NAME ________________________________________ HOUR

NAME ________________________________________ HOUR ________



1. What is a substance?

2. What is the difference between an element and a compound?

3. What is a mixture?

4. What is the difference between homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures?

5. Differentiate between a solution, a suspension, and a colloid?(see pg. 198) Give two examples of each:

6. What are the Tyndal effect and Brownian motion and how can they be explained using kinetic theory?

7. What is a physical property? Give 10 examples:

8. Properties are said to be extensive if they depend on the amount of material present, and intensive if they do not, using the list of properties you generated above classify each of them as extensive or intensive:

9. What is a physical change? What are 5 examples?

10. What are five observations or evidences which would indicate a chemical change?

11. What are chemical properties? give 5 examples of chemical properties:

12. What kind of properties are density and specific gravity? How about flammability and corrosion? Define each of these properties:

13. What is electrolysis? What is an example which might be useful?

14. What do the terms malleable, ductile and inert mean? What kind of properties are they?

15. If you were given a liquid of unknown identity which might be caustic or poisonous, how would you go about determining its density?

16. If you were given a mixture of salt, iron filings and sand how could you separate them using the physical properties of the mixture? (note: each component must be separate and recovered)

17. Name the 5 types of colloids and give an example of each:

18. Classify the following materials as heterogeneous mixtures, compounds, elements, or solutions; sugar, milk, plutonium, water, salt, gold, wood, sand, carbon, India ink, air, concrete, paper, kool-aid, mud, glass, and, americium-245.

Heterogeneous mixture Compound Element Solution

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19. Classify each of the following properties as chemical or physical: odor, melting point, reactivity, ductility, porosity, solubility, flammability, color, and conductivity

20. If you were selecting a material to build airplane bodies out of, what four properties would this material have to have?

21. Given the following data in the table provided fill in the missing information, use correct significant digits:

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|density |mass |volume |specific gravity |

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| |60g |230 cm3 | |

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| |175 g |220 cm3 | |

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|3.5 g/cm3 |425 g | | |

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| |26g |13.00ml | |

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| |41.6 g | |1.44 |

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| | |45 cm3 |13.3 |

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|4.71 g/cm3 |125 g | | |

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|0.31 g/cm3 |22 g | | |

22. Diagram a classification system for dividing matter into its possible types: see page 248.

23. When baking soda and vinegar are mixed a chemical reaction occurs. What evidence do you have which would support this conclusion?

24. Read the description of silver given on page 210 of your text, list 8 physical properties and 4 chemical properties listed.


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