This receipt is for the purchase of the food materials used in this experiment. Your costs should be similar. These materials are plenty for a class of 20-25 working in groups of 4-5.


A concise look at the history, biology, and chemical processes of yeast

The Discovery of Yeast

Since before written history, man has been making food. For centuries, bread has been a crucial foodstuff for people of all classes. How exactly bread making became known to ancient man is not completely understood by scientists. However, the general agreement is that contaminants accidentally entered food through natural means. For example, yeast may have entered bread through contamination of flour. No matter how accidental its introduction was, bread making very quickly became a staple to society.

To ancient people, the rising of bread must have seemed a mysterious and magical process. During Biblical times, leaven, which was a dough-type media, was kept from one loaf to the next. As bread was made, extra leaven was kept aside for incorporation into the next loaf.

During the 19th century, science was making miraculous discoveries about the world. However, it was not until 1859 that a scientist, Louis Pasteur, discovered the presence of yeast in bread and the mechanism, now known as fermentation, that solved the riddle of bread.

Yeast as a Living Organism

For many years, yeast was thought of as a plant. However, under the new five kingdom classification, yeast is now placed in the kingdom Fungi. Yeast is a unicellular fungus that lives in liquid or moist habitats, primarily reproducing asexually by simple cell division or by budding of a parent cell. Simple cell division occurs when the cell splits evenly creating an exact duplicate of itself. Budding also creates a genetic copy, but the cytoplasm and intracellular apparatuses are not evenly divided between the mother and daughter cells.

More specifically, yeast is placed in the Ascomycota division, which contains sac fungi. The sac fungi produce sacs filled with asexually produced spores. Yeast is placed in this division because under certain conditions, a single yeast cell can produce four spores. The spores are much better adapted to survival in harsh conditions, such as drought and excessive heat, than are vegetative cells.


Figure 1 depicts a specific yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is the most important domesticated yeast in terms of production. S.cerevisiae is used in many food science and production aspects such as beer, wine, and breadmaking. Interestingly, yeast is also used in the production of soy sauce.

Because yeast is a living organism, it must have a way of creating energy to sustain its daily metabolic functions. This microorganism utilizes anaerobic glycolysis, or fermentation.

The overall process of fermentation reduces one molecule of glucose to 2 molecules of ethanol and 2 molecules of carbon dioxide. You may recall from biology that glycolysis reduces one molecule of glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate. In yeast, instead of putting the two molecules of pyruvate into the Krebs Cycle for energy (which requires oxygen), pyruvate is anaerobically transformed into ethanol. The overall reaction for fermentation is shown below.


glucose → 2 pyruvate → 2 acetaldehyde → 2 ethanol

The end of glycolysis and beginning of anaerobic fermentation occurs when the carbon dioxide is formed between the pyruvate and acetaldehyde.

Yeast in Action

Yeast is still used in a variety of ways and in many different industries. Both the production of beer and wine are dependant upon yeast as a source of fermentation. However, as this lesson focuses on yeast in the bread making industry, we will concentrate our discussion to this particular use.

When bread is made, yeast is combined with a sugar source (glucose) usually in the form of granulated sugar; but honey, molasses, or brown sugar are also used. With sugar acting as a fuel, warm water is added to increase the rate of fermentation. In this situation, heat acts as a catalyst for the reaction. Generally at this point a small amount of flour is also added to help trap the carbon dioxide that is beginning to be produced. As the bread rests, it begins to swell or rise. The rising is simply the result of trapped carbon dioxide gas forcing the flour mixture to expand just as a balloon swells when filled with air.

Usually, after a first rising, more sugar, flour, and warm water are added to continue the fermentation process and increase the bulk of the bread. Kneading increases the elasticity of the bread mixture further amplifying its ability to contain the carbon dioxide that is being produced. After kneading, bread is left to rest for a second time; usually until it has doubled in size. The process here is the same; fermentation produces carbon dioxide that is trapped inside the elastic bread dough.

Baking occurs after a second resting period, which can last from 45 minutes to 2 days depending on the type of yeast being used and the type of bread that is being cooked. During the baking process, bread rises even higher. This final rise is caused by heat once again accelerating the fermentation process and creating higher levels of carbon dioxide. When exposed to heat, the starch in the flour gelatinizes hardening the bread into its permanent porous shape. Also during baking the ethanol is burned off.

The result of all of this hard work by the yeast cells is a light, porous food source that is found in many forms from croissant to bagels, rye bread to wheat, cookies to cakes. There is no doubt that yeast plays a crucial role in many of the foods that we consume. The next time you eat dinner, think about how many foods you are eating have yeast in them and perhaps what you would be eating instead if yeast had never been discovered.

Alternatives to Yeast

Although yeast is primarily used in baking, there are several chemical substances that can be used as an alternative to yeast. Both baking powder and baking soda are used. Both of these substances undergo chemical reactions that release carbon dioxide gas.

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a base. When it reacts with an acid, carbon dioxide is released. You may recall doing an experiment in which you mixed baking soda and vinegar to create a “volcano.” The same principle is at work here. The carbon dioxide is trapped in the dough causing it to rise.

Baking powder is a convenience item. It contains both baking soda and a dry acid or acid salt. Most baking powders are double acting. This means that when the powder is moistened the acid reacts with the base. The reaction occurs again when the dough is baked. As in both the yeast and baking soda reactions, carbon dioxide is released and trapped in the bread dough causing it to rise.


Bread making:

An experiment with yeast fermentation

Student Activity Sheet

Materials: 4 paper plates

4 plastic bags

Mini loaf pans, custard cups, or a muffin pan

Plastic spatula

2 cups all purpose flour (plus extra for kneading)

2 cups wheat flour

1 package of dry yeast

1 c. water (warm and boiling water will be supplied by your teacher)

2 teaspoons honey

¼-cup nonfat dry milk (4 tablespoons)

1-tablespoon vegetable oil

2-tablespoon salt

1-teaspoon baking powder

1-teaspoon baking soda

Permanent pen


3 colored pencils

Safety glasses

Note to Students: The following lab requires you to make several measurements of dough and bread. Be sure to make your measurements in centimeters. Any measurements of curved surfaces should be made at the highest point.


In groups of 4:

*** Be sure to wash your hands ***

1. Label each of the four plastic bags A, B, C and D with the permanent pen.

2. Into each bag put the following ingredients:

| | | | |

|Bag A |Bag B |Bag C |Bag D |

| | | | |

|¼ cup white flour |¼ white flour |¼ white flour |¼ cup white flour |

|½ tsp. honey |½ tsp. honey |½ tsp. honey |½ tsp. honey |

|3 tbsp. warm water |3 tbsp. boiling water |3 tbsp. warm water |3 tbsp. warm water |

|¼ pkg. of yeast |¼ pkg. of yeast |1 tsp. baking soda |1 tsp. bak. powder |

3. Close the bag, removing all air and sealing tightly. Place the bag on the table and mix the ingredients by working the bag through your fingers for about 20 seconds or until completely blended.

4. Be sure to note the appearance of the mixtures in the space provided. Allow the bag to rest for 15 minutes.

Physical description:





Return to your seats for the duration of this period.

5. Record any differences you see after the 15 minute resting period.

Physical Description:



6. Add the following ingredients to your bags:

| | | | |

|Bag A |Bag B |Bag C |Bag D |

| | | | |

|3 tbsp warm water |3 tbsp warm water |3 tbsp warm water |3 tbsp warm water |

|pinch of salt |pinch of salt |pinch of salt |pinch of salt |

|1 tbsp dry milk |1 tbsp dry milk |1 tbsp dry milk |1 tbsp dry milk |

|2 tsp honey |2 tsp honey |2 tsp honey |2 tsp honey |

|¾ tsp oil |¾ tsp oil |¾ tsp oil |¾ tsp oil |

7. Mix thoroughly using the same method as in step 3. Once the ingredients have been completely combined, add 2 cup of wheat flour to each bag incorporating slowly, mixing thoroughly.

8. Add the remaining white flour (1/4 cup) to the bags slowly until a stiff, dough-like consistency forms. You can vary the flour amount to a certain degree to achieve the correct consistency.

9. Using the plastic spatula, push the dough away from the sides of the bag. Scrape out as much dough as possible. Place dough on a lightly floured paper plate.

10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each bag.

11. Knead for 5 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic. If you find your dough is sticking to the surface add flour as necessary.

12. Cover the dough with the plastic bag and let sit for 10 minutes. Measure the height of the dough as it sits on the table both before and after the 10 minutes. Record below along with any observations.

Height of Dough A ____________cm, after 10 minutes ________________cm

Height of Dough B ____________cm, after 10 minutes ________________cm

Height of Dough C ____________cm, after 10 minutes ________________cm

Height of Dough D ____________cm, after 10 minutes ________________cm


13. Punch down the dough (remove the air by pressing down on the dough).

14. Shape into a ball and place the plastic bag over the dough and allow it to rise for 20 minutes. Make the same measurements as in step 12 and record below.

Height of Dough A ____________cm, after 20 minutes ________________cm

Height of Dough B ____________cm, after 20 minutes ________________cm

Height of Dough C ____________cm, after 20 minutes ________________cm

Height of Dough D ____________cm, after 20 minutes ________________cm


Use the remaining time to begin work on your study sheet

15. Place each ball of dough in a labeled muffin pan (or other pan) and bake for 10-12 minutes at 375(F or until golden brown. Measure the height of each roll after it is removed from the oven. Be very careful, the rolls are hot!!

Height of Roll A ___________cm

Height of Roll B ___________cm

Height of Roll C ___________cm

Height of Roll D ___________cm

16. THE FUN PART!!!! Taste each roll and record observations such as preference (both on taste and visual appearance).


Bread making:

An experiment with yeast fermentation

Data Sheet

Graph your results on the following chart connecting the data points to create a line graph.

Key (record your color used)

_____ Roll A

_____ Roll B

_____ Roll C

_____ Roll D


Bread making:

An experiment with yeast fermentation

Study Sheet

Answer the following questions briefly and in complete sentences. Refer to your notes and handout as needed.

1. What kingdom and division is yeast placed in and why?

2. What is yeast?

3. Who discovered yeast?

4. How did early man discover yeast?

5. What are the two chemical results of fermentation? What happens to these compounds during baking?

6. Why did dough B not rise? Be sure to include support for your reason.

7. Which bread dough rose the highest? Why do you think this occurred?

8. During which part of the rising process did the bread show the most change in volume?

9. Why did dough A not continue to rise throughout the baking process?

10. Why is increasing the elasticity of the bread dough important? How did you achieve this?

11. What is the purpose of flattening the bread dough before allowing it to rise the final time?

12. Which bread did you prefer? Relate this to the industry’s current process of breadmaking.

13. You are a USDA consultant. A baker in Florida calls you with a problem: none of his bread rose during baking and his bakery is about to go bankrupt. You go visit his bakery and find that he stores all of his ingredients in a tin storage shed outside of his bakery. Upon seeing this you know exactly why his bread did not rise. What do you tell him?

14. How does this lab pertain to our discussion on biotechnology? (Hint: think about the first time bread was made and what was needed.)

Breadmaking Experiment written by Jennifer A. Moore

|Summary |


Biotechnology involves all subjects of science. DNA plays a big part in it as the primary factor for which it revolves around. Biotechnology has many real-world applications with the development of yogurt, cheese, wine, and so forth. Many students eat the item that biotechnology provides, which explains how biotechnology benefits humans.


Written quiz


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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