Buckle-Up - Baltimore County, Maryland

Safety Reminder: Seat Belts Are Not Optional - Buckle-Up!

A great deal of carbon monoxide and other gases are still being produced during overhaul operations. Remember to monitor the atmosphere and continue to use SCBA.

Fitness Tip: Lifting lighter weights will make your muscles more defined and toned. FALSE!

Muscle responds to overload. If you lift heavier weight with sufficient intensity, you will create more microscopic tears in the muscle. When the muscle recuperates, it will become tighter and stronger.

However, your supplemental nutrition must support your workouts. Reduced body fat is what creates the “lean and tight” look, not high reps (15 plus reps). Reduced body fat is a result of efficient weight training, proper amounts of cardiovascular exercise and nutrition that places one in somewhat of a calorie deficit (less than maintenance). That’s how you get defined and toned.


May 19, 2009

Chief #09-09

ATTENDEES: Chief Hohman; Asst. Chiefs Weir and Hubbard; Division Chiefs Robinson, Ewers, Kuruc, and Spencer-Strong; Battalion Chiefs Kesting and Watkins; Act. Battalion Chief Lurz; Fire Directors Stith, Preis, Brown, Korn, and Petry; Lieutenant Lynn Mullahey, Comm. Dir. Armacost; Mgmt. Analysts Holman, Stewart; Executive Secretary Lysakoski


Reminder: An email was sent to DL-Fire today, describing the new "Helping Hands Web Tool" that is being created as a link on Baltimore County's website. Please read this information so that you are able to direct citizens to needed services.

General county government offices will be closed on Monday, May 25, 2009 in recognition of Memorial Day.

Chief Officers will be meeting on Thursday, June 4 at Mt. Vista Park. There will be no general Staff Meeting or Division Chief meetings on June 2.

The principal officers of the volunteer fire companies from Middleborough, Rockaway Beach, and Hyde Park had a meeting on May 12 with the Fire Chief and his staff, leadership from the Volunteer Association, and the attorney for the 3 companies. The Essex Volunteer Fire Company, Company 51, is now incorporated. The companies are working on by-laws and on a joint agreement for the transition from three companies to one. The next meeting of the companies with the county will be in early summer.

Thanks to Retired Chief Banister and the Committee for planning the Fire Service Annual Ceremony of Remembrance on May 17, honoring Career and Volunteer Members who have died in the line of duty. Many families attended and were able to pay tribute to their loved ones.

The following Fire Department issues were discussed at the Facility Progress meeting held on May 8, 2009.

Parkton Fire – Occupancy for the new building is June 1st. Dedication is June 9th at 1100 hours. Some modifications are currently being made to the old building to facilitate Property Management’s major overhaul of that building starting in early June.

Texas Fire - Due to poor weather conditions, the construction of the new storage

building has been delayed by one week. Footers should be poured the week of May 11th.

Below listed are some of the major issues that have been worked on since the last Staff Meeting.

Parkville – Met with Ray Reider to discuss wall deterioration in Parkville’s engine

bay. Fiberglas, reinforced paneling will be installed, as in Parkton and Franklin Fire Stations.

Essex – The final phase of the stove/hood installation is underway. During the

roof penetration for the hood, it was discovered that there is a major problem

with the roof which may necessitate total replacement. Public Works is investigating.

Halethorpe – New operators are being put on some on some of the station’s bay


Catonsville – A new roof is currently being put on Catonsville Fire because of constant

leaks in the Station and the Councilman’s Office. Also, new ceiling tiles have been

installed in the kitchen.

Fixed Asset Inventory – Most stations have completed their reports, and we are finalizing our report to the Office of Budget and Finance.

BSR Submissions – 38

Plymovent Submissions - 6


Fire Captain Richard Dorsey – 5/24/09

Office Coordinator Judi Chisholm – 5/30/09

Fire Lt. Wayne Reeb – 6/6/09


In addition to the mobile unit and the air compressor system at the FRA, there are two air compressor systems in each division. They are located at Arbutus, Boring, Providence, Glen Arm, Wise Avenue and Rockaway Beach Volunteer Fire Companies. Each division also has three cascade systems.

Apparatus Out of Service

M-1 .......... Laptop

M-55......... Ignition Wiring

M-107....... Body Work

M-5 ......... Drive Belt

M-56........ PM & DOT

84% of firstline medics in service

E-16........ Air Leak

E-7 ........ Motor

E-11........ Generator

E-71........ Transfer Case

86% of firstline engines in service

T-13........ Mechanical

86% of firstline trucks in service


Represented our department at the Baltimore County Police Memorial Ceremony, Friday, May 8.

Submitted the close-out report for FFY 2006 Fire Act grant for mobile data terminals and radio equipment. Thanks to Fire Directors Jim Korn, Rick Petry, Joe Brown, and Fire Lt. Lynn Mullahey for helping to manage the grant.

Appeared before the County Council at the May 12 work session to accept funds from various homeland security grants. The final council vote is scheduled for the May 21 council meeting.

Attended the Department of Aging Awards Ceremony for volunteers serving local communities.

Today, we are hosting the monthly meeting of the Urban Area Work Group managing the DHS Urban Area Security Initiative grant funds.

The Physical ability test results for Probationary EMT have been reviewed and invitations have been sent to more than 500 applicants to participate in the oral interview process. The oral interviews will be conducted tentatively June 2-11.


Our 95th recruit class is graduating this Friday 5/22 at 1900 hrs. at Loch Raven High School with 23 probationary paramedics. All are invited. Once the staffing office finalizes their assignments, each affected station Captain and EMS Lt. will receive a copy of their objective manuals. A class seniority list will also be provided following the graduation. We sincerely appreciate all of the assistance provided by stations and personnel throughout the recruit training program.

We will again this year be hosting the Firehouse Expo live burn training program that will be held on July 21-22, 2009. We are looking for volunteers to assist as burn technicians/instructors in support of this event. Please e-mail DC Robinson for further information or to sign up for one or both days. A full conference attendance package will be provided to those who assist. Prerequisites are current FRA “burn technician” status and/or MICRB Emergency Services Instructor credentials.

The MIEMSS “Maryland EMS Symposium” was held this past weekend in Annapolis. We were well represented and outstanding presentations were given at the conference by the following members: Fire Lt Mark New and PM/FF Peggy Anuszewski - 12 hr. BLS skills program, Fire Lt. Michael Berna - Swift water rescue perspectives, Fire Lt. Mark Demski- Evacuation preparedness and response. In addition, Loyola High School was recognized by MIEMSS as the statewide public AED “program of the year”.

A reminder that our 2009-2010 ALS Orientation Program will be held again this evening, 5/19, at 1900 hrs. in the Hampton Room of the PSB. This is the second orientation, and further information is available at the FRA website: go/fra. If you are considering (no obligation) the year long ALS program, then this session will answer any questions and provide you with insight into the requirements to successfully become an EMT-I or EMT-P.

Judith Chisholm, Office Coordinator will be retiring next week from the FRA. Judi has spent nearly 25 years with county government and has been with the department for most of that time including Administration, Fire Marshals Office, Supply, and for the past eight years at the FRA. We wish her the best for an enjoyable retirement. We are currently working on hiring a replacement for her position.


Thanks to Reisterstown Volunteer Fire Company for their invitation for him to participate in a Battalion Drill.

The regular meeting of the Baltimore County Volunteer Firemen's Association, hosted by the Reisterstown Volunteer Fire Company, will be held at the church across the street from Reisterstown Volunteer Company. Dinner will not be served. The meeting will begin at 1930.


Thanks to Fire Specialist Frank Rehr for his work on the water supply issue at Glen Meadow Retirement Center in Long Green.


The Social Security Administration is planning a table-top exercise in June. More information to follow.


Form 35 (Semi-Annual Turn-out Gear Inspection) is being revised.


Emergency Management staff attended a training conference May 12- 14 sponsored by Dialogic Communications Corporation, provider of the county's emergency notification software.  Fire Lieutenant Mark Demski gave the keynote presentation entitled " Emergency Notification System - A Tool in the Arsenal." 


Fire Lieutenant Mark Demski and Baltimore County Health Department Deputy Health Officer Della Leister spoke at the EMS Care Symposium in Annapolis this past weekend. They presented " Mass Evacuations, Are You Ready?”, an overview and lessons learned from the Virginia Towers and The Maples evacuations.


Emergency Management staff participated in the "World of Possibilities" special needs expo at Timonium Fairgrounds on May 6-7, a health fair at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center on May 8, and at the Maritime Hurricane Planning Tabletop Exercise at the Curtis Bay Coast Guard station on May 8th. 


Fire Specialists Dawn Banister and Dave Smith have been selected to fill the vacant positions in the Fire Marshal’s Office.

Form 25 (Knox Box Inspection) has been revised and posted on BCNet.


This week EMS District Officers will be hosting ride alongs for administrators and personnel from area hospitals.  This is an opportunity to display our services and improve communications with these facilities.


County Executive Jim Smith has issued a proclamation declaring May 17th - 23rd as EMS Week in Baltimore County.  Thanks to County Executive Smith for his acknowledgment of our work.


EMS Lt. Dave Snyder sent out an email regarding additional training opportunities this week at area hospitals. 



Thanks to everyone for assisting while Dispatch was operating from the backup center this weekend.


The Honor Guard will participate in the State Fire Service Memorial in Annapolis June 7 at 2:00 p.m. Tom Rice and Brian Neville will be honored this year.


Reminder: The Parkton Fire Station dedication is scheduled June 9, 11 a.m.

The County Executive will attend a June 5 press event recognizing the importance of EMS and, specifically, the use of AEDs. The event is scheduled for 11 a.m. at Parkville Fire Station.

A special event recognizing the history of public safety in Baltimore County is scheduled June 10, 11 a.m., at the Courthouse Plaza in Towson. Participating agencies include Police, Fire, Corrections and the Sheriff's Office. The event will feature displays of antique apparatus and memorabilia. More details to follow.


The Public Safety Education Office has been attempting to increase Fire Department presence at area spring fairs/festivals. It has become a good venue for getting out informational literature to the public. I encourage engine companies to stop by festivals/events in their districts to interact with the constituents. The following companies have recently participated in this initiative.

• Dundalk Fire Station – D shift

• Perry Hall Fire Station –D shift

• Pikesville Fire Station – A shift

• Edgemere Fire Station – C shift

• Texas Fire Station – A shift

Personnel from all three Fire Marshal Offices have attended large multi-agency events throughout the county. This is an excellent opportunity as it places all county resources under one roof and provides “one stop shopping” for any educational information that the public may seek.


Has requested a list of names from the Office of Human Resources to fill the EMS Captain vacancy.


Thanks to all who provided timely answers to the questions from the County Council regarding the FY 2010 operating budget.

The Council budget message will be heard on Thursday, May 21 at 10:00


A citizen wrote a letter to thank EMT Donte Preston and EMT Cait Dussler from the Woodlawn Volunteer Co. for the care and compassion they gave to his family member when he needed to be transported to the hospital.

Fire Captain Bud Reinecke sent an email thanking Equipment Maintenance Mechanic Ed Hook for going to Woodlawn Fire Station to repair Reserve Engine 63. This prevented them putting the vehicle out of service.

Fire Director Kyrle Preis was very grateful to Fire Captain Thomas Ramey and his crew at 8-C for assembling the bikes for Brian Neville's boys. “Katie is very grateful and wants to thank all the ‘aunts and uncles’ for their help.”

A member of the Baltimore County Police Department wrote to commend EMT Gary Lay and PM/FF Kimberly Roland for the care and compassion they gave to his family member when he needed to be taken to the hospital.

Sam Dansicker sent a card thanking everyone in the department for the honor that was bestowed to Danelle after her death. “Danelle was a part of such a wonderful group of people”.

Fire Lt. Chuck Phillips sent an email commending Fire Lt. Sam Pearce for doing a great job with the Hydrotherm Co. training. He felt the training was challenging and realistic.

A citizen sent an email asking that EMS Captain David Chinery, EMT Yuana Forte, FADO Matthew Fox, FS Marcus Johnson, EMT Tearsa Parham, PM John Perry, PM/FF Seantaye Stewart, Fire Captain Robert Turner, and EMT Rachele Walters be commended for the sympathy and kindness they gave to him after the death of his friend.

PM/FF Janice Nichols and EMT/FF Darryl Malkus were commended for the care they gave to a member of Baltimore County Police Department.

A Construction Specialist at the Baltimore County Public School System wrote to commend FS Gretchen Yingling for her professionalism and expertise when she recently tested the alarm systems at two county schools.

Office Assistant Linda Mayfield sent an email to the Chief thanking PM/FF Jenny Barshinger, FADO Dan Bollinger, FS Michael Eagle, PM Greg Gatto, Fire Lt. Rob Hughes, FF/EMT James Shelton, and EMT Rob Shiflett for the kind and compassionate care they gave to her mother when she needed to be transported to the hospital.

Alcoa’s Halethorpe Extrusions, Inc. wrote to thank Fire Captain Ed Sipes and the members of Halethorpe Fire Station B Shift for participating in a mock medical rescue at their facility.

Fire Captain Steven Brown sent an email thanking Fire Lieutenants Sam Pearce and Charles Tudor; Fire Captains Michael Rutledge, Pam MacLean, and Ray Kinsey for providing Hydrotherm training to the crews of Engine 9 and Medic 9. He found the training challenging and meaningful.

A citizen wrote to commend PM/FF Anthony Espinosa and PEMT Julie Kelley for their professionalism and skills they provided.

FEMA’s National Preparedness Directorate wrote to thank Emergency Preparedness Planner Steve Welzant for his involvement in the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 writing process. “Without his insightful contributions and steadfast dedication, this effort would not be where it is today.” The CPG 101 provides guidance about prevention, protection, response, and recovery planning to State, Tribal, Territorial, and local governments.

The next Staff Meeting will be held on June 16, 2009 at 10:30 in the Dulaney Room


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