AN INNOVATIVE GOVERNMENT - Baltimore City Department …



The capability of a government to effectively provide customer friendly and efficient performance of internal business functions has a direct impact on all agencies' ability to deliver services to the public.

This Priority Outcome is unique in the sense that it both defines expectations and criteria for internal support functions such as Finance, Human Resources, MOIT, and General Services, as well as provides a lens through which all services (i.e., those that impact citizens directly) should be viewed.

An innovative government...

Adopts organizational change and encourages employee feedback and ideas to create more effective processes while reducing costs.

Utilizes technology and best practices to streamline processes to directly impact employee and citizen satisfaction.

Leverages public and private partnerships to assist in service delivery and provide additional funding and opportunities to enhance the City.

Constantly re-evaluates and refines its internal business functions to directly impact all agencies' abilities to deliver services more efficiently and effectively.

Encourages customer friendly service that is responsive, professional and provides opportunities to deliver consistent feedback.

SECTION 2: SMART GOALS The following five Goals will be used to assist in monitoring progress on this Priority Outcome.

1. Increase the percentage of City employees trained in areas that directly impact their work. Proposals should include a strong focus on enhancing employee training and education opportunities. There will be a number of indicators to track and monitor movement on this goal; however, these measures are still being developed. The following provide an indication of performance indicators that may be used to measure progress on this Goal:

Number of workplace injuries Percentage of supervisors successfully completing supervisory training Percentage of performance evaluations and work plans completed on-time Number of workplace violence incidents Number of customer complaints Percentage of employees with the highest certification in their field

Agencies should include in their proposals, other measures that may be adopted to measure progress on this Goal. The indicator(s) for this Goal is under development.

Innovative Government: Guidance Document Fiscal 2014-2015


2. Increase the percentage of internal and external customers very satisfied with City services and business functions.

The Baltimore Citizen Survey asks: Overall, how satisfied would you say you are with the quality of services that Baltimore City provides? In 2012 service requests closed on time improved 10% from 2011 levels. Proposals should include methods to establish a baseline for measuring the performance of services provided between city agencies.

Source: Baltimore Citizen Survey

Source: Mayor's Office of Information Technology, CitiTrack System

Innovative Government: Guidance Document Fiscal 2014-2015


Source: Baltimore City Department of Finance

3. Reduce the City's Energy Costs

Source: Baltimore Department of General Services

Innovative Government: Guidance Document Fiscal 2014-2015


Source: Baltimore Department of General Services

4. Reduce the City's Space Utilization Costs The Department of General Services is currently finalizing an analysis to determine the appropriate performance indicators to track progress on this goal but preliminary measures may include a.) total square footage, b.) cost per square foot and 3.) revenue generated from leased properties. Indicators are under development for this Goal.

5. Increase citizens' accessibility to City services Accessibility to City services should be measured by the percentage of services currently available, as well as the usage of these services. There is no specific performance indicator at this time to measure progress on this goal. However, the percentage of online payment transactions is one indicator that may be used. Another is the percent of services available online. Your proposal should include performance measures to track progress on this Goal.

Source: Baltimore City Department of Finance

Innovative Government: Guidance Document Fiscal 2014-2015




Customer Service Training

Reduced wait times for customer inquiries

1. Engage Customers and Improve Customer


Promote and encourage decision making to front-line


Measure employee satisfaction

Encourage Reasonable RiskTaking to improve


2. Empower Employees and Foster Innovation,

Creativity, and RiskTaking

Incentives for Innovative Ideas

Recurring costs reduced and/or


Efficient use of resources through re-engineering and


Targeted Performance surveys

On Line Status for Customer Requests

Volunteer / Intern Programs

Mutual benefits and agreements

5. Use of Public/ Private Partnerships


3. Automate, Streamline and Integrate Business Processes

Facilities Management & Planning, Including Energy Efficiency

Consolidation/more efficient use of existing space

4. Decrease cost/ use of Resources

Consolidation of services both

internal and across agencies

Energy Reduction education programs

Increase services / Reduce costs of city


Leverage Pro Bono Services

Alternative and/or renewable energy


Efficient use of resources ? energy, vehicles, fuel, paper,

recycling, etc.

Innovative Government: Guidance Document Fiscal 2013



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