Minor Games Resource - Elizabeth Arnold Online Resources

Reason for choosing games:The games below are specifically chosen because they create a scene or team bonding and collaborative work. They are based upon students having to work together as a team to achieve a goal. The activities are aimed to be fun along with strategic thinking, problem solving, this in turn exposes students to cooperating in a group/team.VELS Appropriate for these games:Level 4 VELS is aimed at grade 5 and 6 students. Three lesson outcomes for the students include; communication, cooperation and working together, and strategic thinking and game based decisions. To measure these outcomes there is a variety of ways to check. For communications you can look to see if non verbal cues are being passed onto members, by hand expressions and facial expressions along with hearing verbal cues, questions and directions amongst the groups.Measuring cooperation may include indication of members being left out and not participating. The involvement of all members not only participating but actively being involve in the problem solving aspect.Checking for strategic thinking and game based decisions can be seen before the game begins when student’s facial expressions show that they are thinking of ways to achieve the goal better than other teams. Listening to the students communicate may indicate if they are considering strategies and/or tactics.Activity 1 : Human Alphabet soupObjective of the game:In groups create letters of the alphabet using only your bodies in the least amount of time when given a prompt. This can be done by standing up or laying down.Variations include:To progress this activity you can increase the number of students in the group. Or decrease the time frame students have to create the letter. Also once the group is confident with the game, get the groups to spell whole words with each member of the team forming one letter each. To make the activity easier you can do the opposite and increase time frame to create the letter and make the number of students in the groups smallerKey teaching pointsCheck for understanding by asking questions before game beginsOr use a demonstration with one group to show the class how letters can be created using the body for further understandingEquipment neededCones can be used to help the teams understand what area they can use to create the letter. There is minimal equipment needed in this game which makes it ideal as a minor game.Its organisationWhile students are sitting explain the game.Ask students to stand up in a line so the teacher can number students off into groupsAsk students to stand near the cone which is allocated there numberTeach will stand in the middle of group and call out number, they will need to maintain turning around so each group is watchedSafety considerationsStudents will be using their bodies and have close contact with other students, make sure students feel comfortable doing this. Also ensure heads and body [party are in a safe position to avoid injuriesRed dots = Students in groupsLabelled DiagramBlue dots = TeachersActivity 2: Chuck the chickenObjective of the game:The goal of the game is to earn your team points. The class is put into two teams, team A can earn points by forming a human knot including everyone in their team and one person runs around. The number of times the member runs around is the amount of point that team earns. The time frame given will depend on team B which will be creating a line with their team and passing the chicken (stuffed animal) over the head of the next person, then through the legs of the next person, and so on. Once the chicken is at the end of the line the team will call out “chuck the chicken”. This cue will tell Team A that they must finish their human knot and run to the chicken to repeat what Team B did. Variations include:A different number of students running around the human knotor instead of a knot the students have to work together to make a different shape (e.g a large circle by holding hands, this creates a larger area for the team member to run around) Key teaching pointsAsk question before the game begins, they may include:What does the team do when they get the chicken?What does the team do when they are finished with he chicken?What does the team do who doesn’t have the chicken once “chuck the chicken is called out”For further understand and walk through of the game may be needed so both groups understand their rolesEquipment neededRubber chicken toyIts organisationExplain rules of games while students are sittingNumber students off into two groupsTeacher must stand on side lines of the basketball court and away from where the chicken may be thrown to avoid collision of studentsSafety considerationsStudents will be running in a group which means there is a possibility of them tripping over.Students may be running towards a wall if the chicken is thrown there so a student may hit the wall.Blue Group = TeachersLabelled diagramsRed Groups = StudentsDirection of Tunnel activityDirection of RunnerActivity 3 : All on One SideObjective of the game:The object is to get your team to the other side of the net and back as many times as possible.Variations include:Use an actual volleyball to make it harder to keep in the airHaving a time limit where the team must complete volleying the ball from one side of the net to the other Key teaching pointsAsk a group to demonstrate what is expected,After demonstration ask if there are any questionsEquipment neededA balloon Volleyball net Open court area Its organisationYour whole team starts on one side of a volleyball net with no-one on the other side.Using a balloon for a ball, each player volleys the balloon to another player, after volleying the ball the player scoot under the net to the other side. The ball will continue to being volleyed around the team until all members have been passed the balloon and there is one member on the starting side. The last player to touch the balloon taps it over the net and scoots under. The receiving players try to keep the balloon in play and repeat the process.Safety considerationsGetting under the net students may get caught, ensure they lower their head enoughMust be careful not to hit another player when volleying the ball. Labelled diagramPlayersBalloonDirection of player after hitting the balloon.Activity 4 : Group KnotObjective of the game:The aim is for the whole group to work together to get themselves untangled. The group will have to avoid forming several smaller circles.Variations include:To progress this activity could involve blind folds which increase the element of difficulty A rule could be added that students must cross both arms across body before holding hands which increases the difficulty of untanglingKey teaching pointsCheck for understanding by asking questions before the activity beginsRemind students to communicate verballyEquipment neededNone Its organisationHave the group stand in a tight circle, with their hands in the centre. Then have them grab other hands at random.Once everyone hands are joined, they then must try and untangle themselves.Teacher will stand back and what the group communicate and work togetherSafety considerationsStudents are within close proximity to each other Students may be twisting their bodies in unusually positions, ensure that they are safeActivity 5 : Which Pair?Objective of the game:Use verbal communication and memory to find an object. In pairs the aim of the game is to have one member blind folded and the other give direction to find their partners shoes.Variations include:Using different objects for example soft toys instead on shoesKey teaching points Check for understand by asking is members understand both roles in the pairs Remind students to walk and not run when blind foldedUse hands to guide yourself when being blind folded and remember to use other senses ( e.g. auditory)Equipment neededShoes blindfolds Its organisationDivide the group into pairs Have each partner take a good look at his partner's shoes Ask one person from each pair to take off his shoes and put the shoes in a pile in the centre of the playing area. Blindfold the partner is still wearing his shoesOn "GO", the blindfolded partner searches for his partner's shoes. When he finds them, he crawls back to his partner and puts them on his feet. Teachers will walk with( stand close to) students who are blind folded so support encase they bump into anythingSafety considerationsStudents cannot see, therefore collisions will be a risk. Ensure students walk and not run Teacher may roam the area in order to stop student collisions.Labelled diagramsRed Pairs – StudentsBlue Group - TeachersShoe PileActivity 6 : Traffic jamObjective of the game:There are 9 tiles, each member will be standing on a tile the 4 on the left will face right and the 4 tiles on the right will face left. The aim is to ‘legally’ move members from the right side of the tiles to the left and members from the left side of the tiles to the right by following the rules.Illegal Moves???? 1.? Players may not move backwards. nor turn around.???? 2.? May not move around anyone facing the same direction that you are facing.???? 3.? May not move more than one person at a time. Legal Moves???? 4.? A player must move to an unoccupied space in front of them. (remember, no moving backwards)???? 5.?? You may move past a player facing the opposite direction to get to the empty space behind him/her.???? 6.? You may not move past more than 1 player (remember, they must be facing the opposite direction).Key teaching pointsAsk students if they understand the rules, by asking questions to a specific studentsThroughout the game remind students of the rulesAsk students if all ideas have been considered? By involving all studentsEquipment neededMark 9 squares/tiles using Chalk, masking tape, carpet squares Its organisationUse a group of 8 studentsMake 9 tiles or squares on the group, and ask 4 students to stand on the far right tiles and face left and 4 students on the far left tiles and face right.The group of students must work together and follow the rules to achieve the outcomeWhen a group gets stuck (traffic jam) to where no one can move, then team must start againTeacher will stand back and watch the students work together, until the leader of the group is formedSafety considerationsEnsure tiles are not slippery on the ground to avoid falling overLabel diagramsRational: Cooperative games are an excellent way to get students both active and interactive. The games emphasise teamwork and communication to achieve an ultimate goal. Students have to be active and push themselves to complete complex tasks by thinking of the best strategies possible. These games go great into a PE course for two main reasons:1. All cooperative games should have some physical degree of difficulty where students must push themselves to complete tasks such as running, jumping, skipping atc.2. Cooperative games incorporate a level of communication where students will have to become more familiar with one another to best complete tasks. This builds friendships, and communication skills between students which is not only great for PE but will help there confidence in most other school curriculums.VELS:Work collaboratively, negotiate roles and delegate tasks to complete complex tasks in teams.Develop and implement strategies for improving their contributions to achieving their team goals.Proficiently perform complex movements and manipulative skills.Lesson Outcomes:Students will work appropriately in teams to build social relationships with one another and in turn complete the activity.Students will have to consider different pathways which lead to finishing the activities. Doing so they should discover the easiest and fastest strategies to complete the tasks.Students will be active completing a range of motor skills and complex movements.SKIPPING LEVELSDESCRIPTION:Students start at one side of a large skipping rope.LEVEL 1 – Students, one by one, run and jump the rope once before running out the other side.Once every student jumps the rope and gets to the other side, level 1 is complete and level 2 begins.LEVEL 2 – students must run and jump the rope in pairs now. Again once all the students pass through the rope, level 2 in complete.This continues with level 3(three students going at a time), level 4 (four students going at a time) and so on.The objective of the game is to pass as many levels as possible with the number of people playing the game.How to fail:If any of the following rules are broken students must start at the beginning of the level they are currently at:1. Rope is stopped.2. Rope does four rotations without anyone getting through.3. Groups of students don’t go through in pairs (apply after level 1).Main teaching point of this game is just to stop the class if failure is regularly occurring and reinforce team work and strategies to best complete the task.Start5346065367030VARIATIONS:514604029210485838526670460184526670Discard failure rules and let levels be passed.57543703435354314190332740Increase amount of skips students have to do. EQUIPMENT:Large skipping rope (1)RopeFinishSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Stay a safe distance from walls.Keep the speed of the rope slow.Make sure students are wearing appropriate footwear.BEAN BAG SCRAMBLEDESCRIPTION:Divide Class into four even teams.Set four hoops in the four corners of the gym, the students must line up in their teams behind a hoop (one hoop per team).Bean bags are scrambled all over the gym floor.One at a time students from each team must run out, get one bean bag and return it to their hoop.The objective of the game is to collect as many bean bags as possible.VARIATIONS:Add one stealer into each group. Stealers are allowed to run to other team’s hoops and steal one bean bag at a time.Set teams colours in which they must only gather bean bags of that colour.All students can go out together, collecting one bean bag at a time until all bean bags are gone.EQUIPMENT:Hoops (4)Bean bags (50 – 70)SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Hoops placed away from any walls and obstacles.Bean bags must be placed in the hoops.No throwing the bean bags.Students must be seated behind their hoop to stop blocking.2214880444500212788533591554425853359155387975444500Runners are encouraged to look where they are running to avoid collisions.23183852051055285105205105Bean BagHoopStudents334645341630535305040957523152104502152374265344170524383034417054616354933952225675541655NETBALL TAGDESCRIPTION:Select two students to be “IT”, and the rest of the students are to be spread out in half of a basketball court (or area of similar size).The students who are “IT” have one netball between them which they must tag the other students with.The “IT” students cannot move when they are holding the netball, only pass it to other students who are “IT”.When tagged you become “IT” and help the rest of the “IT” students.Game finished when everyone is “IT”.The objective of the game is to work as a team and tag everyone who is playing.VARIATIONS:Change the ball, either bigger or smaller (preferably soft).Change the size of the playing area.Change the amount of students “IT” at the beginning.EQUIPMENT:Netball (1)SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:No throwing the ball at students.Boundaries are a safe distance from walls.36861751167765Only tag students below the shoulders.464248530035534366203873503586480692150208978536512513061954305301096645430530Not “IT”“IT”NETBALL26206459582152895600958215347789595821546450252603531730959251953306445240030464248510922019481807086603656965858520338518547752037985704337053385185760730CHAIN TAGDESCRIPTION:Select two students to be “it”.The “IT” students must run around and attempt to tag other students, once other students are tagged they link arms with the “IT” person and both become “IT”.As a chain the “IT” students must stay linked and tag other students (who then join the chain) until all students are tagged.The objective of the game is to tag all the students and end up with one long chain.VARIATIONS:Once the chain reaches four students they can break off into pairs. This means more “IT” chains are running around and it is easier for students to be tagged.Change the size of the area.Change the amount of students “IT” at the start.EQUIPMENT:NilSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Encourage students to watch where they are running.Ensure students are wearing adequate footwear.Make sure boundaries are a safe distance from walls.Only allowed to tag students below the shoulders.“IT” students (linking arms)Not “IT” students44602401746254645025174625385064032639014503406089651263015609600365188578359026206455441952966085391795252222079502046450252832101945640762000385064071882029686255226053243580-4794253063875830580LIMB RELAYDESCRIPTION:Break the students up into teams of 4 – 5 students.As the teacher you say out a number of limbs that the group has to distribute between them that are touching the ground. (For example, you might yell out 5 limbs only, and then students would have to hop up around the cone and back).In their teams the students must run to the cone (20m away) and back only on the set number of limbs given to them.Once back students must stand on one foot with their hands on their heads, first team to do this wins.The objective of the game is to get around the cone and back before any of the other teams.VARIATIONS:Only one student goes at a time then tags the next students.No relay, simply the first team to have the set number of limbs on the ground wins.EQUIPMENT:NilSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Cones are a safe distance from walls.Students are not allowed to get on one another’s shoulders.ConesStudents437324564452514884406445254730757537451488440673104730751981206800851981208896351981201488440624205476250624205680085624205889635624205889635167005680085167640BLIND BOMBFIELDDESCRIPTION:Students are to pair up with one another, one is to wear a blind fold and the other is the instructor.Starting at the base line of the basketball court the blind folded person must follow the voice of their instructor to walk to quarter court without stepping on and mines (equipment).Scattered throughout the area are equipment such as bean bags, hoola hoops and ropes. If a student steps on any of these “bombs” they must start again from the beginning.The instructor must describe the course to the blind folded student and talk to them, helping them reach the end.Great instructions include “half a step forward”, “big lunge forward”, “5m clear in front” etc.The objective of the game is to reach the other end of the bomb field without stepping on any “bombs”VARIATIONS:Change the size of the playing area.3273425370205Give the students lives, so if they step on one bomb it’s ok, they can keep going until they step on the second bomb.3273425254635EQUIPMENT:Hoola hoop (5)InstructorBlind foldedHoola hoopSkipping rope4582795122555Skipping rope (5)Bean bag4579620170180Bean bag (10)SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Be sure the equipment is safe to stand on and won’t slide or trip the student over.No running, only walking through the bomb field.Boundaries a safe distance from walls.Encourage the instructors to direct the blind folded students away from other people.RATIONALEKey concepts of ‘Cooperative games’ emphasise max participation, personal and/or group challenges and are engaging as opposed to elimination games and fierce competitive games where there is a loser and a winner. These games are continuous and students are not isolated to the possibility of sit out the rest of the activity. Other outcomes of cooperative games include promoting enjoyment and developing new friendships. These types of games can be manipulated in a way which may act as a stepping stone for future aspiration to play a competitive sport. For example the minor game ‘bringing home the bacon’ introduces; dodging, running and shooting which are all elements of basketball but are not specifically emphasised during the game. As mentioned earlier, these types of games should be included in the PE Curriculum due to their max participation philosophy and directly relate to VELS across several levels such as team cohesion and communication. VICTORIAN ESSENTIAL learning standards Level 3They work with others to achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive sporting and games’ situations Cooperative games aim to have all students involved in the activity. In ‘Hot potato basketball’ both teams needed to cooperate in a game situation to either score points or to prevent the scoring of points. All student’s need to communicate effectively during fielding to ensure that the procedure to stop the batting team is done correctly (i.e. passing to everyone once). Level 5They combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance. In the game ‘Bringing home the bacon’ the strategic element is to have as many bean bags in your teams’ hoops. Furthermore the 4 teams needed to develop strategies to minimize the opposition’s amount of bean bags collected (e.g. targeting a group that appears to have the most bean bags or alternatively, target teams that have more people in their team as they would more likely have more bean bags).Level 5They combine motor skills and movement patterns during individual and group activities During the group activity game ‘The hungry snake’, efficient movement patterns are essential as it could possibly result in injury if due care is not taken by following the specific movement pattern of the head of the snake (front person), demonstrating the need of sufficient motor skills. Equitment ListUp to 40 random objects depending on group size such as bean bags /balls or anything of a small nature2 Sets of colour bands 4 bags large enough to hold up to 15 bean bags 2x Basketball’s9 Hoola Hoops4 Basketball / Netball Rings One Full Gym2 Netballs 20 Cones 20 futsal balls NAME: The hungry SnakeDescriptionUp to 40 random objects are spread throughout the gym such as balls/bean bags with preferable the same amount of each side of the courtThe class will then break into two even groups The two groups will then form two straight lines behind the leaders (This will be the head of the snake) The students are connected by holding onto the shirt or shoulders of the person in front of them The last student in each line will carry a small ball bag to collect the rubbishThe snake then slowly travels around the gym in a single file being guided by the head of the snakeThe head of the snake picks up as many pieces of trash as possible and passes the trash through every person in line until it gets to the last person who puts the “rubbish “ into their bag (stomach)Whichever team has the most trash in the stomach at the end is the winner VariationsInstead of using only right hand you must also use your left hand Students must pass under their legs onlyGarbage can only be collected for a short period of time to see who organises their group quicker and starts participating in the activity quicker. Equipment Up to 40 random objects depending on group size such as bean bags /balls or anything of a small nature2 Sets of colour bands (one for each team)4 bags for the end person to collect the objectsSafety considerationsSet visible boundariesArea must be large enough so each group can freely move without being to close to one another That the two groups collide so that’s why the leader has to keep their head up at all timesThe students trip over the objects placed on the ground so all students must have awareness of where they are walkingTEACHABLE MOMENTSDid communicating with the head of the snake enable your team to pick up objects quicker?Did this game give you a greater appreciation for the environment, why/why not?Bringing Home the bacon (One of two)Warm Up Activity Description5 hoops are set up with 4 being in each corner under a basketball ring or netball goals20 bean bags are placed into the middle hoopStudents are divided into 4 groups (5 each group)They will then go to a specified hoopThe students will number off 1-5When a number is called out the students that correspond to that number have to get up run and grab one bean bag each, Then the next number is called and so on (in the end each group will have 5 bean bags each)VariationsAdd in more bean bags depending on how many students at participatingStudents can only grab the bean bags left handedOnce the student grabs a bean bag they have to do 5 star jumps before they can continue Equipment 5 Hoola Hoops20 bean bagsOne Basketball court Safety considerationsStudents collide in the middle when picking up the bean bags that is why the student musts keep visual awareness at all times Set visible boundariesBringing Home the bacon (Two of two)DescriptionThe students will still be seated around the hoola hoops in the same teams as the previous activity ( 4 groups of 5 )The middle hoola hoop is removed from the game so only 4 hoola hoops remainEach hoola hoop contains 5 bean bagsOn go the objective is to run around and steal other groups bean bags (one at a time) and bring them back to your hoopBut to score a point the student has to shoot the bean bag though the basketball ring or netball goals above their own hoops This game then continues for either a specific time of 3 – 5 minutes or until one group has a significant portion of everyone’s bean bags or a group has no bean bags leftVariations Students can only shoot the goals in with their non-preferred handThe students have to shoot from a specific distanceStudents can take more than one bean bag at a time (to make the game quicker)Students could be allowed a defender to try and stop people stealing their bean bags by standing in their way (but no physical contact allowed)Equipment 4 Hoola hoops20 Bean Bags4 Basketball / Netball Rings One basketballSafety considerationsStudents collide when running with the bean bags this is why students musts keep visual awareness at all times and no sprinting is allowed only a mild jog.Set visible boundaries and reinforced them strictlyThat a student gets hit by a bean bag that has been thrown by another student that is why no student can throw a bean bag other than when shooting for goal from a small distance (No long range shots) TEACHABLE MOMENTSWhat is the best way to shoot the beanbag (or ball) when trying to score? (e.g. hand in the cookie jar)What was the most effective and quickest way to bend over and pick up a beanbag?Did communicating as a team enable you to gain the most beanbags why/why not?Clean Your RoomDescriptionSpread up to 35 – 40 objects around the court or gymBreak the class into two even groups Get each group to line up on the court base line either side of the courtHave an equal amount of objects on both sides of the courtOn go the students have to throw all the objects in their room into the other teams court whilst the other team are doing the same (all throws must be along the ground)The team with the least amount of objects in their room at the end of the game winsStudents are not allowed to cross the middle line so it needs to be well defined by cones or other measures Variations Students must use left hand onlyStudents can only kick the bean bags into the other halfyou must get the bean bags to land in a specific placement instead of the half a court Equipment Up to 40 random small sized objects such as balls or bean bagsTwo sets of colour bands to identify sides (maybe not needed)One Full GymUp to 20 cones for setting up boundaries / midline Safety considerationsStudents throw the bean bags at each other , So this is why at all times throwing must be along the ground Students run into each other, so this is why you have to look were you are running to Students run outside the boundaries trying to pick up thrown bean bags , this is why there will be clear marked boundaries that students cannot enter at any time and if a bean bag enters they can either alert the teacher or walk slowly and grab the bean bag (Depending on age group)TEACHABLE MOMENTSCould you slide the object further when your opposite foot was planted to your sliding arm or alternatively, were you able to have more control and power planting the foot on the same side as your sliding arm?Did you have more control kicking the object when standing beside the ball with your opposite foot or well behind the object?NAME: Hot Potato Basketball DescriptionClass is divided into 2 teams of equal numbers (a batting team and a fielding team)A student from the batting team is to throw a basketball into the half-court playing field. Once thrown, the same student then picks up another basketball and immediately run’s and bounces the ball around cones spread 15 meters to score one pointAfter scoring one point the student gives the ball to the next in line whom then repeats the bounce around the cones which is continued until the play has been stopped by the fielding team. The fielding team retrieves the thrown ball and passes the basketball to every player within their team before a nominated shooter attempts to shoot a goal from the free throw line.If the shooter misses the shot then the same shooter retrieves the ball and shoots again nearer to the ring or alternatively performs a lay-up After shooting the ball in the ring the play ceases and another batter throws the ball and another fielder becomes the shooter.VariationsPlay the game within the whole court thus passes must be longer and spreads the fielders students must become more strategic where they place themselves as opposed to all standing one meter apart.Teams are swapped after every 2 ? minutes as opposed to every batter throwing the ball before switching.Place 8-10 cones in a zigzag for the batting team thus making it more challenging for the ball dribblerOne of the fielders becomes a defender and tries to stop the batting team from bouncing around cones that have been spread 15m apart (defender changes after every ceased play) – only for advanced students and the game appears mundane to them. Equipment 2x Basketball’s1x Half Of a basketball court 2x ConesSafety considerationsStudents are to be made aware of fast ball movement when passing and when the batter throws the ball into playBatting team to be aware of their roles (e.g. second in line to be aware they are to receive the ball immediately after one run has been scored. The fielding and batting team to be aware of their designated areaTEACHABLE MOMENTSWhat was the most efficient way to bounce the basketball (e.g. knee/waist/chest height? Also, is it easier to bounce to the side or directly in front of your belly button?When passing the ball, why did/didn’t you step towards the student you were passing too – would it produce less or more force by doing so?When shooting the ball, should your hands be to the side of the ball or directly behind it? (Hand in the cookie jar)Fielding teamShooterBatting teamNAME: We Sunk your battleship DescriptionStudents are divided into two equal teams and proceed to their side of the court20 ‘ships’ (cones) are spread throughout the playing field (10 per side)Each team must enter the opposition camp and attempt to knock over the ships with their hands (not feet) and without being tagged.Students are not allowed within 2 meter radius of their own camps’ ships If a student is tagged whilst in the opposition camp they must walk back to their own team’s camp and try againOnce all ships have been knocked over in the opposition camp the winning team yells “We sunk your battleship” and the game can be started againVariations If the game is going slowly, students are to wear team coloured bands in their waist making it harder to be tagged and more likely to reach a cone, thus speeding up the game.For further advanced students - hoola hoops can be placed throughout the court/oval which become ‘safe zones’ and they cannot be tagged. This modification opens up the playing field making the game go faster as the student in the safe zone can wait for a team mate to distract the opponent (only one person per hoop).For further advanced students - a ball passing element can be added to the game. The student holding the ball cannot be tagged when they are in the opposition camp.However the student with the ball is not allowed to move more than one step (similar to netball) and can also only hold onto the ball for 3 seconds. To prevent the student being tagged immediately after passing the ball, the student with the ball is allocated a 3-5 meter radius dependent on whether they are playing on a court of a fieldEquipment20 Cones1 Basketball court (or half a football oval for older kids)2 Netballs (for the variation version)Safety considerationsCareful when tagging the opponentKeep head up when runningNo kicking the cones (once within 2 meters of a cone the opposition are unable to tag the student)Cleary defined boundaries (being the basketball court), anyone who steps out of the boundary must walk back to their side and try again.TEACHABLE MOMENTS“What skills are prevalent during this activity? (e.g. dodging, running, throwing/catching with the modification)“What games utilize these skills”?“When dodging an opponent is it better to begin dodging 5 meters before confronting an opponent, or within 2 meters, why/why not? “Is it easier to dodge an opponent if there is two/three of you working as a team or singularly? (Which than can lead to sport specific questions, such as which sports require running in waves e.g. hockey, football, basketball, soccer etc and why is this advantageous?)NAME: Steal Or No Steal DescriptionEvery student is given a soccer/futsal ball that they must keep in their possession without it being stolen by a rival player whilst also attempting to steal the rival player’s ball within the 1/3rd of a Netball court.Once a student’s ball has been stolen they move into the 2/3rd (middle) of the netball court and begin the game again as more players enter into the 2nd third until lastly being moved into the final 3rd.To ensure the game is continuous and not stagnant, one point is awarded for stealing another students’ ball. Thus promoting the students to try and steal another’s ball and not simply defend their own ball.Variations If the thirds are too clustered due to too many students or skill difficulty retaining the ball, the students can be broken evenly amongst the three 1/3rds and move to the adjacent 1/3rd if they steal a ball (e.g. move to the 1/3rd closest to the gym door if you steal a ball).A point can be awarded to a student for excellent ‘shielding’ of their ball which is a vital aspect of SoccerStudents pair up and one tries to steal the ball whilst the other tries to retain the ball for 1 minute and than switch roles – this game would be played in 2/3rds of the netball court to ease congestion and prevent potential collisions from occurring. Have 6 equal (or close to) teams and have keepings off in each of the netball 1/3rds (1 team tries to retain ball, the other tries to steal the ball) If the ball is stolen the ball is given back to the team trying to retain the ball until the whistle is blown after 2 minutes and roles are switched. To receive a point the ball must be stolen 8 times within the 2 minute time frame, if it is under 8, the team retaining the balls receives a point. EquipmentA Netball court (or 4 cones to divide a basketball court), this could also be played outside as it would be safer in case of an accidental tripping was to occur.Enough futsal/soccer balls for all students, alternatively, only half or less needed for the games that had variations.Safety considerationsThis game needs to be well monitored and planned as less skilled students are more likely to focus on their own ball as opposed to their surroundings meaning there is a chance of collision. Students are made aware of their surroundings (e.g. defined boundaries being the netball courts, and movement of others), the game cannot be played any faster than a jog at a maximum. No booting of the other students ball, the ball is to be stolen in a controlled manner – emphasize this by deducting a point to any student who does not adhere to this warningEnforce students do not engage in tripping/kicking their fellow students, ensure correct footwear is being worn, and again, deduct points for reckless behavior and that it will not be tolerated and that they will be taken out of the game if they cannot follow instruction. No swinging of arms when attempting to shield the ball, hands must remain still when doing so.TEACHABLE MOMENTSWhat was the benefit of having your back turned to the opponent when shielding the ball?Was there an easy way to control the ball, if so, what technique did you find help to retain it?There is a greater opportunity during for teachable moments during the modified versions as it is more specific to Soccer as there are fewer balls to contend with and the student’s trying to steal the ball can focus on the student retaining the ballNAME: KORFBALL VARIATION (BY SHELLY WHISTON) DESCRIPTION:Korfball is a game which combines the rules of basketball with the rules of netball.Korfball Variation is played on a netball court.Each team has an equal number of players.The Players arrange themselves so that there are two defenders at the non-shooting end and two shooters at the shooting end, while all other players are in midfieldPlayers in the midfield are unable to go into the netball ‘d’Shooters and defenders CAN leave the ‘d’Only Shooters can shoot goalsIn the netball ‘D’ netball rules apply (no running with ball, 3 foot rule, contact rule etc).In the midfield Basketball rules apply (Travel, Double Dribble, Foul etc)Score by shooting in the netball hoops.VELS/ STUDENT OUTCOMES:The Victorian Essential Learning Standards suggest this is a Level 4-5 game.This stage of development requires students to refine their skills and embrace new skills.At this level, the students should be able to perform skills with more accuracy and purpose, as well as give constructive feedback to their peers on performance.Students should competently be able to use effective communication, cooperation and support to help the performance of peers to improve the overall success of the team.VARIATIONS:Have mini Korfball games where standard Korfball rules can be applied e.g. have 4 people on each team who defend/attack alternately. Arrange teams so there are girls v’s girls on one side of the court, and boys vs boys on the other side. One team may have the 3 boys from Red team up at defending end, while their 3 female players are at shooting end to maximise student participation and contribution.EQUIPMENT:One Basketball per game.Sashes to distinguish teams.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Boundaries of the court are not close to walls to stop collisions with wall.If court gets too congested due to large student numbers, have several mini matches to prevent students colliding with each other.Make sure the students understand that the whistle means STOP and look at the person instructing.-123824165735NAME: SNAKE DODG BALL (Adapted from University of Ballarat, 2009) VELS/ Student OutcomesEvaluate their own behavior in relationships, identify potential conflict and employ strategies to avoid and/or resolve it.Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to share information, explore the ideas of others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose within a realistic timeframe.Reflect on individual and team outcomes and act to improve their own and the team’s performance.DESCRIPTION:Divide class into 4 even teams. 2 teams up each end of area, or make one big circle in the centre, about 8-10m in diameter.One team makes a circle around the other team(s) who are inside the circle in single file (holding onto the shoulders of person in front of them).Outside teams try to hit the snakes ‘tail’ with the ball throwing underarm only.The single file is called the ‘snake’ and the last person at the end is the ‘snake’s tail’The snake moves around inside the circle and tries to protect the tail. The snake must not break its line.When hit with the ball the ‘tail’ goes to the front of the snake making the end student the new ‘tail’.Game continues until time is up- 1 minute or each student has been the tail.Winning team is the team who has had its tail hit the least/ lasts the longest.VARIATIONS:The size of the group as the snake can vary.Size of the outside group can vary.Use a smaller soft foam ball.Introduce two balls to the game to make it even more challenging.EQUIPMENT:A soft foam ball.Whistle.SAFETY:For a hit to be allowed the ball MUST hit below the waist of the tail.Ball MUST be thrown underarm when having a shot at the tail.The size of the circle must be large enough to allow quick changes of directions.MUST use a soft foam ball when playing this game to minimise the risk of injury to students. Team 1 (throwing) Team 2 (snake)NAME: TOUCH DOWN (BY TIARNE DICKINS) VELS/ STUDENT OUTCOMESStudents collaborate with team members planning strategies.Students develop and implement strategies for improving their contributions to achieving the team goal.Work co-operatively with other students to achieve a shared purpose within a realistic timeframe.DESCRIPTION:Divide class in to two teams or groups of 6 to 8.Teacher yells out number and that is how many contact points with the ground each group is allowed to have with the ground. (For example 6 may result a group of six students standing on one leg each).Each group must hold the position for a minimum of five secondsEach successful attempt by the student gets a pointTeam with most points at the end of the activity winsVARIATIONS:Change number of students in a team.Teacher states that a body part must be touching the ground. For example one hand for each student must touch the ground.Make area smaller for students to do activity. (E.g. Use one gym mat instead of two)EQUIPMENT:4 to 6 Gym mats ( 2 per team)SAFETY:Students are strictly NOT allowed on top of other students shoulders during the activityGym mats should be used to soften the ground and minimise injury if students fall over Gym matSix StudentsTeacherNAME: KICKING IN THE DARK RELAY (BY TIARNE DICKINS) VELS/ STUDENT OUTCOMESStudents will work cooperatively in a team and come up with ideas on how best to be successful in the given activity.Students will create a safe and friendly environment by following safety rules and instructions.Students will combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance.DESCRIPTION: Divide the class into four even teams or group of 4 to six.One student from the group is blind folded or has their eyes closed and will be trying to kick a soccer ball up the other end of the playing area, around the cone, and back to the rest of their team members, similar to a chain relay.The second student in the line verbally directs the blindfolded student how to kick/ dribble the ball up to and around the cone, then back again.When back, the student who has just directed also puts on a blindfold and the third student in line directs/ instructs the pair how to get the ball up and around the cone. When these students get back the third student puts on a blindfold/ closes their eyes and the fourth team member directs the first, second and third team members around the cone kicking a ball.When all team members get back to the cone the fourth person puts on a blind fold, the first takes theirs off and they go around the cone(first student directing).When the students get back this time, the second student takes off their blindfold and helps direct/ instruct the third and fourth team members. This continues until all members are un-blindfolded. First team back to their original starting position wins.VARIATIONS:Use different skills for the relay. For Example dribbling a basket ball or kicking a soccer ball around the cone.Just get students to walk/run around cones if it is too difficultIncrease or decrease the distance between cones.EQUIPMENT:Blind foldsFoam indoor soccer balls8 cones/ witches hatsSAFETY:Students not blind folded/eyes shut must remain at least two meters away from the blind folded student to prevent them getting hit by any balls if used.Place cones well away from ant walls so students don’t crash into them.Ensure enough spacing between teams so the blindfolded students don’t crash into others. Cones Student Blindfolded StudentNAME: GROUP SKIPPING CHALLENGE (BY SHELLY WHISTON)DESCRIPTION:The Skipping Challenge requires students to cooperate with each other to try to get every student jumping over the rope.Select two students (preferably students who are injured or unable to participate fully) to spin the large rope.Each student takes it in turn to run in and join their peers who are already jumping the rope.Once each student has run in, student must then jump the rope 10times successfully.To complete challenge, students must run out from the rope, so that no student has broken the rotations of the rope.Students need to cooperate by working out who among them would be able to jump for the longest amount of time so that they can go first or last.The students should cooperate so that the challenge can be met successfully.VELS:The Victorian Essential Learning Standards suggest this as a Level 2 game.This Stage requires students to participate in different activities to develop their control over basic and slightly complex skills.Students should begin to put skills together in activities during this level, such as running to the rope, jumping the rope and running out again.VARIATIONS:Have another skipping challenge where students need to use cooperation to be successful, such as the Double Dutch skipping challenge.EQUIPMENT:One or two large skipping ropes.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Students skip away from walls, benches and other hazards.Students who are waiting to run in stand away from the rotating rope to avoid getting hit by it.Keep students who are not participating away from the rotating rope.Make sure the rope turners are responsible and do not rotate the rope at a dangerous speed.Don’t use a rope that is hard for students to see so they do not get hit with it.NAME: MUSICAL HOOPS (BY SHELLY WHISTON)DESCRIPTION:“Musical hoops” is a cooperation game that includes everyone.Students are given one hoop each to lie down within a space.When the teacher plays music, students must run around a set out course in the gym.When the music stops, the students need to fit everyone into a hoop.The aim of the game is to get all students into a hoop at the end of each round, which gets progressively harder as each round the teacher may take up to 3 hoops away (depending on student numbers)Students are permitted to have more than one student in a hoop, and have 10-20 seconds (depending on year level) to get all students on a hoop!VELS:The VELS suggest this is a Level 1-2 game.Students are using basic skills to meet physically, as the game places more emphasis on the social and co-operative skills of the students.Students begin to coordinate several skills into one movement, such as stopping at the music and running or walking to a hoop.The students are responding to the music as a movement stimuli.VARIATIONS:Instead of running around a set course, there could be an obstacle course instead, so more emphasis is place on the physical aspect of the game.EQUIPMENT:One hoop per student.One music player.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:Brightly coloured hoops if possible so student do not fall over them.Have the running course away from walls and other hazards.Have the students run in one direction so they do not run into each other.Emphasise that the whistle means STOP. HMALS 2003 Minor Games ResourceCo-operationNAME: Speed BallRATIONALE/ OUTCOMESStudents combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performanceStudents work with others to achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive sporting and games’ situationDESCRIPTIONSeparate class into two or three teams (about 10 students in each group)Students arrange themselves into a circle about arms width apartTeacher tells students to throw the ball to everyone in the group and remember the pattern.Aim of the game is to problem solve through group co-operationThe teacher now tells them they are like a factory and the ball is being made by PASSING through everyone’s hands in that same ORDER.If the ball is dropped they must start back at the start with the time still runningStudents are now timed to how fast they can goTeacher pretends the phone rings and tells them they must go faster! At sets an achievable time.Students must work out how to go even faster each time they beat the set time limit.The clue is that the ball only has to pass through each student’s hands; they do not have to stay in the circle position or even catch the ball. It can be rolled/dropped etc.Clues may be given to help facilitate if students are stuck.VARIATIONSDifferent size ballDifferent item all togetherDiffering starting position such as a squareExtended or limit time to completeHave more than one item to make it more challengingEQUIPMENT1 x ball or item SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSAll participants are aware of who they are receiving and throwing tooMake sure there is enough space between participants to avoid collisionsGroup placement is away from walls Only one person catches the ball at a timeStarting positionHMALS 2003Minor Games ResourceCo-operationNAME: Tunnel ball relayRATIONALE/ OUTCOMESStudents combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performanceStudents explore different actions of the body and begin to understand how these actions affect movement efficiency.Students combine motor skills and movement patterns during individual and group activitiesDESCRIPTIONStudents are separated into even teams. Can work with large or small Focus on cooperation to get through the relay the quickest.Students are lined up one behind the other down the side line of the Basketball court.On GO the first student in line must roll the ball through each of the other team members legs The person at the end of the line catches the rolling ball and runs to the front to repeat the processOnce back to the start the students must stand in a straight line with hands on their head to declare the winner!!VARIATIONSChanging the process- Over and under, rotating from side to side and captain (Front person throws to each student in line, when they pass back they bob down for the next person)Using a different size ballHaving larger lines or further apartEQUIPMENT1 x ball per teamSAFETY CONSIDERATIONSThe basketball lines are the boundariesAll teams are playing in the same directionThere is adequate space between each teamNon- contact when running up the lineStudents are only allowed to ROLL the ballLegs are spread wide enough apart so the ball can roll throughXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWide legsHMALS 2003 Minor Games ResourceCo-operationNAME: Golden ChildRATIONALE/ OUTCOMESStudents develop and refine locomotor and manipulative skillsStudents combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performanceStudents work with others to achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive sporting and games’ situationDESCRIPTIONDivided the students into two teams. Team 1 are the runners, Team 2 are the throwers.Aim of the game is to work together to prevent the other team from scoring runsTeam 1 begin is positioned at the corner half of the BB court, Team 2 are positioned in a circle in the middle of the basketball half with one member in the centre of the circle.On ‘GO’ Team 2 have to throw a ball twice around the circle as quick as they can, while a runner from Team 1 attempts to run around the half of the BB court. Once team 2 have finished they Yell out ‘STOP’ and the runner must stop where they are.This continues until the last runner is up. The last runner is the GOLDEN CHILD and as they run they can pick up anyone who is stuck around the court and bring them home.Count up all the people that made it home and swap over.VARIATIONSHaving a larger or smaller area to run around/throw toHaving team 2 doing a different activity- may be sports related such as kicking a soccer ballHaving team 1 doing a different action such as skipping or side stepping.EQUIPMENT1 x ball 4 x conesSAFETY CONSIDERATIONSBasketball court is the barriersRunning team are not finishing their run near a wall, have them begin in the centre of the court.Teams are positioned away from each other to avoid collisionsOnly ONE runner to run at a time, all runners run in the same directionMake sure throwing team yell out STOP really loudTEAM 2TEAM 1X X X X X X X X X X X X XHMALS 2003 Minor Games ResourceCo-operationNAME Under fireRATIONALE/ OUTCOMESStudents combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performanceStudents work with others to achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive sporting and games’ situationStudents identify factors that influence motivation to be physically active e.g. competitionSET UPSet up a rope circle at one end of a half of a basketball court and another on the other side of the other half. Place the numbered 1 – 30 pieces of paper on the ground in the order of the diagram below. There is a pattern as the numbers that follow each other, e.g. 1, 2, 3, are all in a semi straight line. Stick down with either sticky tape or blue tack to ensure students don’t slip on them.DESCRIPTIONSeparate class into two or 3 teams. No more than 15 in a team. Explain to each team the constraints.CONSTRAINTSThe team members all need to touch a certain amount of pieces of paper E.g. if there are 10 kids then each kid will touch a 3 pieces of paper. Consecutively if there are 15 in the group then they would each need to touch 2 pieces of paper. The game starts when they, as a team, leave the safe zone. They have 40 seconds to get from the safe zone, touch all the pieces of paper in chronological order and get back to the safe zone before getting ‘shot’. The area which isn’t the circle and the safe zone is called the danger zone. After that 40 seconds is up the students are killed by the imaginary snipers. Only one student is allowed in the circle at any given time. Let the students go have a go and when they fail to get all the numbers or some of them are ‘killed’ talk to them about what went well and what didn’t work and why. Continue until they are successful.VARIATIONSHave the team’s race against each other to create competition. Include everyone and increase the number of pieces of paper to 50 or another number depending on the amount of people in the class. EQUIPMENTTwo long ropes or 2 long skipping ropes 2 sets of 30 pieces of paper with the numbers 1-30 on them. Blue tack or sticky tape attached.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSStudents need to ensure they let each other know who is getting what number so they don’t hit each other. 33921705226000Blue tack or sticky tape on the ground to ensure no one slips. 1231906242000HMALS 2003 Minor Games ResourceCo-operationNAME Hot Chocolate RiverRATIONALE/ OUTCOMES Students combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performanceStudents work with others to achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive sporting and games’ situationStudents explore different actions of the body and begin to understand how these actions affect movement efficiencyDESCRIPTIONOrganise class into groups of 10 students.Each group is given 12 place mats or a4 laminated pieces of paper (imaginary marshmallows).Set up the scene by making the students imagine that the ground in front of them is a hot chocolate river which they cannot touch or will get scolded. They all, as a team, need to get from the starting point to the end point within 15 minutes without touching the hot chocolate river.CONSTRAINTSA team member must always be touching the marshmallows or they float away in the hot chocolate river. When they take a piece of their body off the marshmallow the facilitator must take it away. The marshmallows cannot be shuffled over to the other side. They stay in the one spot until someone picks them up and moves them. Not to be slid or moved when there is someone standing on them.Every team member must get over the other side within the allocated time (15 minutes). VARIATIONSInclude more people and more marshmallows. The theme could be changed e.g. hot chocolate= lava and the marshmallows=rocks.EQUIPMENT12 places mats or A4 laminated pieces of paper (per group)SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSStudents need to make extra effort not to slip on the sheets if it is being played inside or on a slippery surface. 23050513716000HMALS 2003 Minor Games ResourceCo-operationNAME Bridge peopleRATIONALE/ OUTCOMESStudents combine motor skills and movement patterns during individual and group activitiesStudents work with others to achieve goals in both cooperative and competitive sporting and games’ situationStudents explore different actions of the body and begin to understand how these actions affect movement efficiencyDESCRIPTION Class is broken up into teams of 4 or 5 people. With a mixture of tall and short people and girls and boys.Each team member needs to line up at the baseline holding a plank position (the bridge) in a line, shoulder to shoulder.The last person on the baseline is the last person. They are the first person to crawl under the bridge and down to the second third line and then run back and become the first person. (see diagram)Then the new last person repeats. The team that gets all their people over the second third line is the winner. CONSTRAINTSThe students must keep the plank shape for the whole time when they aren’t running. Students must go under the bridge not around or over it.When in the plank position the student’s shoulders must be touching. VARIATIONSCould create larger teams.Could have teams of just girls and boys against each other (but is difficult because the boys have larger shoulders therefore will get there quicker.EQUIPMENTSAFETY CONSIDERATIONSStudents need to be careful going underneath the other team mates bodies and make sure not to cause them any bodily harmStudents also need to be careful not to get carpet burn on their knees when going underneath their team mates.-4826038185900Minor Games ResourceRationale for inclusion of these gamesThese games have been selected to be incorporated in the PE program based on the fact they all relate to the theme of cooperation. The games emphasize participation and encourage students to work together as a team to achieve a desired outcome or goal. Although the games we have selected involve competition, the outcome of the competition is not losing and sitting out the rest of the game. With these games we aim to challenge students whilst ensuring they enjoy themselves. VELS- level 6VEL- Work collaboratively, negotiate roles and delegate tasks to complete complex tasks in teams. Unit Outcome- In these cooperative games, students demonstrate the ability to work together and understand the importance of including all team members in order to achieve their desired outcome or goal.Eg. In ‘Sailing the ship’ students have to delegate a team member to be the ‘captain’. This person will lead the team through the obstacle course. Students will need to listen carefully to the captain’s instructions and work collaboratively together in order to get across the course. VEL- Employ and devise skills and strategies to counter tactical challenges in game situations.Unit Outcome- In these game situations, students demonstrate strategy and tactical understanding by using effective approaches to solve the challenges they face in the games. E.g. In the game ‘Frantic’ students must create & enforce strategies to keep all balls moving at once. VEL- Demonstrate proficiency in the execution of manipulative and movement skills during complex activities.Unit Outcome- Display proficiency in running, kicking, hitting, manipulation of moving objects and dodging.E.g. In the games ‘Frantic’ and ‘Ship Wreck’ students need to be proficient in FMS of running to either keep the balls moving or pick up the most bean bags. Students will use the FMS kicking in ‘Head and Hands’ and ‘Frantic’ to keep the ball off the ground, or to keep the balls moving. The games ‘Monster Walk in the Park’ and ‘Sailing the Ship’ both involve students having to dodge objects with ‘Sailing the Ship’ demonstrating that students will need to manipulate their mats in order to reach the other side. GamesName: Monster Walk through the forest Description:Aim- to be the first team to reach the other mat (cave)Students are divided into 3 even teams (depending on class size) Each team starts the game standing on their designated mat 1 [monster cave] (which is on the horizontal side line of the basketball court)Students need to cooperate as a team to get from their cave [mat 1] through the forest to cave 2 [mat 2] (Opposite sideline across from mat 1) All players in the team must stay connected (holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, piggy back etc) as they move through the forest (across the basketball court).Teams need to dodge/weave through the obstacles in the forest e.g. snakes, holes, rocks, trees etc (use different types of equipment).The teams are only allowed to have a certain number of body parts collectively touching the ground ( hopping= 1, walking= 2, crawling=4 etc)Teacher is to call out these numbers at the start of each roundVariations:Increasing or decreasing the distance the players must travel will also make the game harder or easier for the players.Change the number of body parts that students may use to move as a group will increase or decrease the difficulty of the game.Add more equipment for students to dodgeInclude a time frame for each roundEquipment:6 indoor gym mats20 bean bags 10 hoops2 large skipping ropesSafety Considerations:Advise the students to be careful when moving as a groupEnsure that everyone in the group feels safe & nobody is uncomfortable or nervous with the positionsKeep adequate distance between groups- teams are 5m apart to avoid collisionsGym mats are 2m away from the wall Mat (Cave) 1 Mat (Cave) 2437134013843095885292735 Gym matName: Sailing the ShipDescription:Students are divided into groups of about 5-6 in each.Each group is given 2 mats each and will line up along the horizontal sideline of the basketball court facing inwards towards their ending point. (The end can vary depending on how much time you have, for example it can be the ? way line, ? line or complete end of court).The space between the starting line and ending line is open water and students are not allowed to touch it. Throughout the open water there will also be scattered items such as hoops, beanbags, ropes and a rolling ball that will act as rocks and icebergs that students will have to try and avoid.On ‘go’ or whistle, groups must try to get from one side of the water to the other but only using their mats. They must use their mats as stepping stones in the water, manipulating their mats to their advantage.The aim is to get to the other side first.If students fall off their mat or crash into an obstacle they must start again. Variations:Have every person in the group blindfolded or closing their eyes, with one person selected to be the captain, having their eyes open to try and lead their group to the other side, avoiding the obstacles and not falling off. Put a time limit on how much time groups have to reach the other side.Have larger groups to increase difficulty.Equipment:Depends on many obstacles you wish for and how many groups you have, since all obstacles should be even for each team. Can sue hoops, beanbags, balls, cones, ropes, etc.2 mats per group. (E.g. 4 groups=8 mats)Safety Considerations:Ensure students know not to throw the mats too high and to be careful with them.Explain that they are not to push the other team off their mat or it is a straight disqualification.Remind them that not everyone can jump the same distance from mat to mat and so they shouldn’t throw it too far in case someone can’t make it and instead slips and falls trying to jump to it.Keep adequate distance between teams.LegendSkipping ropeBean bagHoola hoopGym mat starting matGym mat starting matGym mat starting matName: Crossing the Great DivideDescription:Aim- to be the first group to reach the other side of the courtClass is divided into small groups; start off with groups of about 5 people.Teams will line up along the horizontal sideline of the basketball court facing the opposite side. The basketball court itself from one sideline to the opposite will be ‘The great Divide’.Every player in each team will be side by side and must have their feet touching the feet of the player next to them. Except the first and last person in each team who will have only one foot touching. Each team will have to try and cross ‘The Great Divide’, however to do so they must make sure their feet stay touching at all times. If anyone’s feet come apart, the team must go back to the beginning and start again. Variations:Increase the group sizes to add more difficulty to the task.Place obstacles throughout the ‘Great Divide’ to act as rocks and logs that teams will have to avoid.Have some people in teams blindfolded Put a time limit on how much time teams have to get to the other side.Equipment:(If using the obstacle variation, have different sized obstacles for teams to try and avoid. Things such as hoops, beanbags, ropes, balls, etc. Ensure it’s even for all teams.)Safety Considerations:Ensure players have their feet pressed beside each other and not on top of one another to reduce feet injuries.No carrying or lifting other students.Emphasise that students need to communicate effectively before moving so they don’t push or pull one another. Especially if using obstacles. End pointDirection of movementStarting pointName: Ship wreck Description:Students are divided into even teams of 6 (number of teams depends on class size) Each team starts standing on their sinking ship (gym mat) which are in each corner of the basketball courtIn the middle of the ocean (basketball court) is a life boat(hoola hoop) containing supplies (beanbags) needed to fix the sinking shipsIn order to get these supplies all team members must hold onto their raft (hoola hoop) and travel to the middle of the ocean to collect one supply (beanbag) at a time and take it back to their shipOn the instructors command "SHARK" all teams set their raft down and cooperate to all get aboard (teams must have all members standing in the hoop completely out of the water to avoid sharks).The team that takes the longest to do this will lose all the supplies they have collectedOnce all supplies have been collected, each team needs to count how many they have. The team with the most are the winners.Variations:Add more beanbagsMake coloured beanbags equate to different valuesInclude a time limitInclude different locomotive activities whilst travelling to the middleEquipment:4 indoor gym mats4 large hoops20 bean bags Safety Considerations:Advise the students to be careful when moving as a groupMake sure adequate amount of room is providedKeep adequate distance between groups- teams are at least 5m apart to avoid collisionsGym mats are 2m away from the wallEncourage students to slow down before reaching the middle to avoid colliding with other teams 2m>5mHLegendGym mat (sinking ship)Large Hoola Hoop (lifeboat)Small Hoola Hoop (raft)Bean bags (supplies)StudentName: Head and HandsDescription:Divide the class into smaller groups of about 5-7 students in each group.Each group is given a ball and all groups will spread out using a whole court to ensure enough room between groups.On ‘go’ or whistle, one player from each group will hit the ball into the air.The aim of the game is to not let the ball touch the ground; therefore students will have to hit the ball either by hands or heads to each other.When hitting the ball, groups will get 1 point for every hand pass and 2 points for every head pass. If the ball falls onto the ground groups will have to start again. This game can vary on the time limit, but should go for about 2mins. Once the time limit is up, students will say their best score that they got in a row to see who got the most points.While playing, students should say their score out loud, so as to keep track of their score. Variations:Use different sized balls to either increase or decrease difficulty. Smaller balls to increase and larger balls to decrease.Have only the head passes earning points, rather than both head and hand passes.Could use feet to pass the ball rather than hands and heads. Good for soccer games.Equipment:One ball per team (e.g. 7 teams=7 balls). Use soft style balls such as large foam balls, beach balls, oversized volley balls. Or soccer balls and smaller balls such as tennis balls for variations. Safety Considerations:Remind students to be mindful of those around them when aiming for the ball, as to avoid collisions.Tell students not to hit the ball too hard and to not aim at people, or people could get injured.Have the groups far away from each other and the walls of the gym to avoid collisions.LegendBallStudentsName: Frantic Description:Class is spread out randomly over the basketball court The teacher throws, rolls or kicks out a number of balls equal to the number of studentsEvery 15 seconds a new nugget (ball) is addedStudents need to keep the moving tennis balls (rabid nugget) moving for as long as possible.Judges are placed at each of the court to watch for balls that stop (hectic)When a judge sees a hectic they will yell ‘hectic’ and point to the ball, players have 5 seconds to get the hectic movingThe team continues to play until they accumulate 6 hecticsAfter a team accumulates 6 hectics the ‘frenzy’ is over , object of the game is to see how long they can get the frenzy to lastTerminology: ? Rabid Nugget – a moving tennis ball Hectic - A tennis ball that has stopped? Frenzy – the time span for 1 Round of the activity Variations:Use balloons instead of tennis balls. The idea stays the same, but players must now keep the balloons in flight.Have 2 teams playing against each other on different courtsEquipment:30 tennis balls ( enough for each student with a few extras)Safety ConsiderationsAdvise the students to be careful when moving around as a groupMake sure adequate amount of room is providedEncourage students to look up when running Ensure students are aware of the boundaries (court lines)Legend Student Teacher BallReferencesNAMEATHLETICS RELAYjciuhcijdcjnxc jknkjnvjnvkjnxvjkxnvjnfvjfnvjnvjkDECSRIPTIONCan be used as a progression from the Hurdles Relay.Teams are divided into 5.Each team member is assigned a task. Either sprint, shot put, triple jump, long jump or hurdles.On the go signal the first runner does their assigned task up to and around the cone. They then sprint back to the start and the second member does their assigned task up to and around the cone. The sprint task is a simple sprint to the cone and back.Students who are assigned Long Jump and Triple Jump complete two jumps on the way to the cone.In regards to Shot Put, the student completes as many “throws” as it takes to the cone.The student assigned with Hurdles complete three hurdle jumps on the way to the cone.The relay is completed when all 5 team members have completed their tasks and are sitting behind the cone with their hands on their head.When having the next race the roles and order can be changed. This is to accommodate strategy and problem solving.VARIATIONSChange size of running area depending on skill.Use higher hurdles, heavier shot put items to also accommodate skill.EQIUPMENT Cones HurdlesBean BagsSAFETY CONSIDERATIONSHave playing area away from walls.Have demonstration before attempting476250215265Adequate distance between hurdlesNAMEHit the Stump jciuhcijdcjnxc jknkjnvjnvkjnxvjkxnvjnfvjfnvjnvjkDECSRIPTIONStudents are put into two teams (depending on class size).Game begins with a coin toss or rock/paper/scissors to see who starts with the tennis ball.Aim of the game is for a team to pass the tennis ball around (as in netball/basketball) to get it close enough to hit the wicket which is placed in the middle of the basketball circle at the key. (See diagram)If stump is hit, its 1 point to the team who hit the stump.No running with the ball is allowed.Opposing players try to intercept passes to gain possession.If ball is dropped it is an instant turnover.Throws are underarm; but can be modified to change game.VARIATIONSThrowing can be changed from underarm to over arm or vice versa. Can have players only catch with one hand to make game more difficult.Modify rules further. Passing distance, playing area, bigger ballHave a player which can score double points.EQIUPMENT Tennis Ball (other sized balls for modification) Colour bandsCricket stumpsSAFETY CONSIDERATIONSNo contactDesignated no player area around stump.Playing area is away from walls476250106680NAMEAround the World Baseballijdcjnxc jknkjnvjnvkjnxvjkxnvjnfvjfnvjnvjkDECSRIPTIONStudents are put into two teams (depending on class size). Allocated shot areas can then be distinguished based on the numbersGame begins with a coin toss or rock/paper/scissors to see who shoots and who runs.The aim of the game is for the running team to run around a designated area (half court) while the team shoots from designated areas on the basketball key. Shown in diagram.The running team scores when they make it home before the shooting side score all their baskets. If they shooting team scores all their baskets before the runner gets home the running team obviously doesn’t score.Shots are taken one by one, if the player scores the basket it moves onto the next spot.VARIATIONSHave shots taken from further out or closer in depending on skill level of playersIf runners are getting home to easy have the running area lengthened, if cant get home make length shorter.EQIUPMENT BasketballsColour bandsCones SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSUse limited amount of basketballs (3 max.) as using more could get injuries as basketballs will be thrown everywhere. Ball Trajectory Keep running area well enough away from walls33337521590VELS – Victorian Essential Learning StandardssidhuihcjhdbchjdbcjxhbcjbvkjdfnkjxnvxkvknGame One – Athletics RelayRationale: The reason why I chose this game is because it allows students to undertake some athletic activities in the area of just a basketball court. It permits every student to have a go at every activity in which they might be strong in activity but may struggle in another. It also allows the students who are next in line to encourage and help their team mates. The game also demonstrates the use of strategic thinking, for instance after their first run I allow them to chop and change the tasks they are completing as well as the order in which they want to use each task. Having the change this it may allow the team to complete the relay in a quicker time. However if the go slower they may need to change it up again on the next run. Outcomes:Students are able to refine basic and complex skills, such as the Triple Jump “Hop, step and jump’ routine as well as the Shot Put ‘throw’ and are then able to apply these skills in increasingly complex games and activities.Students use strategic thinking as well as communication and cooperation to enhance performance and participation in order to improve game performance. Hence why I allowed the teams to chop and change their ‘line ups’ in regards to their tasks and order they complete them. During and after completing the task the students are able to observe and give constructive feedback on the skill performed.Game Two – Hit the StumpRationale: This game should be included in the PE program as it enhances cooperation, communication and teamwork as well as completing refine motor skills in which they need to perform the task in the game. This game allows many modifications which can be adapted to all age levels. For example for higher aged children a tennis ball can be used, however for younger aged children or for those with a disability a larger ball such as a nerfball or even a soft softball. Outcomes:As the students continue to participate in the game, it allows them to become more aware of their own skills. Even during the game they begin to set small personal goals to improve performance by reflecting on their skill development needs and explore strategies to achieve them. This might be defending in which they need to be able to stop the other team from scoring.In this team game I can also make a modification that they have to pass to everyone before they score, this allows everyone to get a go in the game. This rule respects the right of every student to participate and brings teamwork into the game.Students employ and devise strategies to counter tactical challenges in the game. This could be both attacking and defending strategies to help them win the game. Game Three – Around the World Baseball Rationale: I have included this game into the PE program as it is a good quick game in which everybody is participating. It allows students to use differing motor skills in one game. Shooting a basketball is a very technical motor skill which needs to be practiced for students to become accommodated with the complex skill. Having this type of complex motor skill, varying levels of skill will be shown be students. One student could be able to not miss however one student may not even know how to shoot the basketball properly. So when it comes to a game like this the varying levels have to be catered for. Outcomes:Students create and perform coordinated movement sequences that contain a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Having a basketball shot in the game is a perfect example. Even in the NBA there are many players with differing shooting styles, yet they are all effective. This should in theory work the same in a community/physical education class setting. All levels will find a way to get the basketball in the hoop, no matter how they shoot it.In this game, the more proficient players have the chance to evaluate the performance of their teammates and provide constructive feedback on the skill performance to assist in the other student’s development. Having a basketball player, help out someone who hasn’t played basketball before would go a long way to help their team win the game.For the lower level students, they perform the basketball shot and demonstrate control and perform rhythmical movement sequences in response to stimuli. If the student is at the 2nd-7th shot they have to wait until the person before gets it in. So therefore they are waiting on the person before them so they can then undertake their shot. If they are not concentrating they can lose precious time which allows the runner to maybe get to home. ................

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