THE 100 KINGS - The 100 kings

YOUR KING NAME HEREPower of Attorney for ALL CAP NAME Estate YOUR ADDRESS HEREFull City and state [ZIP CODE EXEMPT] , non-domestic/without the USATELEPHONE: _______________E-MAIL – ____________________ Ordained 100 king Member& Tribe king of the World’s Creator/LordEst 2019Social Security Number Good Cause Claim Since 42 U.S.C. ??§ 666 (a)(C)(3) allows for IV-D Contractors to use the Social Security Number assigned to YOUR ALL CAP NAME HERE in its scheme to bind me, it prompted me to send this letter to you and the Commissioner of Social Security. I am stating the following;The NAME OF CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY Duns # DUNS & BRADSTREET NUMBER HERE has used and misused SS# 000-00-000 without my consent to obtain grant funding while fraudulently reporting to the Credit Bureaus that I signed for a loan (SEE EXHIBIT A) with them. For the last 14 years they have used the above social security number without my permission along with others to create more cases so they can continue to obtain federal grant funding each year for their Child Support Program. They now even after reporting them online to your agency last year, they still pursue Bill of Attainder. I demand that this pursuit for this false debt stops, this case be discharged and removed along with all past money paid to them by me returned to YOUR ALL CAP NAME HERE. "Sworn in as Commissioner of Social Security on June 17, 2019, for a six-year term that expires on January 19, 2025 and as such ANDREW SAUL is bound by the Supreme Law of the land to maintain the property of the SSA.In accordance with System Number: 60-0058 SYSTEM NAME: Master Files of Social Security Number (SSN) Holders and SSN Appliance, Social Security Administration, the SSA furnished the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, Office of Child Support Enforcement, with SSN# 000-00-000 to locate an alleged parent who is presumed to owe child support.In accordance with 42 U.S.C. ??§ 666 (a)(C)(3) the noncustodial parent's social security account number and the home address shall be furnished to the IV-D agency in the State requesting the refund offset, and to the agency in the State enforcing the order. Therefore, the non-custodial parent pursuant to 20 C.F.R. § 422.103(d) is the property of SSA. The SSN is the key piece of information. Key: indefinite description of property made certain.See Property: that which is peculiar of proper to any person; that which belongs exclusively to one; in the strict legal sense, an aggregate of rights are guaranteed and protected by the government. The term is said to every species of valuable right and interest; More specifically ownership; the unrestricted and exclusive right to a thing: the right to dispose of a thing in every legal way, to possess it, to use it, and to exclude everyone else from interfering with it Mackeld. Rom. Law, § 265. That dominion or indefinite right of use or disposition which one may lawfully excercise over particular "thing" or "subjects." The exclusive right of possessing, enjoying, and disposing of a thing. Owner: the term is, however a nomen generalissimum, and its menaing is to ve gathered from the connection in which it is used, and from the subjest-matter to which it is applied. Warren v Lower Salt Creek Drainage Dist, of Logan County, 316 Ill. 345, 147 N.E. 248,249.Title 42 of the United State Code, Section 405(c)(2)(C)(i) "PERMITS" States to use social security numbers in the administration of their driver licensing programs. However, this is not a federal "requirement" that States must obtain social security numbers when issuing driver's licenses. Therefore, Title 42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2)(C)(i) is not an "authority" for states to require SSNs. The Social Security Administration addressed this fact in THEIR publication "SSA Publication No. 02-10002," October 1996, which states: "YOU should not use YOUR Social Security card as an identification card." Furthermore, the above negates 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13). Accordingly, the issuance of a SSN only involves U.S. citizens, which are deemed as Corporate Entities: "Therefore, a U.S. citizen (non-custodial parent) residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity." See Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773.See also p.2 SS-5 application proof of citizenship. In accordance with 19 Corpus Juris Secundum Corporation, §886 "a corporation is a citizen, resident, or inhabitant of the state or country by or under the laws of which ""(it)"" was created, and of that state or country only."A corporation is an artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. Black's Law Rev. 4th Ed. p.409. Artificial Persons are created and devised by hu-man laws for the purpose of society and government, as distinguished from hu-man beings, corporations are examples of artificial persons. Black's Law Rev. 4th Ed. p145.In accordance with the Federal Glossary of Common Child Support Terms p.19 the Noncustodial Parent is the parent who does not have primary care, custody, or control of the child, and who may have an obligation to pay child support. Also referred to as the obligor; the person to pay child support also referred to as a noncustodial par-ent.Therefore, the non-custodial par-ent YOUR ALL CAP NAME HERE properly named and identified in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 666(a)(C)(3) is an ens legis. L. Lat; a creature of the law; an artificial being, as contrasted with a human being. Applied to corporations, considered as deriving their existence entirely from the law. Black's Law Rev. 4th Ed. p.624.The SSA is the legal owner of said corporation SSN #000-00-000 YOUR ALL CAP NAME HERE which IV-D Case # 00-00000 identifies a non-custodial par-ent. In other words YOUR ALL CAP NAME HERE is the "Number Holder" not the "Number Owner.". See identity: sameness in the law of evidence; the fact that a "subject" "person" or "thing" before the court is the same as it is represented, claimed or charged to be. Black's Law Rev. 4th Ed. p.880. (See Number Holder: A person who earns Social Security credits while working for wages or self-employment income sometimes referred to as the number holder. See also "Holder; of a bill of exchange, promissory note, or check is the person who has legally acquired possession of the same, by indorsement of delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument" Crocker-Woolworth Nat. Bank v. Nevada Bank, 139 Cal. 564, 73 p. 456, 63 L.R.A. 245, 96 Am.St.Rep. Black's Law Rev. 4th Ed.p.869.)Pursuant to 20 CFR §422.103(d) the SSA is recognized and held responsible by the law as the owner of said property. Therefore, the SSA is responsible for the IV-D debt in the amount of $______________imposed on its property by a foreign corporation 42 U.S.C.§ 652(a) and its extension 42 U.S.C. §654(3) operating in the State. See 45 C.F.R. §301.1. Social Security does not say on any application whether it be marriage, getting a driver’s license, TANF or Child Support how the SSN submitted will be used and this violates 18 USC 241, 242 Due Process under Color of Law. Use of the SSN makes a person responsible for the surety of a property and the debt accruing but the Social Security Application fails to inform one of that knowledge making this a Due Process of Rights violation and Consumer Fraud. Therefore since the Social Security Administration is in violation of Due Process and Fraud, they are required to remedy and handle the responsible and payment imposed against this property. The Clerk of the Court and the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office who is a Title IV-D contractor under Title 45 the power and authority over Title 42 are/were obligated to inform punitive mothers and father of the legal consequences of signing an agreement."__________________ Therefore I demand that the said debt for case #______________ YOUR ALL CAPS NAME, Social Security Number 000-00-000 be discharged and all monies paid from the beginning of this in the amount of $___________ be returned to YOUR ALL CAPS NAME.Very truly yours,____________________________UCC 1-207UCC 1-308 All rights reserved & without prejudice. YOUR NAME HERECertificate Of ServiceI Certify that on the _____ day of _______________,20___, I served the following _____________________________________________________________ Document to the following sent to the below.Notary oath or affirmation _______________________, came before me on this day of __/___/20___, in his propria persona, under oath and attested to the following statements provided herein. _____________________Notary Name _____________________Notary Signature Seal”This is to certify that a copy of this “Affidavit / Good Cause Claim /Rebuttal” has been served to the following individuals via certified mail to:Social Security Fraud HotlineP.O. Box 17785Baltimore, Maryland 21235Uncertified copies have been sent USPS to:U.S. Department of Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20530-0001SEC Fraud Division 100 F Street NE Washington, D.C. 20549-5631Office of AuditRona M. LawsonP.O. Box 17785Baltimore, Maryland 21235Office of InvestigationJennifer L. WalkerP.O. Box 17785Baltimore, Maryland 21235Office of Counsel for Investigations& Enforcement / Jocelyn N. Funie CounselP.O. Box 17785Baltimore, Maryland 21235 ................

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