Use the information in the table to answer question 1-3

Use the information in the table to answer question 1-3.

A teacher gives students five rock samples to describe and sketch. The students record their observations in the table below.


Question 1

Sedimentary rocks have visible layers of small pieces of other rocks.

Based on the information in the rock sample table, which is a sedimentary rock?

[pic]A. pumice

[pic]B. granite

[pic]C. obsidian

[pic]D. limestone

Question 2

How is conglomerate different from the other rock samples?

[pic]A. It contains pebbles.

[pic]B. It has visible layers.

[pic]C. It has a rough texture.

[pic]D. It is all the same color.

Question 3

The limestone sample was found in an area of Wyoming that is now a desert.

Which statement describes what scientists can learn from the rock?

[pic]A. There once was a lake in that area.

[pic]B. There once was a glacier in that area.

[pic]C. There once were a lot of trees and plants in that area.

[pic]D. There once were fish that lived on dry land in that area.

Use the following information to answer questions 4.


The picture shows a pond ecosystem. Many plants and animals live in and around the pond.

Question 4

Which organism in the pond ecosystem completely changes its physical features and food source when it becomes an adult?

[pic]A. Duck

[pic]B. Turtle

[pic]C. Trout

[pic]D. Butterfly

Use the following table to answer questions 5-6.

Some Animals Found in Ohio


A student created this table for a report on animals that can be found in Ohio.

Question 5

Which animals give birth to live young?

[pic]A. hawk and black bear

[pic]B. beaver and black bear

[pic]C. hawk and potato beetle

[pic]D. beaver and potato beetle

Question 6

In your Answer Document, describe two ways that a forest fire would affect the black bear. (2 points)

Question 7

Corals are animals that live in tropical oceans. Fossils of corals are found in Ohio.

What does the presence of coral fossils suggest about how the environment of Ohio has changed over time?

[pic]A. Ohio was once covered by warm seas.

[pic]B. A large glacier once passed over Ohio.

[pic]C. The average rainfall in Ohio is now much more than it once was.

[pic]D. The average temperature in Ohio is now much warmer than it once was.

Question 8

A mosquito is a type of flying insect that lays eggs in puddles or small pools of water. When larvae develop from eggs, the larvae come to the surface to get air through special breathing tubes. After one to two weeks, the larvae become pupae and then turn into adults.

How would a dry summer affect a mosquito population?

[pic]A. The mosquito larvae would take longer to become pupae.

[pic]B. The adult mosquitoes would have fewer places to lay eggs.

[pic]C. The adult mosquitoes would get fluids by feeding more often.

[pic]D. The mosquito larvae would use their breathing tubes to live on land.

Question 9

A student places a ball on the ground and kicks it. The ball moves along the ground.

Why does the ball move?

[pic]A. The kick decreases the weight of the ball.

[pic]B. The kick applies a contact force to the ball.

[pic]C. The kick decreases the force of gravity acting on the ball.

[pic]D. The kick removes friction between the ball and the ground.

Question 10

The principal’s chair has wheels. It sits on her office floor next to her desk. She pulls the chair away from her desk.


What makes the chair move?

[pic]A. the force of gravity on the chair

[pic]B. the force of her pull on the chair

[pic]C. friction between her hand and the chair

[pic]D. friction between the wheels and the floor

Question 11

In Diagram 1, two identical magnets (Y and Z) appear as shown. The magnets can only move up and down in a clear plastic tube. In Diagram 2, a third identical magnet (X) is going to be added.


What will happen when the third identical magnet is placed in the top of the clear plastic tube?

[pic]A. Magnet X will flip over.

[pic]B. Magnet X will be attracted to Magnet Y.

[pic]C. Magnets (X, Y and Z) will move closer together so that all touch.

[pic]D. Magnets (X, Y and Z) will form a stack with space between the magnets.

Question 12

Which is the first step in a design process?

[pic]A. Revise the solution.

[pic]B. Describe the problem.

[pic]C. Test the possible solutions.

[pic]D. Identify possible solutions.

Question 13

Students study how water changes from liquid to gas. These are the steps in the class investigation.

Materials: electric heating coil, beaker and thermometer


1. Pour one liter of water into the beaker.

2. Place the thermometer in the water.

3. Record the temperature of the water.

4. Place the beaker on the heating coil.

5. Turn on the heating coil.

6. Record the temperature of the water every minute for 10 minutes.

In your Answer Document, identify one possible safety hazard in this investigation.

Also describe one way to make sure this is a safe investigation. (2 points)

Question 14

Scientists often work together to solve a problem. Sometimes they work in laboratories. Sometimes they are outside doing fieldwork. The chart provides a list of some careers in science.


Which scientists might work together to save a polluted wetland?

[pic]A. chemist, botanist and ecologist

[pic]B. astronomer, ecologist and physicist

[pic]C. physicist, paleontologist and chemist

[pic]D. botanist, astronomer and paleontologist


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