Jefferson County Public Schools

FINAL REPORT Classification and Compensation Study

Jefferson County Public Schools

May 6, 2016 By:


13580 GROUPE DRIVE, SUITE 200 WOODBRIDGE, VIRGINIA 22192 703-590-7250



May 6, 2016

Tom Hudson Chief Business Officer Jefferson County Public Schools VanHoose Education Center 3332 Newburg Road Louisville, KY 40232-4020

Dear Mr. Hudson:

Management Advisory Group International, Inc. (MAG) is pleased to present this Compensation & Classification Study Report to the Jefferson County Public Schools. We would ask you and top staff to review the report and MAG's compensation and classification recommendations.

The Draft Report is organized into the following Sections:

Section 1: Introduction and Methodology Section 2: Selected Compensation Policies Section 3: Salary Survey Section 4: Proposed Pay Plan Section 5: Class Comparison List Section 6: Alpha Class List Section 7: Implementation Cost by Job Class Section 8: Implementation Cost Detail Section 9: Supplement Survey

MAG would like to express our thanks to all employees and staff who have participated in this important project. We look forward to your questions and input concerning the proposed plan. Please feel free to contact us at (703) 590-7250 as needed.


Carolyn Long

Executive Vice President Management Advisory Group International, Inc. 13580 Groupe Drive, Suite 200 Woodbridge, VA 22192

David Lookingbill

Associate Vice President Management Advisory Group International, Inc. 13580 Groupe Drive, Suite 200 Woodbridge, VA 22192

Jefferson County Public Schools Executive Summary

MAG was requested to assist in a review of the current compensation and classification system for the Jefferson County Public Schools.

Survey Findings:

MAG's findings and recommendations are based on a comprehensive market survey.

For General Titles: At the market minimum, the District lagged the market by -5.66% At the market midpoint the District lagged the market by -1.88% At the market maximum the District leads the market by 0.67% 51 General benchmark positions were included in the survey to 20 target organizations.

For Teachers: At the market minimum, the District leads the market by 13.09% At the market midpoint the District leads the market by 14.81% At the market maximum the District leads the market by 15.89% This survey included 17 target organizations.

The data from the survey were used to assist with the classification of the various jobs within the pay structure. The market data serves as an indicator of market trends, and the internal job analysis serves as a balancing element for determining pay grade assignment.

MAG has developed a revised pay plan for all positions included in the study based on these factors. MAG's target salary recommendations consider the following:

Current salary; Current job title or rank; and, Length of total service from the reported promotion date to the recommended implementation

date of July 1, 2016.

This approach addresses both external (market) and internal (job responsibilities) equity issues. The recommendations in the report accomplish the following:

? Brings about internal equity for employees in consideration of time in position; ? Greatly simplifies the salary plan for internal administration; ? Provides a simple, easy to understand plan for employees; ? Freezes any salary that exceeds the range maximum; and, ? Allows for future adjustments to the structure to accommodate market changes.

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Pay Plan Structure:

Currently JCPS has 5 pay plans with varying structure widths, ranging from 49% to 62% covering 481 classes. MAG is recommending a single unified pay plan with pay ranges of 40% to 50% in width. Job class titles are consolidated to 336, from the original 539 in the database provided. MAG is recommending no changes to the Teacher pay plan at this time.

Implementation Costs:

Estimated Non-Teacher Costs for an Implementation Date of July 1, 2016

Total of 8211 Incumbents Adjustment to Minimum (168) Adjustment to Maximum (282) Change in Total Payroll for included positions *Salary Only

$203,579 $281,262

$569,358 0.16%

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Transmittal Letter Executive Summary Table of Contents Section 1.0 ? Introduction & Methodology.........................................................................Section 1 Section 2.0 ? Selected Personnel Policies ........................................................................... Section 2 Section 3.0 ? Implementation Cost Detail...........................................................................Section 3

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SECTION 1.0 Jefferson County Public Schools Introduction and Methodology

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Section 1: Introduction & Methodology

Introduction The Jefferson County Public Schools contracted with Management Advisory Group International,

Inc. (MAG) to conduct a compensation and classification study for most current District classifications. This report presents the findings and recommendations of the classification and compensation study. MAG's findings and recommendations are based on:

salary survey results; current organizational structure; a quantitative point-factor job analysis; and, internal and external equity considerations.

The goal of the District for this project was to provide the foundation for an appropriate classification and compensation system and pay plan based on current compensation levels for similar public sector employers, municipalities, and local market competitors. In response, MAG has developed proposed pay plan and salary adjustment recommendations for current incumbents in included District classifications.

Project Focus The objectives of the study were to:

Conduct job analysis of included District classifications; Gather salary and compensation data from similar/competitor organizations; Develop a classification plan; and, Develop a compensation and pay plan.

A list of project tasks and activities is indicated by Exhibit 1-1.

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EXHIBIT 1-1 Jefferson County Public Schools


Project Initiation ? Developed project proposal, work plan and timeline. Discussed with District administration and revised project work plan.

Initial Meetings ? Met with District administration and management to clearly define the scope, goal(s), and objective(s) for the proposed study.

Conducted Department Head Sessions and Distributed JAQs ? Conducted sessions to gather input regarding the proposed project. Provided Job Analysis Questionnaires (JAQs) ? MAG's online job information survey ? to current District employees in included classifications to gather job specific information on specific duties, responsibilities, and essential job attributes.

Developed/Distributed Salary Survey Instrument ? Developed a salary survey to gather compensation information from target organizations for selected District benchmark classifications.

Collected/Analyzed Compensation Data ? Collected and reviewed compensation data from respondent organizations.

Conducted Job Analysis ? Performed quantitative point-factor analysis of compensable factors based on completed JAQs.

Developed Revised Pay Plan ? Developed a preliminary proposed pay plan based on the results of the market salary survey, point-factor job analysis, and internal/external equity considerations.

Developed Salary Adjustment Recommendations ? Developed salary adjustment recommendations for all District classifications based on the revised pay plan(s) and employee classification, longevity and current salary.

Developed & Submitted Draft Report ? Developed and submitted a Draft Report for District review integrating the job analysis, proposed pay and classification plan, salary survey, and implementation recommendations.

Revised Draft Report ? District conducts a technical review of Draft Report materials, and appropriate input is to be incorporated into the final employee database revisions.

Develop & Submit Final Report ? Submit a Final Report upon final review.

Exhibit 1-2 illustrates a flow-chart process used for developing a proposed pay and classification plan.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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