Table of Contents

 Table of Contents

1. Welcome a. Director's Letter b. Visiting the Outpatient Department c. Your Health Care Team d. Outpatient Pharmacy e. Physical Medicine and Rehab Department f. Phlebotomy Sites g. Understanding Your Bills h. Resources to Stop Smoking

2. My Personal Pages a. My Cancer History b. Appointment Notes c. Symptom Diary

3. My Treatment Plan a. Monthly Treatment Calendar b. Home Medication List c. Medication Wallet Card

4. Managing Side Effects a. Symptoms to Report

5. Eating Well a. Nutrition Department Letter b. Eating Well during Your Cancer Treatment

6. Caregiving a. Caregiver Resources b. Caring Advice for Caregivers(Cancer Care)

7. Care at Home a. Home Care Services b. Preventing Falls at Home c. Safety in the Home for Hazardous Drugs d. Care at Home for the Immunocompromised Patient

8. Surviving Cancer a. Surviving Cancer b. Useful Websites for Cancer Information

9. Clinical Trials a. Cancer Clinical Trials


Welcome to the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, where our mission is to provide the highest quality of care to individuals with cancer. This includes providing the best and latest cancer treatment and supportive care available.

We understand that a diagnosis of cancer may be stressful and overwhelming, which is why we created this Patient Guide to give you easy access to information about your care. Information about your disease, treatment, symptom management, support programs, care at home, hospital and internet resources are provided. You may find it helpful to bring your copy of the Guide with you for each visit.

While we believe that the Guide is a valuable resource for you and your family, it is not intended to replace one-on-one communication between you and your caregivers. If at any time you have questions or concerns about your treatment, support services, or other matters, we encourage you to discuss them with a member of your health care team.

Thank you for choosing the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to enhance the quality of care and services that you receive.

Best Wishes,

William G. Nelson, MD, Ph.D. Professor and Director

Sharon L. Krumm, PhD, RN Administrator and Director of Nursing


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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