Dundalk High School

Dear Dundalk High School Families,I send you warm greetings as we prepare for a phased-in reopening of school buildings. As a reminder, Dundalk High School will be following a new bell schedule starting March 15th as we welcome our Phase III students for Hybrid Learning. As a reminder, Phase IV- 9th grade students only will return March 22nd and Phase IV-10th, 11th, and 12th grader will return April 6th. Information concerning bus stops will be available starting March 10th on the DHS website. Students currently assigned to Cohort C can elect to change their status to Hybrid Learning by visiting the DHS website and completing the Hybrid Learning link. Any student currently in Cohort A or B, who wishes to change to Virtual Learning (Cohort C), should email their grade level administrator, grade level counselor, or the principal, Ms. Santos, to indicate your request to change to Cohort C. Several documents mentioned below are available by using the camera feature of your Smartphone to access the link through the QR Code. These documents are also available on the Dundalk High School Website.Cohort OverviewCohort A: At school on Monday and Tuesday / Virtual on Wednesday, Thursday, and FridayCohort B: At school on Thursday and Friday / Virtual on Monday, Tuesday, and WednesdayCohort C: All virtual learningBell Schedule – Follow starting March 15thPlease refer to the Dundalk High School Hybrid Student and Parent Guide for a copy of the new bell schedule or visit the website.Also Included in This Packet539383816506900Information regarding how BCPS is protecting students and staff, with guidance from the Baltimore County Health Department. We each have a role to play. Check for updates.QR Code for the Dundalk High School Hybrid Student and Parent GuideThis guide houses several resources including DHS safety protocols, traffic flow, bell schedule, procedures for early dismissal, scheduling appointments and other important information.QR code for a link to the Dundalk High School Hybrid Learning Video2886103068600This video highlights important aspects of what a “Day in the Life of a Student During Hybrid” would be like for a DHS student such as procedures for preparing for school, arrival, breakfast, movement in the hallways, our classrooms, lunch, the nurse suite, and dismissal. This video is available in English and Spanish. Information for students attend Hybrid Learning54087834054On Their First Day at School, Please Have Your Child BringSigned COVID-19 Health Screening and Emergency Contact FormIncluded in mailer sent home /also send with your child on first school day each month. Available digitally using the QR code on the right. *If possible, we would prefer that you provide us the information on the form electronically for a contactless exchange.58985152540JohnSmith00JohnSmithAny student, who requested to attend Hybrid Learning by March 12th, was mailed a green (Cohort A) or yellow (Cohort B) sticker. Please have your student print their name on the sticker and wear it on the first day of hybrid learning. Staff will be checking for this visual as a means of confirming your student has attended on the correct day for their cohort prior to entering the school building. This is also a way for teachers to be able to put faces with names since many will be meeting students for the first time in-person and we will all be wearing masks! 55067204328500Student Handbook Acknowledgement Form Please have your student review the student handbook using the QR code on the right. The Student Handbook is also available in the student section on .Each Day at School, Please Have Your Child BringCharged device and chargerFace covering (an extra if possible). Please see BCPS approved face covering on .Headphones to utilize with their school computer (remember that wireless and iPhone headphones won’t work with school computer)544649610964100School ID BadgeAll 9th graders will receive a Dundalk ID card in their homeroom on the first day of hybrid learning.? Tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders must bring their previously issued Dundalk High School ID card.? If students have misplaced their ID card, please complete the survey using the QR code on the right to request a replacement. Attendance?Teachers will continue to take attendance for hybrid in-person students and virtual students each class period. It is important to note that students who are deemed to be truant from class during Hybrid Learning will be placed back in Cohort C and attend Virtual Learning.Dundalk administration and staff will be holding an optional virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. We will be sharing reopening information as well as provide families and students time to ask questions. Joining information will be sent via phone call on Monday, March 15. The Dundalk High School faculty and staff look forward to welcoming students back into the building and continuing to provide instruction through the Google Meet platform. Sincerely,Larissa SantosPrincipal(If you need support understanding any of the school documents, please call 443.809.6752 or join our Google Meet office hours between 12 – 1 p.m. any day Monday to Friday, or between 6 – 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. The Google Meet meeting code is ESOLFamilySupport.)How BCPS is Protecting Students and StaffSchool Nurse / BCPS Health Services? Registered Nurse in each school trained in recognizing and responding to symptoms of COVID-19? Contact tracing for students/staff with COVID-19 in cooperation with Baltimore County Health Department? Designated isolation area for persons with COVID-19 symptoms who are awaiting pick-upDaily Check for Symptoms? All employees and parents/students expected to monitor themselves daily for symptoms of COVID-19? Stay home if not feeling well (per current Health Department guidelines)? Staff or students with positive test or symptoms of COVID-19 excluded from schoolHealthy Behaviors? Appropriate face coverings must be worn by staff and students (unless developmentally/physically unable)? Providing job appropriate PPE for all staff including face shields for classroom staff? Handwashing reminders and lessons provided? Supply of soap & paper towels enhanced, and hand sanitizer stations in school lobby and outside cafeteria? Students and staff encouraged to maintain safe distance from each other to the extent possible? Signage used to remind students and staff of health behaviorsChanging How We Teach? Alternative scheduling and use of virtual learning to reduce class size and promote social distancing in the classroom and onbuses? Maintaining the same student groups whenever possible? Eliminating or modifying higher risk activities, such as singing indoors? Encouraging outdoor activities when possible? Ongoing virtual option for familiesBus Safety? Increased ventilation on buses by opening roof vents and windows whenever possible? No shared seats unless from same household? Buses to load from back to front to minimize contact between studentsBuilding Safety? Use of disinfectants that kill COVID-19? Daily cleaning of schools and offices; high touch surfaces will also be cleaned mid-day? Disinfecting areas used by person with COVID-19 infection per CDC guidelines? Ventilation systems configured to provide maximum air exchangeEducation? All BCPS employees required to complete a training module on COVID-19? Age-appropriate information given to students to promote healthy behaviors? More information for staff and students may be found on the BCPS Covid 19 webpag ................

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