Baltimore Police Department - Office of Justice Programs

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Baltimore Police Department




Edward V. Woods Police Commissioner


10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-11 10-12 SIGNAL 13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23 10-25

.. 10-26

10-27 10-28 10-29

Transmission/radio check Your signal is good Your signal is poor Acknowledgment Unit failed to answer Stand-by Busy Out of service (Give 10-20} Back in service Repeat your message Meet (unit) at (10-20) Not available OFFICER NEEDS HELP Wagon run request/query Urgent wagon run request Back-up unit (request) Call your assignment Go to your assigned place Return to your last location Location Call (telephone number) Disregard Arrived at scene SuspiCious vehicle stopped Requ~st to change frequency

?D?riv~};s license information

Veh.icle. r!?gistration info Wanted check (person or car)

To: The fine men and women of the Baltimore Police Department.

It is with great pride that I present to you the new Operational Procedures Manual, in an innovative, easy-to-use format.

This manual will allow quicker access to the many operational procedures that we employ to serve and protect the citizens of our great city.

Edward V. Woods Police Commissioner

December 1989


U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the pers~n or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been

gra~~timore Police J::)(aparbnent

to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the copyright owner.


Where to Call for a Specific Service

Communications super Com Div Shift Commander visor

Complaint card file Police Services, or your district

Criss-cross checks Police Services

Duty Judge (search warrant)

Com Div Shlft Commander

liD notifications

Com Div Shift Commander

Juvenile custody num- Hot Desk bers

From outside line

Hot Desk Supervisor


Your District, or Police Services

On-view complaint numbers

Police Services

Ri'POrt writing/selec- Staff Review lion help

Reposession (repo) checks

City-Wide Dispatcher

WarranUwanted checks Hot Desk

From outside line

Hot Desk Supervisor


2646 2563 2284 2680 2359

2646 2360 2393 2680 2359

Units and Phone Numbers

Central Records Supervisor CID - Arson Unit CID - Auto Squad CID - Check Squad CID - Homicide Unit CID - Property Crimes CID - Robbery (Persons Crimes) CID - Sex Offense Unit Hot Desk Internallnvesligation Div (liD) Medical Examiner Motor Pool Police Services Staff Review SUb-Station- Pulaski SUb-Station- Dickman Street Sub-Station- Fallsway (Central) SUb-Station- Calverton Yard

2359 2645 2005 2400 2100 2694 2636 2342 2680 2300 156-3836 2630 2646 2360 156-9956 156-3601 156-5190 156-0228

Table of Contents

Section 1 : Calls for Service

Step-by-Step Procedural Guidelines


Introduction .........????..........??......??......?.....?............?..?.........?.?......4 Subject: Accident Investigations ..............................................6 Arson/Malicious Burning/Fires of All Types ...............?......?..?.7 Bomb Threats/Bombs .............................................................10 Child Abuse/Child Neg lect ......................................................12 Deceased Persons: Homicide, Suicide, Suspicious Death, DOA .........................16 Domestic Violence/Spousal Assault ......................................19 GrafittiNandallsm ..................................................................... 22 Harrassment Calls-Criminal Law Harassment ..................22 Hazardous Material/Medical Waste Incidents .......................24 Intoxicated Persons, Taking Reports From ..........................25 Kidnapping/Extortion ..............................................................26 Missing Persons -Adult ...........................................................27 Noise Lavl Enforcement ..........................................................30 Nursing Homes-Resident Abuse .........................................31 Racial, Religious, Ethnic Incidents ........................................32 Rape and Sexual Offenses .....................................................34 Recovery of Stolen Vehicles ..................................................37 Shoplifting and Misdemeanor Arrests ...................................37 Signal 13-Response to Assist an Officer Call ...................39 Stolen Vehicles ........................................................................41 Theft/Bad Check/Larceny of Rental Goods ...........................42 Trespassing on School Property ...........................................47 Vulnerable Adults ....................................................................48

Section 2 : Patrol and Investigative Procedures


Altitude-Minimum Flight Altitude Violation ........................51 Arrests-General Guidelines ...........,.......................................52 OWl-Arrest Procedures ..........................................................55 Arrest-Miranda Warnings .....................................................57 Arrests-Traffic Violations .....................................................58


Arrest Warrants-Obtaining/Serving ...................?.................60 Arrests Without a Warrant ......................................................64 BarrIcade/Hostage/Sniper Incidents ......................................65 CDS-Handling and Submission ...........................................68 CDS-SeIzure of Vehicles........................................................75 Emergency AdmisSions Procedures .....................................78 Ex-Parte Orders: Obtaining and Serving ...............................88 Felony Complaint Review Procedures ..................................90 Homeless and the Needy ........................................................93 Identification-Viewing Criminal Suspect Photos ................94 Informants-Sources of Information .....................................96 Involuntary Detention: Persons Not Criminally Charged ...........................................99 K-9?-Use of Canine Teams ...................................................102 News Releases .......................................................................103 Pawn Shop Procedures .........................................................105 Polygraph Procedures ..........................................................107 Probable Cause Chart ..........................................................109 Stop and Frisk-Handgun Control Law ...............................110 Towing Vehicles-Use of Tow Trucks .................................112 Traffic-Moving Violations ....................................................118 Traffic-Baltimore Parking Violations .................................124 Traffic-Reciprocity Agreement-States and Procedures .. 127 Traffic-Safety Equipment Repair Orders ...........................128 Vehicle Stops ..........................................................................129

Section 3 : Juvenile Arrests and Procedures


Juvenile Arrest Procedures ..................................................132 Special Juvenile Situations ..................................................134 Curfew Enforcement .............................................................138 Arrest by Citation ..................................................................140 Juvenile Warrants: Habitual Offender Program List ...........................................140 Juvenile Habitual Offender's Program ................................141 Pre-Intake Limited Adjustment Program (LAP) ..................141 34 Eligible Offenses ..............................................................144 Juvenile Detention and Shelter Care ...................................145


Unattended Children .........,...................................................146 MIssing Children ....................................................................148

Section 4 : Specific Reporting Guidelines


Arrest Supplement ................................................................149 Assault on Police Officer ......................................................149 Court Dispositions ................................................................150 CrimInal Summons-ServiCE! of: Issued in and for Baltimore City ...........................................151 CrimInal Summons-Service of: from Another Jurisdiction .....................................................152 D.O.A.! Sudden Death ...........................................................152 Dog Bite ..................................................................................153 Exceptional Clearance ..........................................................154 Fires of all types, arson or accidental .................................155 GraffitiNandalIsm ..................................................................157 Stop and Frisk ........................................................................158 SubmiSSion of Money to ECS ...............................................160


Section 1

Calls for Service Step-by-Sllep Procedural Guidelines


In this manual you will find separate discussions of many of the calls for service that you will encounter in your day-to-day duties. Also discussed are a variety of procedures you need to understand and fo 1I0w in the field. A separate section discusses how to handle situations involving juveniles, and the final section gives specific reporting guidelines for a variety of call types and situations. For each subject in the first two sections you will find a set of general guidelines, a step-by-step procedural checklist, and a summary of any special reporting requirements for each type of call or procedure discussed. Note that the various sources of the information contained in these pages are listed for you, in the event you need information beyond the scope of this publication. The purpose of this effort is threefold:

o First, to offer you a single, comprehensive reference source you can use before you actually have to handle the call

o Second, to provide a prioritized checklist of specific duties you should perform in handling each type of call, and to guide you step-by-step in properly carrying out the numerous procedures required in a variety of call types and situations.

o Third, to provide you with ready reference lists for a variety of common things, such as: D Determining what type of report form to use. D Determining what departmental unit to call for common needs. D Finding obscure 1O-Code and Oral Code references. D Highlights of C.P.R. Therefore, you are encouraged to read through this manual whenever you have the opportunity, so you'll have a better idea of what to do before you are faced with an unfamiliar situation. You are also urged to use these step-by-step guidelines after receiving and responding to the call, to ensure that you don't neglect to do, say, recover, or write anything of importance. Every effort was made to provide this information in a comprehensive manual that is organized to make finding things quick and easy. It was not designed to replace the General Order Manual, but to augment it by



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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