Bandura Revision Questions

Bandura Revision Questions

1. Briefly explain Bandura’s social learning theory?

2. What type of method did Bandura use?

3. What type of design did Bandura use and why did he use it?

4. What are the IVs in the study?

5. How did Bandura match the children?

6. Why were the children exposed to ‘mild aggression arousal’?

7. Describe a possible weakness with the sample

8. What were the main controls in the study?

9. Describe how the dependent variables were measured

10. How else could the DV have been measured?

11. Why was both imitative and non-imitative aggression observed?

12. In what ways does Bandura’s study lack ecological validity?

13. What does this study tell us about aggression?

14. Boys were more likely to imitate physical aggression than girls. Why is this the case according to Bandura?

15. What ethical guidelines did Bandura break?

16. According to Bandura how could we reduce aggression in society?


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