Wartburg College

Band Camp XXIII at Wartburg College

July 21-27, 2019

Registration Form

∗Band Camp at Wartburg is designed for students just finishing 8th grade, through just-graduated seniors.

Name ______________________________________ Name of High School __________________________

M ___ F ___ Grade (Fall ’19) ____ Age ______ Director’s Name __________________________

Address ____________________________ Director’s School Phone (_______) _________________

City _____________________________ State ________________Zip code ________________

Parent Name(s) _______________________Parent E-mail _______________________Student E-mail ____________________________

Parent Phone (______) ____________________ Student Phone (______) ____________________

Instrument(s) Concert Band________________________ Jazz Band _____________________

If referred by former camper, enter their name here _____________________ Roommate Preference (if any) ________________________ T-shirt (included in camp fees) Size: S ____M ____ L ____ XL ___ XXL ____

Registration fees: Scholarships:

Registering as Resident ____ Commuter ____ ______ All-State Member ($25)

(Commuter includes daily lunch) ______ Returning Camper ($25)

Registration by: Resident Commuter ______ Recruits *($25 for each recruit who attends)

May 20 $565 $465 ______ Meistersinger Honor Band Member 2019 ($25)

June 17 $575 $475 ______ “I will be attending Wartburg in the fall” ($25)

After June 17 $595 $495 ______ Sibling Scholarship ($25, sibling also attending)

______ TOTAL

Registration Fee: $ ______ (* - money will be refunded if recruiting

Optional fees: is done post-registration)

Private Lessons $60 (3 total lessons) $ ______

fees paid: ________

Sub-Total $ ______ date: ____________

Less Scholarships Total $ ______ check # __________

Total amount enclosed $ ______ Refund due: ______

∗All fees due at time of registration. Make checks payable to Band Camp.

Name __________________________

CHOOSE Your Class Choices Below (see class descriptions further below). (Mark FIVE choices with the number 1 to indicate first choice. Mark ONE more with a number 2 (as alternate):

Jazz Band ____ Conducting ____ Music Appreciation ____ Instrument Repair ____

Chamber Ensemble ____ Beginning Piano ____ Beginning Composition/Arranging ____

*Private Lessons ____ Jazz Improvisation ____ Beginning Ukelele ____

* - additional fees apply

Music Theory ____ Steel Drums ____ “Band Directing 101” ____

∗ Students are NOT registering for the time of day (period) for each class, you are choosing the subject – you will be assigned into class periods, based on subject interest and scheduling.

∗ Please see next page of application for descriptions and additional information regarding these classes

∗ Ukeleles will be provided for the Beginning Ukelele class.

∗Each day will begin and end with Concert Band rehearsal.

∗One mid-day period will be Second Instrument Class, required of all campers. One of the pieces we play on the Camp Finale Concert will be on these second instruments. Choose from flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, horn, percussion. Please choose an instrument from the “family” that you do NOT already play (i.e. – woodwind player must choose brass or percussion.) Please mark your 1st and 2nd choice:

Flute ____ Alto Sax ____ French horn ____ Mallet Percussion ____

Clarinet ____ Trumpet ____ Trombone ____ Drum Percussion ____

Before you mail, did you:

1. fill out all personal information? Refund and Late Fee Policy

2. check registration fee? *The “registration” portion of the fees will be non-refundable.

3. subtract all appropriate scholarship options? Food service and housing portion are refundable in advance only.

4. read the class information below? *The College’s Late Fee Policy is a $25 penalty for registration

5. check your class choices above? After July 15th

6. sign ALL six parental consent forms below?

7. enclose required monies?

Return to: Questions? Call 319-352-8296 or

Band Camp Director e-mail craig.hancock@wartburg.edu

Dr. Craig A. Hancock, Director of Bands or bvleavitt@

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.

Waverly, IA 50677-0903


Jazz Band: A fully instrumented Conducting: Learn the basics of Beginning Composition and Arranging:

Ensemble. Concert on Friday night. leading a group from the front! Ever feel like there’s music just waiting to

come to life from within? This is for you!

Chamber Ensemble: Small groups Beginning Piano: Designed for

of like instruments. students with no piano skills. Beginning Ukelele: Instruction for

beginners on the soprano ukelele.

Private Lesson: One-on-one with a staff Jazz Improvisation: Stressing the fundamental

member. (Additional fees apply) of intelligent playing, this class will serve both “Band Directing 101”: Thinking about

the beginner and more advanced player. being a band director? Spend the week

Music Theory: How does music exploring what that might mean!

work as a written language? Explore Steel Drums: Explore the world of steel drums!

the meanings of all those notes and Instrument Repair: Hands-on work with

the lines and spaces, and the Music Appreciation: Explore what makes music the preventative care that band instruments

language they speak. music. Basic history of music will be covered. demand. Some minor repairs attempted.

∗Medical Treatment Authorization

My son/daughter, _____________________________, has permission to participate in the Band Camp at Wartburg College to be held on the Wartburg College campus July 21-27, 2019. If illness or injury should occur during the camp, I give permission to authorized personnel to seek medical treatment for my child. The parent/guardian will be responsible for all financial obligations associated with the medical treatment. I realize that the camp personnel will make every effort to contact the parent/guardian first.

(parent/guardian signature)________________________________ (date) ______________

∗Allergies and Medical Conditions

My son/daughter has the following allergies and/or medical conditions that Band Camp at Wartburg College staff should be aware of (please include any necessary information staff should know in order to best care for your son/daughter): ___________________________________

(parent/guardian signature)________________________________ (date) ______________

∗Authorization for Band Camp Trips

My son/daughter, _____________________________, has permission to participate in any off-campus events occurring during the Band Camp at Wartburg College, July 21-27, 2019. Any and all travel will happen in vehicles provided by the camp, and driven by fully licensed camp staffers only.

(parent/guardian signature)________________________________ (date) ______________

∗Permission to Release Information

I grant permission for the name, student email, and student phone number of my son/daughter, _____________________________, to be shared only with other students and staff attending Band Camp at Wartburg College from July 21-27, 2019. This is for the purpose of aiding the students in staying in contact with each other after camp is over.

(parent/guardian signature)________________________________ (date) ______________

∗Photo Permission

________ I give permission for Wartburg College, including those representing Band Camp at Wartburg College, to use pictures of my son/daughter, _______________________________________________, in publications related to Band Camp. Last names will not be included with pictures.

(parent/guardian signature)________________________________ (date) ______________

∗Permission for Electronic Communication

_________I give permission for Wartburg College, including those representing Band Camp at Wartburg College, to use pictures of my son/daughter, _______________________________________________, on “social media” (including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) as a way of sharing said pictures with other band campers and staff. Every effort will be made to limit the audience of these groups to only include Band Camp students and their parents/guardians. Band Camp staff will not attach camper names to these pictures.

(parent/guardian signature)________________________________ (date) ______________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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